6 vboxweb service Configuration in Linux
David Litster edited this page 2019-02-21 17:24:25 -06:00

On Linux systems, if you installed the official VirtualBox package (e.g. from here), it created the init script /etc/init.d/vboxweb-service or a systemd service file /lib/systemd/system/vboxweb-service.service, depending on your service manager (init or systemd). These can be used to start and stop vboxwebsrv.

In order to start vboxwebsrv, the file /etc/default/virtualbox must exist with correct settings.

Note : If you have installed the VirtualBox package provided with your Linux distribution, the init script or the systemd service file may have a different name or a different location. Moreover, if your Linux distribution use systemd as service manager, your vboxwebsrv systemd service file may ignore the file /etc/default/virtualbox, resulting in an Could not connect to host error. This is the case with the default systemd service file provided with Arch Linux or Ubuntu.

While there may be numerous ways to configure vboxwebsrv, this document aims to keep it simple and suppose you installed the official VirtualBox package. If the file /etc/default/virtualbox does not exist on your system, create it now. This file has the format:


The following settings are available for use in this file:

Setting Description
VBOXWEB_USER The user as which vboxwebsrv will run.
VBOXWEB_HOST The host to bind to (localhost).
VBOXWEB_PORT The port to bind to (18083).
VBOXWEB_TIMEOUT Session timeout in seconds; 0 = disable timeouts (300).
VBOXWEB_CHECK_INTERVAL Frequency of timeout checks in seconds (5).
VBOXWEB_THREADS Maximum number of worker threads to run in parallel (100).
VBOXWEB_KEEPALIVE Maximum number of requests before a socket will be closed (100).
VBOXWEB_LOGFILE Name of file to write log to (no file).
INSTALL_DIR The location of the vboxwebsrv binary (/usr/lib/virtualbox).

At a minimum, VBOXWEB_USER and VBOXWEB_HOST must be set.

VBOXWEB_USER should be set to the user that runs VirtualBox virtual machines on your system. If more than one user runs virtual machines, you will have to pick one (multiple instances are possible, but beyond the scope of this document). DON'T USE THE ROOT USER, vboxwebsrv WON'T ACCEPT ANY CONNECTION.

VBOXWEB_HOST should, in most cases, be set to If phpVirtualBox (your web server) is not running on the same host as vboxwebsrv and phpVirtualBox must communicate with vboxwebsrv over a network, this must be set to the external IP address of the host runing vboxwebsrv.

Your /etc/default/virtualbox may look like this:


.. or if your web server and vboxwebsrv are NOT on the same host:


Note that these values are just examples. The user that runs virtual machines on your system may not be named "vbox."

Once this is done, you may start and stop vboxwebsrv by running as root user:

  • If you use init scripts :
  • /etc/init.d/vboxweb-service start
    /etc/init.d/vboxweb-service stop
  • If you use systemd :
  • systemctl start vboxweb-service.service
    systemctl stop vboxweb-service.service