Merge branch 'trailing-whitespace-warning' into develop

Closes #943
This commit is contained in:
ZyX 2014-08-02 18:42:10 +04:00
commit 6430877ec9
11 changed files with 229 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -325,13 +325,14 @@ Themes
A dict where keys are segment names or strings ``{module}.{name}``. Used to
specify default values for various keys:
:ref:`after <config-theme-seg-after>`,
:ref:`args <config-themes-seg-args>` (only for function segments),
:ref:`before <config-theme-seg-before>`,
:ref:`contents <config-theme-seg-contents>` (only for string segments
if :ref:`name <config-themes-seg-name>` is defined),
:ref:`args <config-themes-seg-args>` (only for function segments). When
using :ref:`local themes <config-ext-local_themes>` values of these keys are
first searched in the segment description, then in ``segment_data`` key of
a local theme, then in ``segment_data`` key of a :ref:`default theme
:ref:`display <config-theme-seg-display`.
When using :ref:`local themes <config-ext-local_themes>` values of these
keys are first searched in the segment description, then in ``segment_data``
key of a local theme, then in ``segment_data`` key of a :ref:`default theme
<config-ext-theme>`. For the :ref:`default theme <config-ext-theme>` itself
step 2 is obviously avoided.
@ -455,6 +456,12 @@ Themes
A list of modes where this segment will be included: The segment is
*not* included in any modes, *except* for the modes in this list.
.. _config-themes-seg-display:
Boolean. If false disables displaying of the segment.
Defaults to ``True``.

View File

@ -159,4 +159,31 @@ def powerline_vim_strtrans_error(e):
codecs.register_error('powerline_vim_strtrans_error', powerline_vim_strtrans_error)
did_autocmd = False
buffer_caches = []
def register_buffer_cache(cachedict):
global did_autocmd
global buffer_caches
from powerline.vim import get_default_pycmd, pycmd
if not did_autocmd:
import __main__
__main__.powerline_on_bwipe = on_bwipe
vim.command('augroup Powerline')
vim.command(' autocmd! BufWipeout * :{pycmd} powerline_on_bwipe()'.format(
pycmd=(pycmd or get_default_pycmd())))
vim.command('augroup END')
did_autocmd = True
return cachedict
def on_bwipe():
global buffer_caches
bufnr = int(vim.eval('expand("<abuf>")'))
for cachedict in buffer_caches:
cachedict.pop(bufnr, None)
environ = VimEnviron()

View File

@ -58,6 +58,12 @@
"name": "modified_indicator",
"before": " "
"exclude_modes": ["i", "R", "Rv"],
"name": "trailing_whitespace",
"display": false,
"priority": 60
"exclude_modes": ["nc"],
"module": "powerline.segments.plugin.syntastic",

View File

@ -668,17 +668,25 @@ shell_colorscheme_spec = (Spec(
).context_message('Error while loading shell colorscheme'))
generic_keys = set(('exclude_modes', 'include_modes', 'width', 'align', 'name', 'draw_soft_divider', 'draw_hard_divider', 'priority', 'after', 'before'))
generic_keys = set((
'exclude_modes', 'include_modes',
'width', 'align',
'draw_soft_divider', 'draw_hard_divider',
'after', 'before',
type_keys = {
'function': set(('args', 'module', 'draw_inner_divider')),
'string': set(('contents', 'type', 'highlight_group', 'divider_highlight_group')),
'filler': set(('type', 'highlight_group', 'divider_highlight_group')),
'function': set(('args', 'module', 'draw_inner_divider')),
'string': set(('contents', 'type', 'highlight_group', 'divider_highlight_group')),
'filler': set(('type', 'highlight_group', 'divider_highlight_group')),
required_keys = {
'function': set(),
'string': set(('contents',)),
'filler': set(),
'function': set(),
'string': set(('contents',)),
'filler': set(),
function_keys = set(('args', 'module'))
highlight_keys = set(('highlight_group', 'name'))
@ -1071,6 +1079,7 @@ segments_spec = Spec().optional().list(
priority=Spec().type(int, float, type(None)).optional(),
@ -1101,6 +1110,7 @@ theme_spec = (Spec(
args=args_spec().func(lambda *args, **kwargs: check_args(get_all_possible_segments, *args, **kwargs)),

View File

@ -82,6 +82,9 @@ def gen_segment_getter(pl, ext, common_config, theme_configs, default_module=Non
pl.exception('Failed to generate segment from {0!r}: {1}', segment, str(e), prefix='segment_generator')
return None
if not get_key(segment, module, 'display', True):
return None
if segment_type == 'function':
highlight_group = [module + '.' + segment['name'], segment['name']]

View File

@ -8,8 +8,14 @@ try:
except ImportError:
vim = {} # NOQA
from __builtin__ import xrange as range
except ImportError:
from powerline.bindings.vim import (vim_get_func, getbufvar, vim_getbufoption,
buffer_name, vim_getwinvar)
buffer_name, vim_getwinvar,
from powerline.theme import requires_segment_info, requires_filesystem_watcher
from powerline.lib import add_divider_highlight_group
from powerline.lib.vcs import guess, tree_status
@ -17,6 +23,7 @@ from powerline.lib.humanize_bytes import humanize_bytes
from powerline.lib import wraps_saveargs as wraps
from collections import defaultdict
vim_funcs = {
'virtcol': vim_get_func('virtcol', rettype=int),
'getpos': vim_get_func('getpos'),
@ -420,3 +427,55 @@ def file_vcs_status(pl, segment_info, create_watcher):
'highlight_group': ['file_vcs_status_' + status, 'file_vcs_status'],
return ret
trailing_whitespace_cache = None
def trailing_whitespace(pl, segment_info):
'''Return the line number for trailing whitespaces
It is advised not to use this segment in insert mode: in Insert mode it will
iterate over all lines in buffer each time you happen to type a character
which may cause lags. It will also show you whitespace warning each time you
happen to type space.
Highlight groups used: ``trailing_whitespace`` or ``warning``.
global trailing_whitespace_cache
if trailing_whitespace_cache is None:
trailing_whitespace_cache = register_buffer_cache(defaultdict(lambda: (0, None)))
bufnr = segment_info['bufnr']
changedtick = getbufvar(bufnr, 'changedtick')
if trailing_whitespace_cache[bufnr][0] == changedtick:
return trailing_whitespace_cache[bufnr][1]
buf = segment_info['buffer']
bws = b' \t'
sws = str(bws)
for i in range(len(buf)):
line = buf[i]
except UnicodeDecodeError: # May happen in Python 3
if hasattr(vim, 'bindeval'):
line = vim.bindeval('getbufline({0}, {1})'.format(
bufnr, i + 1))
has_trailing_ws = (line[-1] in bws)
line = vim.eval('strtrans(getbufline({0}, {1}))'.format(
bufnr, i + 1))
has_trailing_ws = (line[-1] in bws)
has_trailing_ws = (line and line[-1] in sws)
if has_trailing_ws:
if has_trailing_ws:
ret = [{
'contents': str(i + 1),
'highlight_group': ['trailing_whitespace', 'warning'],
ret = None
trailing_whitespace_cache[bufnr] = (changedtick, ret)
return ret

View File

@ -49,14 +49,15 @@ class Theme(object):
for side in ['left', 'right']:
for segment in segdict.get(side, []):
segment = get_segment(segment, side)
if not run_once:
if segment['startup']:
segment['startup'](pl, shutdown_event)
except Exception as e:
pl.error('Exception during {0} startup: {1}', segment['name'], str(e))
if segment:
if not run_once:
if segment['startup']:
segment['startup'](pl, shutdown_event)
except Exception as e:
pl.error('Exception during {0} startup: {1}', segment['name'], str(e))
def shutdown(self):
for line in self.segments:

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
from powerline.bindings.vim import vim_get_func, vim_getvar
from powerline import Powerline
from powerline.lib import mergedicts
@ -155,14 +156,27 @@ class VimPowerline(Powerline):
pycmd = None
def set_pycmd(new_pycmd):
global pycmd
pycmd = new_pycmd
def get_default_pycmd():
return 'python' if sys.version_info < (3,) else 'python3'
def setup(pyeval=None, pycmd=None, can_replace_pyeval=True):
import sys
import __main__
if not pyeval:
pyeval = 'pyeval' if sys.version_info < (3,) else 'py3eval'
can_replace_pyeval = True
if not pycmd:
pycmd = 'python' if sys.version_info < (3,) else 'python3'
pycmd = get_default_pycmd()
# pyeval() and vim.bindeval were both introduced in one patch
if not hasattr(vim, 'bindeval') and can_replace_pyeval:

View File

@ -171,6 +171,16 @@ class TestLines(TestRender):
], width=10)
class TestSegments(TestRender):
def test_display(self, p):
with replace_item(globals(), 'config', deepcopy(config)):
config['themes/test/default']['segments']['left'][0]['display'] = False
config['themes/test/default']['segments']['left'][1]['display'] = True
config['themes/test/default']['segments']['right'][0]['display'] = False
self.assertRenderEqual(p, '{344} g{4-}>>{--}')
class TestColorschemesHierarchy(TestRender):
def test_group_redirects(self, p):

View File

@ -757,6 +757,26 @@ class TestVim(TestCase):
with replace_attr(vim, 'guess', get_dummy_guess(status=lambda file: 'M')):
self.assertEqual(file_vcs_status(segment_info=segment_info), None)
def test_trailing_whitespace(self):
pl = Pl()
with vim_module._with('buffer', 'tws') as segment_info:
trailing_whitespace = partial(vim.trailing_whitespace, pl=pl, segment_info=segment_info)
self.assertEqual(trailing_whitespace(), None)
self.assertEqual(trailing_whitespace(), None)
vim_module.current.buffer[0] = ' '
self.assertEqual(trailing_whitespace(), [{
'highlight_group': ['trailing_whitespace', 'warning'],
'contents': '1',
self.assertEqual(trailing_whitespace(), [{
'highlight_group': ['trailing_whitespace', 'warning'],
'contents': '1',
vim_module.current.buffer[0] = ''
self.assertEqual(trailing_whitespace(), None)
self.assertEqual(trailing_whitespace(), None)
old_cwd = None

View File

@ -167,8 +167,14 @@ def _log_print():
sys.stdout.write(repr(entry) + '\n')
_current_group = None
_on_wipeout = []
def command(cmd):
global _current_group
cmd = cmd.lstrip()
if cmd.startswith('let g:'):
import re
varname, value = re.compile(r'^let g:(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)').match(cmd).groups()
@ -179,6 +185,26 @@ def command(cmd):
elif cmd.startswith('function! Powerline_plugin_ctrlp'):
# Ignore CtrlP updating functions
elif cmd.startswith('augroup'):
augroup = cmd.partition(' ')[2]
if augroup.upper() == 'END':
_current_group = None
_current_group = augroup
elif cmd.startswith('autocmd'):
rest = cmd.partition(' ')[2]
auevent, rest = rest.partition(' ')[::2]
pattern, aucmd = rest.partition(' ')[::2]
if auevent != 'BufWipeout' or pattern != '*':
raise NotImplementedError
import sys
if sys.version_info < (3,):
if not aucmd.startswith(':python '):
raise NotImplementedError
if not aucmd.startswith(':python3 '):
raise NotImplementedError
_on_wipeout.append(aucmd.partition(' ')[2])
raise NotImplementedError
@ -314,8 +340,9 @@ def _emul_fnamemodify(path, modstring):
def _emul_expand(expr):
global _abuf
if expr == '<abuf>':
return _buffer()
return _abuf or _buffer()
raise NotImplementedError
@ -398,6 +425,7 @@ class _Window(object):
_buf_lines = {}
_undostate = {}
_undo_written = {}
_abuf = None
class _Buffer(object):
@ -408,7 +436,7 @@ class _Buffer(object):
self.number = bufnr
# FIXME Use unicode() for python-3 = name
self.vars = {}
self.vars = {'changedtick': 1}
self.options = {
'modified': 0,
'readonly': 0,
@ -447,12 +475,14 @@ class _Buffer(object):
def __setitem__(self, line, value):
self.options['modified'] = 1
self.vars['changedtick'] += 1
_buf_lines[self.number][line] = value
from copy import copy
def __setslice__(self, *args):
self.options['modified'] = 1
self.vars['changedtick'] += 1
from copy import copy
@ -467,7 +497,23 @@ class _Buffer(object):
return '<buffer ' + str( + '>'
def __del__(self):
global _abuf
bufnr = self.number
import __main__
except ImportError:
except RuntimeError:
# Module may have already been garbage-collected
if _on_wipeout:
_abuf = bufnr
for event in _on_wipeout:
exec(event, __main__.__dict__)
_abuf = None
if _buf_lines:
if _undostate: