
456 lines
16 KiB

// Pandora FMS - the Free Monitoring System
// ========================================
// Copyright (c) 2008 Artica Soluciones Tecnológicas,
// Please see for full contribution list
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation for version 2.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function CheckAll () {
for (var i = 0; i < document.eventtable.elements.length; i++) {
var e = document.eventtable.elements[i];
if (e.type == 'checkbox' && != 'allbox')
e.checked = 1;
function OpConfirm (text, conf) {
for (var i = 0; i < document.pageform.elements.length; i++) {
var e = document.pageform.elements[i];
if (e.type == 'checkbox' && != 'allbox' && e.checked == 1) {
if (conf) {
return confirm (text);
} else {
return 1;
return false;
/* Function to hide/unhide a specific Div id */
function toggleDiv (divid){
if (document.getElementById(divid).style.display == 'none'){
document.getElementById(divid).style.display = 'block';
} else {
document.getElementById(divid).style.display = 'none';
// Load global vars
if (comprueba_login() != 0) {
audit_db("Noauth",$REMOTE_ADDR, "No authenticated acces","Trying to access event viewer");
$accion = "";
if (give_acl($config["id_user"], 0, "AR")!=1) {
audit_db($config["id_user"],$REMOTE_ADDR, "ACL Violation","Trying to access event viewer");
// Delete Event (only incident management access).
if (isset($_GET["delete"])){
$id_evento = $_GET["delete"];
// Look for event_id following parameters: id_group.
$id_group = gime_idgroup_from_idevent($id_evento);
if (give_acl($id_user, $id_group, "IM") ==1){
$sql2="DELETE FROM tevento WHERE id_evento =".$id_evento;
if ($result) {
echo "<h3 class='suc'>".$lang_label["delete_event_ok"]."</h3>";
audit_db($id_user,$REMOTE_ADDR, "Event deleted","Deleted event: ".return_event_description ($id_evento));
} else {
audit_db($id_user,$REMOTE_ADDR, "ACL Violation",
"Trying to delete event ID".$id_evento);
// Check Event (only incident write access).
if (isset($_GET["check"])){
$id_evento = $_GET["check"];
// Look for event_id following parameters: id_group.
$id_group = gime_idgroup_from_idevent($id_evento);
if (give_acl($config["id_user"], $id_group, "IW") ==1){
$sql2="UPDATE tevento SET estado = 1, id_usuario = '".$config["id_user"]."' WHERE id_evento = ".$id_evento;
if ($result2) {
echo "<h3 class='suc'>".$lang_label["validate_event_ok"]."</h3>";
audit_db($config["id_user"],$REMOTE_ADDR, "Event validated","Validate event: ".return_event_description ($id_evento));
} else {
echo "<h3 class='error'>".$lang_label["validate_event_failed"]."</h3>";
} else {
audit_db($id_user,$REMOTE_ADDR, "ACL Violation","Trying to checkout event ".return_event_description ($id_evento));
// Mass-process DELETE
if (isset($_POST["deletebt"])){
while ($count <= $config["block_size"]){
if (isset($_POST["eventid".$count])){
$event_id = $_POST["eventid".$count];
// Look for event_id following parameters: id_group.
