222 lines
5.1 KiB
222 lines
5.1 KiB
# Update binary tool
# Copyright (c) 2010 Pandora FMS.
# Copyright (c) Sancho Lerena <slerena@artica.es>
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use FindBin;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5);
# Time to wait before the service stops
use constant SERVICE_STOP_WAIT => 5;
# This tool is intented to be used to update pandora agent binaries using
# the file collection feature. This will work using a module like this:
# Unix
# module_begin
# module_name Pandora_Update
# module_type async_string
# module_exec nohup pandora_update fc_1 2> /dev/null && tail -1 nohup.out 2> /dev/null
# module_description Module to check new version of pandora agent and update itself
# module_end
# Windows:
# module_begin
# module_name Pandora_Update
# module_type async_string
# module_exec pandora_update.exe fc_1
# module_description Module to check new version of pandora agent and update itself
# module_end
# This small function return the current base path (where this tool is stored)
sub return_basepath () {
return $FindBin::Bin;
# Function to compare two binary files. Return 0 if different 1 if equal, 2 error
sub compare_twofiles ($$) {
my $file1 = $_[0];
my $file2 = $_[1];
my $size1 = -s $file1;
my $size2 = -s $file2;
# Size matters;
if ((!defined($size1)) || (!defined($size2))){
return 2;
if ($size1 != $size2){
return 0;
open FILE1, $file1;
binmode FILE1;
my $data1 = join ('', <FILE1>);
close FILE1;
my $hash1 = md5($data1);
open FILE2, $file2;
binmode FILE2;
my $data2 = join ('', <FILE2>);
close FILE2;
my $hash2 = md5($data2);
if ($hash1 eq $hash2){
return 1;
return 0;
# Get agent pid
sub get_agent_pid ($$) {
my $daemon = shift;
my $app_path = shift;
my $os_name=`uname -s`;
my $pid = "";
my $cmd = "";
if ($os_name eq "HP-UX") {
$cmd ="ps -ex | grep \"$daemon $app_path\" | grep -v grep | head -1 | awk '{ print \$1 }'";
elsif ($os_name =~ /SunOS/) {
my $cmd_aux="echo \"$daemon $app_path\" | cut -c1-40";
my $truncated_daemon = `$cmd_aux`;
my $zone = `/bin/zonename`;
if ( $zone =~ /global/) {
$cmd ="ps -f -z global | grep \"$truncated_daemon\" | grep -v grep | head -1 | awk '{ print \$2 }'";
} else {
$cmd ="ps -Af | grep \"$truncated_daemon\" | grep -v grep | head -1 | awk '{ print \$2 }'";
} else {
$cmd ="ps -Af | grep \"$daemon $app_path\" | grep -v grep | head -1 | awk '{ print \$2 }'";
$pid = `$cmd`;
return $pid;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# MAIN CODE starts here
# Get the required path (relative to basepath) to find pandora agent binary
if ($#ARGV < 0) {
print "Usage: $0 <relative path (filecollection id) [custom_path]\n";
print "For example: $0 fc2 /var/opt/PandoraFMS\n\n";
exit 1;
my $fc_path = $ARGV[0];
my $base_path = return_basepath();
my $opt_dir = "";
if (defined($ARGV[1])) {
$opt_dir = $ARGV[1];
# Setup your particular paths / process settings here
# [SETUP BEGIN] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Location of binaries
# Unix
my ($running_binary, $updated_binary, $conf_path);
if ($^O eq 'freebsd') {
$running_binary = $opt_dir."/usr/local/bin/pandora_agent";
$updated_binary = $opt_dir."/usr/local/etc/pandora/collections/$fc_path/pandora_agent";
$conf_path = $opt_dir."/usr/local/etc/pandora";
} else {
$running_binary = $opt_dir."/usr/bin/pandora_agent";
$updated_binary = $opt_dir."/etc/pandora/collections/$fc_path/pandora_agent";
$conf_path = $opt_dir."/etc/pandora";
# Windows
#my $running_binary = $base_path."/../PandoraAgent.exe";
#my $updated_binary = $base_path."/../collections/$fc_path/PandoraAgent.exe";
# Location of service start / stop commands
# Unix style
my $start_pandora;
my $stop_pandora;
if ($^O eq 'freebsd') {
$start_pandora = $opt_dir."/usr/local/etc/rc.d/pandora_agent start";
$stop_pandora = $opt_dir."/usr/local/etc/rc.d/pandora_agent stop";
} else {
$start_pandora = $opt_dir."/etc/init.d/pandora_agent_daemon start";
$stop_pandora = $opt_dir."/etc/init.d/pandora_agent_daemon stop";
# Windows stuff
#my $start_pandora = "net start \"Pandora FMS Agent\"";
#my $stop_pandora = "net stop \"Pandora FMS Agent\"";
# Local log/temp file
# Unix
my $local_log = "/tmp/pandora_update.log";
# Windows
#my $local_log = $base_path. "/../pandora_update.log";
# [SETUP END]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
if (compare_twofiles ($running_binary, $updated_binary) == 0 ){
# Do the update
# Create the temp file to "acknoledge" a update has been succeed
open (FILE3,">$local_log");
close (FILE3);
my $ppid = get_agent_pid($running_binary, $conf_path);
# Kill parent process (a.k.a the Agent)
my $output = `kill -9 $ppid`;
# Copy the updated agent
copy($updated_binary, $running_binary) or unlink $local_log;
# Starting the agent again
my $log = $opt_dir."/var/log/pandora/pandora_agent.log";
$output = `nohup $running_binary $conf_path >/dev/null 2>$log &`
} else {
if (-e $local_log){
print "Updated binary from $updated_binary\n";
unlink $local_log;