diff --git a/.local.vimrc b/.local.vimrc
index ac676144..edf53ee8 100644
--- a/.local.vimrc
+++ b/.local.vimrc
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
 " [1]: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3393
 " [2]: https://github.com/thinca/vim-localrc
-let g:syntastic_python_flake8_args = '--ignore=W191,E501,E121,E122,E123,E128,E225,W291,E126'
+let g:syntastic_python_flake8_args = '--ignore=W191,E501,E128,W291,E126,E101'
 let b:syntastic_checkers = ['flake8']
diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.rst b/CONTRIBUTING.rst
index 96ebab7f..e31718f8 100644
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Getting started
   already exist.
   * Clearly describe the issue.
-  * If the issue is a bug: Make sure you include steps to reproduce, and 
+  * If the issue is a bug: make sure you include steps to reproduce, and 
     include the earliest revision that you know has the issue.
 * Fork the repository on GitHub.
@@ -60,12 +60,13 @@ Programming style
 * The project uses *tabs for indentation* and *spaces for alignment*, this 
   is also included in a vim modeline on top of every script file.
-* Run your code through ``flake8 
-  --ignore=W191,E501,E121,E122,E123,E128,E225`` to fix any style errors. Use 
-  common sense regarding whitespace warnings, not all ``flake8`` warnings 
-  need to be fixed.
+* Run your code through ``flake8 --ignore=W191,E501,E128,W291,E126,E101`` to fix 
+  any style errors. Use common sense regarding whitespace warnings, not all 
+  ``flake8`` warnings need to be fixed.
 * Trailing whitespace to indicate a continuing paragraph is OK in comments, 
   documentation and commit messages.
+* It is allowed to have too long lines. It is advised though to avoid lines 
+  wider then a hundred of characters.
 Submitting changes
diff --git a/docs/source/configuration/reference.rst b/docs/source/configuration/reference.rst
index 63181e44..9d166292 100644
--- a/docs/source/configuration/reference.rst
+++ b/docs/source/configuration/reference.rst
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ Common configuration is a subdictionary that is a value of ``common`` key in
     letters, Cyrillic letters). Valid values: any positive integer; it is 
     suggested that you only set it to 1 (default) or 2.
+.. _config-common-watcher:
     Select filesystem watcher. Variants are
@@ -65,6 +67,8 @@ Common configuration is a subdictionary that is a value of ``common`` key in
     :ref:`module segment option <config-themes-seg-module>`. Paths defined here 
     have priority when searching for modules.
+.. _config-common-log:
     Defines path which will hold powerline logs. If not present, logging will be 
     done to stderr.
@@ -121,7 +125,16 @@ Common configuration is a subdictionary that is a value of ``ext`` key in
     is either ``matcher_module.module_attribute`` or ``module_attribute`` 
     (``matcher_module`` defaults to ``powerline.matchers.vim``) and 
     ``module_attribute`` should point to a function that returns boolean value 
-    indicating that current buffer has (not) matched conditions.
+    indicating that current buffer has (not) matched conditions. There is an 
+    exception for ``matcher_name`` though: if it is ``__tabline__`` no functions 
+    are loaded. This special theme is used for ``tabline`` Vim option.
+    For shell and ipython it is a simple ``{prompt_type : theme_name}``, where 
+    ``prompt_type`` is a string with no special meaning (specifically it does 
+    not refer to any Python function). Shell has ``continuation``, and 
+    ``select`` prompts with rather self-explanatory names, IPython has ``in2``, 
+    ``out`` and ``rewrite`` prompts (refer to IPython documentation for more 
+    details) while ``in`` prompt is the default.
     Determines which extension components should be enabled. This key is highly 
@@ -239,7 +252,7 @@ Themes
 :Location: :file:`powerline/themes/{top_theme}.json`, 
-           :file:`powerline/themes/__main__.json`, 
+           :file:`powerline/themes/{extension}/__main__.json`, 
 Theme files are processed in order given: definitions from each next file 
@@ -318,6 +331,8 @@ ascii                       Theme without any unicode characters at all
     .. note:: Top-level themes are out of equation here: they are merged
         before the above merging process happens.
+.. _config-themes-segments:
     A dict with a ``left`` and a ``right`` lists, consisting of segment 
     dictionaries. Shell themes may also contain ``above`` list of dictionaries. 
@@ -424,6 +439,8 @@ ascii                       Theme without any unicode characters at all
         Segments are removed according to their priority, with low priority 
         segments being removed first.
+    .. _config-themes-seg-draw_divider:
     ``draw_hard_divider``, ``draw_soft_divider``
         Whether to draw a divider between this and the adjacent segment. The 
         adjacent segment is to the *right* for segments on the *left* side, and 
diff --git a/docs/source/develop.rst b/docs/source/develop.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e7b29cc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/develop.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Developer guide
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 2
+   :glob:
+   develop/segments
+   develop/local-themes
+   develop/extensions
diff --git a/docs/source/develop/extensions.rst b/docs/source/develop/extensions.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9f4437d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/develop/extensions.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+Creating new powerline extension
+Powerline extension is a code that tells powerline how to highlight and display 
+segments in some set of applications. Specifically this means
+#. Creating a :py:class:`powerline.Powerline` subclass that knows how to obtain 
+   :ref:`local configuration overrides <local-configuration-overrides>`. It also 
+   knows how to load local themes, but not when to apply them.