$id_group = gime_idgroup_from_idevent($event_id);
if (give_acl($id_user, $id_group, "IM") ==1){
mysql_query("DELETE FROM tevento WHERE id_evento = ".$event_id);
audit_db($id_user,$REMOTE_ADDR, "Event deleted","Deleted event: ".return_event_description ($event_id));
} else {
audit_db($id_user,$REMOTE_ADDR, "ACL Violation","Trying to delete event ".return_event_description ($event_id));
// Mass-process UPDATE
if (isset($_POST["updatebt"])){
while ($count <= $config["block_size"]){
if (isset($_POST["eventid".$count])){
$id_evento = $_POST["eventid".$count];
$id_group = gime_idgroup_from_idevent($id_evento);
if (give_acl($id_user, $id_group, "IW") ==1){
$sql2="UPDATE tevento SET estado=1, id_usuario = '".$id_user."' WHERE estado = 0 AND id_evento = ".$id_evento;
audit_db($id_user,$REMOTE_ADDR, "Event validated","Validate event: ".return_event_description ($id_evento));
} else {
audit_db($id_user,$REMOTE_ADDR, "ACL Violation","Trying to checkout event ID".$id_evento);
// ***********************************************************************
// Main code form / page
// ***********************************************************************
// Get data
$offset = get_parameter ( "offset",0);
$ev_group = get_parameter ("ev_group", 0); // group
$search = get_parameter ("search", ""); // free search
$event_type = get_parameter ("event_type", ''); // 0 all
$severity = get_parameter ("severity", -1); // -1 all
$status = get_parameter ("status", 0); // -1 all, 0 only red, 1 only green
$id_agent = get_parameter ("id_agent", -1);
$sql_post = "";
if ($ev_group > 1)
$sql_post .= " AND id_grupo = $ev_group";
if ($status == 1)
$sql_post .= " AND estado = 1";
if ($status == 0)
$sql_post .= " AND estado = 0";
if ($search != "")
$sql_post .= " AND evento LIKE '%$search%'";
if ($event_type != "")
$sql_post .= " AND event_type = '$event_type'";
if ($severity != -1)
$sql_post .= " AND criticity >= $severity";
if ($id_agent != -1)
$sql_post .= " AND id_agente = $id_agent";
$url = "index.php?sec=eventos&sec2=operation/events/events&search=$search&event_type=$event_type&severity=$severity&status=$status&ev_group=$ev_group&refr=60&id_agent=$id_agent";
echo "<h2>".$lang_label["events"]." &gt; ".lang_string ("event_main_view"). "&nbsp";
if ($config["pure"] == 1)
echo "<a target='_top' href='$url&pure=0'><img src='images/monitor.png' title='".lang_string("Normal screen")."'></a>";
echo "<a target='_top' href='$url&pure=1'><img src='images/monitor.png' title='".lang_string("Full screen")."'></a>";
echo "</h2>";
echo "<a href=\"javascript:;\" onmousedown=\"toggleDiv('event_control');\">";
echo "<b>".lang_string("Event control filter")." ".'<img src="images/wand.png"></A></b>';
if ($config["pure"] == 1)
echo "<div id='event_control' style='display:none'>";
echo "<div id='event_control' style='display:all'>";
// Table who separate control and graph
echo "<table width=99% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2 border=0>";
echo "<tr><td width=500>";
// Table for filter controls
echo "<table width=500 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=4 class=databox>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<form method='post' action='index.php?sec=eventos&sec2=operation/events/events&refr=60&id_agent=$id_agent&pure=".$config["pure"]."'>";
// Group combo
echo "<td>".lang_string ("group")."</td>";
echo "<td>";
echo "<select name='ev_group' onChange='javascript:this.form.submit();' class='w130'>";
if ( $ev_group > 1 ){
echo "<option value='".$ev_group."'>".dame_nombre_grupo($ev_group)."</option>";
echo "<option value=1>".dame_nombre_grupo(1)."</option>";
list_group ($config["id_user"]);
echo "</select></td>";
// Event type
echo "<td>".lang_string ("Event type")."</td>";
echo "<td>";
echo print_select (get_event_types (), 'event_type', $event_type, '', 'all', "");
echo "<tr>";
// Severity
echo "<td>".lang_string ("Severity")."</td>";
echo "<td>";
print_select (get_priorities (), "severity", $severity, '', 'all', '-1');
// Status
echo "<td>".lang_string ("Event status")."</td>";
echo "<td>";
echo "<select name='status' onChange='javascript:this.form.submit();'>";
if ($status == 1){
echo "<option value=1>". lang_string ("Only validated");
echo "<option value=-1>". lang_string ("All event");
echo "<option value=0>". lang_string ("Only pending");
} elseif ($status == 0) {
echo "<option value=0>". lang_string ("Only pending");
echo "<option value=1>". lang_string ("Only validated");
echo "<option value=-1>". lang_string ("All event");
} elseif ($status == -1) {
echo "<option value=-1>". lang_string ("All event");
echo "<option value=0>". lang_string ("Only pending");
echo "<option value=1>". lang_string ("Only validated");
echo "</select></td>";
echo "<tr>";
// Free search
echo "<td>".lang_string ("Free search")."</td>";
echo "<td>";
echo "<input type='text' size=15 value='".$search."' name='search'>";
echo "<td colspan=2>";
echo "<input type=submit value='".lang_string("Update")."' class='sub upd'>";
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
echo "<a href='operation/events/export_csv.php?ev_group=$ev_group&event_type=$event_type&search=$search&severity=$severity&status=$status&id_agent=$id_agent'>";
echo "<img src='images/wand.png' title='Export to CSV file'></A>";
echo "</table>";
echo "</form>";
echo "<td>";
echo '<img src="reporting/fgraph.php?tipo=group_events&width=250&height=180&url='.$sql_post.'" border=0>';
echo "</table>";
echo "</div>";
$sql2 = "SELECT * FROM tevento WHERE 1=1 ";
$sql2 .= $sql_post . " ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT $offset, ".$config["block_size"];
$sql3 = "SELECT COUNT(id_evento) FROM tevento WHERE 1=1 ";
$sql3 .= $sql_post;
$total_events = $row3[0];
// Show pagination header
if ($total_events > 0){
$offset = get_parameter ( "offset",0);
pagination ($total_events, $url."&pure=".$config["pure"], $offset);
// Show data.
