Get rid of double quotes where possible
This commits replaces them either with Unicode quotes (“”) or single equivalents.
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ def read_to_log(pl, client):
while True:
start_time = monotonic()
s = powerline.render(side='right')
request = "powerline_widget:set_markup('" + s.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace("'", "\\'") + "')\n"
request = 'powerline_widget:set_markup(\'' + s.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('\'', '\\\'') + '\')\n'
client = Popen(['awesome-client'], shell=False, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE)
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ _powerline_init_tmux_support() {
# TMUX variable may be unset to create new tmux session inside this one
trap "_powerline_tmux_set_columns" WINCH
trap '_powerline_tmux_set_columns' WINCH
test "x$PROMPT_COMMAND" != "x${PROMPT_COMMAND/_powerline_tmux_set_pwd}" ||
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from powerline import Powerline as PowerlineCore
class Powerline(base._TextBox):
def __init__(self, timeout=2, text=" ", width=bar.CALCULATED, **config):
def __init__(self, timeout=2, text=' ', width=bar.CALCULATED, **config):
base._TextBox.__init__(self, text, width, **config)
self.timeout_add(timeout, self.update)
self.powerline = PowerlineCore(ext='wm', renderer_module='pango_markup')
@ -61,24 +61,24 @@ function s:rcmd(s)
let s:can_replace_pyeval = !exists('g:powerline_pyeval')
call s:rcmd("try:")
call s:rcmd(" powerline_appended_path = None")
call s:rcmd(" try:")
call s:rcmd(" ".s:import_cmd."")
call s:rcmd(" except ImportError:")
call s:rcmd(" import sys, vim")
call s:rcmd(" powerline_appended_path = vim.eval('expand(\"<sfile>:h:h:h:h:h\")')")
call s:rcmd(" sys.path.append(powerline_appended_path)")
call s:rcmd(" ".s:import_cmd."")
call s:rcmd(" import vim")
call s:rcmd(" powerline_instance = VimPowerline()")
call s:rcmd(" powerline_instance.setup(pyeval=vim.eval('s:pyeval'), pycmd=vim.eval('s:pycmd'), can_replace_pyeval=int(vim.eval('s:can_replace_pyeval')))")
call s:rcmd(" del VimPowerline")
call s:rcmd(" del powerline_instance")
call s:rcmd("except Exception:")
call s:rcmd(" import traceback, sys")
call s:rcmd(" traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)")
call s:rcmd(" raise")
call s:rcmd('try:')
call s:rcmd(' powerline_appended_path = None')
call s:rcmd(' try:')
call s:rcmd(' '.s:import_cmd.'')
call s:rcmd(' except ImportError:')
call s:rcmd(' import sys, vim')
call s:rcmd(' powerline_appended_path = vim.eval("expand(\"<sfile>:h:h:h:h:h\")")')
call s:rcmd(' sys.path.append(powerline_appended_path)')
call s:rcmd(' '.s:import_cmd.'')
call s:rcmd(' import vim')
call s:rcmd(' powerline_instance = VimPowerline()')
call s:rcmd(' powerline_instance.setup(pyeval=vim.eval("s:pyeval"), pycmd=vim.eval("s:pycmd"), can_replace_pyeval=int(vim.eval("s:can_replace_pyeval")))')
call s:rcmd(' del VimPowerline')
call s:rcmd(' del powerline_instance')
call s:rcmd('except Exception:')
call s:rcmd(' import traceback, sys')
call s:rcmd(' traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)')
call s:rcmd(' raise')
execute s:pycmd s:pystr
unlet s:pystr
let s:launched = 1
@ -99,61 +99,61 @@ finally
echomsg 'should set g:powerline_pycmd to "py3" to make it load correctly.'
echohl None
call s:rcmd("def powerline_troubleshoot():")
call s:rcmd(" import sys")
call s:rcmd(" import vim")
call s:rcmd(" if sys.version_info < (2, 6):")
call s:rcmd(" print('Too old python version: ' + sys.version + ' (first supported is 2.6)')")
call s:rcmd(" elif sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[1] < 2:")
call s:rcmd(" print('Too old python 3 version: ' + sys.version + ' (first supported is 3.2)')")
call s:rcmd(" try:")
call s:rcmd(" import powerline")
call s:rcmd(" except ImportError:")
call s:rcmd(" print('Unable to import powerline, is it installed?')")
call s:rcmd(" else:")
call s:rcmd(" if not vim.eval('expand(\"<sfile>\")').startswith('/usr/'):")
call s:rcmd(" import os")
call s:rcmd(" powerline_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.normpath(powerline.__file__))")
call s:rcmd(" powerline_dir = os.path.dirname(powerline.__file__)")
call s:rcmd(" this_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.normpath(vim.eval('expand(\"<sfile>:p\")')))")
call s:rcmd(" this_dir = os.path.dirname(this_dir)") " powerline/bindings/vim/plugin
call s:rcmd(" this_dir = os.path.dirname(this_dir)") " powerline/bindings/vim
call s:rcmd(" this_dir = os.path.dirname(this_dir)") " powerline/bindings
call s:rcmd(" this_dir = os.path.dirname(this_dir)") " powerline
call s:rcmd(" if os.path.basename(this_dir) != 'powerline':")
call s:rcmd(" print('Check your installation:')")
call s:rcmd(" print('this script is not in powerline[/bindings/vim/plugin] directory,')")
call s:rcmd(" print('neither it is installed system-wide')")
call s:rcmd(" real_powerline_dir = os.path.realpath(powerline_dir)")
call s:rcmd(" real_this_dir = os.path.realpath(this_dir)")
call s:rcmd(" this_dir_par = os.path.dirname(real_this_dir)")
call s:rcmd(" powerline_appended_path = globals().get('powerline_appended_path')")
call s:rcmd(" if powerline_appended_path is not None and this_dir_par != powerline_appended_path:")
call s:rcmd(" print('Check your installation: this script is symlinked somewhere')")
call s:rcmd(" print('where powerline is not present: {0!r} != {1!r}.'.format(")
call s:rcmd(" real_this_dir, powerline_appended_path))")
call s:rcmd(" elif real_powerline_dir != real_this_dir:")
call s:rcmd(" print('It appears that you have two powerline versions installed:')")
call s:rcmd(" print('one in ' + real_powerline_dir + ', other in ' + real_this_dir + '.')")
call s:rcmd(" print('You should remove one of this. Check out troubleshooting section,')")
call s:rcmd(" print('it contains some information about the alternatives.')")
call s:rcmd(" try:")
call s:rcmd(" from powerline.lint import check")
call s:rcmd(" except ImportError:")
call s:rcmd(" print('Failed to import powerline.lint.check, cannot run powerline-lint')")
call s:rcmd(" else:")
call s:rcmd(" try:")
call s:rcmd(" paths = powerline_instance.get_config_paths()")
call s:rcmd(" except NameError:")
call s:rcmd(" pass")
call s:rcmd(" else:")
call s:rcmd(" from powerline.lint.markedjson.error import echoerr")
call s:rcmd(" ee = lambda *args, **kwargs: echoerr(*args, stream=sys.stdout, **kwargs)")
call s:rcmd(" check(paths=paths, echoerr=ee, require_ext='vim')")
call s:rcmd("try:")
call s:rcmd(" powerline_troubleshoot()")
call s:rcmd("finally:")
call s:rcmd(" del powerline_troubleshoot")
call s:rcmd('def powerline_troubleshoot():')
call s:rcmd(' import sys')
call s:rcmd(' import vim')
call s:rcmd(' if sys.version_info < (2, 6):')
call s:rcmd(' print("Too old python version: " + sys.version + " (first supported is 2.6)")')
call s:rcmd(' elif sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[1] < 2:')
call s:rcmd(' print("Too old python 3 version: " + sys.version + " (first supported is 3.2)")')
call s:rcmd(' try:')
call s:rcmd(' import powerline')
call s:rcmd(' except ImportError:')
call s:rcmd(' print("Unable to import powerline, is it installed?")')
call s:rcmd(' else:')
call s:rcmd(' if not vim.eval(''expand("<sfile>")'').startswith("/usr/"):')
call s:rcmd(' import os')
call s:rcmd(' powerline_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.normpath(powerline.__file__))')
call s:rcmd(' powerline_dir = os.path.dirname(powerline.__file__)')
call s:rcmd(' this_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.normpath(vim.eval(''expand("<sfile>:p")'')))')
call s:rcmd(' this_dir = os.path.dirname(this_dir)') " powerline/bindings/vim/plugin
call s:rcmd(' this_dir = os.path.dirname(this_dir)') " powerline/bindings/vim
call s:rcmd(' this_dir = os.path.dirname(this_dir)') " powerline/bindings
call s:rcmd(' this_dir = os.path.dirname(this_dir)') " powerline
call s:rcmd(' if os.path.basename(this_dir) != "powerline":')
call s:rcmd(' print("Check your installation:")')
call s:rcmd(' print("this script is not in powerline[/bindings/vim/plugin] directory,")')
call s:rcmd(' print("neither it is installed system-wide")')
call s:rcmd(' real_powerline_dir = os.path.realpath(powerline_dir)')
call s:rcmd(' real_this_dir = os.path.realpath(this_dir)')
call s:rcmd(' this_dir_par = os.path.dirname(real_this_dir)')
call s:rcmd(' powerline_appended_path = globals().get("powerline_appended_path")')
call s:rcmd(' if powerline_appended_path is not None and this_dir_par != powerline_appended_path:')
call s:rcmd(' print("Check your installation: this script is symlinked somewhere")')
call s:rcmd(' print("where powerline is not present: {0!r} != {1!r}.".format(')
call s:rcmd(' real_this_dir, powerline_appended_path))')
call s:rcmd(' elif real_powerline_dir != real_this_dir:')
call s:rcmd(' print("It appears that you have two powerline versions installed:")')
call s:rcmd(' print("one in " + real_powerline_dir + ", other in " + real_this_dir + ".")')
call s:rcmd(' print("You should remove one of this. Check out troubleshooting section,")')
call s:rcmd(' print("it contains some information about the alternatives.")')
call s:rcmd(' try:')
call s:rcmd(' from powerline.lint import check')
call s:rcmd(' except ImportError:')
call s:rcmd(' print("Failed to import powerline.lint.check, cannot run powerline-lint")')
call s:rcmd(' else:')
call s:rcmd(' try:')
call s:rcmd(' paths = powerline_instance.get_config_paths()')
call s:rcmd(' except NameError:')
call s:rcmd(' pass')
call s:rcmd(' else:')
call s:rcmd(' from powerline.lint.markedjson.error import echoerr')
call s:rcmd(' ee = lambda *args, **kwargs: echoerr(*args, stream=sys.stdout, **kwargs)')
call s:rcmd(' check(paths=paths, echoerr=ee, require_ext="vim")')
call s:rcmd('try:')
call s:rcmd(' powerline_troubleshoot()')
call s:rcmd('finally:')
call s:rcmd(' del powerline_troubleshoot')
execute s:pycmd s:pystr
unlet s:pystr
unlet s:pycmd
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ _powerline_init_tmux_support() {
chpwd_functions+=( _powerline_tmux_set_pwd )
trap "_powerline_tmux_set_columns" SIGWINCH
trap '_powerline_tmux_set_columns' SIGWINCH
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ _powerline_setup_prompt() {
emulate -L zsh
for f in "${precmd_functions[@]}"; do
if [[ "$f" = "_powerline_set_jobnum" ]]; then
if [[ "$f" = '_powerline_set_jobnum' ]]; then
@ -24,25 +24,25 @@ def print_cycles(objects, outstream=sys.stdout, show_progress=False):
def print_path(path):
for i, step in enumerate(path):
# next "wraps around"
# next “wraps around”
next = path[(i + 1) % len(path)]
outstream.write(" %s -- " % str(type(step)))
outstream.write(' %s -- ' % str(type(step)))
written = False
if isinstance(step, dict):
for key, val in step.items():
if val is next:
outstream.write("[%s]" % repr(key))
outstream.write('[%s]' % repr(key))
written = True
if key is next:
outstream.write("[key] = %s" % repr(val))
outstream.write('[key] = %s' % repr(val))
written = True
elif isinstance(step, (list, tuple)):
for i, item in enumerate(step):
if item is next:
outstream.write("[%d]" % i)
outstream.write('[%d]' % i)
written = True
elif getattr(type(step), '__getattribute__', None) in (object.__getattribute__, type.__getattribute__):
for attr in chain(dir(step), getattr(step, '__dict__', ())):
@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ def print_cycles(objects, outstream=sys.stdout, show_progress=False):
if not written:
outstream.write(" ->\n")
outstream.write(' ->\n')
def recurse(obj, start, all, current_path):
if show_progress:
outstream.write("%d\r" % len(all))
outstream.write('%d\r' % len(all))
all[id(obj)] = None
@ -41,27 +41,27 @@ def load_inotify():
if not name:
raise INotifyError('Cannot find C library')
libc = ctypes.CDLL(name, use_errno=True)
for function in ("inotify_add_watch", "inotify_init1", "inotify_rm_watch"):
for function in ('inotify_add_watch', 'inotify_init1', 'inotify_rm_watch'):
if not hasattr(libc, function):
raise INotifyError('libc is too old')
# inotify_init1()
prototype = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, use_errno=True)
init1 = prototype(('inotify_init1', libc), ((1, "flags", 0),))
init1 = prototype(('inotify_init1', libc), ((1, 'flags', 0),))
# inotify_add_watch()
prototype = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_uint32, use_errno=True)
add_watch = prototype(('inotify_add_watch', libc), (
(1, "fd"), (1, "pathname"), (1, "mask")))
(1, 'fd'), (1, 'pathname'), (1, 'mask')))
# inotify_rm_watch()
prototype = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, use_errno=True)
rm_watch = prototype(('inotify_rm_watch', libc), (
(1, "fd"), (1, "wd")))
(1, 'fd'), (1, 'wd')))
# read()
prototype = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_ssize_t, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_size_t, use_errno=True)
read = prototype(('read', libc), (
(1, "fd"), (1, "buf"), (1, "count")))
(1, 'fd'), (1, 'buf'), (1, 'count')))
_inotify = (init1, add_watch, rm_watch, read)
return _inotify
@ -66,15 +66,14 @@ except ImportError:
# shutil.which was added in python-3.3. Here is what was added:
# Lib/, commit 5abe28a9c8fe701ba19b1db5190863384e96c798
def which(cmd, mode=os.F_OK | os.X_OK, path=None):
"""Given a command, mode, and a PATH string, return the path which
conforms to the given mode on the PATH, or None if there is no such
'''Given a command, mode, and a PATH string, return the path which
conforms to the given mode on the PATH, or None if there is no such
`mode` defaults to os.F_OK | os.X_OK. `path` defaults to the result
of os.environ.get("PATH"), or can be overridden with a custom search
``mode`` defaults to os.F_OK | os.X_OK. ``path`` defaults to the result
of ``os.environ.get('PATH')``, or can be overridden with a custom search
# Check that a given file can be accessed with the correct mode.
# Additionally check that `file` is not a directory, as on Windows
# directories pass the os.access check.
@ -94,20 +93,20 @@ except ImportError:
return None
if path is None:
path = os.environ.get("PATH", os.defpath)
path = os.environ.get('PATH', os.defpath)
if not path:
return None
path = path.split(os.pathsep)
if sys.platform == "win32":
if sys.platform == 'win32':
# The current directory takes precedence on Windows.
if os.curdir not in path:
path.insert(0, os.curdir)
# PATHEXT is necessary to check on Windows.
pathext = os.environ.get("PATHEXT", "").split(os.pathsep)
pathext = os.environ.get('PATHEXT', '').split(os.pathsep)
# See if the given file matches any of the expected path extensions.
# This will allow us to short circuit when given "python.exe".
# This will allow us to short circuit when given 'python.exe'.
# If it does match, only test that one, otherwise we have to try
# others.
if any(cmd.lower().endswith(ext.lower()) for ext in pathext):
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ def debug():
'''Test run guess(), repo.branch() and repo.status()
To use::
python -c "from powerline.lib.vcs import debug; debug()" some_file_to_watch.
python -c 'from powerline.lib.vcs import debug; debug()' some_file_to_watch.
import sys
dest = sys.argv[-1]
@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ class Repository(object):
Without file argument: returns status of the repository:
:"D?": dirty (tracked modified files: added, removed, deleted, modified),
:"?U": untracked-dirty (added, but not tracked files)
:'D?': dirty (tracked modified files: added, removed, deleted, modified),
:'?U': untracked-dirty (added, but not tracked files)
:None: clean (status is empty)
With file argument: returns status of this file: The status codes are
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class GitRepository(object):
:None: repository clean
With file argument: returns status of this file. Output is
equivalent to the first two columns of "git status --porcelain"
equivalent to the first two columns of ``git status --porcelain``
(except for merge statuses as they are not supported by libgit2).
if path:
@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ class Repository(object):
Without file argument: returns status of the repository:
:"D?": dirty (tracked modified files: added, removed, deleted, modified),
:"?U": untracked-dirty (added, but not tracked files)
:'D?': dirty (tracked modified files: added, removed, deleted, modified),
:'?U': untracked-dirty (added, but not tracked files)
:None: clean (status is empty)
With file argument: returns status of this file: "M"odified, "A"dded,
"R"emoved, "D"eleted (removed from filesystem, but still tracked),
"U"nknown, "I"gnored, (None)Clean.
With file argument: returns status of this file: `M`odified, `A`dded,
`R`emoved, `D`eleted (removed from filesystem, but still tracked),
`U`nknown, `I`gnored, (None)Clean.
if path:
return get_file_status(
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ def check_matcher_func(ext, match_name, data, context, echoerr):
if not callable(func):
echoerr(context='Error while loading matcher functions',
problem='loaded "function" {0} is not callable'.format(match_function),
problem='loaded “function” {0} is not callable'.format(match_function),
return True, False, True
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def import_function(function_type, name, data, context, echoerr, module):
if not callable(func):
echoerr(context='Error while checking segments (key {key})'.format(key=context.key),
problem='imported "function" {0} from module {1} is not callable'.format(name, module),
problem='imported “function” {0} from module {1} is not callable'.format(name, module),
return None
@ -5,10 +5,12 @@ from powerline.lint.markedjson.loader import Loader
def load(stream, Loader=Loader):
Parse the first YAML document in a stream
and produce the corresponding Python object.
'''Parse JSON value and produce the corresponding Python object
(hadproblem, object) where first argument is true if there were errors
during loading JSON stream and second is the corresponding JSON object.
loader = Loader(stream)
r = loader.get_single_data()
@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ class Composer:
if not self.check_event(events.StreamEndEvent):
event = self.get_event()
raise ComposerError(
"expected a single document in the stream",
'expected a single document in the stream',
"but found another document",
'but found another document',
@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ class Composer:
# key_event = self.peek_event()
item_key = self.compose_node(node, None)
# if item_key in node.value:
# raise ComposerError("while composing a mapping", start_event.start_mark,
# "found duplicate key", key_event.start_mark)
# raise ComposerError('while composing a mapping', start_event.start_mark,
# 'found duplicate key', key_event.start_mark)
item_value = self.compose_node(node, item_key)
# node.value[item_key] = item_value
node.value.append((item_key, item_value))
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class BaseConstructor:
if not isinstance(node, nodes.ScalarNode):
raise ConstructorError(
None, None,
"expected a scalar node, but found %s" %,
'expected a scalar node, but found %s' %,
return node.value
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class BaseConstructor:
if not isinstance(node, nodes.SequenceNode):
raise ConstructorError(
None, None,
"expected a sequence node, but found %s" %,
'expected a sequence node, but found %s' %,
return [
@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ class Mark:
def __str__(self):
snippet = self.get_snippet()
where = (" in \"%s\", line %d, column %d" % (
where = (' in "%s", line %d, column %d' % (
||||, self.line + 1, self.column + 1))
if snippet is not None:
where += ":\n" + snippet
where += ':\n' + snippet
if type(where) is str:
return where
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class Parser:
token = self.peek_token()
None, None,
("expected '<stream end>', but found %r" %, token.start_mark
('expected \'<stream end>\', but found %r' %, token.start_mark
return events.StreamEndEvent(token.start_mark, token.end_mark)
@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ class Parser:
token = self.peek_token()
raise ParserError(
"while parsing a flow node", start_mark,
"expected the node content, but found %r" %,
'while parsing a flow node', start_mark,
'expected the node content, but found %r' %,
return event
@ -160,14 +160,14 @@ class Parser:
if self.check_token(tokens.FlowSequenceEndToken):
token = self.peek_token()
"While parsing a flow sequence", self.marks[-1],
("expected sequence value, but got %r" %, token.start_mark
'While parsing a flow sequence', self.marks[-1],
('expected sequence value, but got %r' %, token.start_mark
token = self.peek_token()
raise ParserError(
"while parsing a flow sequence", self.marks[-1],
("expected ',' or ']', but got %r" %, token.start_mark
'while parsing a flow sequence', self.marks[-1],
('expected \',\' or \']\', but got %r' %, token.start_mark
if not self.check_token(tokens.FlowSequenceEndToken):
@ -197,14 +197,14 @@ class Parser:
if self.check_token(tokens.FlowMappingEndToken):
token = self.peek_token()
"While parsing a flow mapping", self.marks[-1],
("expected mapping key, but got %r" %, token.start_mark
'While parsing a flow mapping', self.marks[-1],
('expected mapping key, but got %r' %, token.start_mark
token = self.peek_token()
raise ParserError(
"while parsing a flow mapping", self.marks[-1],
("expected ',' or '}', but got %r" %, token.start_mark
'while parsing a flow mapping', self.marks[-1],
('expected \',\' or \'}\', but got %r' %, token.start_mark
if self.check_token(tokens.KeyToken):
token = self.get_token()
@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ class Parser:
token = self.peek_token()
raise ParserError(
"while parsing a flow mapping", self.marks[-1],
("expected value, but got %r" %, token.start_mark
'while parsing a flow mapping', self.marks[-1],
('expected value, but got %r' %, token.start_mark
elif not self.check_token(tokens.FlowMappingEndToken):
token = self.peek_token()
@ -226,14 +226,14 @@ class Parser:
if expect_key:
raise ParserError(
"while parsing a flow mapping", self.marks[-1],
("expected string key, but got %r" %, token.start_mark
'while parsing a flow mapping', self.marks[-1],
('expected string key, but got %r' %, token.start_mark
token = self.peek_token()
raise ParserError(
"while parsing a flow mapping", self.marks[-1],
("expected ':', but got %r" %, token.start_mark
'while parsing a flow mapping', self.marks[-1],
('expected \':\', but got %r' %, token.start_mark
token = self.get_token()
event = events.MappingEndEvent(token.start_mark, token.end_mark)
@ -250,6 +250,6 @@ class Parser:
token = self.peek_token()
raise ParserError(
"while parsing a flow mapping", self.marks[-1],
("expected mapping value, but got %r" %, token.start_mark
'while parsing a flow mapping', self.marks[-1],
('expected mapping value, but got %r' %, token.start_mark
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class SimpleKey:
class Scanner:
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the scanner."""
'''Initialize the scanner.'''
# It is assumed that Scanner and Reader will have a common descendant.
# Reader do the dirty work of checking for BOM and converting the
# input data to Unicode. It also adds NUL to the end.
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ class Scanner:
return self.fetch_value()
# Is it a double quoted scalar?
if ch == '\"':
if ch == '"':
return self.fetch_double()
# It must be a plain scalar then.
@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ class Scanner:
# No? It’s an error. Let’s produce a nice error message.
raise ScannerError(
"while scanning for the next token", None,
"found character %r that cannot start any token" % ch,
'while scanning for the next token', None,
'found character %r that cannot start any token' % ch,
@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ class Scanner:
'n': '\x0A',
'f': '\x0C',
'r': '\x0D',
'\"': '\"',
'"': '\"',
'\\': '\\',
@ -417,8 +417,8 @@ class Scanner:
for k in range(length):
if self.peek(k) not in '0123456789ABCDEFabcdef':
raise ScannerError(
"while scanning a double-quoted scalar", start_mark,
"expected escape sequence of %d hexdecimal numbers, but found %r" % (
'while scanning a double-quoted scalar', start_mark,
'expected escape sequence of %d hexdecimal numbers, but found %r' % (
length, self.peek(k)),
@ -427,8 +427,8 @@ class Scanner:
raise ScannerError(
"while scanning a double-quoted scalar", start_mark,
("found unknown escape character %r" % ch), self.get_mark()
'while scanning a double-quoted scalar', start_mark,
('found unknown escape character %r' % ch), self.get_mark()
return chunks
@ -444,13 +444,13 @@ class Scanner:
ch = self.peek()
if ch == '\0':
raise ScannerError(
"while scanning a quoted scalar", start_mark,
"found unexpected end of stream", self.get_mark()
'while scanning a quoted scalar', start_mark,
'found unexpected end of stream', self.get_mark()
elif ch == '\n':
raise ScannerError(
"while scanning a quoted scalar", start_mark,
"found unexpected line end", self.get_mark()
'while scanning a quoted scalar', start_mark,
'found unexpected line end', self.get_mark()
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ class Spec(object):
:param function msg_func:
Function that should accept checked value and return message that
describes the problem with this value. Default value will emit
something like “length of ["foo", "bar"] is not greater then 10”.
something like “length of ['foo', 'bar'] is not greater then 10”.
:return: self.
@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ class Spec(object):
:param function msg_func:
Function that should accept checked value and return message that
describes the problem with this value. Default value will emit
something like “"xyz" must be one of {"abc", "def", "ghi"}”.
something like “"xyz" must be one of {'abc', 'def', 'ghi'}”.
:return: self.
@ -19,19 +19,19 @@ class I3barRenderer(Renderer):
def hl(self, contents, fg=None, bg=None, attr=None):
segment = {
"full_text": contents,
"separator": False,
"separator_block_width": 0, # no seperators
'full_text': contents,
'separator': False,
'separator_block_width': 0, # no seperators
if fg is not None:
if fg is not False and fg[1] is not False:
segment['color'] = "#{0:06x}".format(fg[1])
segment['color'] = '#{0:06x}'.format(fg[1])
if bg is not None:
if bg is not False and bg[1] is not False:
segment['background_color'] = "#{0:06x}".format(bg[1])
# i3bar "pseudo json" requires one line at a time
return json.dumps(segment) + ",\n"
segment['background_color'] = '#{0:06x}'.format(bg[1])
# i3bar “pseudo json” requires one line at a time
return json.dumps(segment) + ',\n'
renderer = I3barRenderer
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class CwdSegment(Segment):
# user most probably deleted the directory
# this happens when removing files from Mercurial repos for example
pl.warn('Current directory not found')
return "[not found]"
return '[not found]'
if shorten_home:
@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ def visual_range(pl, segment_info, CTRL_V_text='{rows} x {vcols}', v_text_onelin
vcols Number of virtual columns in the selection
========= =============================================================
sline, scol, soff = [int(v) for v in vim_funcs['getpos']("v")[1:]]
eline, ecol, eoff = [int(v) for v in vim_funcs['getpos'](".")[1:]]
sline, scol, soff = [int(v) for v in vim_funcs['getpos']('v')[1:]]
eline, ecol, eoff = [int(v) for v in vim_funcs['getpos']('.')[1:]]
svcol = vim_funcs['virtcol']([sline, scol, soff])
evcol = vim_funcs['virtcol']([eline, ecol, eoff])
rows = abs(eline - sline) + 1
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ class VimPowerline(Powerline):
if (
bool(int(vim.eval("has('gui_running') && argc() == 0")))
bool(int(vim.eval('has(\'gui_running\') && argc() == 0')))
and not
and len( == 1
Reference in New Issue