42 lines
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42 lines
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// xWindow, Copyright 2001-2005 Michael Foster (Cross-Browser.com)
// Part of X, a Cross-Browser Javascript Library, Distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL
function xWindow(name, w, h, x, y, loc, men, res, scr, sta, too)
var e='',c=',',xf='left=',yf='top='; this.n = name;
if (document.layers) {xf='screenX='; yf='screenY=';}
this.f = (w?'width='+w+c:e)+(h?'height='+h+c:e)+(x>=0?xf+x+c:e)+
this.opened = function() {return this.w && !this.w.closed;};
this.close = function() {if(this.opened()) this.w.close();};
this.focus = function() {if(this.opened()) this.w.focus();};
this.load = function(sUrl) {
if (this.opened()) this.w.location.href = sUrl;
else this.w = window.open(sUrl,this.n,this.f);
return false;
// Previous implementation:
// function xWindow(name, w, h, x, y, loc, men, res, scr, sta, too)
// {
// var f = '';
// if (w && h) {
// if (document.layers) f = 'screenX=' + x + ',screenY=' + y;
// else f = 'left=' + x + ',top=' + y;
// f += ',width=' + w + ',height=' + h + ',';
// }
// f += ('location='+loc+',menubar='+men+',resizable='+res
// +',scrollbars='+scr+',status='+sta+',toolbar='+too);
// this.features = f;
// this.name = name;
// this.load = function(sUrl) {
// if (this.wnd && !this.wnd.closed) this.wnd.location.href = sUrl;
// else this.wnd = window.open(sUrl, this.name, this.features);
// this.wnd.focus();
// return false;
// }
// }