index 6992cce5..0dd22b42 100644
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Please read and understand the contribution guide before creating an issue or pu
## Etiquette
-- Our goal for Pi-hole is **stability before features**. This means we focus on squashing critical bugs before adding new features. Often, we can do both in tandem, but bugs will take priority over a new feature.
-- Pi-hole is open source and [powered by donations](https://pi-hole.net/donate/), and as such, we give our **free time** to build, maintain, and **provide user support** for this project. It would be extremely unfair for us to suffer abuse or anger for our hard work, so please take a moment to consider that.
+- Our goal for Pi-hole is **stability before features**. This means we focus on squashing critical bugs before adding new features. Often, we can do both in tandem, but bugs will take priority over a new feature.
+- Pi-hole is open source and [powered by donations](https://pi-hole.net/donate/), and as such, we give our **free time** to build, maintain, and **provide user support** for this project. It would be extremely unfair for us to suffer abuse or anger for our hard work, so please take a moment to consider that.
- Please be considerate towards the developers and other users when raising issues or presenting pull requests.
- Respect our decision(s), and do not be upset or abusive if your submission is not used.
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ When requesting or submitting new features, first consider whether it might be u
- Check the codebase to ensure that your feature doesn't already exist.
- Check the pull requests to ensure that another person hasn't already submitted the feature or fix.
-- Read and understand the [DCO guidelines](https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole/wiki/Contributing-to-the-project) for the project.
+- Read and understand the [DCO guidelines](https://docs.pi-hole.net/guides/github/contributing/) for the project.
## Technical Requirements
@@ -36,3 +36,77 @@ When requesting or submitting new features, first consider whether it might be u
- Commit Unix line endings.
- Please use the Pi-hole brand: **Pi-hole** (Take a special look at the capitalized 'P' and a low 'h' with a hyphen)
- (Optional fun) keep to the theme of Star Trek/black holes/gravity.
+## Forking and Cloning from GitHub to GitHub
+1. Fork to a repo under a namespace you control, or have permission to use, for example: `https://github.com///`. You can do this from the github.com website.
+2. Clone `https://github.com///` with the tool of you choice.
+3. To keep your fork in sync with our repo, add an upstream remote for pi-hole/pi-hole to your repo.
+ ```bash
+ git remote add upstream https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole.git
+ ```
+4. Checkout the `development` branch from your fork `https://github.com///`.
+5. Create a topic/branch, based on the `development` branch code. *Bonus fun to keep to the theme of Star Trek/black holes/gravity.*
+6. Make your changes and commit to your topic branch in your repo.
+7. Rebase your commits and squash any insignificant commits. See the notes below for an example.
+8. Merge `development` your branch and fix any conflicts.
+9. Open a Pull Request to merge your topic branch into our repo's `development` branch.
+- Keep in mind the technical requirements from above.
+## Forking and Cloning from GitHub to other code hosting sites
+- Forking is a GitHub concept and cannot be done from GitHub to other git-based code hosting sites. However, those sites may be able to mirror a GitHub repo.
+1. To contribute from another code hosting site, you must first complete the steps above to fork our repo to a GitHub namespace you have permission to use, for example: `https://github.com///`.
+2. Create a repo in your code hosting site, for example: `https://gitlab.com///`
+3. Follow the instructions from your code hosting site to create a mirror between `https://github.com///` and `https://gitlab.com///`.
+4. When you are ready to create a Pull Request (PR), follow the steps `(starting at step #6)` from [Forking and Cloning from GitHub to GitHub](#forking-and-cloning-from-github-to-github) and create the PR from `https://github.com///`.
+## Notes for squashing commits with rebase
+- To rebase your commits and squash previous commits, you can use:
+ ```bash
+ git rebase -i your_topic_branch~(number of commits to combine)
+ ```
+- For more details visit [gitready.com](http://gitready.com/advanced/2009/02/10/squashing-commits-with-rebase.html)
+1. The following would combine the last four commits in the branch `mytopic`.
+ ```bash
+ git rebase -i mytopic~4
+ ```
+2. An editor window opens with the most recent commits indicated: (edit the commands to the left of the commit ID)
+ ```gitattributes
+ pick 9dff55b2 existing commit comments
+ squash ebb1a730 existing commit comments
+ squash 07cc5b50 existing commit comments
+ reword 9dff55b2 existing commit comments
+ ```
+3. Save and close the editor. The next editor window opens: (edit the new commit message). *If you select reword for a commit, an additional editor window will open for you to edit the comment.*
+ ```bash
+ new commit comments
+ Signed-off-by: yourname
+ ```
+4. Save and close the editor for the rebase process to execute. The terminal output should say something like the following:
+ ```bash
+ Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/mytopic.
+ ```
+5. Once you have a successful rebase, and before you sync your local clone, you have to force push origin to update your repo:
+ ```bash
+ git push -f origin
+ ```
+6. Continue on from step #7 from [Forking and Cloning from GitHub to GitHub](#forking-and-cloning-from-github-to-github)
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 68d7c09f..6d7e5b5e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
The Pi-holeĀ® is a [DNS sinkhole](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_Sinkhole) that protects your devices from unwanted content, without installing any client-side software.
-- **Easy-to-install**: our versatile installer walks you through the process, and [takes less than ten minutes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKWjx1AQYgs)
+- **Easy-to-install**: our versatile installer walks you through the process, and takes less than ten minutes
- **Resolute**: content is blocked in _non-browser locations_, such as ad-laden mobile apps and smart TVs
- **Responsive**: seamlessly speeds up the feel of everyday browsing by caching DNS queries
- **Lightweight**: runs smoothly with [minimal hardware and software requirements](https://docs.pi-hole.net/main/prerequisites/)
@@ -162,4 +162,4 @@ Some of the statistics you can integrate include:
- Queries cached
- Unique clients
-The API can be accessed via [`telnet`](https://github.com/pi-hole/FTL), the Web (`admin/api.php`) and Command Line (`pihole -c -j`). You can out find [more details over here](https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/pi-hole-api/1863).
+The API can be accessed via [`telnet`](https://github.com/pi-hole/FTL), the Web (`admin/api.php`) and Command Line (`pihole -c -j`). You can find out [more details over here](https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/pi-hole-api/1863).
diff --git a/advanced/01-pihole.conf b/advanced/01-pihole.conf
index 2c8b3749..e243e91a 100644
--- a/advanced/01-pihole.conf
+++ b/advanced/01-pihole.conf
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ server=@DNS2@
diff --git a/advanced/Scripts/chronometer.sh b/advanced/Scripts/chronometer.sh
index 98f43c3f..37fd5177 100755
--- a/advanced/Scripts/chronometer.sh
+++ b/advanced/Scripts/chronometer.sh
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ get_sys_stats() {
- [[ -n "$TEMPERATUREUNIT" ]] && temp_unit="$TEMPERATUREUNIT" || temp_unit="c"
+ [[ -n "$TEMPERATUREUNIT" ]] && temp_unit="${TEMPERATUREUNIT^^}" || temp_unit="C"
# Get storage stats for partition mounted on /
read -r -a disk_raw <<< "$(df -B1 / 2> /dev/null | awk 'END{ print $3,$2,$5 }')"
diff --git a/advanced/Scripts/database_migration/gravity-db.sh b/advanced/Scripts/database_migration/gravity-db.sh
index 70090a3b..282ea07b 100644
--- a/advanced/Scripts/database_migration/gravity-db.sh
+++ b/advanced/Scripts/database_migration/gravity-db.sh
@@ -110,4 +110,10 @@ upgrade_gravityDB(){
sqlite3 "${database}" < "${scriptPath}/11_to_12.sql"
+ if [[ "$version" == "12" ]]; then
+ # Add column date_updated to alist table
+ echo -e " ${INFO} Upgrading gravity database from version 12 to 13"
+ sqlite3 "${database}" < "${scriptPath}/12_to_13.sql"
+ version=13
+ fi
diff --git a/advanced/Scripts/database_migration/gravity/12_to_13.sql b/advanced/Scripts/database_migration/gravity/12_to_13.sql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d16791d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/advanced/Scripts/database_migration/gravity/12_to_13.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+.timeout 30000
+ALTER TABLE adlist ADD COLUMN date_updated INTEGER;
+DROP TRIGGER tr_adlist_update;
+CREATE TRIGGER tr_adlist_update AFTER UPDATE OF address,enabled,comment ON adlist
+ UPDATE adlist SET date_modified = (cast(strftime('%s', 'now') as int)) WHERE id = NEW.id;
+ END;
+UPDATE info SET value = 13 WHERE property = 'version';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advanced/Scripts/list.sh b/advanced/Scripts/list.sh
index 77a5dece..9dd818c4 100755
--- a/advanced/Scripts/list.sh
+++ b/advanced/Scripts/list.sh
@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@ Displaylist() {
NukeList() {
sqlite3 "${gravityDBfile}" "DELETE FROM domainlist WHERE type = ${typeId};"
+ exit 0;
GetComment() {
diff --git a/advanced/Scripts/piholeDebug.sh b/advanced/Scripts/piholeDebug.sh
index 92d6dad7..52e11b6a 100755
--- a/advanced/Scripts/piholeDebug.sh
+++ b/advanced/Scripts/piholeDebug.sh
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ FAQ_UPDATE_PI_HOLE="${COL_CYAN}https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/how-do-i-update-p
@@ -396,49 +397,54 @@ check_critical_program_versions() {
os_check() {
# This function gets a list of supported OS versions from a TXT record at versions.pi-hole.net
# and determines whether or not the script is running on one of those systems
- local remote_os_domain valid_os valid_version detected_os_pretty detected_os detected_version
+ local remote_os_domain valid_os valid_version detected_os detected_version cmdResult digReturnCode response
- valid_os=false
- valid_version=false
- detected_os_pretty=$(cat /etc/*release | grep PRETTY_NAME | cut -d '=' -f2- | tr -d '"')
- detected_os="${detected_os_pretty%% *}"
- detected_version=$(cat /etc/*release | grep VERSION_ID | cut -d '=' -f2- | tr -d '"')
+ detected_os=$(grep "\bID\b" /etc/os-release | cut -d '=' -f2 | tr -d '"')
+ detected_version=$(grep VERSION_ID /etc/os-release | cut -d '=' -f2 | tr -d '"')
- IFS=" " read -r -a supportedOS < <(dig +short -t txt ${remote_os_domain} | tr -d '"')
+ cmdResult="$(dig +short -t txt ${remote_os_domain} @ns1.pi-hole.net 2>&1; echo $?)"
+ #Get the return code of the previous command (last line)
+ digReturnCode="${cmdResult##*$'\n'}"
- for i in "${supportedOS[@]}"
+ # Extract dig response
+ response="${cmdResult%%$'\n'*}"
+ IFS=" " read -r -a supportedOS < <(echo "${response}" | tr -d '"')
+ for distro_and_versions in "${supportedOS[@]}"
- os_part=$(echo "$i" | cut -d '=' -f1)
- versions_part=$(echo "$i" | cut -d '=' -f2-)
+ distro_part="${distro_and_versions%%=*}"
+ versions_part="${distro_and_versions##*=}"
- if [[ "${detected_os}" =~ ${os_part} ]]; then
- valid_os=true
- IFS="," read -r -a supportedVer <<<"${versions_part}"
- for x in "${supportedVer[@]}"
- do
- if [[ "${detected_version}" =~ $x ]];then
- valid_version=true
- break
- fi
- done
- break
+ if [[ "${detected_os^^}" =~ ${distro_part^^} ]]; then
+ valid_os=true
+ IFS="," read -r -a supportedVer <<<"${versions_part}"
+ for version in "${supportedVer[@]}"
+ do
+ if [[ "${detected_version}" =~ $version ]]; then
+ valid_version=true
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ break
- # Display findings back to the user
+ log_write "${INFO} dig return code: ${digReturnCode}"
+ log_write "${INFO} dig response: ${response}"
if [ "$valid_os" = true ]; then
- log_write "${TICK} Distro: ${COL_GREEN}${detected_os}${COL_NC}"
+ log_write "${TICK} Distro: ${COL_GREEN}${detected_os^}${COL_NC}"
if [ "$valid_version" = true ]; then
log_write "${TICK} Version: ${COL_GREEN}${detected_version}${COL_NC}"
log_write "${CROSS} Version: ${COL_RED}${detected_version}${COL_NC}"
- log_write "${CROSS} Error: ${COL_RED}${detected_os} is supported but version ${detected_version} is currently unsupported (${FAQ_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENTS})${COL_NC}"
+ log_write "${CROSS} Error: ${COL_RED}${detected_os^} is supported but version ${detected_version} is currently unsupported (${FAQ_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENTS})${COL_NC}"
- log_write "${CROSS} Distro: ${COL_RED}${detected_os}${COL_NC}"
- log_write "${CROSS} Error: ${COL_RED}${detected_os} is not a supported distro (${FAQ_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENTS})${COL_NC}"
+ log_write "${CROSS} Distro: ${COL_RED}${detected_os^}${COL_NC}"
+ log_write "${CROSS} Error: ${COL_RED}${detected_os^} is not a supported distro (${FAQ_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENTS})${COL_NC}"
@@ -488,6 +494,58 @@ check_selinux() {
+check_firewalld() {
+ # FirewallD ships by default on Fedora/CentOS/RHEL and enabled upon clean install
+ # FirewallD is not configured by the installer and is the responsibility of the user
+ echo_current_diagnostic "FirewallD"
+ # Check if FirewallD service is enabled
+ if command -v systemctl &> /dev/null; then
+ # get its status via systemctl
+ local firewalld_status
+ firewalld_status=$(systemctl is-active firewalld)
+ log_write "${INFO} ${COL_GREEN}Firewalld service ${firewalld_status}${COL_NC}";
+ if [ "${firewalld_status}" == "active" ]; then
+ # test common required service ports
+ local firewalld_enabled_services
+ firewalld_enabled_services=$(firewall-cmd --list-services)
+ local firewalld_expected_services=("http" "dns" "dhcp" "dhcpv6")
+ for i in "${firewalld_expected_services[@]}"; do
+ if [[ "${firewalld_enabled_services}" =~ ${i} ]]; then
+ log_write "${TICK} ${COL_GREEN} Allow Service: ${i}${COL_NC}";
+ else
+ log_write "${CROSS} ${COL_RED} Allow Service: ${i}${COL_NC} (${FAQ_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENTS_FIREWALLD})"
+ fi
+ done
+ # check for custom FTL FirewallD zone
+ local firewalld_zones
+ firewalld_zones=$(firewall-cmd --get-zones)
+ if [[ "${firewalld_zones}" =~ "ftl" ]]; then
+ log_write "${TICK} ${COL_GREEN}FTL Custom Zone Detected${COL_NC}";
+ # check FTL custom zone interface: lo
+ local firewalld_ftl_zone_interfaces
+ firewalld_ftl_zone_interfaces=$(firewall-cmd --zone=ftl --list-interfaces)
+ if [[ "${firewalld_ftl_zone_interfaces}" =~ "lo" ]]; then
+ log_write "${TICK} ${COL_GREEN} Local Interface Detected${COL_NC}";
+ else
+ log_write "${CROSS} ${COL_RED} Local Interface Not Detected${COL_NC} (${FAQ_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENTS_FIREWALLD})"
+ fi
+ # check FTL custom zone port: 4711
+ local firewalld_ftl_zone_ports
+ firewalld_ftl_zone_ports=$(firewall-cmd --zone=ftl --list-ports)
+ if [[ "${firewalld_ftl_zone_ports}" =~ "4711/tcp" ]]; then
+ log_write "${TICK} ${COL_GREEN} FTL Port 4711/tcp Detected${COL_NC}";
+ else
+ log_write "${CROSS} ${COL_RED} FTL Port 4711/tcp Not Detected${COL_NC} (${FAQ_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENTS_FIREWALLD})"
+ fi
+ else
+ log_write "${CROSS} ${COL_RED}FTL Custom Zone Not Detected${COL_NC} (${FAQ_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENTS_FIREWALLD})"
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ log_write "${TICK} ${COL_GREEN}Firewalld service not detected${COL_NC}";
+ fi
processor_check() {
echo_current_diagnostic "Processor"
# Store the processor type in a variable
@@ -1021,8 +1079,8 @@ list_files_in_dir() {
log_write "\\n${COL_GREEN}$(ls -ld "${dir_to_parse}"/"${each_file}")${COL_NC}"
# Check if the file we want to view has a limit (because sometimes we just need a little bit of info from the file, not the entire thing)
case "${dir_to_parse}/${each_file}" in
- # If it's Web server error log, just give the first 25 lines
- "${PIHOLE_WEB_SERVER_ERROR_LOG_FILE}") make_array_from_file "${dir_to_parse}/${each_file}" 25
+ # If it's Web server error log, give the first and last 25 lines
+ "${PIHOLE_WEB_SERVER_ERROR_LOG_FILE}") head_tail_log "${dir_to_parse}/${each_file}" 25
# Same for the FTL log
"${PIHOLE_FTL_LOG}") head_tail_log "${dir_to_parse}/${each_file}" 35
@@ -1112,6 +1170,21 @@ show_db_entries() {
+check_dhcp_servers() {
+ echo_current_diagnostic "Discovering active DHCP servers (takes 10 seconds)"
+ IFS=$'\n'
+ local entries=()
+ mapfile -t entries < <(pihole-FTL dhcp-discover)
+ for line in "${entries[@]}"; do
+ log_write " ${line}"
+ done
show_groups() {
show_db_entries "Groups" "SELECT id,CASE enabled WHEN '0' THEN ' 0' WHEN '1' THEN ' 1' ELSE enabled END enabled,name,datetime(date_added,'unixepoch','localtime') date_added,datetime(date_modified,'unixepoch','localtime') date_modified,description FROM \"group\"" "4 7 50 19 19 50"
@@ -1300,9 +1373,11 @@ check_component_versions
diff --git a/advanced/Scripts/webpage.sh b/advanced/Scripts/webpage.sh
index 1f7cc728..8aaaa85a 100755
--- a/advanced/Scripts/webpage.sh
+++ b/advanced/Scripts/webpage.sh
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Options:
-e, email Set an administrative contact address for the Block Page
-h, --help Show this help dialog
-i, interface Specify dnsmasq's interface listening behavior
- -l, privacylevel Set privacy level (0 = lowest, 4 = highest)"
+ -l, privacylevel Set privacy level (0 = lowest, 3 = highest)"
exit 0
@@ -167,9 +167,11 @@ ProcessDNSSettings() {
delete_dnsmasq_setting "domain-needed"
+ delete_dnsmasq_setting "expand-hosts"
if [[ "${DNS_FQDN_REQUIRED}" == true ]]; then
add_dnsmasq_setting "domain-needed"
+ add_dnsmasq_setting "expand-hosts"
delete_dnsmasq_setting "bogus-priv"
@@ -370,6 +372,9 @@ dhcp-leasefile=/etc/pihole/dhcp.leases
