Update vim and terminal examples
The examples have been moved into their own directory. The vim example now uses pyeval() and vim.bindeval() and loads the Python file through an import (so it gets compiled) for speed improvements.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
'''Powerline terminal prompt example.
import os
import sys
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../..'))
from lib.core import Powerline, Segment
from lib.renderers import TerminalSegmentRenderer
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import vim
import os
import re
from lib.core import Powerline, Segment
from lib.renderers import VimSegmentRenderer
modes = {
'n': 'NORMAL',
'no': 'N·OPER',
'v': 'VISUAL',
'V': 'V·LINE',
'': 'V·BLCK',
's': 'SELECT',
'S': 'S·LINE',
'': 'S·BLCK',
'i': 'INSERT',
'Rv': 'V·RPLCE',
'c': 'COMMND',
'cv': 'VIM EX',
'ce': 'EX',
'r': 'PROMPT',
'rm': 'MORE',
'r?': 'CONFIRM',
'!': 'SHELL',
def statusline():
winwidth = int(vim.bindeval('winwidth(0)'))
# Prepare segment contents
mode = modes[vim.bindeval('mode()')]
branch = vim.bindeval('fugitive#head(5)')
if branch:
branch = '⭠ ' + branch
line_current = int(vim.bindeval('line(".")'))
line_end = int(vim.bindeval('line("$")'))
line_percent = int(float(line_current) / float(line_end) * 100)
# Fun gradient colored percent segment
line_percent_gradient = [160, 166, 172, 178, 184, 190]
line_percent_color = line_percent_gradient[int((len(line_percent_gradient) - 1) * line_percent / 100)]
col_current = vim.bindeval('col(".")')
filepath = os.path.split(vim.bindeval('expand("%:~:.")'))
filename_color = 231
if filepath[0]:
filepath[0] += os.sep
if not filepath[1]:
filepath = ('', '[No Name]')
filename_color = 250
readonly = vim.bindeval('&ro ? "⭤ " : ""')
modified = vim.bindeval('&mod ? " +" : ""')
currenttag = vim.bindeval('tagbar#currenttag("%s", "")')
# The Syntastic segment is center aligned (filler segment on each side) to show off how the filler segments work
# Not necessarily how it's going to look in the final theme
vim.command('let g:syntastic_stl_format = "⮃ %E{ ERRORS (%e) ⭡ %fe }%W{ WARNINGS (%w) ⭡ %fw } ⮁"')
syntastic = vim.bindeval('SyntasticStatuslineFlag()')
powerline = Powerline([
Segment(mode, 22, 148, attr=Segment.ATTR_BOLD),
Segment(vim.bindeval('&paste ? "PASTE" : ""'), 231, 166, attr=Segment.ATTR_BOLD),
Segment(branch, 250, 240, priority=10),
Segment(readonly, 196, 240, draw_divider=False),
Segment(filepath[0], 250, 240, draw_divider=False, priority=5),
Segment(filepath[1], filename_color, 240, attr=Segment.ATTR_BOLD, draw_divider=not len(modified)),
Segment(modified, 220, 240, attr=Segment.ATTR_BOLD),
Segment(currenttag, 246, 236, draw_divider=False, priority=100),
Segment(filler=True, fg=236, bg=236),
Segment(syntastic, 214, 236, attr=Segment.ATTR_BOLD, draw_divider=False, priority=100),
Segment(filler=True, fg=236, bg=236),
Segment(vim.bindeval('&ff'), 247, 236, side='r', priority=50),
Segment(vim.bindeval('&fenc'), 247, 236, side='r', priority=50),
Segment(vim.bindeval('&ft'), 247, 236, side='r', priority=50),
Segment(str(line_percent).rjust(3) + '%', line_percent_color, 240, side='r', priority=30),
Segment('⭡ ', 239, 252, side='r'),
Segment(str(line_current).rjust(3), 235, 252, attr=Segment.ATTR_BOLD, side='r', draw_divider=False),
Segment(':' + str(col_current).ljust(2), 244, 252, side='r', priority=30, draw_divider=False),
renderer = VimSegmentRenderer()
stl = powerline.render(renderer, winwidth)
# Escape percent chars in the statusline, but only if they aren't part of any stl escape sequence
stl = re.sub('(\w+)\%(?![-{()<=#*%])', '\\1%%', stl)
# Create highlighting groups
for group, hl in renderer.hl_groups.items():
if int(vim.bindeval('hlexists("{0}")'.format(group))):
# Only create hl group if it doesn't already exist
vim.command('hi {group} ctermfg={ctermfg} guifg={guifg} guibg={guibg} ctermbg={ctermbg} cterm={attr} gui={attr}'.format(
guifg='#{0:06x}'.format(hl['guifg']) if hl['guifg'] != 'NONE' else 'NONE',
guibg='#{0:06x}'.format(hl['guibg']) if hl['guibg'] != 'NONE' else 'NONE',
return stl
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
" Powerline vim example
" Run with :source %
python import sys, vim, os
python sys.path.append(vim.eval('expand("<sfile>:h:h:h")'))
python from examples.vim.powerline import statusline
if exists('*pyeval')
let s:pyeval=function('pyeval')
python import json
function s:pyeval(e)
python vim.command('return ' + json.dumps(eval(vim.eval('a:e'))))
function! DynStl()
return s:pyeval('statusline()')
set stl=%!DynStl()
@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
" Powerline vim example
" Run with :source %
set stl=%!DynStl()
function! DynStl()
python <<EOF
import vim
import os
import re
import sys
from lib.core import Powerline, Segment
from lib.renderers import VimSegmentRenderer
winwidth = int(vim.eval('winwidth(0)'))
# Prepare segment contents
mode = {
'n': 'NORMAL',
'v': 'VISUAL',
'V': 'V·LINE',
'': 'V·BLCK',
's': 'SELECT',
'S': 'SELECT',
'': 'SELECT',
'i': 'INSERT',
'Rv': 'REPLACE',
branch = vim.eval('fugitive#head(5)')
line_current = int(vim.eval('line(".")'))
line_end = int(vim.eval('line("$")'))
line_percent = int(float(line_current) / float(line_end) * 100)
# Fun gradient colored percent segment
line_percent_gradient = [160, 166, 172, 178, 184, 190]
line_percent_color = line_percent_gradient[int((len(line_percent_gradient) - 1) * line_percent / 100)]
col_current = vim.eval('col(".")')
filepath = os.path.split(vim.eval('expand("%:~:.")'))
if filepath[0]:
filepath[0] += os.sep
powerline = Powerline([
Segment(mode, 22, 148, attr=Segment.ATTR_BOLD),
Segment('⭠ ' + branch, 250, 240, priority=10),
Segment(filepath[0], 250, 240, draw_divider=False, priority=5),
Segment(filepath[1], 231, 240, attr=Segment.ATTR_BOLD),
Segment(filler=True, fg=236, bg=236),
Segment(vim.eval('&ff'), 247, 236, side='r', priority=50),
Segment(vim.eval('&fenc'), 247, 236, side='r', priority=50),
Segment(vim.eval('&ft'), 247, 236, side='r', priority=50),
Segment(str(line_percent).rjust(3) + '%', line_percent_color, 240, side='r', priority=30),
Segment('⭡ ', 239, 252, side='r'),
Segment(str(line_current).rjust(3), 235, 252, attr=Segment.ATTR_BOLD, side='r', draw_divider=False),
Segment(':' + str(col_current).ljust(2), 244, 252, side='r', priority=30, draw_divider=False),
renderer = VimSegmentRenderer()
stl = powerline.render(renderer, winwidth)
# Escape percent chars in the statusline, but only if they aren't part of any stl escape sequence
stl = re.sub('(\w+)\%(?![-{()<=#*%])', '\\1%%', stl)
# Create highlighting groups
for group, hl in renderer.hl_groups.items():
if int(vim.eval('hlexists("{0}")'.format(group))):
# Only create hl group if it doesn't already exist
vim.command('hi {group} ctermfg={ctermfg} guifg={guifg} guibg={guibg} ctermbg={ctermbg} cterm={attr} gui={attr}'.format(
guifg='#{0:06x}'.format(hl['guifg']) if hl['guifg'] != 'NONE' else 'NONE',
guibg='#{0:06x}'.format(hl['guibg']) if hl['guibg'] != 'NONE' else 'NONE',
vim.command('return "{0}"'.format(stl))
Reference in New Issue