792 lines
19 KiB
Executable File
792 lines
19 KiB
Executable File
// Pandora FMS - http://pandorafms.com
// ==================================================
// Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas
// Please see http://pandorafms.org for full contribution list
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation for version 2.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
class Ui {
private static $instance;
private $title;
private $endHeader = false;
private $header = array();
private $endContent = false;
private $content = array();
private $endFooter = false;
private $footer = array();
private $form = array();
private $grid = array();
private $collapsible = true;
private $endForm = true;
private $endGrid = true;
private $endCollapsible = true;
private $dialogs = array();
private $dialog = '';
public function __construct() {
public static function getInstance() {
if (!(self::$instance instanceof self)) {
self::$instance = new self;
return self::$instance;
public function debug($var, $file = false) {
$more_info = '';
if (is_string($var)) {
$more_info = 'size: ' . strlen($var);
elseif (is_bool($var)) {
$more_info = 'val: ' .
($var ? 'true' : 'false');
elseif (is_null($var)) {
$more_info = 'is null';
elseif (is_array($var)) {
$more_info = count($var);
if ($file === true)
$file = '/tmp/logDebug';
if (strlen($file) > 0) {
$f = fopen($file, "a");
echo date("Y/m/d H:i:s") . " (" . gettype($var) . ") " . $more_info . "\n";
echo "\n\n";
$output = ob_get_clean();
else {
echo "<pre>" .
date("Y/m/d H:i:s") . " (" . gettype($var) . ") " . $more_info .
echo "<pre>";print_r($var);echo "</pre>";
public function createPage($title = null) {
if (!isset($title)) {
$this->title = __('Pandora FMS mobile');
$this->html = '';
$this->endHeader = false;
$this->header = array();
$this->endContent = false;
$this->content = array();
$this->noFooter = false;
$this->endFooter = false;
$this->footer = array();
$this->form = array();
$this->grid = array();
$this->collapsible = array();
$this->endForm = true;
$this->endGrid = true;
$this->endCollapsible = true;
$this->dialog = '';
$this->dialogs = array();
public function showFooter($show = true) {
$this->noFooter = !$show;
public function beginHeader() {
$this->header = array();
$this->header['button_left'] = '';
$this->header['button_right'] = '';
$this->header['title'] = __('Pandora FMS mobile');
$this->endHeader = false;
public function endHeader() {
$this->endHeader = true;
public function createHeader($title = null, $buttonLeft = null, $buttonRight = null) {
public function headerTitle($title = null) {
if (isset($title)) {
$this->header['title'] = $title;
public function headerAddButtonLeft($button = null) {
if (isset($button)) {
$this->header['button_left'] = $button;
public function headerAddButtonRight($button = null) {
if (isset($button)) {
$this->header['button_right'] = $button;
public function createHeaderButton($options) {
return $this->createButton($options);
public function createDefaultHeader($title = false) {
if ($title === false) {
$title = __('Pandora FMS mobile');
array('icon' => 'back',
'pos' => 'left',
'text' => __('Logout'),
'href' => 'index.php?action=logout')),
array('icon' => 'home',
'pos' => 'right',
'text' => __('Home'),
'href' => 'index.php?page=home')));
public function createButton($options) {
$return = '<a data-role="button" ';
if (isset($options['id'])) {
$return .= 'id="' . $options['id'] . '" ';
if (isset($options['icon'])) {
$return .= 'data-icon="' . $options['icon'] . '" ';
if (isset($options['icon_pos'])) {
$return .= 'data-iconpos="' . $options['pos'] . '" ';
if (isset($options['href'])) {
$return .= 'href="' . $options['href'] . '" ';
else {
$return .= 'href="#" ';
$return .= '>';
if (isset($options['text'])) {
$return .= $options['text'];
$return .= '</a>';
return $return;
public function beginFooter() {
$this->footer = array();
$this->endFooter = false;
public function endFooter() {
$this->endFooter = true;
public function createFooter($text = "") {
public function footerText($text = null) {
if (!isset($text)) {
$this->footer['text'] = '';
else {
$this->footer['text'] = $text;
public function defaultFooter() {
global $pandora_version, $build_version;
if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'])) {
else {
$time = get_system_time ();
return "<div id='footer' style='text-align: center;'>\n"
. sprintf(__('Pandora FMS %s - Build %s', $pandora_version, $build_version)) . "<br />\n"
. __('Generated at') . ' '. ui_print_timestamp ($time, true, array ("prominent" => "timestamp")) . "\n"
. "</div>";
public function beginContent() {
$this->content = array();
$this->endContent = false;
public function endContent() {
$this->endContent = true;
public function contentAddHtml($html) {
$this->content[] = $html;
public function contentBeginGrid($mode = 'responsive') {
$this->endGrid = false;
$this->grid = array();
$this->grid['mode'] = $mode;
$this->grid['cells'] = array();
public function contentGridAddCell($html) {
$this->grid['cells'][] = $html;
public function contentEndGrid() {
$this->endGrid = true;
//TODO Make others modes, only responsible mode
$convert_columns_jquery_grid = array(
2 => 'a', 3 => 'b', 4 => 'c', 5 => 'd');
$convert_cells_jquery_grid = array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e');
$html = "<div class='ui-grid-" .
$convert_columns_jquery_grid[count($this->grid['cells'])] . " ui-responsive'>\n";
foreach ($this->grid['cells'] as $cell) {
switch ($this->grid['mode']) {
case 'responsive':
$html .= "<div class='ui-block-" .
current($convert_cells_jquery_grid) . "'>\n";
$html .= "<div class='ui-body ui-body-d'>\n";
$html .= $cell;
$html .= "</div>\n";
$html .= "</div>\n";
$html .= "</div>\n";
$this->grid = array();
public function contentBeginCollapsible($title = " ") {
$this->endCollapsible = false;
$this->collapsible = array();
$this->collapsible['items'] = array();
$this->collapsible['title'] = $title;
public function contentCollapsibleAddItem($html) {
$this->collapsible['items'][] = $html;
public function contentEndCollapsible() {
$this->endCollapsible = true;
$html = "<div data-role='collapsible' " .
" data-collapsed-icon='arrow-d' " .
" data-expanded-icon='arrow-u' data-mini='true' ".
" data-theme='a' data-content-theme='c'>\n";
$html .= "<h4>" . $this->collapsible['title'] . "</h4>\n";
$html .= "<ul data-role='listview' data-theme='c'>\n";
foreach ($this->collapsible['items'] as $item) {
$html .= "<li>" . $item . "</li>";
$html .= "</ul>\n";
$html .= "</div>\n";
$this->collapsible = array();
public function beginForm($action = "index.php", $method = "post") {
$this->form = array();
$this->endForm = false;
$this->form['action'] = $action;
$this->form['method'] = $method;
public function endForm() {
public function getEndForm() {
$this->endForm = true;
$html = "<form action='" . $this->form['action'] . "' " .
"method='" . $this->form['method'] . "'>\n";
foreach ($this->form['fields'] as $field) {
$html .= $field . "\n";
$html .= "</form>\n";
$this->form = array();
return $html;
public function formAddHtml($html) {
$this->form['fields'][] = $html;
public function formAddInput($options) {
public function getInput($options) {
if (empty($options['name'])) {
$options['name'] = uniqid('input');
if (empty($options['id'])) {
$options['id'] = 'text-' . $options['name'];
$html = "<div>\n";
$html .= "<fieldset data-role='controlgroup'>\n";
if (!empty($options['label'])) {
$html .= "<label for='" . $options['id'] . "'>" . $options['label'] . "</label>\n";
//Erase other options and only for the input
$html .= "<input ";
foreach ($options as $option => $value) {
$html .= " " . $option . "='" . $value . "' ";
$html .= ">\n";
$html .= "</fieldset>\n";
$html .= "</div>\n";
return $html;
public function formAddInputPassword($options) {
$options['type'] = 'password';
public function formAddInputText($options) {
$options['type'] = 'text';
public function formAddInputSearch($options) {
$options['type'] = 'search';
public function formAddSubmitButton($options) {
$options['type'] = 'submit';
if (isset($options['icon'])) {
$options['data-icon'] = $options['icon'];
if (isset($options['icon_pos'])) {
$options['data-iconpos'] = $options['icon_pos'];
if (isset($options['text'])) {
$options['value'] = $options['text'];
public function formAddSelectBox($options) {
$html = '';
if (empty($options['name'])) {
$options['name'] = uniqid('input');
if (empty($options['id'])) {
$options['id'] = 'select-' . $options['name'];
$html = "<div data-role='fieldcontain'>\n";
$html .= "<fieldset>\n";
if (!empty($options['label'])) {
$html .= "<label for='" . $options['id'] . "'>" . $options['label'] . "</label>\n";
$html .= "<select name='" . $options['name'] . "' " .
"id='" . $options['id'] . "' data-native-menu='false'>\n";
//Hack of jquery mobile
$html .= "<option>" . $options['title'] . "</option>\n";
if (empty($options['items']))
$options['items'] = array();
foreach ($options['items'] as $id => $item) {
if (!empty($options['item_id'])) {
$item_id = $item[$options['item_id']];
else {
$item_id = $id;
if (!empty($options['item_value'])) {
$item_value = $item[$options['item_value']];
else {
$item_value = $item;
$selected = '';
if (isset($options['selected'])) {
if ($options['selected'] == $item_id) {
$selected = "selected = 'selected'";
$html .= "<option " . $selected . " value='" . $item_id . "'>" . $item_value . "</option>\n";
$html .= "</select>\n";
$html .= "</fieldset>\n";
$html .= "</div>\n";
public function formAddSlider($options) {
$options['type'] = 'range';
//<input type="range" name="slider-fill" id="slider-fill" value="60" min="0" max="1000" step="50" data-highlight="true">
public function addDialog($options) {
$type = 'hidden';
$dialog_id = uniqid('dialog_');
$dialog_class = '';
$title_close_button = false;
$title_text = '';
$content_id = uniqid('content_');
$content_class = '';
$content_text = '';
$button_close = true;
$button_text = __('Close');
if (is_array($options)) {
if (isset($options['type']))
$type = $options['type'];
if (isset($options['dialog_id']))
$dialog_id = $options['dialog_id'];
if (isset($options['dialog_class']))
$dialog_class = $options['dialog_class'];
if (isset($options['title_close_button']))
$title_close_button = $options['title_close_button'];
if (isset($options['title_text']))
$title_text = $options['title_text'];
if (isset($options['content_id']))
$content_id = $options['content_id'];
if (isset($options['content_class']))
$content_class = $options['content_class'];
if (isset($options['content_text']))
$content_text = $options['content_text'];
if (isset($options['button_close']))
$button_close = $options['button_close'];
if (isset($options['button_text']))
$button_text = $options['button_text'];
$html_title_close_button = "";
if ($title_close_button) {
$html_title_close_button = "data-close-btn='yes'";
$dialogHtml = "<div id='" . $dialog_id . "' class='" . $dialog_class . "' data-role='dialog' " . $html_title_close_button . ">\n";
$dialogHtml .= "<div data-role='header'>\n";
$dialogHtml .= "<h1 class='dialog_title'>" . $title_text . "</h1>\n";
$dialogHtml .= "</div>\n";
$dialogHtml .= "<div id='" . $content_id . "' class='" . $content_class . "' data-role='content'>\n";
$dialogHtml .= $content_text;
if ($button_close) {
$dialogHtml .= "<a data-role='button' href='#main_page'>";
if (empty($button_text)) {
$dialogHtml .= __('Close');
else {
$dialogHtml .= $button_text;
$dialogHtml .= "</a></p>\n";
$dialogHtml .= "</div>\n";
$dialogHtml .= "</div>\n";
$this->dialogs[$type][] = $dialogHtml;
public function showError($msg) {
echo $msg;
public function showPage() {
if (!$this->endHeader) {
$this->showError(__('Not found header.'));
else if (!$this->endContent) {
$this->showError(__('Not found content.'));
else if ((!$this->endFooter) && (!$this->noFooter)) {
$this->showError(__('Not found footer.'));
else if (!$this->endForm) {
$this->showError(__('Incorrect form.'));
else if (!$this->endGrid) {
$this->showError(__('Incorrect grid.'));
else if (!$this->endCollapsible) {
$this->showError(__('Incorrect collapsible.'));
ob_start ();
echo "<!DOCTYPE html>\n";
echo "<html>\n";
echo " <head>\n";
echo " <title>" . $this->title . "</title>\n";
echo " <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1'>\n";
echo " <link rel='stylesheet' href='include/style/main.css' />\n";
echo " <link rel='stylesheet' href='http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.3.0/jquery.mobile-1.3.0.css' />\n";
