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/* x_misc.js compiled from X 4.0 with XC 0.27b. Distributed by GNU LGPL. For copyrights, license, documentation and more visit Cross-Browser.com */
function xCapitalize(str){var i, c, wd, s='', cap = true;for (i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {c = str.charAt(i);wd = isWordDelim(c);if (wd) {cap = true;} if (cap && !wd) {c = c.toUpperCase();cap = false;}s += c;}return s;function isWordDelim(c){return c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t';}}function xCardinalPosition(e, cp, margin, outside){if(!(e=xGetElementById(e))) return;if (typeof(cp)!='string'){window.status='xCardinalPosition error: cp=' + cp + ', id=' + e.id; return;}var x=xLeft(e), y=xTop(e), w=xWidth(e), h=xHeight(e);var pw,ph,p = xParent(e);if (p == document || p.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'html') {pw = xClientWidth(); ph = xClientHeight();}else {pw=xWidth(p); ph=xHeight(p);}var sx=xScrollLeft(p), sy=xScrollTop(p);var right=sx + pw, bottom=sy + ph;var cenLeft=sx + Math.floor((pw-w)/2), cenTop=sy + Math.floor((ph-h)/2);if (!margin) margin=0;else{if (outside) margin=-margin;sx +=margin; sy +=margin; right -=margin; bottom -=margin;}switch (cp.toLowerCase()){case 'n': x=cenLeft; if (outside) y=sy - h; else y=sy; break;case 'ne': if (outside){x=right; y=sy - h;}else{x=right - w; y=sy;}break;case 'e': y=cenTop; if (outside) x=right; else x=right - w; break;case 'se': if (outside){x=right; y=bottom;}else{x=right - w; y=bottom - h}break;case 's': x=cenLeft; if (outside) y=sy - h; else y=bottom - h; break;case 'sw': if (outside){x=sx - w; y=bottom;}else{x=sx; y=bottom - h;}break;case 'w': y=cenTop; if (outside) x=sx - w; else x=sx; break;case 'nw': if (outside){x=sx - w; y=sy - h;}else{x=sx; y=sy;}break;case 'cen': x=cenLeft; y=cenTop; break;case 'cenh': x=cenLeft; break;case 'cenv': y=cenTop; break;}var o = new Object();o.x = x; o.y = y;return o;}function xDeg(rad){return rad * (180 / Math.PI);}function xGetURLArguments(){var idx = location.href.indexOf('?');var params = new Array();if (idx != -1) {var pairs = location.href.substring(idx+1, location.href.length).split('&');for (var i=0; i<pairs.length; i++) {nameVal = pairs[i].split('=');params[i] = nameVal[1];params[nameVal[0]] = nameVal[1];}}return params;}function xHex(n, digits, prefix){var p = '', n = Math.ceil(n);if (prefix) p = prefix;n = n.toString(16);for (var i=0; i < digits - n.length; ++i) {p += '0';}return p + n;}function xIntersection(e1, e2, o){var ix1, iy2, iw, ih, intersect = true;var e1x1 = xPageX(e1);var e1x2 = e1x1 + xWidth(e1);var e1y1 = xPageY(e1);var e1y2 = e1y1 + xHeight(e1);var e2x1 = xPageX(e2);var e2x2 = e2x1 + xWidth(e2);var e2y1 = xPageY(e2);var e2y2 = e2y1 + xHeight(e2);if (e1x1 <= e2x1) {ix1 = e2x1;if (e1x2 < e2x1) intersect = false;else iw = Math.min(e1x2, e2x2) - e2x1;}else {ix1 = e1x1;if (e2x2 < e1x1) intersect = false;else iw = Math.min(e1x2, e2x2) - e1x1;}if (e1y2 >= e2y2) {iy2 = e2y2;if (e1y1 > e2y2) intersect = false;else ih = e2y2 - Math.max(e1y1, e2y1);}else {iy2 = e1y2;if (e2y1 > e1y2) intersect = false;else ih = e1y2 - Math.max(e1y1, e2y1);}if (intersect && typeof(o)=='object') {o.x = ix1;o.y = iy2 - ih;o.w = iw;o.h = ih;}return intersect;}function xLinearScale(val,iL,iH,oL,oH){var m=(oH-oL)/(iH-iL);var b=oL-(iL*m);return m*val+b;}function xPad(s,len,c,left){if(typeof s != 'string') s=s+'';if(left) {for(var i=s.length; i<len; ++i) s=c+s;}else {for (var i=s.length; i<len; ++i) s+=c;}return s;}function xRad(deg){return deg*(Math.PI/180);} |