+   Instance of this class is the only instance that interacts directly with 
+   bindings code, so it has a proxy :py:meth:`powerline.Powerline.render` and 
+   :py:meth:`powerline.Powerline.shutdown` methods and other methods which may 
+   be useful for bindings.
+   This subclass must be placed directly in :file:`powerline` directory (e.g. in 
+   :file:`powerline/vim.py`) and named like ``VimPowerline`` (version of the 
+   file name without directory and extension and first capital letter 
+   + ``Powerline``). There is no technical reason for naming classes like this.
+#. Creating a :py:class:`powerline.renderer.Renderer` subclass that knows how to 
+   highlight a segment or reset highlighting to the default value (only makes 
+   sense in prompts). It is also responsible for selecting local themes and 
+   computing text width.
+   This subclass must be placed directly in :file:`powerline/renderers` 
+   directory (if you are creating powerline extension for a set of applications 
+   use :file:`powerline/renderers/{ext}/*.py`) and named like ``ExtRenderer`` or 
+   ``AppPromptRenderer``. For technical reasons the class itself must be 
+   referenced in ``renderer`` module attribute thus allowing only one renderer 
+   per one module.
+#. Creating an extension bindings. These are to be placed in 
+   :file:`powerline/bindings/{ext}` and may contain virtually anything which may 
+   be required for powerline to work inside given applications, assuming it does 
+   not fit in other places.
+Powerline class
+.. autoclass:: powerline.Powerline
+   :members:
+Renderer class
+.. autoclass:: powerline.renderer.Renderer
+   :members:
diff --git a/docs/source/develop/local-themes.rst b/docs/source/develop/local-themes.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1ca6483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/develop/local-themes.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Local themes
+From the user point of view local themes are the regular themes with a specific 
+scope where they are applied (i.e. specific vim window or specific kind of 
+prompt). Used themes are defined in :ref:`local_themes key 
+Vim local themes
+Vim is the only available extension that has a wide variaty of options for local 
+themes. It is the only extension where local theme key refers to a function as 
+described in :ref:`local_themes value documentation <config-ext-local_themes>`. 
+This function always takes a single value named ``matcher_info`` which is the 
+same dictionary as :ref:`segment_info dictionary <dev-segment_info-vim>`. Unlike 
+segments it takes this single argument as a *positional* argument, not as 
+a keyword one.
+Matcher function should return a boolean value: ``True`` if theme applies for 
+the given ``matcher_info`` dictionary or ``False`` if it is not. When one of the 
+matcher functions returns ``True`` powerline takes the corresponding theme at 
+uses it for the given window. Matchers are not tested in any particular order.
+In addition to :ref:`local_themes configuration key <config-ext-local_themes>` 
+developer of some plugin which wishes to support powerline without including his 
+code in powerline tree may use 
+:py:meth:`powerline.vim.VimPowerline.add_local_theme` method. It accepts two 
+arguments: matcher name (same as in :ref:`local_themes 
+<config-ext-local_themes>`) and dictionary with theme. This dictionary is merged 
+with :ref:`top theme <config-ext-top_theme>` and 
+:file:`powerline/themes/vim/__main__.json`. Note that if user already specified 
+your matcher in his configuration file ``KeyError`` is raised.
+Other local themes
+Except for Vim only IPython and shells have local themes. Unlike Vim these 
+themes are names with no special meaning (they do not refer to or cause loading 
+of any Python functions):
+|Extension|Theme name  |Description                                            |
+|Shell    |continuation|Shown for unfinished command (unclosed quote,          |
+|         |            |unfinished cycle).                                     |
+|         +------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
+|         |select      |Shown for ``select`` command available in some shells. |
+|IPython  |in2         |Continuation prompt: shown for unfinished (multiline)  |
+|         |            |expression, unfinished class or function definition.   |
+|         +------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
+|         |out         |Displayed before the result.                           |
+|         +------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
+|         |rewrite     |Displayed before the actually executed code when       |
+|         |            |``autorewrite`` IPython feature is enabled.            |
diff --git a/docs/source/develop/segments.rst b/docs/source/develop/segments.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..592f3052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/develop/segments.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+Writing segments
+Each powerline segment is a callable object. It is supposed to be either 
+a Python function or :py:class:`powerline.segments.Segment` class. As a callable 
+object it should receive the following arguments:
+.. note:: All received arguments are keyword arguments.
+    A :py:class:`powerline.PowerlineLogger` instance. It must be used every time 
+    you need to log something.
+    A dictionary. It is only received if callable has 
+    ``powerline_requires_segment_info`` attribute.
+    Refer to :ref:`segment_info detailed description <dev-segments-info>` for 
+    further details.
+    Function that will create filesystem watcher once called. Which watcher will 
+    be created exactly is controlled by :ref:`watcher configuration option 
+    <config-common-watcher>`.
+And also any other argument(s) specified by user in :ref:`args key 
+<config-themes-seg-args>` (no additional arguments by default).
+This callable object should may return either a string (``unicode`` in Python2 
+or ``str`` in Python3, *not* ``str`` in Python2 or ``bytes`` in Python3) object 
+or a list of dictionaries. String object is a short form of the following return 
+.. code-block:: python
+    [{
+        'contents': original_return,
+        'highlight_group': [segment_name],
+    }]
+Returned list is a list of segments treated independently, except for 
+:ref:`draw_inner_divider key <dev-segments-draw_inner_divider>`.
+All keys in segments returned by the function override those obtained from 
+:ref:`configuration <config-themes-segments>` and have the same meaning.
+Detailed description of used dictionary keys:
+    Text displayed by segment. Should be a ``unicode`` (Python2) or ``str`` 
+    (Python3) instance.
+``draw_hard_divider``, ``draw_soft_divider``
+    Determines whether given divider should be drawn. Both have the same meaning 
+    as :ref:`the similar keys in configuration 
+    <config-themes-seg-draw_divider>`.
+.. _dev-segments-draw_inner_divider:
+    Determines whether *any* divider between segments returned by function 
+    should be drawn. Defaults to ``False``.
+.. _dev-segments-highlight_group:
+    Determines segment highlighting. Refer to :ref:`themes documentation 
+    <config-themes-seg-highlight_group>` for more details.
+    Defaults to the name of the segment.
+    .. note::
+        If you want to include your segment in powerline you must specify all 
+        highlighting groups used in the segment documentation in the form::
+            Highlight groups used: ``g1``[ or ``g2``]*[, ``g3`` (gradient)[ or ``g4``]*]*.
+        I.e. use::
+            Highlight groups used: ``foo_gradient`` (gradient) or ``foo``, ``bar``.
+        to specify that your segment uses *either* ``foo_gradient`` group or 
+        ``foo`` group *and* ``bar`` group meaning that ``powerline-lint`` will 
+        check that at least one of the first two groups is defined (and if 
+        ``foo_gradient`` is defined it must use at least one gradient color) and 
+        third group is defined as well.
+        You must specify all groups on one line.
+    Determines segment divider highlight group. Only applicable for soft 
+    dividers: colors for hard dividers are determined by colors of adjacent 
+    segments.
+    .. note::
+        If you want to include your segment in powerline you must specify used 
+        groups in the segment documentation in the form::
+            Divider highlight group used: ``group``.
+        This text must not wrap and you are supposed to end all divider 
+        highlight group names with ``:divider``: e.g. ``cwd:divider``.
+    First and the only key that may not be specified in user configuration. It 
+    determines which color should be used for this segment when one of the 
+    highlighting groups specified by :ref:`highlight_group 
+    <dev-segments-highlight_group>` was defined to use the color gradient.
+    This key may have any value from 0 to 100 inclusive, value is supposed to be 
+    an ``int`` or ``float`` instance.
+    No error occurs if segment has this key, but no used highlight groups use 
+    gradient color.
+Segments layout
+Powerline segments are all located in one of the ``powerline.segments`` 
+submodules. For extension-specific segments ``powerline.segments.{ext}`` module 
+should be used (e.g. ``powerline.segments.shell``), for extension-agnostic there 
+is ``powerline.segments.common``.
+Plugin-specific segments (currently only those that are specific to vim plugins) 
+should live in ``powerline.segments.{ext}.plugin.{plugin_name}``: e.g. 
+.. _dev-segments-info:
+Segment information used in various extensions
+Each ``segment_info`` value should be a dictionary with at least the following 
+    Current environment, may be an alias to ``os.environ``. Is guaranteed to 
+    have ``__getitem__`` and ``get`` methods and nothing more.
+    .. warning::
+        You must not ever use ``os.environ``. If your segment is run in daemon 
+        you will get daemon’s environment which is not correct. If your segment 
+        is run in Vim or in zsh with libzpython you will get Vim or zsh 
+        environment at python startup.
+    Function that returns current working directory being called with no 
+    arguments. You must not use ``os.getcwd`` for the same reasons you must not 
+    use ``os.environ``, except that current working directory is valid in Vim 
+    and zsh (but not in daemon).
+    Current home directory. May be false.
+.. _dev-segment_info-vim:
+Vim ``segment_info`` argument is a dictionary with the following keys:
+    ``vim.Window`` object. You may obtain one using ``vim.current.window`` or 
+    ``vim.windows[number - 1]``. May be a false object, in which case you should 
+    not use any of this objects’ properties.
+    Window number. Same as ``segment_info['window'].number`` *assuming* Vim is 
+    new enough for ``vim.Window`` object to have ``number`` attribute.
+    Internal powerline window id, unique for each newly created window. You 
+    should assume that this ID is hashable and supports equality comparison, but 
+    you must not use any other assumptions about it. Currently uses integer 
+    numbers incremented each time window is created.
+    ``vim.Buffer`` object. You may obtain one using ``vim.current.buffer``, 
+    ``segment_info['window'].buffer`` or ``vim.buffers[some_number]``. Note that 
+    in the latter case depending on vim version ``some_number`` may be ``bufnr`` 
+    or the internal Vim buffer index which is *not* buffer number. For this 
+    reason to get ``vim.Buffer`` object other then stored in ``segment_info`` 
+    dictionary you must iterate over ``vim.buffers`` and check their ``number`` 
+    attributes.
+    Buffer number.
+    ``vim.Tabpage`` object. You may obtain one using ``vim.current.tabpage`` or 
+    ``vim.tabpages[number - 1]``. May be a false object, in which case you 
+    should not use any of this objects’ properties.
+    Tabpage number.
+    Current mode.
+.. note::
+    Your segment generally should not assume that it is run for the current 
+    window, current buffer or current tabpage. “Current window” and “current 
+    buffer” restrictions may be ignored if you use ``window_cached`` decorator, 
+    “current tabpage” restriction may be safely ignored if you do not plan to 
+    ever see your segment in the tabline.
+.. warning::
+    Powerline is being tested with vim-7.2 and will be tested with it until 
+    travis changes used vim version. This means that you may not use most of the 
+    functionality like ``vim.Window.number``, ``vim.*.vars``, ``vim.*.options`` 
+    or even ``dir(vim object)`` if you want your segment to be included in 
+    powerline.
+    Parsed shell arguments: a ``argparse.Namespace`` object. Check out 
+    ``powerline-render --help`` for the list of all available arguments. 
+    Currently it is expected to contain at least the following attributes:
+    ``last_exit_code``
+        Exit code returned by last shell command.
+    ``last_pipe_status``
+        List of exit codes returned by last programs in the pipe or some false 
+        object. Only available in ``zsh``.
+    ``jobnum``
+        Number of background jobs.
+    ``renderer_arg``
+        Dictionary containing some keys that are additional arguments used by 
+        shell bindings. *You must not use this attribute directly*: all 
+        arguments from this dictionary are merged with ``segment_info`` 
+        dictionary. Known to have at least the following keys:
+        ``client_id``
+            Identifier unique to one shell instance. Is used to record instance 
+            state by powerline daemon.
+            It is not guaranteed that existing client ID will not be retaken 
+            when old shell with this ID quit: usually process PID is used as 
+            a client ID.
+            It is also not guaranteed that client ID will be process PID, number 
+            or something else at all. It is guaranteed though that client ID 
+            will be some hashable object which supports equality comparison.
+        ``local_theme``
+            Local theme that will be used by shell. One should not rely on the 
+            existence of this key.
+        Other keys, if any, are specific to segments.
+    Some object which has ``prompt_count`` attribute. Currently it is guaranteed 
+    to have only this attribute.
+    Attribute ``prompt_count`` contains the so-called “history count” 
+    (equivalent to ``\N`` in ``in_template``).
+Segment class
+.. autoclass:: powerline.segments.Segment
+   :members:
+PowerlineLogger class
+.. autoclass:: powerline.PowerlineLogger
+   :members:
+   :undoc-members:
diff --git a/docs/source/index.rst b/docs/source/index.rst
index bab34ecb..e97a17ad 100644
--- a/docs/source/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/index.rst
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Powerline
+   develop
diff --git a/docs/source/tips-and-tricks.rst b/docs/source/tips-and-tricks.rst
index 9961b8eb..b2216b12 100644
--- a/docs/source/tips-and-tricks.rst
+++ b/docs/source/tips-and-tricks.rst
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ statusline:
 .. code-block:: vim
    set laststatus=2 " Always display the statusline in all windows
+   set showtabline=2 " Always display the tabline, even if there is only one tab
    set noshowmode " Hide the default mode text (e.g. -- INSERT -- below the statusline)
 .. _tips-and-tricks-urxvt:
diff --git a/powerline/__init__.py b/powerline/__init__.py
index f78b1135..9587fb6c 100644
--- a/powerline/__init__.py
+++ b/powerline/__init__.py
@@ -36,6 +36,24 @@ def _find_config_files(search_paths, config_file, config_loader=None, loader_cal
 class PowerlineLogger(object):
+	'''Proxy class for logging.Logger instance
+	It emits messages in format ``{ext}:{prefix}:{message}`` where
+	``{ext}``
+		is a used powerline extension (e.g. “vim”, “shell”, “ipython”).
+	``{prefix}``
+		is a local prefix, usually a segment name.
+	``{message}``
+		is the original message passed to one of the logging methods.
+	Each of the methods (``critical``, ``exception``, ``info``, ``error``, 
+	``warn``, ``debug``) expects to receive message in an ``str.format`` format, 
+	not in printf-like format.
+	Log is saved to the location :ref:`specified by user <config-common-log>`.
+	'''
 	def __init__(self, use_daemon_threads, logger, ext):
 		self.logger = logger
 		self.ext = ext
@@ -261,23 +279,26 @@ class Powerline(object):
 		colorschemes, render module (``powerline.renders.{ext}``).
 	:param str renderer_module:
 		Overrides renderer module (defaults to ``ext``). Should be the name of 
-		the package imported like this: ``powerline.renders.{render_module}``. 
-		If this parameter contains a dot, ``powerline.renderers.`` is not 
+		the package imported like this: ``powerline.renderers.{render_module}``. 
+		If this parameter contains a dot ``powerline.renderers.`` is not 
 		prepended. There is also a special case for renderers defined in 
 		toplevel modules: ``foo.`` (note: dot at the end) tries to get renderer 
 		from module ``foo`` (because ``foo`` (without dot) tries to get renderer 
-		from module ``powerline.renderers.foo``).
+		from module ``powerline.renderers.foo``). When ``.foo`` (with leading 
+		dot) variant is used ``renderer_module`` will be 
+		``powerline.renderers.{ext}{renderer_module}``.
 	:param bool run_once:
-		Determines whether .renderer.render() method will be run only once 
+		Determines whether :py:meth:`render` method will be run only once 
 		during python session.
 	:param Logger logger:
-		If present, no new logger will be created and this logger will be used.
+		If present no new logger will be created and the provided logger will be 
+		used.
 	:param bool use_daemon_threads:
-		Use daemon threads for.
+		When creating threads make them daemon ones.
 	:param Event shutdown_event:
-		Use this Event as shutdown_event.
+		Use this Event as shutdown_event instead of creating new event.
 	:param ConfigLoader config_loader:
-		Class that manages (re)loading of configuration.
+		Instance of the class that manages (re)loading of the configuration.
 	def __init__(self,
@@ -289,15 +310,20 @@ class Powerline(object):
 		self.ext = ext
-		self.renderer_module = renderer_module or ext
 		self.run_once = run_once
 		self.logger = logger
 		self.use_daemon_threads = use_daemon_threads
-		if '.' not in self.renderer_module:
-			self.renderer_module = 'powerline.renderers.' + self.renderer_module
-		elif self.renderer_module[-1] == '.':
-			self.renderer_module = self.renderer_module[:-1]
+		if not renderer_module:
+			self.renderer_module = 'powerline.renderers.' + ext
+		elif '.' not in renderer_module:
+			self.renderer_module = 'powerline.renderers.' + renderer_module
+		elif renderer_module.startswith('.'):
+			self.renderer_module = 'powerline.renderers.' + ext + renderer_module
+		elif renderer_module.endswith('.'):
+			self.renderer_module = renderer_module[:-1]
+		else:
+			self.renderer_module = renderer_module
 		self.find_config_files = generate_config_finder(self.get_config_paths)
diff --git a/powerline/bindings/bash/powerline.sh b/powerline/bindings/bash/powerline.sh
index e44d9da2..1a5ab763 100644
--- a/powerline/bindings/bash/powerline.sh
+++ b/powerline/bindings/bash/powerline.sh
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ _powerline_prompt() {
 	# Arguments: side, last_exit_code, jobnum
 		--width="${COLUMNS:-$(_powerline_columns_fallback)}" \
-		-r bash_prompt \
+		-r.bash \
 		--last_exit_code=$2 \
 		--jobnum=$3 \
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ _powerline_set_prompt() {
 	local jobnum="$(jobs -p|wc -l)"
 	PS1="$(_powerline_prompt aboveleft $last_exit_code $jobnum)"
-		PS2="$(_powerline_local_prompt left -rbash_prompt $last_exit_code $jobnum continuation)"
+		PS2="$(_powerline_local_prompt left -r.bash $last_exit_code $jobnum continuation)"
 		PS3="$(_powerline_local_prompt left '' $last_exit_code $jobnum select)"
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ _powerline_setup_prompt() {
 	test "x$PROMPT_COMMAND" != "x${PROMPT_COMMAND%_powerline_set_prompt*}" ||
-	PS2="$(_powerline_local_prompt left -rbash_prompt 0 0 continuation)"
+	PS2="$(_powerline_local_prompt left -r.bash 0 0 continuation)"
 	PS3="$(_powerline_local_prompt left '' 0 0 select)"
diff --git a/powerline/bindings/shell/powerline.sh b/powerline/bindings/shell/powerline.sh
index 3fc2b434..8940c028 100644
--- a/powerline/bindings/shell/powerline.sh
+++ b/powerline/bindings/shell/powerline.sh
@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ _powerline_tmux_set_columns() {
 _powerline_set_renderer_arg() {
 	case "$1" in
-		bb|ash) _POWERLINE_RENDERER_ARG="-rbash_prompt" ;;
-		mksh|ksh) _POWERLINE_RENDERER_ARG="-rksh_prompt" ;;
+		bb|ash) _POWERLINE_RENDERER_ARG="-r .bash" ;;
+		mksh|ksh) _POWERLINE_RENDERER_ARG="-r .ksh" ;;
 		bash|dash) _POWERLINE_RENDERER_ARG= ;;
diff --git a/powerline/bindings/tcsh/powerline.tcsh b/powerline/bindings/tcsh/powerline.tcsh
index 48155466..ac93341b 100644
--- a/powerline/bindings/tcsh/powerline.tcsh
+++ b/powerline/bindings/tcsh/powerline.tcsh
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ if ( { $POWERLINE_CONFIG shell --shell=tcsh uses prompt } ) then
 		alias _powerline_above '$POWERLINE_COMMAND shell above --renderer_arg=client_id=$$ --last_exit_code=$POWERLINE_STATUS --width=$POWERLINE_COLUMNS'
-	alias _powerline_set_prompt 'set prompt="`$POWERLINE_COMMAND shell left -r tcsh_prompt --renderer_arg=client_id=$$ --last_exit_code=$POWERLINE_STATUS --width=$POWERLINE_COLUMNS`"'
-	alias _powerline_set_rprompt 'set rprompt="`$POWERLINE_COMMAND shell right -r tcsh_prompt --renderer_arg=client_id=$$ --last_exit_code=$POWERLINE_STATUS --width=$POWERLINE_COLUMNS` "'
+	alias _powerline_set_prompt 'set prompt="`$POWERLINE_COMMAND shell left -r .tcsh --renderer_arg=client_id=$$ --last_exit_code=$POWERLINE_STATUS --width=$POWERLINE_COLUMNS`"'
+	alias _powerline_set_rprompt 'set rprompt="`$POWERLINE_COMMAND shell right -r .tcsh --renderer_arg=client_id=$$ --last_exit_code=$POWERLINE_STATUS --width=$POWERLINE_COLUMNS` "'
 	alias _powerline_set_columns 'set POWERLINE_COLUMNS=`stty size|cut -d" " -f2` ; set POWERLINE_COLUMNS=`expr $POWERLINE_COLUMNS - 2`'
 	alias precmd 'set POWERLINE_STATUS=$? ; '"`alias precmd`"' ; _powerline_set_columns ; _powerline_above ; _powerline_set_prompt ; _powerline_set_rprompt'
diff --git a/powerline/bindings/zsh/__init__.py b/powerline/bindings/zsh/__init__.py
index 444490b5..b6ccde1a 100644
--- a/powerline/bindings/zsh/__init__.py
+++ b/powerline/bindings/zsh/__init__.py
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ def get_var_config(var):
 class Args(object):
 	__slots__ = ('last_pipe_status', 'last_exit_code')
 	ext = ['shell']
-	renderer_module = 'zsh_prompt'
+	renderer_module = '.zsh'
 	def config(self):
diff --git a/powerline/bindings/zsh/powerline.zsh b/powerline/bindings/zsh/powerline.zsh
index 0bc2c50e..8a7078f1 100644
--- a/powerline/bindings/zsh/powerline.zsh
+++ b/powerline/bindings/zsh/powerline.zsh
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ _powerline_setup_prompt() {
 			POWERLINE_COMMAND=( "$($POWERLINE_CONFIG shell command)" )
-		local add_args='-r zsh_prompt'
+		local add_args='-r .zsh'
 		add_args+=' --last_exit_code=$?'
