Make vim example work with split and inactive windows
This commit introduces a bunch of changes. Most importantly, it ensures that split windows and inactive windows work as expected. This is accomplished with some clever workarounds for vim's statusline limitations. Vim statuslines evaluated using the %! statusline item are always evaluated in the buffer context and not in the statusline's owner window's context, and this made the previous implementation show the same statusline for all windows. The only way to ensure that the correct statusline is rendered to the correct window is to walk through all windows, and setting the statuslines with a reference to the current window number every time the current window is changed. This is accomplished by a set of BufEnter, BufLeave, etc. autocommands. The Syntastic segment has been temporarily removed due to errors when referencing the statusline function before Syntastic has been loaded.
This commit is contained in:
@ -70,87 +70,103 @@ vim_funcs = {
'col': get_vim_func('col', rettype=int),
'expand': get_vim_func('expand'),
'tbcurtag': get_vim_func('tagbar#currenttag'),
'sstlflag': get_vim_func('SyntasticStatuslineFlag'),
'hlexists': get_vim_func('hlexists', rettype=int),
getwinvar = get_vim_func('getwinvar')
setwinvar = get_vim_func('setwinvar')
def statusline():
winwidth = vim_funcs['winwidth'](0)
# Prepare segment contents
def statusline(winnr):
winwidth = vim_funcs['winwidth'](winnr)
current = getwinvar(winnr, 'current')
windata = getwinvar(winnr, 'powerline')
if current:
# Recreate segment data for each redraw if we're in the current window
line_current = vim_funcs['line']('.')
line_end = vim_funcs['line']('$')
line_percent = line_current * 100 // line_end
branch = vim_funcs['fghead'](5)
except vim.error:
vim_funcs['fghead'] = None
branch = ''
except TypeError:
branch = ''
if branch:
branch = '⭠ ' + branch
# Fun gradient colored percent segment
line_percent_gradient = [160, 166, 172, 178, 184, 190]
line_percent_color = line_percent_gradient[int((len(line_percent_gradient) - 1) * line_percent / 100)]
col_current = vim_funcs['col']('.')
filepath, filename = os.path.split(vim_funcs['expand']('%:~:.'))
filename_color = 231
if filepath:
filepath += os.sep
if not filename:
filename = '[No Name]'
filename_color = 250
readonly = vim.eval('&ro ? "⭤ " : ""')
modified = vim.eval('&mod ? " +" : ""')
currenttag = vim_funcs['tbcurtag']('%s', '')
except vim.error:
vim_funcs['tbcurtag'] = None
currenttag = ''
except TypeError:
currenttag = ''
windata = {
'paste': vim.eval('&paste ? "PASTE" : ""'),
'branch': branch,
'readonly': readonly,
'filepath': filepath,
'filename': filename,
'filename_color': filename_color,
'modified': modified,
'currenttag': currenttag,
'fileformat': vim.eval('&ff'),
'fileencoding': vim.eval('&fenc'),
'filetype': vim.eval('&ft'),
'line_percent': str(line_percent).rjust(3) + '%',
'line_percent_color': line_percent_color,
'linecurrent': str(line_current).rjust(3),
'colcurrent': ':' + str(col_current).ljust(2),
setwinvar(winnr, 'powerline', windata)
mode = modes[vim_funcs['mode']()]
branch = vim_funcs['fghead'](5)
except vim.error:
vim_funcs['fghead'] = None
branch = ''
except TypeError:
branch = ''
if branch:
branch = '⭠ ' + branch
line_current = vim_funcs['line']('.')
line_end = vim_funcs['line']('$')
line_percent = line_current * 100 // line_end
# Fun gradient colored percent segment
line_percent_gradient = [160, 166, 172, 178, 184, 190]
line_percent_color = line_percent_gradient[int((len(line_percent_gradient) - 1) * line_percent / 100)]
col_current = vim_funcs['col']('.')
filepath, filename = os.path.split(vim_funcs['expand']('%:~:.'))
