exit installer if SELinux is enforcing

The Pi-hole project does not ship a custom SELinux policy as the required policy would lower the overall system security.
Users who require SELinux to be enforcing are encouraged to create an custom policy on a case-by-case basis.

Signed-off-by: bcambl <blayne@blaynecampbell.com>
This commit is contained in:
bcambl 2019-10-14 12:14:45 -06:00
parent 2e138eb99f
commit 81ca78e7f4
1 changed files with 36 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -1959,20 +1959,42 @@ installPihole() {
# SELinux # SELinux
checkSelinux() { checkSelinux() {
# If the getenforce command exists, local DEFAULT_SELINUX
if is_command getenforce ; then local CURRENT_SELINUX
# Store the current mode in a variable local SELINUX_ENFORCING=0
enforceMode=$(getenforce) # Check if a SELinux configuration file exists
printf "\\n %b SELinux mode detected: %s\\n" "${INFO}" "${enforceMode}" if [[ -f /etc/selinux/config ]]; then
# If a SELinux configuration file was found, check the default SELinux mode.
# If it's enforcing, DEFAULT_SELINUX=$(awk -F= '/^SELINUX=/ {print $2}' /etc/selinux/config)
if [[ "${enforceMode}" == "Enforcing" ]]; then case "${DEFAULT_SELINUX,,}" in
# Explain Pi-hole does not support it yet enforcing)
whiptail --defaultno --title "SELinux Enforcing Detected" --yesno "SELinux is being ENFORCED on your system! \\n\\nPi-hole currently does not support SELinux, but you may still continue with the installation.\\n\\nNote: Web Admin will not be fully functional unless you set your policies correctly\\n\\nContinue installing Pi-hole?" "${r}" "${c}" || \ echo -e "${CROSS} ${COL_RED}Default SELinux: $DEFAULT_SELINUX${COL_NC}"
{ printf "\\n %bSELinux Enforcing detected, exiting installer%b\\n" "${COL_LIGHT_RED}" "${COL_NC}"; exit 1; } SELINUX_ENFORCING=1
printf " %b Continuing installation with SELinux Enforcing\\n" "${INFO}" ;;
printf " %b Please refer to official SELinux documentation to create a custom policy\\n" "${INFO}" *) # 'permissive' and 'disabled'
fi echo -e "${TICK} ${COL_GREEN}Default SELinux: $DEFAULT_SELINUX${COL_NC}";
# Check the current state of SELinux
case "${CURRENT_SELINUX,,}" in
echo -e "${CROSS} ${COL_RED}Current SELinux: $CURRENT_SELINUX${COL_NC}"
*) # 'permissive' and 'disabled'
echo -e "${TICK} ${COL_GREEN}Current SELinux: $CURRENT_SELINUX${COL_NC}";
echo -e "${INFO} ${COL_GREEN}SELinux not detected${COL_NC}";
# Exit the installer if any SELinux checks toggled the flag
if [[ "${SELINUX_ENFORCING}" -eq 1 ]] && [[ -z "${PIHOLE_SELINUX}" ]]; then
echo -e "Pi-hole does not provide an SELinux policy as the required changes modify the security of your system."
echo -e "Please refer to https://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/SELinux if SELinux is required for your deployment."
printf "\\n%bSELinux Enforcing detected, exiting installer%b\\n" "${COL_LIGHT_RED}" "${COL_NC}";
exit 1;
fi fi
} }