 		add_args+=' --last_pipe_status="$pipestatus"'
 		add_args+=' --renderer_arg="client_id=$$"'
diff --git a/powerline/config_files/config.json b/powerline/config_files/config.json
index 4968fc6b..a5389b6c 100644
--- a/powerline/config_files/config.json
+++ b/powerline/config_files/config.json
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@
 				"help": "help",
 				"quickfix": "quickfix",
-				"powerline.matchers.plugin.nerdtree.nerdtree": "plugin_nerdtree",
-				"powerline.matchers.plugin.ctrlp.ctrlp": "plugin_ctrlp",
-				"powerline.matchers.plugin.gundo.gundo": "plugin_gundo",
-				"powerline.matchers.plugin.gundo.gundo_preview": "plugin_gundo-preview"
+				"powerline.matchers.vim.plugin.nerdtree.nerdtree": "plugin_nerdtree",
+				"powerline.matchers.vim.plugin.ctrlp.ctrlp": "plugin_ctrlp",
+				"powerline.matchers.vim.plugin.gundo.gundo": "plugin_gundo",
+				"powerline.matchers.vim.plugin.gundo.gundo_preview": "plugin_gundo-preview"
 		"wm": {
diff --git a/powerline/config_files/themes/vim/default.json b/powerline/config_files/themes/vim/default.json
index 3998e187..1f9348bb 100644
--- a/powerline/config_files/themes/vim/default.json
+++ b/powerline/config_files/themes/vim/default.json
@@ -55,13 +55,13 @@
 				"exclude_modes": ["nc"],
-				"module": "powerline.segments.plugin.syntastic",
+				"module": "powerline.segments.vim.plugin.syntastic",
 				"name": "syntastic",
 				"priority": 50
 				"exclude_modes": ["nc"],
-				"module": "powerline.segments.plugin.tagbar",
+				"module": "powerline.segments.vim.plugin.tagbar",
 				"name": "current_tag",
 				"draw_soft_divider": false,
 				"priority": 50
diff --git a/powerline/config_files/themes/vim/plugin_ctrlp.json b/powerline/config_files/themes/vim/plugin_ctrlp.json
index 02015b78..ae814c30 100644
--- a/powerline/config_files/themes/vim/plugin_ctrlp.json
+++ b/powerline/config_files/themes/vim/plugin_ctrlp.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-	"default_module": "powerline.segments.plugin.ctrlp",
+	"default_module": "powerline.segments.vim.plugin.ctrlp",
 	"segments": {
 		"left": [
diff --git a/powerline/config_files/themes/vim/plugin_nerdtree.json b/powerline/config_files/themes/vim/plugin_nerdtree.json
index 95495db1..ee142cde 100644
--- a/powerline/config_files/themes/vim/plugin_nerdtree.json
+++ b/powerline/config_files/themes/vim/plugin_nerdtree.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-	"default_module": "powerline.segments.plugin.nerdtree",
+	"default_module": "powerline.segments.vim.plugin.nerdtree",
 	"segments": {
 		"left": [
diff --git a/powerline/ipython.py b/powerline/ipython.py
index 5fc66b34..bc244d6d 100644
--- a/powerline/ipython.py
+++ b/powerline/ipython.py
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class IpythonPowerline(Powerline):
 	def __init__(self, is_prompt, old_widths):
 		super(IpythonPowerline, self).__init__(
-			renderer_module=('ipython_prompt' if is_prompt else 'ipython'),
+			renderer_module=('.prompt' if is_prompt else None),
 		self.old_widths = old_widths
diff --git a/powerline/lib/vcs/__init__.py b/powerline/lib/vcs/__init__.py
index 1029bc3f..58a4883d 100644
--- a/powerline/lib/vcs/__init__.py
+++ b/powerline/lib/vcs/__init__.py
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ class TreeStatusCache(dict):
 			if self.tw(key, logger=logger, ignore_event=getattr(repo, 'ignore_event', None)):
 				self.pop(key, None)
 		except OSError as e:
-			logger.warn('Failed to check %s for changes, with error: %s'% key, e)
+			logger.warn('Failed to check %s for changes, with error: %s' % key, e)
 		return self.cache_and_get(key, repo.status)
diff --git a/powerline/lint/__init__.py b/powerline/lint/__init__.py
index a1749790..7ce152fb 100644
--- a/powerline/lint/__init__.py
+++ b/powerline/lint/__init__.py
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ def check_matcher_func(ext, match_name, data, context, echoerr):
 		match_function = match_name
 	with WithPath(import_paths):
-			func = getattr(__import__(match_module, fromlist=[match_function]), unicode(match_function))
+			func = getattr(__import__(str(match_module), fromlist=[str(match_function)]), str(match_function))
 		except ImportError:
 			echoerr(context='Error while loading matcher functions',
 					problem='failed to load module {0}'.format(match_module),
@@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ def check_key_compatibility(segment, data, context, echoerr):
 def check_segment_module(module, data, context, echoerr):
 	with WithPath(data['import_paths']):
-			__import__(unicode(module))
+			__import__(str(module))
 		except ImportError as e:
 			if echoerr.logger.level >= logging.DEBUG:
@@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ def import_segment(name, data, context, echoerr, module=None):
 	with WithPath(data['import_paths']):
-			func = getattr(__import__(unicode(module), fromlist=[unicode(name)]), unicode(name))
+			func = getattr(__import__(str(module), fromlist=[str(name)]), str(name))
 		except ImportError:
 			echoerr(context='Error while checking segments (key {key})'.format(key=context_key(context)),
 					problem='failed to import module {0}'.format(module),
@@ -1252,7 +1252,7 @@ segment_spec = Spec(
 segments_spec = Spec().optional().list(segment_spec).copy