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
if ($config["pure"] == 0)
echo "<table cellpadding='4' cellspacing='4' width='765' class='databox'>";
echo "<table cellpadding='4' cellspacing='4' class='databox'>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th class=f9>".lang_string ("St")."</th>";
echo "<th class=f9>".lang_string ("Type")."</th>";
echo "<th class=f9>".$lang_label["event_name"]."</th>";
echo "<th class=f9>".$lang_label["agent_name"]."</th>";
echo "<th class=f9>".lang_string ("source")."</th>";
echo "<th class=f9>".$lang_label["group"]."</th>";
echo "<th class=f9>".$lang_label["id_user"]."</th>";
echo "<th class=f9>".$lang_label["timestamp"]."</th>";
echo "<th class=f9>".$lang_label["action"]."</th>";
echo "<th class='p10'>";
echo "<label for='checkbox' class='p21'>".$lang_label["all"]." </label>";
echo '<input type="checkbox" class="chk" name="allbox" onclick="CheckAll();"></th>';
echo "<form name='eventtable' method='POST' action='$url&pure=".$config["pure"]."'>";
$id_evento = 0;
// Make query for data (all data, not only distinct).
while ($row2=mysql_fetch_array($result2)){
$id_grupo = $row2["id_grupo"];
if (give_acl($config["id_user"], $id_grupo, "AR") == 1){ // Only incident read access to view data !
$id_group = $row2["id_grupo"];
switch ($row2["criticity"]) {
case 0:
$tdclass = "datos_blue";
case 1:
$tdclass = "datos_grey";
case 2:
$tdclass = "datos_green";
case 3:
$tdclass = "datos_yellow";
case 4:
$tdclass = "datos_red";
$tdclass = "datos_grey";
$criticity_label = return_priority ($row2["criticity"]);
// Colored box
echo "<tr><td class='$tdclass' title='$criticity_label' align='center'>";
if ($row2["estado"] == 0)
echo "<img src='images/pixel_red.png' width=20 height=35>";
echo "<img src='images/pixel_green.png' width=20 height=35>";
// Event type
echo "<td class='".$tdclass."' title='".$row2["event_type"]."'>";
switch ($row2["event_type"]){
case "unknown":
echo "<img src='images/err.png'>";
case "alert_recovered":
echo "<img src='images/error.png'>";
case "alert_manual_validation":
echo "<img src='images/eye.png'>";
case "monitor_up":
echo "<img src='images/lightbulb.png'>";
case "monitor_down":
echo "<img src='images/lightbulb_off.png'>";
case "alert_fired":
echo "<img src='images/bell.png'>";
case "system";
echo "<img src='images/cog.png'>";
case "recon_host_detected";
echo "<img src='images/network.png'>";
case "new_agent";
echo "<img src='images/wand.png'>";
// Event description
$event_title = safe_input ($row2["evento"]);
echo "<td class='".$tdclass."f9' title='$event_title'>";
echo substr($row2["evento"],0,45);
if (strlen($row2["evento"]) > 45)
echo "..";
if ($row2["id_agente"] > 0) {
// Agent name
$agent_name = dame_nombre_agente($row2["id_agente"]);
echo "<td class='".$tdclass."f9' title='$agent_name'><a href='$url&pure=".$config["pure"]."&id_agent=".$row2["id_agente"]."'><b>";
echo substr($agent_name, 0, 14);
if (strlen($agent_name) > 14)
echo "..";
echo "</b></a>";
// Module name / Alert
echo "<td class='$tdclass'>";
if ($row2["id_agentmodule"] != 0)
echo "<a href='index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente=".$row2["id_agente"]."&tab=data'><img src='images/bricks.png' border=0></A>";
