613 lines
19 KiB
Executable File
613 lines
19 KiB
Executable File
# **********************************************************************
# Pandora FMS Generic Linux Agent
# (c) 2009 Artica Soluciones Tecnológicas
# with the help of many people. Please see http://pandorafms.org
# This code is licensed under GPL 2.0 license.
# **********************************************************************
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX qw(strftime floor);
use Sys::Hostname;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use constant AGENT_VERSION => '3.0';
use constant AGENT_BUILD => '091118';
# OS and OS version
my $OS = $^O;
# Used to calculate the MD5 checksum of a string
use constant MOD232 => 2**32;
# Directory where pandora_agent.conf is located
my $ConfDir = '';
# Pandora FMS agent configuration file
my $ConfFile = 'pandora_agent.conf';
# Configuration tokens
my %Conf = (
'server_ip' => 'localhost',
'server_path' => '/var/spool/pandora/data_in',
'temporal' => '/var/spool/pandora',
'log_file' => '/var/log/pandora/pandora_agent.log',
'interval' => 300,
'debug' => 0,
'agent_name' => hostname (),
'description' => '',
'group' => '',
'encoding' => 'ISO-8859-1',
'server_port' => 41121,
'transfer_mode' => 'tentacle',
'server_pwd' => '',
'server_ssl' => 'no',
'server_opts' => '',
'delayed_startup' => 0,
'pandora_nice' => 0,
'cron_mode' => 0,
'remote_config' => 0,
'secondary_mode' => 'never',
'secondary_server_ip' => 'localhost',
'secondary_server_path' => '/var/spool/pandora/data_in',
'secondary_server_port' => 41121,
'secondary_transfer_mode' => 'tentacle',
'secondary_server_pwd' => 'mypassword',
'secondary_server_ssl' => 'no',
'secondary_server_opts' => '',
'autotime' => 0
# Missing: group,
# Modules
my @Modules;
# Plugins
my @Plugins;
# Logfile file handle
my $LogFileFH;
# Agent name MD5;
my $AgentMD5;
# Remote configuration file name
my $RemoteConfFile;
# Remote md5 file name
my $RemoteMD5File;
# Print usage information and exit.
sub print_usage () {
print "\nUsage: $0 <Pandora home>\n\n";
print "\tPandora home is the directory where pandora_agent.conf is located,\n";
print "\tby default /etc/pandora.\n\n";
exit 1;
# Print an error message and exit.
sub error ($) {
my $msg = shift;
print ("[ERROR] $msg\n\n");
exit 1;
# Open the agent logfile and start logging.
sub start_log () {
# Get the logfile
my $log_file_name = read_config ('logfile');
$log_file_name = '/var/log/pandora/pandora_agent.log' unless defined ($log_file_name);
# Open it
open ($LogFileFH, "> $log_file_name") or error ("Could not open log file '$log_file_name' for writing: $!.");
print "Logging to $log_file_name\n";
# Close the agent logfile and stop logging.
sub stop_log () {
close ($LogFileFH);
# Log a message to the agent logfile.
sub log_message ($$;$) {
my ($source, $msg, $dest) = @_;
if (defined ($dest)) {
print $dest strftime ('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', localtime ()) . " - [$source] - $msg\n";
} else {
print $LogFileFH strftime ('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', localtime ()) . " - [$source] - $msg\n";
