268 lines
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268 lines
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// xMenu2
// Copyright (C) 2002,2003,2004,2005 Michael Foster (cross-browser.com)
// X and xMenu2 are distributed under the terms of the LGPL (gnu.org)
//<!--// Pandora - the Free monitoring system
// ====================================
// Copyright (c) Jonathan Barajas, jonathan.barajas[AT]gmail[DOT]com
// Copyright (c) INDISEG S.L, contacto[AT]indiseg[DOT]net www.indiseg.net
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.-->
var menu1, menu2, menu3, menu4;
var antScrollTop = 0;
var antScrollLeft = 0;
var menuLeft = 0;
var menuTop = 0;
// function resizeListener(e) {
// if (xOp6Dn || xNN4) location.replace(location.href);
// else {
// menu1.paint();
// menu2.paint(xClientWidth() - 75, 20);
// menu3.paint(0, xClientHeight() - 60);
// menu4.paint(xClientWidth()-(3*75), xClientHeight()-20);
// }
// }
function scrollListener(e) {
var scrollTop = xScrollTop();
var scrollLeft = xScrollLeft();
var i,y;
for (i=0; i < xFloatingMenus.length; ++i) {
if (xFloatingMenus[i]) {
xFloatingMenus[i].x = xLeft('menu' + xFloatingMenus[i].n);
xFloatingMenus[i].y = xTop('menu' + xFloatingMenus[i].n);
var posicionTop = scrollTop - antScrollTop + xTop('menu' + xFloatingMenus[i].n);
var posicionLeft = scrollLeft - antScrollLeft + xLeft('menu' + xFloatingMenus[i].n);
//alert (xLeft('menu' + xFloatingMenus[i].n) + " " + xScrollLeft());
// -- Mejorar estoooooo para que no se quede atras
//if ((xLeft('menu3') < xScrollLeft()) && (i == 3)) xMove('menu3',xScrollLeft(),xTop('menu3'));
xSlideTo('menu' + xFloatingMenus[i].n, posicionLeft, posicionTop ,300);
//alert (xScrollTop() + " " + xTop('menu' + xFloatingMenus[i].n));
// y = xScrollTop();
// if (y <= xFloatingMenus[i].y) y += xFloatingMenus[i].y;
// else if (i && xFloatingMenus[i].hz) y += xHeight('menu' + xFloatingMenus[i-1].n);
// xSlideTo('menu' + xFloatingMenus[i].n, xFloatingMenus[i].x, xFloatingMenus[i].y, 500);
antScrollTop = scrollTop;
antScrollLeft = scrollLeft;
// parMenuLeft=posicionLeft;
// parMenuTop=posicionTop;
// xSlideTo('menu3', xLeft('menu3'), xTop('menu3') + xScrollTop(), 500);
//// menu implementation
var xFloatingMenus = new Array(), xTotalMenus=0, xActiveMenu=null;
function xMenu2(
absolute, horizontal, floating, menuX, menuY, menuZ, lblOffset,
lblWidthsArray, lblHeight, boxWidthsArray,
activeColor, inactiveColor,
activeBkgnd, inactiveBkgnd,
) {
// properties
this.n = ++xTotalMenus;
this.abs = absolute;
this.hz = horizontal;
this.flt = floating;
this.x = menuX;
this.y = menuY;
this.z = menuZ;
this.lblW = lblWidthsArray;
this.lblH = lblHeight;
this.lblOfs = lblOffset;
this.boxW = boxWidthsArray;
this.ac = activeColor;
this.ic = inactiveColor;
this.ab = activeBkgnd;
this.ib = inactiveBkgnd;
this.bb = boxBkgnd;
this.active = null;
// methods
this.paint = function(menuX, menuY) {
var i=1, x, y, mnu, lbl, box;
mnu = xGetElementById('menu'+this.n);
if (!mnu) return;
xZIndex(mnu, this.z);
if (this.hz) {
// xResizeTo(mnu,xClientWidth(),this.lblH);
// xBackground(mnu, this.ib);
y = 0;
x = this.lblOfs;
else {
y = this.lblOfs;
x = 0;
if (arguments.length > 1) {
this.x = menuX;
this.y = menuY;
if (this.abs) {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
if (this.flt) xMoveTo(mnu, xScrollLeft() + menuX, xScrollTop() + menuY);
else xMoveTo(mnu, menuX, menuY);
lbl = xGetElementById('label'+this.n+""+i);