echo "&nbsp;";
if ($row2["id_alert_am"] != 0)
echo "<a href='index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente=".$row2["id_agente"]."&tab=alert'><img src='images/bell.png' border=0></a>";
// Group icon
echo "<td class='$tdclass' align='center'><img src='images/groups_small/".show_icon_group($id_group).".png' class='bot'></td>";
// for System or SNMP generated alerts
} else {
if ($row2["event_type"] == "system") {
echo "<td class='$tdclass' colspan=3>".lang_string("System");
} else {
echo "<td class='$tdclass' colspan=3>".$lang_label["alert"]."SNMP";
// User who validated event
echo "<td class='$tdclass'>";
if ($row2["estado"] <> 0)
echo "<a href='index.php?sec=usuario&sec2=operation/users/user_edit&ver=".$row2["id_usuario"]."'>".substr($row2["id_usuario"],0,8)."<a href='#' class='tip'> <span>".dame_nombre_real($row2["id_usuario"])."</span></a></a>";
// Timestamp
echo "<td class='".$tdclass."f9' title='".$row2["timestamp"]."'>";
echo human_time_comparation($row2["timestamp"]);
// Several options grouped here
echo "<td class='$tdclass' align='right'>";
// Validate event
if (($row2["estado"] == 0) and (give_acl($config["id_user"], $id_group,"IW") ==1))
echo "<a href='$url&check=".$row2["id_evento"]."&pure=".$config["pure"]."'><img src='images/ok.png' border='0'></a> ";
// Delete event
if (give_acl($config["id_user"], $id_group,"IM") ==1)
echo "<a href='$url&delete=".$row2["id_evento"]."&pure=".$config["pure"]."'><img src='images/cross.png' border=0></a> ";
// Create incident from this event
if (give_acl($config["id_user"], $id_group,"IW") == 1)
echo "<a href='index.php?sec=incidencias&sec2=operation/incidents/incident_detail&insert_form&from_event=".$row2["id_evento"]."'><img src='images/page_lightning.png' border=0></a>";
// Checbox
echo "<td class='$tdclass' align='center'>";
echo "<input type='checkbox' class='chk' name='eventid".$offset_counter."' value='".$row2["id_evento"]."'>";
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "<table width='750'><tr><td align='right'>";
echo "<input class='sub ok' type='submit' name='updatebt' value='".$lang_label["validate"]."'> ";
if (give_acl($config["id_user"], 0,"IM") ==1){
echo "<input class='sub delete' type='submit' name='deletebt' value='".$lang_label["delete"]."'>";
echo "</form></table>";
echo "<table>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td rowspan='4' class='f9' style='padding-left: 30px; line-height: 17px; vertical-align: top;'>";
echo "<h3>".$lang_label["status"]."</h3>";
echo "<img src='images/dot_green.png'> - ".$lang_label["validated_event"];
echo "<br>";
echo "<img src='images/dot_red.png'> - ".$lang_label["not_validated_event"];
echo "</td>";
echo "<td rowspan='4' class='f9' style='padding-left: 30px; line-height: 17px; vertical-align: top;'>";
echo "<h3>".$lang_label["action"]."</h3>";
echo "<img src='images/ok.png'> - ".$lang_label["validate_event"];
echo "<br>";
echo "<img src='images/cross.png'> - ".$lang_label["delete_event"];
echo "<br>";
echo "<img src='images/page_lightning.png'> - ".$lang_label["create_incident"];
echo "</td></tr></table>";
} // no events to show