# Read configuration file. Exit on error.
sub read_config (;$) {
my $token = shift;
my $module;
error ("File '$ConfDir/$ConfFile' not found.") unless (-e "$ConfDir/$ConfFile");
open (CONF_FILE, "$ConfDir/$ConfFile") or error ("Could not open file '$ConfDir/$ConfFile': $!.");
while (my $line = <CONF_FILE>) {
# Skip comments and empty lines
next if ($line =~ m/^\s*#/) or ($line =~ m/^\s*$/);
# Single token search
if (defined ($token)) {
return $2 if ($line =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s+(.*)$/ && $1 eq $token);
# Module definition
if ($line =~ /^\s*module_begin\s*$/) {
$module = {
'name' => '',
'type' => 'generic_data',
'description' => '',
'exec' => '',
'description' => '',
'interval' => 1,
'counter' => 0,
'max' => 0,
'min' => 0,
'postprocess' => 0
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*module_name\s+(.+)$/) {
$module->{'name'} = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*module_description\s+(.+)$/) {
$module->{'description'} = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*module_type\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
$module->{'type'} = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*module_exec\s+(.+)$/) {
$module->{'exec'} = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*module_max\s+(\d+)\s*$/) {
$module->{'max'} = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*module_min\s+(\d+)\s*$/) {
$module->{'max'} = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*module_interval\s+(\d+)\s*$/) {
$module->{'interval'} = $1;
# Make the module run the first time
$module->{'counter'} = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*module_end\s*$/) {
next unless ($module->{'name'} ne '') and ($module->{'exec'} ne '');
push (@Modules, $module);
# Plugin
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*module_plugin\s+(.+)$/) {
push (@Plugins, $1);
# Configuration token
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s+(.*)$/) {
log_message ('setup', "$1 is $2");
$Conf{$1} = $2;
# Remove trailing spaces
$Conf{$1} =~ s/\s*$//;
# Update the agent MD5 since agent_name may have changed
$AgentMD5 = md5 ($Conf{'agent_name'}) unless (defined ($token));
$RemoteConfFile = "$AgentMD5.conf";
$RemoteMD5File = "$AgentMD5.md5";
close (CONF_FILE);
return '';
# Remove any trailing / from directory names.
sub fix_directory ($) {
my $dir = shift;
my $char = chop ($dir);
return $dir if ($char eq '/');
return $dir . $char;
# Sends a file to the server.
#sub send_file ($;$) {
sub send_file {
my ($file, $secondary) = @_;
my $output;
if ($Conf{'transfer_mode'} eq 'tentacle') {
$output = `tentacle_client -v -a $Conf{'server_ip'} -p $Conf{'server_port'} $Conf{'server_opts'} $file 2>&1 >/dev/null`;
} elsif ($Conf{'transfer_mode'} eq 'ssh') {
$output = `scp -P $Conf{'server_port'} $file pandora@"$Conf{'server_ip'}:$Conf{'server_path'}" 2>&1 >/dev/null`;
} elsif ($Conf{'transfer_mode'} eq 'ftp') {
my $base = basename ($file);
my $dir = dirname ($file);
$output = `ftp -n $Conf{'server_ip'} $Conf{'server_port'} 2>&1 >/dev/null <<FEOF1
quote USER pandora
quote PASS $Conf{'server_pwd'}
lcd "$dir"
cd "$Conf{'server_path'}"
put "$base"
} elsif ($Conf{'transfer_mode'} eq 'local') {
$output = `cp $file $Conf{'server_path'}/ 2>&1 >/dev/null`;
# Get the errorlevel
my $rc = $? >> 8;
if ($rc != 0) {
log_message ('error', "Error sending file '$file': $output");
return $rc unless (defined ($secondary));
# Send the file to the secondary server
return $rc unless ($Conf{'secondary_mode'} eq 'always' || ($Conf{'secondary_mode'} eq 'on_error' && $rc != 0));
swap_servers ();
$rc = send_file ($file);
swap_servers ();
return $rc;
