185 lines
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185 lines
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// Pandora FMS - the Flexible monitoring system
// ========================================
// Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Sancho Lerena, slerena@gmail.com
// Main PHP/SQL code development and project architecture and management
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// Load global vars
if (! give_acl ($config["id_user"], 0, "AR") && ! give_acl($config['id_user'], 0, "AW")) {
audit_db ($config["id_user"], $REMOTE_ADDR, "ACL Violation",
"Trying to access Server Management");
require ("general/noaccess.php");
if (isset ($_GET["delete"])) {
$id_server = entrada_limpia($_GET["server_del"]);
$sql = "DELETE FROM tserver WHERE id_server='".$id_server."'";
if ($result) echo "<h3 class='suc'>".__('Server deleted successfully')."</h3>";
else echo "<h3 class='suc'>".__('There was a problem deleting server')."</h3>";
if (isset($_GET["update"])) {
$sql = "UPDATE tserver SET name='".$name."', ip_address='".$address."', description='".$description."' WHERE id_server='".$id_server."'";
if ($result) echo "<h3 class='suc'>".__('Server updated successfully')."</h3>";
else echo "<h3 class='suc'>".__('There was a problem updating server')."</h3>";
if (isset($_GET["server"])) {
echo "<h2>".__('Pandora servers')." > ";
echo __('Update Server')."</h2>";
$query="SELECT * FROM tserver WHERE id_server=".$id_server;
if (mysql_num_rows($result)){
$name = $row["name"];
$address = $row["ip_address"];
$status = $row["status"];
$laststart = $row["laststart"];
$keepalive = $row["keepalive"];
$network_server = $row["network_server"];
$data_server = $row["data_server"];
$snmp_server = $row["snmp_server"];
$master = $row["master"];
$checksum = $row["checksum"];
$description = $row["description"];
echo '<form name="servers" method="POST" action="index.php?sec=gservers&sec2=godmode/servers/modificar_server&update=1">';
echo "<table cellpadding='4' cellspacing='4' width='450' class='databox_color'>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td class='datos'>".__('Name')."</td><td class='datos'><input type='text' name='name' value='".$name."' width='200px'>";
echo "<tr><td class='datos2'>".__('IP Address')."</td><td class='datos2'><input type='text' name='address' value='".$address."' width='200px'>";
echo "<tr><td class='datos'>".__('Description')."<td class='datos'><input type='text' name='description' value='".$description."'><input type='hidden' name='server' value='".entrada_limpia($_GET["server"])."'></input>";
else {
echo "<div class='nf'>".__('There are no servers configured into the database')."</div>";
echo '</table>';
echo '<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4" width="450">';
echo '<tr><td align="right">';
echo '<input type="submit" class="sub upd" value="'.__('Update').'"></table>';
else {
$sql='SELECT * FROM tserver';
echo "<h2>".__('Pandora servers')." > ";
echo __('Manage servers')."</h2>";
if (mysql_num_rows($result)){
echo "<table cellpadding='4' cellspacing='4' witdh='550' class='databox'>";
echo "<tr><th class='datos'>".__('Name')."</th>";
echo "<th class='datos'>".__('Status')."</th>";
echo "<th class='datos'>".__('IP Address')."</th>";
echo "<th class='datos'>".__('Description')."</th>";
echo "<th class='datos' width=80>".__('Type')."</th>";
echo "<th class='datos'>".__('Started at')."</th>";
echo "<th class='datos'>".__('Updated at')."</th>";
echo "<th class='datos'>".__('Delete')."</th>";
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$name = $row["name"];
$address = $row["ip_address"];
$status = $row["status"];
$laststart = $row["laststart"];
$keepalive = $row["keepalive"];
$network_server = $row["network_server"];
$data_server = $row["data_server"];
$snmp_server = $row["snmp_server"];
$master = $row["master"];
$checksum = $row["checksum"];
$description = $row["description"];
$id_server = $row["id_server"];
if ($color == 1){
$tdcolor = "datos";
$color = 0;
else {
$tdcolor = "datos2";
$color = 1;
echo "<tr><td class='$tdcolor'>";
echo "<a href='index.php?sec=gservers&sec2=godmode/servers/modificar_server&server=".$id_server."'><b>$name</b></a>";
echo "</td><td class='$tdcolor' align='middle'>";
if ($status ==0){
echo "<img src='images/dot_red.png'>";
} else {
echo "<img src='images/dot_green.png'>";
echo "</td><td class='$tdcolor' align='middle'>";
echo "$address";
echo "</td><td class='".$tdcolor."f9'>".substr($description,0,25);
echo "</td><td class='$tdcolor' align='middle'>";
if ($network_server == 1){
echo " <img src='images/network.png'>";
if ($data_server == 1){
echo " <img src='images/data.png'>";
if ($snmp_server == 1){
echo " <img src='images/snmp.png'>";
if ($master == 1){
echo " <img src='images/master.png'>";
if ($checksum == 1){
echo " <img src='images/binary.png'>";
echo "</td>";
echo "<td class='".$tdcolor."f9' align='middle'>".substr($laststart,0,25)."</td>";
echo "<td class='".$tdcolor."f9' align='middle'>".substr($keepalive,0,25)."</td>";
echo "<td class='".$tdcolor."f9' align='middle'>
<a href='index.php?sec=gservers&sec2=godmode/servers/modificar_server&server_del=".$id_server."&delete'>
<img src='images/cross.png' border='0'></td></tr>";
echo '</table>';
echo "<table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>";
echo "
<span class='net'>".__('Network Server')."</span>
<span class='master'>".__('Master')."</span>
<span class='data'>".__('Data Server')."</span>
<span class='binary'>".__('MD5 Check')."</span>
<span class='snmp'>".__('SNMP Console')."</span>
echo "</table>";
else {
echo "<div class='nf'>".__('There are no servers configured into the database')."</div>";