Merge pull request #807 from ZyX-I/improved-troubleshooting

Improved troubleshooting
This commit is contained in:
ZyX-I 2014-02-15 23:43:04 +03:00
commit 1faf118fa3
3 changed files with 67 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -99,20 +99,6 @@ My vim statusline is hidden/only appears in split windows!
* Make sure that you have ``set laststatus=2`` in your :file:`vimrc`.
I get E858/E860 error in vim (Eval did not return a valid python object)
* You need to make ``pyeval()`` display python stack trace. There is currently
a patch for this, but it was not merged into main vim tree, thus you will have
to use different approach: reproduce the error with
.. code-block:: sh
vim --cmd "let g:powerline_debugging_pyeval=1" ...
and then use the stack trace to search for existing issues or to create a new
My vim statusline is not displayed completely and has too much spaces

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@ -93,10 +93,12 @@ Installation
.. _vim-vimrc:
Vim statusline
If installed using pip just use
If installed using pip just add
.. code-block:: vim
@ -104,7 +106,7 @@ If installed using pip just use
python powerline_setup()
python del powerline_setup
(replace ``python`` with ``python3`` if appropriate).
(replace ``python`` with ``python3`` if appropriate) to your :file:`vimrc`.
If you just cloned the repository add the following line to your :file:`vimrc`,
where ``{repository_root}`` is the absolute path to your Powerline installation

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@ -3,39 +3,78 @@ if exists('g:powerline_loaded')
let g:powerline_loaded = 1
function! s:CriticalError(message)
echohl ErrorMsg
echomsg a:message
echohl None
if ! has('python') && ! has('python3')
if !has('python') && !has('python3')
if !exists('g:powerline_no_python_error')
call s:CriticalError('You need vim compiled with Python 2.6+ or 3.2+ support
\ for Powerline to work. Please consult the documentation for more details.')
echohl ErrorMsg
echomsg 'You need vim compiled with Python 2.6, 2.7 or 3.2 and later support'
echomsg 'for Powerline to work. Please consult the documentation for more'
echomsg 'details.'
echohl None
let s:pycmd = substitute(get(g:, 'powerline_pycmd', has('python') ? 'py' : 'py3'),
\'\v^(py)%[thon](3?)$', '\1\2', '')
let s:pycmd = substitute(get(g:, 'powerline_pycmd', has('python') ? 'py' : 'py3'), '\v^(py)%[thon](3?)$', '\1\2', '')
let s:pyeval = get(g:, 'powerline_pyeval', s:pycmd.'eval')
let s:import_cmd = 'from powerline.vim import setup as powerline_setup'
execute s:pycmd "try:\n"
\ ." ".s:import_cmd."\n"
\ ."except ImportError:\n"
\ ." import sys, vim\n"
\ ." sys.path.append(vim.eval('expand(\"<sfile>:h:h:h:h:h\")'))\n"
\ ." ".s:import_cmd
let s:pystr = "try:\n"
let s:pystr .= " ".s:import_cmd."\n"
let s:pystr .= "except ImportError:\n"
let s:pystr .= " import sys, vim\n"
let s:pystr .= " sys.path.append(vim.eval('expand(\"<sfile>:h:h:h:h:h\")'))\n"
let s:pystr .= " ".s:import_cmd."\n"
execute s:pycmd s:pystr
unlet s:pystr
let s:launched = 1
unlet s:import_cmd
if !exists('s:launched')
call s:CriticalError('An error occurred while importing the Powerline package.
\ This could be caused by an invalid sys.path setting, or by an incompatible
\ Python version (Powerline requires Python 2.6+ or 3.2+ to work). Please consult
\ the troubleshooting section in the documentation for possible solutions.')
echohl ErrorMsg
echomsg 'An error occurred while importing powerline package.'
echomsg 'This could be caused by invalid sys.path setting,'
echomsg 'or by an incompatible Python version (powerline requires'
echomsg 'Python 2.6, 2.7 or 3.2 and later to work). Please consult'
echomsg 'the troubleshooting section in the documentation for'
echomsg 'possible solutions.'
echohl None
let s:pystr = "def powerline_troubleshoot():\n"
let s:pystr .= " import sys\n"
let s:pystr .= " if sys.version_info < (2, 6):\n"
let s:pystr .= " print('Too old python version: ' + sys.version + ' (first supported is 2.6)')\n"
let s:pystr .= " elif sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[1] < 2:\n"
let s:pystr .= " print('Too old python 3 version: ' + sys.version + ' (first supported is 3.2)')\n"
let s:pystr .= " try:\n"
let s:pystr .= " import powerline\n"
let s:pystr .= " except ImportError:\n"
let s:pystr .= " print('Unable to import powerline, is it installed?')\n"
if expand('<sfile>')[:4] isnot# '/usr/'
let s:pystr .= " else:\n"
let s:pystr .= " import os\n"
let s:pystr .= " powerline_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(powerline.__file__))\n"
let s:pystr .= " this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(vim.eval('expand(\"<sfile>:p\")')))\n"
let s:pystr .= " this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(this_dir)))\n"
let s:pystr .= " if os.path.basename(this_dir) != 'powerline':\n"
let s:pystr .= " print('Check your installation:')\n"
let s:pystr .= " print('this script is not in powerline[/bindings/vim/plugin] directory,')\n"
let s:pystr .= " print('neither it is installed system-wide')\n"
let s:pystr .= " this_dir = os.path.dirname(this_dir)\n"
let s:pystr .= " real_powerline_dir = os.path.realpath(powerline_dir)\n"
let s:pystr .= " real_this_dir = os.path.realpath(this_dir)\n"
let s:pystr .= " if real_this_dir != sys.path[-1]:\n"
let s:pystr .= " print('Check your installation:')\n"
let s:pystr .= " print('this script is symlinked somewhere where powerline is not present.')\n"
let s:pystr .= " elif real_powerline_dir != real_this_dir:\n"
let s:pystr .= " print('It appears that you have two powerline versions installed:')\n"
let s:pystr .= " print('one in ' + real_powerline_dir + ', other in ' + real_this_dir + '.')\n"
let s:pystr .= " print('You should remove one of this. Check out troubleshooting section,')\n"
let s:pystr .= " print('it contains some information about the alternatives.')\n"
execute s:pycmd s:pystr
unlet s:pystr
unlet s:pycmd
unlet s:pyeval
unlet s:launched
@ -45,3 +84,6 @@ endtry
execute s:pycmd 'import vim'
execute s:pycmd 'powerline_setup(pyeval=vim.eval("s:pyeval"), pycmd=vim.eval("s:pycmd"))'
execute s:pycmd 'del powerline_setup'
unlet s:pycmd
unlet s:pyeval