2022-09-18 21:44:06 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Source utils.sh for getFTLPIDFile()
# shellcheck disable=SC1090
. "${utilsfile}"
# Get file paths
# Ensure that permissions are set so that pihole-FTL can edit all necessary files
2023-10-13 19:59:29 +02:00
# shellcheck disable=SC2174
mkdir -pm 0640 /var/log/pihole
2023-08-05 14:54:09 +02:00
chown -R pihole:pihole /etc/pihole /var/log/pihole
2023-08-04 21:12:40 +02:00
chmod -R 0640 /var/log/pihole
2023-08-06 12:04:55 +02:00
chmod -R 0660 /etc/pihole
2023-10-13 19:59:29 +02:00
2023-10-18 22:09:38 +02:00
# Logrotate config file need to be owned by root and must not be writable by group and others
chown root:root /etc/pihole/logrotate
chmod 0644 /etc/pihole/logrotate
2023-08-06 12:04:55 +02:00
# allow all users to enter the directories
2023-08-05 14:54:09 +02:00
chmod 0755 /etc/pihole /var/log/pihole
2022-09-18 21:44:06 +02:00
2023-10-13 19:59:29 +02:00
# allow pihole to access subdirs in /etc/pihole (sets execution bit on dirs)
# credits https://stackoverflow.com/a/11512211
find /etc/pihole -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \;
# Touch files to ensure they exist (create if non-existing, preserve if existing)
[ -f "${FTL_PID_FILE}" ] || install -D -m 644 -o pihole -g pihole /dev/null "${FTL_PID_FILE}"
[ -f /var/log/pihole/FTL.log ] || install -m 640 -o pihole -g pihole /dev/null /var/log/pihole/FTL.log
[ -f /var/log/pihole/pihole.log ] || install -m 640 -o pihole -g pihole /dev/null /var/log/pihole/pihole.log
[ -f /etc/pihole/dhcp.leases ] || install -m 644 -o pihole -g pihole /dev/null /etc/pihole/dhcp.leases
2022-09-18 21:44:06 +02:00
# Backward compatibility for user-scripts that still expect log files in /var/log instead of /var/log/pihole
# Should be removed with Pi-hole v6.0
if [ ! -f /var/log/pihole.log ]; then
ln -sf /var/log/pihole/pihole.log /var/log/pihole.log
chown -h pihole:pihole /var/log/pihole.log
if [ ! -f /var/log/pihole-FTL.log ]; then
ln -sf /var/log/pihole/FTL.log /var/log/pihole-FTL.log
chown -h pihole:pihole /var/log/pihole-FTL.log