if [[ "${PIHOLE_DOMAIN}" != "none" ]]; then
echo "domain=${PIHOLE_DOMAIN}" >> "${dhcpconfig}"
+ if [[ "${DNS_FQDN_REQUIRED}" == true ]]; then
+ echo "local=/${PIHOLE_DOMAIN}/" >> "${dhcpconfig}"
+ fi
# Sourced from setupVars
@@ -633,8 +638,8 @@ clearAudit()
SetPrivacyLevel() {
- # Set privacy level. Minimum is 0, maximum is 4
- if [ "${args[2]}" -ge 0 ] && [ "${args[2]}" -le 4 ]; then
+ # Set privacy level. Minimum is 0, maximum is 3
+ if [ "${args[2]}" -ge 0 ] && [ "${args[2]}" -le 3 ]; then
changeFTLsetting "PRIVACYLEVEL" "${args[2]}"
pihole restartdns reload-lists
diff --git a/advanced/Templates/gravity.db.sql b/advanced/Templates/gravity.db.sql
index fcf3489b..2aa7e8f8 100644
--- a/advanced/Templates/gravity.db.sql
+++ b/advanced/Templates/gravity.db.sql
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ CREATE TABLE adlist
date_added INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT (cast(strftime('%s', 'now') as int)),
date_modified INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT (cast(strftime('%s', 'now') as int)),
- comment TEXT
+ comment TEXT,
+ date_updated INTEGER
CREATE TABLE adlist_by_group
@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ CREATE TABLE info
-INSERT INTO "info" VALUES('version','12');
+INSERT INTO "info" VALUES('version','13');
CREATE TABLE domain_audit
@@ -85,9 +86,9 @@ CREATE TABLE client_by_group
PRIMARY KEY (client_id, group_id)
-CREATE TRIGGER tr_adlist_update AFTER UPDATE ON adlist
+CREATE TRIGGER tr_adlist_update AFTER UPDATE OF address,enabled,comment ON adlist
- UPDATE adlist SET date_modified = (cast(strftime('%s', 'now') as int)) WHERE address = NEW.address;
+ UPDATE adlist SET date_modified = (cast(strftime('%s', 'now') as int)) WHERE id = NEW.id;
CREATE TRIGGER tr_client_update AFTER UPDATE ON client
diff --git a/advanced/bash-completion/pihole b/advanced/bash-completion/pihole
index 88282b02..25208a35 100644
--- a/advanced/bash-completion/pihole
+++ b/advanced/bash-completion/pihole
@@ -56,11 +56,11 @@ _pihole() {
if ( [[ "$prev2" == "admin" ]] || [[ "$prev2" == "-a" ]] ); then
- opts_privacy="0 1 2 3 4"
+ opts_privacy="0 1 2 3"
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts_privacy}" -- ${cur}) )
- else
+ else
return 1
- fi
+ fi
if [[ "$prev2" == "checkout" ]]; then
diff --git a/advanced/index.php b/advanced/index.php
index 4356f0b0..ca8c35e4 100644
--- a/advanced/index.php
+++ b/advanced/index.php
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ unset($setupVars);
$landPage = "../landing.php";
// Define array for hostnames to be accepted as self address for splash page
-$authorizedHosts = [];
+$authorizedHosts = [ "localhost" ];
if (!empty($_SERVER["FQDN"])) {
// If setenv.add-environment = ("fqdn" => "true") is configured in lighttpd,
// append $serverName to $authorizedHosts
@@ -55,7 +55,16 @@ if ($serverName === "pi.hole"
// Redirect to Web Interface
exit(header("Location: /admin"));
} elseif (filter_var($serverName, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) || in_array($serverName, $authorizedHosts)) {
- // Set Splash Page output
+ // When directly browsing via IP or authorized hostname
+ // Render splash/landing page based off presence of $landPage file
+ // Unset variables so as to not be included in $landPage or $splashPage
+ unset($serverName, $svPasswd, $svEmail, $authorizedHosts, $validExtTypes, $currentUrlExt, $viewPort);
+ // If $landPage file is present
+ if (is_file(getcwd()."/$landPage")) {
+ include $landPage;
+ exit();
+ }
+ // If $landPage file was not present, Set Splash Page output
$splashPage = "
@@ -74,15 +83,7 @@ if ($serverName === "pi.hole"