echo " <script src='http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js'></script>\n";
echo " <script src='http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.3.0/jquery.mobile-1.3.0.js'></script>\n";
echo " </head>\n";
echo " <body>\n";
echo " <div class='ui-loader-background'> </div>";
if (!empty($this->dialogs)) {
if (!empty($this->dialogs['onStart'])) {
foreach ($this->dialogs['onStart'] as $dialog) {
echo " " . $dialog . "\n";
echo " <div data-role='page' id='main_page'>\n";
echo " <div data-role='header' data-position='fixed' >\n";
echo " <h1>" . $this->header['title'] . "</h1>\n";
echo " " . $this->header['button_left'] . "\n";
echo " " . $this->header['button_right'] . "\n";
echo " </div>\n";
echo " <div data-role='content'>\n";
foreach ($this->content as $content) {
echo " " . $content . "\n";
echo " </div>\n";
if (!$this->noFooter) {
echo " <div data-role='footer' role='contentinfo'>\n";
if (!empty($this->footer['text'])) {
echo " " . $this->footer['text'] . "\n";
else {
echo " " . $this->defaultFooter() . "\n";
echo " </div>\n";
echo " </div>\n";
if (!empty($this->dialogs)) {
if (!empty($this->dialogs['hidden'])) {
foreach ($this->dialogs['hidden'] as $dialog) {
echo " " . $dialog . "\n";
echo " </body>\n";
echo "</html>";
class Table {
private $head = array();
private $rows = array();
public $id = '';
private $rowClass = array();
private $class_table = '';
private $row_heads = array();
public $row_keys_as_head_row = false;
public function __construct() {
public function init() {
$this->id = uniqid();
$this->head = array();
$this->rows = array();
$this->rowClass = array();
$this->class_table = '';
$this->row_heads = array();
$this->row_keys_as_head_row = false;
public function addHeader($head) {
$this->head = $head;
public function addRowHead($key, $head_text) {
$this->row_heads[$key] = $head_text;
public function addRow($row = array(), $key = false) {
if ($key !== false) {
$this->rows[$key] = $row;
else {
$this->rows[] = $row;
public function importFromHash($data) {
foreach ($data as $id => $row) {
$table_row = array();
foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
if (!in_array($key, $this->head)) {
$this->head[] = $key;
$cell_key = array_search($key, $this->head);
$table_row[$cell_key] = $value;
$this->rows[$id] = $table_row;
public function setClass($class = '') {
$this->class_table = $class;
public function setId($id = false) {
if (empty($id)) {
$this->id = uniqid();
else {
$this->id = $id;
public function setRowClass($class = '', $pos = false) {
if (is_array($class)) {
$this->rowClass = $class;
else {
if ($pos !== false) {
$this->rowClass[$pos] = $class;
else {
$this->rowClass = array_fill(0, count($this->rows), $class);
public function getHTML() {
$html = '';
$html = "<table data-role='table' id='" . $this->id . "' " .
"data-mode='reflow' class='" . $this->class_table . " ui-responsive table-stroke'>\n";
$html .= "<thead>\n";
$html .= "<tr>\n";
//Empty head for white space between rows in the responsive vertical layout
$html .= "<th></th>\n";
foreach ($this->head as $head) {
$html .= "<th>" . $head . "</th>\n";
$html .= "</tr>\n";
$html .= "</thead>\n";
$html .= "<tbody>\n";
foreach ($this->rows as $key => $row) {
$class = '';
if (isset($this->rowClass[$key])) {
$class = $this->rowClass[$key];
$html .= "<tr class='" . $class . "'>\n";
//Empty head for white space between rows in the responsive vertical layout
if (isset($this->row_heads[$key])) {
$html .= "<th>" . $this->row_heads[$key] . "</th>\n";
elseif ($this->row_keys_as_head_row) {
$html .= "<th>" . $key . "</th>\n";
else {
$html .= "<th></th>\n";
foreach ($row as $key_cell => $cell) {
$html .= "<td class='cell_" . $key_cell . "'>" . $cell . "</td>\n";
$html .= "</tr>\n";
$html .= "</table>\n";
$html .= "</tbody>\n";
return $html;