Improve FQDN Authorized Hosts functionality

* Use inverse if statement, instead of IF/ELSE when checking setupVars.conf
* Remove $svFQDN
* Add or elaborate on more comments
* Add $serverName to $authorizedHosts if admin has specified `setenv.add-environment = ("fqdn" => "true")` within lighttpd's external.conf
    * e.g: `$HTTP["host"] == "" { setenv.add-environment = ("fqdn" => "true") }`
* Move "No exact results" check to top of exception handling
* Remove unnecessary IF/ELSE when handling $queryAds error

Signed off by WaLLy3K <>
This commit is contained in:
WaLLy3K 2017-10-04 00:46:51 +11:00 committed by GitHub
parent 7884423e05
commit 97dd1b4cf3
1 changed files with 59 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -9,32 +9,30 @@
// Sanitise HTTP_HOST output
$serverName = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]);
if (!is_file("/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf"))
die("[ERROR] File not found: <code>/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf</code>");
// Get values from setupVars.conf
if (is_file("/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf")) {
$setupVars = parse_ini_file("/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf");
$svFQDN = $setupVars["FQDN"];
$svPasswd = !empty($setupVars["WEBPASSWORD"]);
$svEmail = (!empty($setupVars["ADMIN_EMAIL"]) && filter_var($setupVars["ADMIN_EMAIL"], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) ? $setupVars["ADMIN_EMAIL"] : "";
} else {
die("[ERROR] File not found: <code>/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf</code>");
$setupVars = parse_ini_file("/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf");
$svPasswd = !empty($setupVars["WEBPASSWORD"]);
$svEmail = (!empty($setupVars["ADMIN_EMAIL"]) && filter_var($setupVars["ADMIN_EMAIL"], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) ? $setupVars["ADMIN_EMAIL"] : "";
// Set landing page location, found within /var/www/html/
$landPage = "../landing.php";
// Set empty array for hostnames to be accepted as self address for splash page
// Define array for hostnames to be accepted as self address for splash page
$authorizedHosts = [];
// Append FQDN to $authorizedHosts
if (!empty($svFQDN)) array_push($authorizedHosts, $svFQDN);
// Append virtual hostname to $authorizedHosts
if (!empty($_SERVER["VIRTUAL_HOST"])) {
if (!empty($_SERVER["FQDN"])) {
// If setenv.add-environment = ("fqdn" => "true") is configured in lighttpd,
// append $serverName to $authorizedHosts
array_push($authorizedHosts, $serverName);
} else if (!empty($_SERVER["VIRTUAL_HOST"])) {
// Append virtual hostname to $authorizedHosts
array_push($authorizedHosts, $_SERVER["VIRTUAL_HOST"]);
// Set which extension types render as Block Page (Including "" for index.wxyz)
// Set which extension types render as Block Page (Including "" for index.ext)
$validExtTypes = array("asp", "htm", "html", "php", "rss", "xml", "");
// Get extension of current URL
@ -49,8 +47,9 @@ function setHeader($type = "x") {
if (isset($type) && $type === "js") header("Content-Type: application/javascript");
// Determine block page redirect type
// Determine block page type
if ($serverName === "pi.hole") {
// Redirect to Web Interface
exit(header("Location: /admin"));
} elseif (filter_var($serverName, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) || in_array($serverName, $authorizedHosts)) {
// Set Splash Page output
@ -60,22 +59,29 @@ if ($serverName === "pi.hole") {
<link rel='stylesheet' href='/pihole/blockingpage.css' type='text/css'/>
</head><body id='splashpage'><img src='/admin/img/logo.svg'/><br/>Pi-<b>hole</b>: Your black hole for Internet advertisements</body></html>
// Render splash page or landing page when directly browsing via IP or auth'd hostname
// Set splash/landing page based off presence of $landPage
$renderPage = is_file(getcwd()."/$landPage") ? include $landPage : "$splashPage";
unset($serverName, $svFQDN, $svPasswd, $svEmail, $authorizedHosts, $validExtTypes, $currentUrlExt, $viewPort);
// Unset variables so as to not be included in $landPage
unset($serverName, $svPasswd, $svEmail, $authorizedHosts, $validExtTypes, $currentUrlExt, $viewPort);
// Render splash/landing page when directly browsing via IP or authorised hostname
} elseif ($currentUrlExt === "js") {
// Serve dummy Javascript for blocked domains
// Serve Pi-hole Javascript for blocked domains requesting JS
exit(setHeader("js").'var x = "Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements."');
} elseif (strpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "?") !== FALSE && isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"])) {
// Serve blank image upon receiving REQUEST_URI w/ query string & HTTP_REFERRER (e.g: an iframe of a blocked domain)
// Serve blank image upon receiving REQUEST_URI w/ query string & HTTP_REFERRER
