Use CIE2000 to determine color distances, compute gradients in Lab

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ZyX 2014-07-06 10:17:14 +04:00
parent 7879142aeb
commit 2e5c66c2cc
1 changed files with 40 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ import json
from powerline.colorscheme import cterm_to_hex
from itertools import groupby
import argparse
from colormath.color_objects import sRGBColor, LabColor
from colormath.color_conversions import convert_color
from colormath.color_diff import delta_e_cie2000
from __builtin__ import unicode
@ -22,15 +25,20 @@ def num2(s):
return (False, [float(v) for v in s.partition(' ')[::2]])
def rgbint_to_rgb(rgbint):
return ((rgbint >> 16) & 0xFF, (rgbint >> 8) & 0xFF, rgbint & 0xFF)
def rgbint_to_lab(rgbint):
rgb = sRGBColor((rgbint >> 16) & 0xFF, (rgbint >> 8) & 0xFF, rgbint & 0xFF,
return convert_color(rgb, LabColor)
cterm_to_lab = tuple((rgbint_to_lab(v) for v in cterm_to_hex))
def color(s):
if len(s) <= 3:
return rgbint_to_rgb(cterm_to_hex[int(s)])
return cterm_to_lab[int(s)]
return rgbint_to_rgb(int(s, 16))
return rgbint_to_lab(int(s, 16))
def nums(s):
@ -53,34 +61,42 @@ def linear_gradient(start_value, stop_value, start_offset, stop_offset, offset):
return start_value + ((offset - start_offset) * (stop_value - start_value) / (stop_offset - start_offset))
def gradient(DATA):
def lab_gradient(slab, elab, soff, eoff, off):
svals = slab.get_value_tuple()
evals = elab.get_value_tuple()
return LabColor(*[linear_gradient(start_value, end_value, soff, eoff, off)
for start_value, end_value in zip(svals, evals)])
def generate_gradient_function(DATA):
def gradient_function(y):
initial_offset = 0
for offset, start, end in DATA:
if y <= offset:
return [linear_gradient(start[i], end[i], initial_offset, offset, y) for i in range(3)]
return lab_gradient(start, end, initial_offset, offset, y)
initial_offset = offset
return gradient_function
def get_rgb(*args):
return "%02x%02x%02x" % args
def get_upscaled_values(rgb):
return [min(max(0, i), 255) for i in rgb.get_upscaled_value_tuple()]
def col_distance(rgb1, rgb2):
return sum(((rgb1[i] - rgb2[i]) ** 2 for i in range(3)))
def get_rgb(lab):
rgb = convert_color(lab, sRGBColor)
rgb = sRGBColor(*get_upscaled_values(rgb), is_upscaled=True)
return rgb.get_rgb_hex()[1:]
def find_color(urgb, colors, ctrans):
cur_distance = 3 * (255 ** 2 + 1)
def find_color(ulab, colors, ctrans):
cur_distance = float('inf')
cur_color = None
i = 0
for crgbint in colors:
crgb = rgbint_to_rgb(crgbint)
dist = col_distance(urgb, crgb)
for clab in colors:
dist = delta_e_cie2000(ulab, clab)
if dist < cur_distance:
cur_distance = dist
cur_color = (ctrans(i), crgb)
cur_color = (ctrans(i), clab)
i += 1
return cur_color
@ -89,7 +105,8 @@ def print_color(color):
if type(color) is int:
colstr = '5;' + str(color)
colstr = '2;' + ';'.join((str(int(round(i))) for i in color))
rgb = convert_color(color, sRGBColor)
colstr = '2;' + ';'.join((str(i) for i in get_upscaled_values(rgb)))
sys.stdout.write('\033[48;' + colstr + 'm ')
@ -131,15 +148,15 @@ else:
steps = [i * step for i in range(1, maxweight + 1)]
data = [(weight, args.gradient[i - 1], args.gradient[i]) for weight, i in zip(steps, range(1, len(args.gradient)))]
gr_func = gradient(data)
gr_func = generate_gradient_function(data)
gradient = [gr_func(y) for y in range(0, m)]
palettes = {
'16': (cterm_to_hex[:16], lambda c: c),
'256': (cterm_to_hex, lambda c: c),
None: (cterm_to_hex[16:], lambda c: c + 16),
'16': (cterm_to_lab[:16], lambda c: c),
'256': (cterm_to_lab, lambda c: c),
None: (cterm_to_lab[16:], lambda c: c + 16),
r = [get_rgb(*col) for col in gradient]
r2 = [find_color(col, *palettes[args.palette])[0] for col in gradient]
r = [get_rgb(lab) for lab in gradient]
r2 = [find_color(lab, *palettes[args.palette])[0] for lab in gradient]
r3 = [i[0] for i in groupby(r2)]