# Swap primary and secondary servers.
sub swap_servers () {
($Conf{'server_ip'}, $Conf{'secondary_server_ip'}) = ($Conf{'secondary_server_ip'}, $Conf{'server_ip'});
($Conf{'server_path'}, $Conf{'secondary_server_path'}) = ($Conf{'secondary_server_path'}, $Conf{'server_path'});
($Conf{'server_port'}, $Conf{'secondary_server_port'}) = ($Conf{'secondary_server_port'}, $Conf{'server_port'});
($Conf{'server_transfer_mode'}, $Conf{'secondary_server_transfer_mode'}) = ($Conf{'secondary_server_transfer_mode'}, $Conf{'server_transfer_mode'});
($Conf{'server_pwd'}, $Conf{'secondary_server_pwd'}) = ($Conf{'secondary_server_pwd'}, $Conf{'server_pwd'});
($Conf{'server_ssl'}, $Conf{'secondary_server_ssl'}) = ($Conf{'secondary_server_ssl'}, $Conf{'server_ssl'});
($Conf{'server_opts'}, $Conf{'secondary_server_opts'}) = ($Conf{'secondary_server_opts'}, $Conf{'server_opts'});
# Receive a file from the server.
sub recv_file ($) {
my $file = shift;
my $output;
if ($Conf{'transfer_mode'} eq 'tentacle') {
$output = `cd "$Conf{'temporal'}"; tentacle_client -v -g -a $Conf{'server_ip'} -p $Conf{'server_port'} $Conf{'server_opts'} $file 2>&1 >/dev/null`
} elsif ($Conf{'transfer_mode'} eq 'ssh') {
$output = `scp -P $Conf{'server_port'} pandora@"$Conf{'server_ip'}:$Conf{'server_path'}/$file" $Conf{'temporal'} 2>&1 >/dev/null`;
} elsif ($Conf{'transfer_mode'} eq 'ftp') {
my $base = basename ($file);
my $dir = dirname ($file);
$output = `ftp -n $Conf{'server_ip'} $Conf{'server_port'} 2>&1 >/dev/null <<FEOF1
quote USER pandora
quote PASS $Conf{'server_pwd'}
lcd "$Conf{'temporal'}"
cd "$Conf{'server_path'}"
get "$file"
} elsif ($Conf{'transfer_mode'} eq 'local') {
$output = `cp $Conf{'server_path'}/$file $Conf{'temporal'} 2>&1 >/dev/null`;
# Get the errorlevel
my $rc = $? >> 8;
if ($rc != 0) {
log_message ('error', "Error sending XML data file: $output");
return $rc;
# Check the server for a remote configuration.
sub check_remote_config () {
return unless ($Conf{'remote_config'} eq '1' && $Conf{'debug'} eq '0');
# Calculate the configuration file MD5 digest
open (CONF_FILE, "$ConfDir/$ConfFile") or error ("Could not open file '$ConfDir/$ConfFile': $!.");
my $conf_md5 = md5 (join ('', <CONF_FILE>));
close (CONF_FILE);
# Get the remote MD5 file
if (recv_file ($RemoteMD5File) != 0) {
open (MD5_FILE, "> $Conf{'temporal'}/$RemoteMD5File") || error ("Could not open file '$ConfDir/$RemoteMD5File' for writing: $!.");
print MD5_FILE $conf_md5;
close (MD5_FILE);
copy ("$ConfDir/$ConfFile", "$Conf{'temporal'}/$RemoteConfFile");
send_file ("$Conf{'temporal'}/$RemoteConfFile");
send_file ("$Conf{'temporal'}/$RemoteMD5File");
log_message ('remote config', 'Uploading configuration for the first time.');
unlink ("$Conf{'temporal'}/$RemoteConfFile");
unlink ("$Conf{'temporal'}/$RemoteMD5File");
open (MD5_FILE, "< $Conf{'temporal'}/$RemoteMD5File") || error ("Could not open file '$ConfDir/$RemoteMD5File' for writing: $!.");
my $remote_conf_md5 = <MD5_FILE>;
close (MD5_FILE);
# No changes
return if ($remote_conf_md5 eq $conf_md5);
# Get the new configuration file
return if (recv_file ($RemoteConfFile) != 0);
log_message ('remote config', 'Configuration has changed!');
# Empty modules and plugins
@Modules = ();
@Plugins = ();
# Save the new configuration and reload it
move ("$Conf{'temporal'}/$RemoteConfFile", "$ConfDir/$ConfFile");
read_config ();
# Log file may have changed
stop_log ();
start_log ();
# MD5 leftrotate function. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5#Pseudocode.
sub leftrotate ($$) {
my ($x, $c) = @_;
return (0xFFFFFFFF & ($x << $c)) | ($x >> (32 - $c));