while (lbl) {
xResizeTo(lbl, this.lblW[i-1], this.lblH);
xMoveTo(lbl, x, y);
xColor(lbl, this.ic);
xBackground(lbl, this.ib);
lbl.menu = this;
if (arguments.length==3) xAddEventListener(lbl, 'mouseover', menuShowListener, false);
lbl.box = xGetElementById('box'+this.n+""+i);
if (lbl.box) {
xWidth(lbl.box, this.boxW[i-1]);
var bx, by;
if (this.hz) { // horizontal
if (xPageX(lbl) + this.boxW[i-1] > xScrollLeft() + xClientWidth()) { bx = x - (this.boxW[i-1] - this.lblW[i-1]); }
else { bx = x; }
if (xPageY(lbl) + this.lblH + xHeight(lbl.box) > xScrollTop() + xClientHeight()) { by = y - xHeight(lbl.box); }
else { by = y + this.lblH; }
else { // vertical
if (xPageX(lbl) + this.lblW[i-1] + this.boxW[i-1] > xScrollLeft() + xClientWidth()) { bx = x - this.boxW[i-1]; }
else { bx = x + this.lblW[i-1]; }
if (xPageY(lbl) + xHeight(lbl.box) > xScrollTop() + xClientHeight()) { by = y + this.lblH - xHeight(lbl.box); }
else { by = y; }
xMoveTo(lbl.box, bx, by);
lbl.box.lbl = lbl;
xZIndex(lbl, i);
xZIndex(lbl.box, i);
xBackground(lbl.box, this.bb);
if (this.hz) x += this.lblW[i-1];
else y += this.lblH;
lbl = xGetElementById('label'+this.n+""+(++i)); // for next iteration
// xAddEventListener(mnu, 'mousedown', movimiento, false);
xEnableDrag(mnu, d2OnDragStart, d2OnDrag, null);
//alert(menuLeft + " " + menuTop);
// constructor code
// this.paint(this.x, this.y, 'init');
this.paint(parseInt(menuLeft),parseInt(menuTop), 'init');
if (this.flt) xFloatingMenus[this.n-1] = this;
// function movimiento()
// {
// mnu = xGetElementById('menu'+this.n);
// xMoveTo(this, 200, 100);
// }
function d2OnDragStart(ele, mx, my)
xZIndex(this, highZ++);
function d2OnDrag(ele, mdx, mdy)
xMoveTo(this, xLeft(this) + mdx, xTop(this) + mdy);
function menuShowListener(e) {
var evt = new xEvent(e);
var lbl = evt.target;
while (lbl && !lbl.menu) { lbl = xParent(lbl); }
if (!lbl) return;
var menu = lbl.menu;
if (!menu) return;
if (menu.active) {
if (menu.active == lbl) return;
xColor(menu.active, menu.ic);
xBackground(menu.active, menu.ib);
if (menu.active.box.lbl.className) menu.active.box.lbl.className = 'mLabel'; // experiment
if (xActiveMenu && xActiveMenu != menu) { menuHide(xActiveMenu); }
if (menu.hz && xNN4) { // hack!
if (lbl.className) lbl.className = 'mLabelOver'; // experiment
xColor(lbl, menu.ac);
xBackground(lbl, menu.ab);
menu.active = lbl;
xActiveMenu = menu;
var tmr;
function menuHideListener(e) {
var evt = new xEvent(e);
var ele = evt.target;
while (ele && !ele.lbl && !ele.box) { ele = xParent(ele); }
if (xActiveMenu && xActiveMenu.active && !ele && !tmr) tmr = setTimeout('menuHide()', 500); // experiment
else if (ele && tmr) {clearTimeout(tmr); tmr = null;} // experiment
// if (xActiveMenu && xActiveMenu.active && !ele) menuHide(xActiveMenu);
function menuHide(menu) {
if (!menu) menu = xActiveMenu; // experiment
if (!menu || !menu.active || !menu.active.box) return;
xColor(menu.active, menu.ic);
xBackground(menu.active, menu.ib);
if (menu.active.box.lbl.className) menu.active.box.lbl.className = 'mLabel'; // experiment
menu.active = null;
xActiveMenu = null;
if (menu.hz && xNN4) { // hack!
xResizeTo('menu'+menu.n,xClientWidth(),menu.lblH + 2);
xBackground('menu'+menu.n, menu.ib);
function xName(e) {
if (!e) return e;
else if (e.id && e.id != "") return e.id;
else if (e.nodeName && e.nodeName != "") return e.nodeName;
else if (e.tagName && e.tagName != "") return e.tagName;
else return e;