Improvements for gravity (errors shouldn't be able to escape the black hole if even light cannot do this!)

This commit is contained in:
DL6ER 2016-12-17 23:32:50 +01:00
parent 10982a0f45
commit efaee2b68b
1 changed files with 44 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -104,16 +104,26 @@ gravity_collapse() {
# patternCheck - check to see if curl downloaded any new files.
gravity_patternCheck() {
# check if the patternbuffer is a non-zero length file
if [[ -s "${patternBuffer}" ]]; then
# Some of the blocklists are copyright, they need to be downloaded
# and stored as is. They can be processed for content after they
# have been saved.
mv "${patternBuffer}" "${saveLocation}"
echo " List updated, transport successful!"
if [ $success = true ]; then
if [[ -s "${patternBuffer}" ]]; then
# Some of the blocklists are copyright, they need to be downloaded
# and stored as is. They can be processed for content after they
# have been saved.
mv "${patternBuffer}" "${saveLocation}"
echo "::: List updated, transport successful!"
# Empty file -> use previously downloaded list
echo "::: Received empty file, using cached one (list not updated!)"
# curl didn't download any host files, probably because of the date check
echo " No changes detected, transport skipped!"
# check if cached list exists
if [[ -r "${saveLocation}" ]]; then
echo "::: List download failed, using cached list (list not updated!)"
echo "::: Download failed and no cached list available (list will not be considered)"
@ -132,9 +142,27 @@ gravity_transport() {
# Silently curl url
curl -s -L ${cmd_ext} ${heisenbergCompensator} -A "${agent}" ${url} > ${patternBuffer}
# Check for list updates
gravity_patternCheck "${patternBuffer}"
err=$(curl -s -L ${cmd_ext} ${heisenbergCompensator} -w %{http_code} -A "${agent}" ${url} -o ${patternBuffer})
echo " done"
# Analyze http response
echo -n "::: Status: "
case "$err" in
"200" ) echo "Success (OK)"; success=true;;
"304" ) echo "Not modified"; success=false;;
"403" ) echo "Forbidden"; success=false;;
"404" ) echo "Not found"; success=false;;
"408" ) echo "Time-out"; success=false;;
"451" ) echo "Unavailable For Legal Reasons"; success=false;;
"521" ) echo "Web Server Is Down (Cloudflare)"; success=false;;
"522" ) echo "Connection Timed Out (Cloudflare)"; success=false;;
"500" ) echo "Internal Server Error"; success=false;;
* ) echo "Status $err"; success=false;;
# Process result
gravity_patternCheck "${patternBuffer}" ${success}
# spinup - main gravity function
@ -181,7 +209,10 @@ gravity_Schwarzchild() {
echo -n "::: Aggregating list of domains..."
truncate -s 0 ${piholeDir}/${matterAndLight}
for i in "${activeDomains[@]}"; do
cat "${i}" | tr -d '\r' >> ${piholeDir}/${matterAndLight}
# Only assimilate list if it is available (download might have faild permanently)
if [[ -r "${i}" ]]; then
cat "${i}" | tr -d '\r' >> ${piholeDir}/${matterAndLight}
echo " done!"
@ -353,7 +384,7 @@ if [[ "${forceGrav}" == true ]]; then
#Overwrite adlists.default from /etc/.pihole in case any changes have been made. Changes should be saved in /etc/adlists.list
cp /etc/.pihole/adlists.default /etc/pihole/adlists.default
#cp /etc/.pihole/adlists.default /etc/pihole/adlists.default
if [[ "${skipDownload}" == false ]]; then