# Initialize some variables needed by the MD5 algorithm.
# See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5#Pseudocode.
my (@R, @K);
sub md5_init () {
# R specifies the per-round shift amounts
@R = (7, 12, 17, 22, 7, 12, 17, 22, 7, 12, 17, 22, 7, 12, 17, 22,
5, 9, 14, 20, 5, 9, 14, 20, 5, 9, 14, 20, 5, 9, 14, 20,
4, 11, 16, 23, 4, 11, 16, 23, 4, 11, 16, 23, 4, 11, 16, 23,
6, 10, 15, 21, 6, 10, 15, 21, 6, 10, 15, 21, 6, 10, 15, 21);
# Use binary integer part of the sines of integers (radians) as constants
for (my $i = 0; $i < 64; $i++) {
$K[$i] = floor(abs(sin($i + 1)) * MOD232);
# Return the MD5 checksum of the given string.
# Pseudocode from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5#Pseudocode.
sub md5 ($) {
my $str = shift;
# Note: All variables are unsigned 32 bits and wrap modulo 2^32 when calculating
# Initialize variables
my $h0 = 0x67452301;
my $h1 = 0xEFCDAB89;
my $h2 = 0x98BADCFE;
my $h3 = 0x10325476;
# Pre-processing
my $msg = unpack ("B*", pack ("A*", $str));
my $bit_len = length ($msg);
# Append "1" bit to message
$msg .= '1';
# Append "0" bits until message length in bits ≡ 448 (mod 512)
$msg .= '0' while ((length ($msg) % 512) != 448);
# Append bit /* bit, not byte */ length of unpadded message as 64-bit little-endian integer to message
$msg .= unpack ("B64", pack ("VV", $bit_len));
# Process the message in successive 512-bit chunks
for (my $i = 0; $i < length ($msg); $i += 512) {
my @w;
my $chunk = substr ($msg, $i, 512);
# Break chunk into sixteen 32-bit little-endian words w[i], 0 <= i <= 15
for (my $j = 0; $j < length ($chunk); $j += 32) {
push (@w, unpack ("V", pack ("B32", substr ($chunk, $j, 32))));
# Initialize hash value for this chunk
my $a = $h0;
my $b = $h1;
my $c = $h2;
my $d = $h3;
my $f;
my $g;
# Main loop
for (my $y = 0; $y < 64; $y++) {
if ($y <= 15) {
$f = $d ^ ($b & ($c ^ $d));
$g = $y;
elsif ($y <= 31) {
$f = $c ^ ($d & ($b ^ $c));
$g = (5 * $y + 1) % 16;
elsif ($y <= 47) {
$f = $b ^ $c ^ $d;
$g = (3 * $y + 5) % 16;
else {
$f = $c ^ ($b | (0xFFFFFFFF & (~ $d)));
$g = (7 * $y) % 16;
my $temp = $d;
$d = $c;
$c = $b;
$b = ($b + leftrotate (($a + $f + $K[$y] + $w[$g]) % MOD232, $R[$y])) % MOD232;
$a = $temp;
# Add this chunk's hash to result so far
$h0 = ($h0 + $a) % MOD232;
$h1 = ($h1 + $b) % MOD232;
$h2 = ($h2 + $c) % MOD232;
$h3 = ($h3 + $d) % MOD232;
# Digest := h0 append h1 append h2 append h3 #(expressed as little-endian)
return unpack ("H*", pack ("V", $h0)) . unpack ("H*", pack ("V", $h1)) . unpack ("H*", pack ("V", $h2)) . unpack ("H*", pack ("V", $h3));
# Try to guess the OS version.
sub guess_os_version ($) {
my $os = shift;
# Linux
return `lsb_release -sd` if ($os eq 'linux');
if ($os eq 'aix') {
return "$2.$1" if (`uname -rv` =~ /\s*(\d)\s+(\d)\s*/);
# Solaris, HP-UX, BSD and others
return `uname -r`;
# Main.
# Check command line arguments
print_usage unless ($#ARGV == 0);
$ConfDir = fix_directory ($ARGV[0]);
error ("Directory '$ConfDir' does not exist.") unless (-d "$ConfDir");
# Guess the OS version
$OS_VERSION = guess_os_version ($OS);
# Initialize MD5 variables
md5_init ();
# Start logging
start_log ();
# Read configuration file
read_config ();
# Fix directory names
$Conf{'temporal'} = fix_directory ($Conf{'temporal'});
error ("Temporal directory '" . $Conf{'temporal'} . "' does not exist.") unless (-d "$Conf{'temporal'}");
$Conf{'server_path'} = fix_directory ($Conf{'server_path'});
$Conf{'secondary_server_path'} = fix_directory ($Conf{'secondary_server_path'});
# Startup delay
log_message ('log', 'Sleeping for ' . $Conf{'delayed_startup'} . ' seconds.') if ($Conf{'delayed_startup'} > 0);
sleep ($Conf{'delayed_startup'});
# Loop
while (1) {
# Check for a new configuration
check_remote_config () unless ($Conf{'debug'} eq '1');
my $xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='" . $Conf{'encoding'} . "'?>\n" .
"<agent_data description='" . $Conf{'description'} ."' group='" . $Conf{'group'} .
"' os_name='$OS' os_version='$OS_VERSION' interval='" . $Conf{'interval'} .
"' version='" . AGENT_VERSION . ($Conf{'autotime'} eq '1' ? '' : "' timestamp='" . strftime ('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', localtime ())) .
"' agent_name='" . $Conf{'agent_name'} . "'>\n";
# Execute modules
foreach my $module (@Modules) {
# Check module interval
next unless (++$module->{'counter'} >= $module->{'interval'});
# Reset module counter
$module->{'counter'} = 0;
# Execute the module and generate the XML
my @data = `$module->{'exec'} 2> /dev/null`;
next unless ($? eq 0 && defined ($data[0]));
$xml .= " <module>\n" .
" <name><![CDATA[$module->{'name'}]]></name>\n" .
" <description><![CDATA[$module->{'description'}]]></description>\n" .
" <type>$module->{'type'}</type>\n";
# Data list
if ($#data > 0) {
$xml .= " <datalist>\n";
foreach my $data_item (@data) {
chomp ($data_item);
$xml .= " <data><value><![CDATA[$data_item]]></value></data>\n";
$xml .= " </datalist>\n";
# Single data
} else {
chomp ($data[0]);
$xml .= " <data><![CDATA[$data[0]]]></data>\n";
$xml .= " </module>\n";
# Execute plugins
foreach my $plugin (@Plugins) {
# Verify that the plugin exists and execute it
next unless (-x '$ConfDir/plugins/$plugin');
my $output = `$ConfDir/plugins/$plugin`;
# Do not save the output if there was an error
next unless ($? eq 0);
$xml .= $output;
$xml .= "</agent_data>";
# Save XML data file
my $temp_file = $Conf{'temporal'} . '/' . $Conf{'agent_name'} . '.' . time () . '.data';
open (TEMP_FILE, "> $temp_file") || error ("Could not write XML data file: $!");
print TEMP_FILE $xml;
close (TEMP_FILE);
# Debug mode
if ($Conf{'debug'} eq '1') {
log_message ('debug', "Wrote XML data file '$temp_file'");
log_message ('debug', "Wrote XML data file '$temp_file'", *STDOUT);
# Send the XML data file
send_file ($temp_file, 1);
unlink ($temp_file);
# Cron mode
last if ($Conf{'cron_mode'} == 1);
# Go to sleep
sleep ($Conf{'interval'});