filename_color = 231
if filepath:
filepath += os.sep
if not filename:
filename = '[No Name]'
filename_color = 250
readonly = vim.eval('&ro ? "⭤ " : ""')
modified = vim.eval('&mod ? " +" : ""')
currenttag = vim_funcs['tbcurtag']('%s', '')
except vim.error:
vim_funcs['tbcurtag'] = None
currenttag = ''
except TypeError:
currenttag = ''
# The Syntastic segment is center aligned (filler segment on each side) to show off how the filler segments work
# Not necessarily how it's going to look in the final theme
set_global_var('syntastic_stl_format', '⮃ %E{ ERRORS (%e) ⭡ %fe }%W{ WARNINGS (%w) ⭡ %fw } ⮁')
syntastic = vim_funcs['sstlflag']()
except vim.error:
vim_funcs['sstlflag'] = None
syntastic = ''
except TypeError:
syntastic = ''
if not current:
mode = None
powerline = Powerline([
Segment(mode, 22, 148, attr=Segment.ATTR_BOLD),
Segment(vim.eval('&paste ? "PASTE" : ""'), 231, 166, attr=Segment.ATTR_BOLD),
Segment(branch, 250, 240, priority=10),
Segment(readonly, 196, 240, draw_divider=False),
Segment(filepath, 250, 240, draw_divider=False, priority=5),
Segment(filename, filename_color, 240, attr=Segment.ATTR_BOLD, draw_divider=not len(modified)),
Segment(modified, 220, 240, attr=Segment.ATTR_BOLD),
Segment(currenttag, 246, 236, draw_divider=False, priority=100),
Segment(windata['paste'], 231, 166, attr=Segment.ATTR_BOLD),
Segment(windata['branch'], 250, 240, priority=10),
Segment(windata['readonly'], 196, 240, draw_divider=False),
Segment(windata['filepath'], 250, 240, draw_divider=False, priority=5),
Segment(windata['filename'], windata['filename_color'], 240, attr=Segment.ATTR_BOLD, draw_divider=not len(windata['modified'])),
Segment(windata['modified'], 220, 240, attr=Segment.ATTR_BOLD),
Segment(windata['currenttag'], 246, 236, draw_divider=False, priority=100),
Segment(filler=True, fg=236, bg=236),
Segment(syntastic, 214, 236, attr=Segment.ATTR_BOLD, draw_divider=False, priority=100),
Segment(filler=True, fg=236, bg=236),
Segment(vim.eval('&ff'), 247, 236, side='r', priority=50),
Segment(vim.eval('&fenc'), 247, 236, side='r', priority=50),
Segment(vim.eval('&ft'), 247, 236, side='r', priority=50),
Segment(str(line_percent).rjust(3) + '%', line_percent_color, 240, side='r', priority=30),
Segment(windata['fileformat'], 247, 236, side='r', priority=50),
Segment(windata['fileencoding'], 247, 236, side='r', priority=50),
Segment(windata['filetype'], 247, 236, side='r', priority=50),
Segment(windata['line_percent'], windata['line_percent_color'], 240, side='r', priority=30),
Segment('⭡ ', 239, 252, side='r'),
Segment(str(line_current).rjust(3), 235, 252, attr=Segment.ATTR_BOLD, side='r', draw_divider=False),
Segment(':' + str(col_current).ljust(2), 244, 252, side='r', priority=30, draw_divider=False),
Segment(windata['linecurrent'], 235, 252, attr=Segment.ATTR_BOLD, side='r', draw_divider=False),
Segment(windata['colcurrent'], 244, 252, side='r', priority=30, draw_divider=False),
renderer = VimSegmentRenderer()
@ -176,6 +192,4 @@ def statusline():
return stl
# vim: ft=python ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 noet
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ python sys.path.append(vim.eval('expand("<sfile>:h:h:h")'))
python from examples.vim.powerline import statusline
if exists('*pyeval')
let s:pyeval=function('pyeval')
let s:pyeval = function('pyeval')
python import json
function! s:pyeval(e)
@ -14,8 +14,20 @@ else
function! DynStl()
return s:pyeval('statusline()')
function! Powerline(winnr)
return s:pyeval('statusline('. a:winnr .')')
set stl=%!DynStl()
function! s:WinDoPowerline()
if ! exists('w:powerline')
let w:powerline = {}
let &l:stl = '%!Powerline('. winnr() .')'
augroup Powerline
autocmd BufEnter,BufWinEnter,WinEnter * let w:current = 1 | let currwin = winnr() | windo call s:WinDoPowerline() | exec currwin . 'wincmd w'
autocmd BufLeave,BufWinLeave,WinLeave * let w:current = 0
augroup END
Reference in New Issue