// e.g: An iframe of a blocked domain
<body><img src=""></body>
} elseif (!in_array($currentUrlExt, $validExtTypes) || substr_count($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "?")) {
// Serve SVG upon receiving non $validExtTypes URL extension or query string (e.g: not an iframe of a blocked domain)
// Serve SVG upon receiving non $validExtTypes URL extension or query string
// e.g: Not an iframe of a blocked domain, such as when browsing to a file/query directly
// QoL addition: Allow the SVG to be clicked on in order to quickly show the full Block Page
$blockImg = '<a href="/"><svg xmlns="" width="110" height="16"><defs><style>a {text-decoration: none;} circle {stroke: rgba(152,2,2,0.5); fill: none; stroke-width: 2;} rect {fill: rgba(152,2,2,0.5);} text {opacity: 0.3; font: 11px Arial;}</style></defs><circle cx="8" cy="8" r="7"/><rect x="10.3" y="-6" width="2" height="12" transform="rotate(45)"/><text x="19.3" y="12">Blocked by Pi-hole</text></svg></a>';
@ -88,7 +94,7 @@ if ($serverName === "pi.hole") {
// Determine placeholder text based off $svPasswd presence
$wlPlaceHolder = empty($svPasswd) ? "No admin password set" : "Javascript disabled";
// Define admin email address text
// Define admin email address text based off $svEmail presence
$bpAskAdmin = !empty($svEmail) ? '<a href="mailto:'.$svEmail.'?subject=Site Blocked: '.$serverName.'"></a>' : "<span/>";
// Determine if at least one block list has been generated
@ -113,8 +119,10 @@ if (empty($adlistsUrls))
// Get total number of blocklists (Including Whitelist, Blacklist & Wildcard lists)
$adlistsCount = count($adlistsUrls) + 3;
// Get results of queryads.php exact search
// Set query timeout
ini_set("default_socket_timeout", 3);
// Logic for querying blocklists
function queryAds($serverName) {
// Determine the time it takes while querying adlists
$preQueryTime = microtime(true)-$_SERVER["REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT"];
@ -124,32 +132,39 @@ function queryAds($serverName) {
// Exception Handling
try {
if ($queryTime >= ini_get("default_socket_timeout")) {
// Define Exceptions
if (strpos($queryAds[0], "No exact results") !== FALSE) {
// Return "none" into $queryAds array
return array("0" => "none");
} else if ($queryTime >= ini_get("default_socket_timeout")) {
// Connection Timeout
throw new Exception ("Connection timeout (".ini_get("default_socket_timeout")."s)");
} elseif (!strpos($queryAds[0], ".") !== false) {
if (strpos($queryAds[0], "No exact results") !== FALSE) return array("0" => "none");
// Unknown $queryAds output
throw new Exception ("Unhandled error message (<code>$queryAds[0]</code>)");
return $queryAds;
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Return exception as array
return array("0" => "error", "1" => $e->getMessage());
// Get results of queryads.php exact search
$queryAds = queryAds($serverName);
if ($queryAds[0] === "error") {
// Pass error through to Block Page
if ($queryAds[0] === "error")
die("[ERROR]: Unable to parse results from <i>queryads.php</i>: <code>".$queryAds[1]."</code>");
} else {
$featuredTotal = count($queryAds);
// Place results into key => value array
$queryResults = null;
foreach ($queryAds as $str) {
$value = explode(" ", $str);
@$queryResults[$value[0]] .= "$value[1]";
// Count total number of matching blocklists
$featuredTotal = count($queryAds);
// Place results into key => value array
$queryResults = null;
foreach ($queryAds as $str) {
$value = explode(" ", $str);
@$queryResults[$value[0]] .= "$value[1]";
// Determine if domain has been blacklisted, whitelisted, wildcarded or CNAME blocked
@ -167,7 +182,8 @@ if (strpos($queryAds[0], "blacklist") !== FALSE) {
$featuredTotal = "0";
$notableFlagClass = "noblock";
// Determine appropriate info message if CNAME exists
// QoL addition: Determine appropriate info message if CNAME exists
// Suggests to the user that $serverName has a CNAME (alias) that may be blocked
$dnsRecord = dns_get_record("$serverName")[0];
if (array_key_exists("target", $dnsRecord)) {
$wlInfo = $dnsRecord['target'];
@ -184,9 +200,12 @@ $wlOutput = (isset($wlInfo) && $wlInfo !== "recentwl") ? "<a href='http://$wlInf
$phVersion = exec("cd /etc/.pihole/ && git describe --long --tags");
// Print $execTime on development branches
// Marginally faster than "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD"
// Testing for - is marginally faster than "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD"
if (explode("-", $phVersion)[1] != "0")
$execTime = microtime(true)-$_SERVER["REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT"];
// Please Note: Text is added via CSS to allow an admin to provide a localised
// language without the need to edit this file
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements