Do not let the user select if they want to blocking via IPv4 and/or IPv6

Signed-off-by: Christian König <>
This commit is contained in:
Christian König 2021-10-02 23:29:23 +02:00
parent fb073373d6
commit a9b9718ffa
1 changed files with 15 additions and 58 deletions

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@ -717,9 +717,8 @@ testIPv6() {
# A dialog for showing the user about IPv6 blocking
useIPv6dialog() {
# Determine the IPv6 address used for blocking
find_IPv6_information() {
# Detects IPv6 address used for communication to WAN addresses.
IPV6_ADDRESSES=($(ip -6 address | grep 'scope global' | awk '{print $2}'))
# For each address in the array above, determine the type of IPv6 address it is
@ -739,76 +738,34 @@ useIPv6dialog() {
# set the IPv6 address to the ULA address
# Show this info to the user
printf " %b Found IPv6 ULA address, using it for blocking IPv6 ads\\n" "${INFO}"
printf " %b Found IPv6 ULA address\\n" "${INFO}"
# Otherwise, if the GUA_ADDRESS has a value,
elif [[ ! -z "${GUA_ADDRESS}" ]]; then
# Let the user know
printf " %b Found IPv6 GUA address, using it for blocking IPv6 ads\\n" "${INFO}"
printf " %b Found IPv6 GUA address\\n" "${INFO}"
# And assign it to the global variable
# If none of those work,
# explain that IPv6 blocking will not be used
printf " %b Unable to find IPv6 ULA/GUA address, IPv6 adblocking will not be enabled\\n" "${INFO}"
printf " %b Unable to find IPv6 ULA/GUA address\\n" "${INFO}"
# So set the variable to be empty
# If the IPV6_ADDRESS contains a value
if [[ ! -z "${IPV6_ADDRESS}" ]]; then
# Display that IPv6 is supported and will be used
whiptail --msgbox --backtitle "IPv6..." --title "IPv6 Supported" "$IPV6_ADDRESS will be used to block ads." "${r}" "${c}"
# A function to check if we should use IPv4 and/or IPv6 for blocking ads
use4andor6() {
# Named local variables
local useIPv4
local useIPv6
# Let user choose IPv4 and/or IPv6 via a checklist
cmd=(whiptail --separate-output --checklist "Select Protocols (press space to toggle selection)" "${r}" "${c}" 2)
# In an array, show the options available:
# IPv4 (on by default)
options=(IPv4 "Block ads over IPv4" on
# or IPv6 (on by default if available)
IPv6 "Block ads over IPv6" on)
# In a variable, show the choices available; exit if Cancel is selected
choices=$("${cmd[@]}" "${options[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) || { printf " %bCancel was selected, exiting installer%b\\n" "${COL_LIGHT_RED}" "${COL_NC}"; exit 1; }
# For each choice available,
for choice in ${choices}
# Set the values to true
case ${choice} in
IPv4 ) useIPv4=true;;
IPv6 ) useIPv6=true;;
# If IPv4 is to be used,
if [[ "${useIPv4}" ]]; then
# Run our function to get the information we need
if [[ -f "/etc/dhcpcd.conf" ]]; then
# A function to collect IPv4 and IPv6 information of the device
collect_v4andv6_information() {
# Echo the information to the user
printf " %b IPv4 address: %s\\n" "${INFO}" "${IPV4_ADDRESS}"
# if `dhcpcd` is used offer to set this as static IP for the device
if [[ -f "/etc/dhcpcd.conf" ]]; then
# configure networking via dhcpcd
# If IPv6 is to be used,
if [[ "${useIPv6}" ]]; then
# Run our function to get this information
# Echo the information to the user
printf " %b IPv4 address: %s\\n" "${INFO}" "${IPV4_ADDRESS}"
printf " %b IPv6 address: %s\\n" "${INFO}" "${IPV6_ADDRESS}"
# If neither protocol is selected,
if [[ ! "${useIPv4}" ]] && [[ ! "${useIPv6}" ]]; then
# Show an error in red
printf " %bError: Neither IPv4 or IPv6 selected%b\\n" "${COL_LIGHT_RED}" "${COL_NC}"
# and exit with an error
exit 1
getStaticIPv4Settings() {
@ -2544,8 +2501,8 @@ main() {
# Give the user a choice of blocklists to include in their install. Or not.
# Let the user decide if they want to block ads over IPv4 and/or IPv6
# find IPv4 and IPv6 information of the device
# Let the user decide if they want the web interface to be installed automatically
# Let the user decide if they want query logging enabled...