More improved troubleshooting
This commit is contained in:
@ -131,3 +131,29 @@ Solution to this problem is simple: be sure that :file:`` is sourced
strictly after :file:`powerline/bindings/bash/`. This way background
jobs are spawned by `z <>`_ after powerline has done
its job.
I am experiencing problems after update
First, check out that you have only one powerline installed. Do
.. code-block:: vim
python import powerline
python print(powerline.__file__)
(replace ``python`` with ``python3`` if appropriate) and check out that printed
file location is the one you have recently updated. If it is not you have the
following alternatives:
* Always remember to update all installations of powerline you have.
* (Here and below I assume you have double vim and pip installation.) Use code
from first paragraph of :ref:`vim-vimrc` section and remove vim installation.
* Remove existing pip installation and use
.. code-block:: sh
pip install -e ~/.vim/bundle/powerline
to reinstall.
@ -93,10 +93,12 @@ Installation
.. _vim-vimrc:
Vim statusline
If installed using pip just use
If installed using pip just add
.. code-block:: vim
@ -104,7 +106,7 @@ If installed using pip just use
python powerline_setup()
python del powerline_setup
(replace ``python`` with ``python3`` if appropriate).
(replace ``python`` with ``python3`` if appropriate) to your :file:`vimrc`.
If you just cloned the repository add the following line to your :file:`vimrc`,
where ``{repository_root}`` is the absolute path to your Powerline installation
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ try
unlet s:pystr
let s:launched = 1
unlet s:import_cmd
if !exists('s:launched')
echohl ErrorMsg
echom 'An error occurred while importing powerline package.'
@ -38,6 +39,42 @@ finally
echom 'the troubleshooting section in the documentation for'
echom 'possible solutions.'
echohl None
let s:pystr = "def powerline_troubleshoot():\n"
let s:pystr .= " import sys\n"
let s:pystr .= " if sys.version_info < (2, 6):\n"
let s:pystr .= " print('Too old python version: ' + sys.version + ' (first supported is 2.6)')\n"
let s:pystr .= " elif sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[1] < 2:\n"
let s:pystr .= " print('Too old python 3 version: ' + sys.version + ' (first supported is 3.2)')\n"
let s:pystr .= " try:\n"
let s:pystr .= " import powerline\n"
let s:pystr .= " except ImportError:\n"
let s:pystr .= " print('Unable to import powerline, is it installed?')\n"
if expand('<sfile>')[:4] isnot# '/usr/'
let s:pystr .= " else:\n"
let s:pystr .= " import os\n"
let s:pystr .= " powerline_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(powerline.__file__))\n"
let s:pystr .= " this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(vim.eval('expand(\"<sfile>:p\")')))\n"
let s:pystr .= " this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(this_dir)))\n"
let s:pystr .= " if os.path.basename(this_dir) != 'powerline':\n"
let s:pystr .= " print('Check your installation:')\n"
let s:pystr .= " print('this script is not in powerline[/bindings/vim/plugin] directory,')\n"
let s:pystr .= " print('neither it is installed system-wide')\n"
let s:pystr .= " this_dir = os.path.dirname(this_dir)\n"
let s:pystr .= " real_powerline_dir = os.path.realpath(powerline_dir)\n"
let s:pystr .= " real_this_dir = os.path.realpath(this_dir)\n"
let s:pystr .= " if real_this_dir != sys.path[-1]:\n"
let s:pystr .= " print('Check your installation:')\n"
let s:pystr .= " print('this script is symlinked somewhere where powerline is not present.')\n"
let s:pystr .= " elif real_powerline_dir != real_this_dir:\n"
let s:pystr .= " print('It appears that you have two powerline versions installed:')\n"
let s:pystr .= " print('one in ' + real_powerline_dir + ', other in ' + real_this_dir + '.')\n"
let s:pystr .= " print('You should remove one of this. Check out troubleshooting section,')\n"
let s:pystr .= " print('it contains some information about the alternatives.')\n"
execute s:pycmd s:pystr
unlet s:pystr
unlet s:pycmd
unlet s:pyeval
unlet s:launched
@ -47,3 +84,6 @@ endtry
execute s:pycmd 'import vim'
execute s:pycmd 'powerline_setup(pyeval=vim.eval("s:pyeval"), pycmd=vim.eval("s:pycmd"))'
execute s:pycmd 'del powerline_setup'
unlet s:pycmd
unlet s:pyeval
Reference in New Issue