.TH "Pi-hole" "8" "Pi-hole" "Pi-hole" "April 2020" .SH "NAME" Pi-hole : A black-hole for internet advertisements .br .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fBpihole\fR (\fB-w\fR|\fB-b\fR|\fB--wild\fR|\fB--regex\fR) [options] domain(s) .br \fBpihole -a\fR \fB-p\fR password .br \fBpihole -a\fR (\fB-c|-f|-k\fR) .br \fBpihole -a -i\fR interface .br \fBpihole -a -l\fR privacylevel .br \fBpihole -c\fR [-j|-r|-e] .br \fBpihole\fR \fB-d\fR [-a] .br \fBpihole -f .br pihole -r .br \fBpihole\fR \fB-t\fR [arg] .br pihole -g\fR .br \fBpihole\fR -\fBq\fR [options] .br \fBpihole\fR \fB-l\fR (\fBon|off|off noflush\fR) .br \fBpihole -up \fR[--check-only] .br \fBpihole -v\fR [-p|-a|-f] [-c|-l|-hash] .br \fBpihole uninstall .br pihole status .br pihole restartdns\fR [options] .br \fBpihole\fR (\fBenable\fR|\fBdisable\fR [time]) .br \fBpihole\fR \fBcheckout\fR repo [branch] .br \fBpihole\fR \fBhelp\fR .br .SH "DESCRIPTION" Available commands and options: .br \fBallow, allowlist\fR [options] [ ] .br Adds or removes specified domain or domains to the Allowlist .br \fBdeny, denylist\fR [options] [ ] .br Adds or removes specified domain or domains to the denylist .br \fB--regex, regex\fR [options] [ ] .br Add or removes specified regex filter to the regex denylist .br \fB--allow-regex\fR [options] [ ] .br Add or removes specified regex filter to the regex allowlist .br \fB--wild, wildcard\fR [options] [ ] .br Add or removes specified domain to the wildcard denylist .br \fB--allow-wild\fR [options] [ ] .br Add or removes specified domain to the wildcard allowlist .br (Allow-/denylist manipulation options): .br not, -d, --delmode Remove domain(s) from the list .br -q, --quiet Make output less verbose .br -l, --list Display all your listed domains .br \fB-d, debug\fR [-a] .br Start a debugging session .br -a Enable automated debugging .br \fB-f, flush\fR .br Flush the Pi-hole log .br \fB-r, reconfigure\fR .br Reconfigure or Repair Pi-hole subsystems .br \fB-t, tail\fR [arg] .br View the live output of the Pi-hole log .br [arg] Optional argument to filter the log for (regular expressions are supported) .br \fB-a, admin\fR [options] .br (Admin options): .br -p, password Set Web Interface password .br -c, celsius Set Celsius as preferred temperature unit .br -f, fahrenheit Set Fahrenheit as preferred temperature unit .br -k, kelvin Set Kelvin as preferred temperature unit .br -i, interface Specify dnsmasq's interface listening behavior .br -l, privacylevel Set privacy level (0 = lowest, 3 = highest) .br \fB-g, updateGravity\fR .br Update the list of ad-serving domains .br \fB-q, query\fR [option] .br Query the adlists for a specified domain .br (Query options): .br -adlist Print the name of the block list URL .br -exact Search the block lists for exact domain matches .br -all Return all query matches within a block list .br \fB-h, --help, help\fR .br Show a help dialog .br \fB-l, logging\fR [on|off|off noflush] .br Specify whether the Pi-hole log should be used .br (Logging options): .br on Enable the Pi-hole log at /var/log/pihole/pihole.log .br off Disable and flush the Pi-hole log at /var/log/pihole/pihole.log .br off noflush Disable the Pi-hole log at /var/log/pihole/pihole.log .br \fB-up, updatePihole\fR [--check-only] .br Update Pi-hole subsystems .br --check-only Exit script before update is performed. .br \fB-v, version\fR [repo] [options] .br Show installed versions of Pi-hole, Web Interface & FTL .br .br (repo options): .br -p, --pihole Only retrieve info regarding Pi-hole repository .br -a, --admin Only retrieve info regarding web repository .br -f, --ftl Only retrieve info regarding FTL repository .br (version options): .br -c, --current Return the current version .br -l, --latest Return the latest version .br --hash Return the GitHub hash from your local repositories .br \fBuninstall\fR .br Uninstall Pi-hole from your system .br \fBstatus\fR .br Display the running status of Pi-hole subsystems .br \fBenable\fR .br Enable Pi-hole subsystems .br \fBdisable\fR [time] .br Disable Pi-hole subsystems, optionally for a set duration .br (time options): .br #s Disable Pi-hole functionality for # second(s) .br #m Disable Pi-hole functionality for # minute(s) .br \fBrestartdns\fR [options] .br Full restart Pi-hole subsystems. Without any options (see below) a full restart causes config file parsing and history re-reading .br (restart options): .br reload Updates the lists (incl. HOSTS files) and flushes DNS cache. Does not reparse config files .br reload-lists Updates the lists (excl. HOSTS files) WITHOUT flushing the DNS cache. Does not reparse config files .br \fBcheckout\fR [repo] [branch] .br Switch Pi-hole subsystems to a different GitHub branch .br (repo options): .br core Change the branch of Pi-hole's core subsystem .br web Change the branch of Admin Console subsystem .br ftl Change the branch of Pi-hole's FTL subsystem .br (branch options): .br master Update subsystems to the latest stable release .br dev Update subsystems to the latest development release .br branchname Update subsystems to the specified branchname .br .SH "EXAMPLE" Some usage examples .br Allow-/denylist manipulation .br \fBpihole allow iloveads.example.com\fR .br Allow "iloveads.example.com" .br \fBpihole deny not noads.example.com\fR .br Removes "noads.example.com" from denylist .br \fBpihole --wild example.com\fR .br Adds example.com as a wildcard - would block all subdomains of example.com, including example.com itself. .br \fBpihole --regex "ad.*\\.example\\.com$"\fR .br Adds "ad.*\\.example\\.com$" to the regex blacklist. Would block all subdomains of example.com which start with "ad" .br Changing the Web Interface password .br \fBpihole -a -p ExamplePassword\fR .br Change the password to "ExamplePassword" .br Updating lists from internet sources .br \fBpihole -g\fR .br Update the list of ad-serving domains .br Displaying version information .br \fBpihole -v -a -c\fR .br Display the current version of web .br Temporarily disabling Pi-hole .br \fBpihole disable 5m\fR .br Disable Pi-hole functionality for five minutes .br Switching Pi-hole subsystem branches .br \fBpihole checkout master\fR .br Switch to master branch .br \fBpihole checkout core dev\fR .br Switch to core development branch .br \fBpihole arpflush\fR .br Flush information stored in Pi-hole's network tables .br .SH "SEE ALSO" \fBlighttpd\fR(8), \fBpihole-FTL\fR(8) .br .SH "COLOPHON" Get sucked into the latest news and community activity by entering Pi-hole's orbit. Information about Pi-hole, and the latest version of the software can be found at https://pi-hole.net. .br