+segdict_spec = Spec(
 	left=segments_spec().context_message('Error while loading segments from left side (key {key})'),
 	right=segments_spec().context_message('Error while loading segments from right side (key {key})'),
diff --git a/powerline/matcher.py b/powerline/matcher.py
index 5578d282..37049e2f 100644
--- a/powerline/matcher.py
+++ b/powerline/matcher.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ def gen_matcher_getter(ext, import_paths):
 		oldpath = sys.path
 		sys.path = import_paths + sys.path
-			return getattr(__import__(match_module, fromlist=[match_function]), match_function)
+			return getattr(__import__(str(match_module), fromlist=[str(match_function)]), match_function)
 			sys.path = oldpath
 	return get
diff --git a/powerline/matchers/vim.py b/powerline/matchers/vim/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from powerline/matchers/vim.py
rename to powerline/matchers/vim/__init__.py
diff --git a/powerline/matchers/plugin/__init__.py b/powerline/matchers/vim/plugin/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from powerline/matchers/plugin/__init__.py
rename to powerline/matchers/vim/plugin/__init__.py
diff --git a/powerline/matchers/plugin/ctrlp.py b/powerline/matchers/vim/plugin/ctrlp.py
similarity index 100%
rename from powerline/matchers/plugin/ctrlp.py
rename to powerline/matchers/vim/plugin/ctrlp.py
diff --git a/powerline/matchers/plugin/gundo.py b/powerline/matchers/vim/plugin/gundo.py
similarity index 100%
rename from powerline/matchers/plugin/gundo.py
rename to powerline/matchers/vim/plugin/gundo.py
diff --git a/powerline/matchers/plugin/nerdtree.py b/powerline/matchers/vim/plugin/nerdtree.py
similarity index 100%
rename from powerline/matchers/plugin/nerdtree.py
rename to powerline/matchers/vim/plugin/nerdtree.py
diff --git a/powerline/renderers/ipython.py b/powerline/renderers/ipython/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from powerline/renderers/ipython.py
rename to powerline/renderers/ipython/__init__.py
diff --git a/powerline/renderers/ipython_prompt.py b/powerline/renderers/ipython/prompt.py
similarity index 100%
rename from powerline/renderers/ipython_prompt.py
rename to powerline/renderers/ipython/prompt.py
diff --git a/powerline/renderers/shell.py b/powerline/renderers/shell/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from powerline/renderers/shell.py
rename to powerline/renderers/shell/__init__.py
diff --git a/powerline/renderers/bash_prompt.py b/powerline/renderers/shell/bash.py
similarity index 100%
rename from powerline/renderers/bash_prompt.py
rename to powerline/renderers/shell/bash.py
diff --git a/powerline/renderers/ksh_prompt.py b/powerline/renderers/shell/ksh.py
similarity index 100%
rename from powerline/renderers/ksh_prompt.py
rename to powerline/renderers/shell/ksh.py
diff --git a/powerline/renderers/tcsh_prompt.py b/powerline/renderers/shell/tcsh.py
similarity index 87%
rename from powerline/renderers/tcsh_prompt.py
rename to powerline/renderers/shell/tcsh.py
index adbb91c9..261b081a 100644
--- a/powerline/renderers/tcsh_prompt.py
+++ b/powerline/renderers/shell/tcsh.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
-from powerline.renderers.zsh_prompt import ZshPromptRenderer
+from powerline.renderers.shell.zsh import ZshPromptRenderer
 class TcshPromptRenderer(ZshPromptRenderer):
diff --git a/powerline/renderers/zsh_prompt.py b/powerline/renderers/shell/zsh.py
similarity index 100%
rename from powerline/renderers/zsh_prompt.py
rename to powerline/renderers/shell/zsh.py
diff --git a/powerline/segment.py b/powerline/segment.py
index 97538813..cde42398 100644
--- a/powerline/segment.py
+++ b/powerline/segment.py
@@ -58,8 +58,9 @@ def get_function(data, segment):
 	oldpath = sys.path
 	sys.path = data['path'] + sys.path
 	segment_module = str(segment.get('module', data['default_module']))
+	name = str(segment['name'])
-		return None, getattr(__import__(segment_module, fromlist=[segment['name']]), segment['name']), segment_module
+		return None, getattr(__import__(segment_module, fromlist=[name]), name), segment_module
 		sys.path = oldpath
diff --git a/powerline/segments/__init__.py b/powerline/segments/__init__.py
index 3c2da39c..8199b3cc 100644
--- a/powerline/segments/__init__.py
+++ b/powerline/segments/__init__.py
@@ -13,7 +13,14 @@ __path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)
 class Segment(object):
 	'''Base class for any segment that is not a function
-	Required for powerline.lint.inspect to work properly.
+	Required for powerline.lint.inspect to work properly: it defines methods for 
+	omitting existing or adding new arguments.
+	.. note::
+		Until python-3.4 ``inspect.getargspec`` does not support querying 
+		callable classes for arguments of their ``__call__`` method, requiring 
+		to use this method directly (i.e. before 3.4 you should write 
+		``getargspec(obj.__call__)`` in place of ``getargspec(obj)``).
 	if sys.version_info < (3, 4):
 		def argspecobjs(self):
diff --git a/powerline/segments/common.py b/powerline/segments/common.py
index 84a32a15..eaef499f 100644
--- a/powerline/segments/common.py
+++ b/powerline/segments/common.py
@@ -1130,7 +1130,7 @@ def _get_battery(pl):
-					if int(devget('Type'))!= 2:
+					if int(devget('Type')) != 2:
 						pl.debug('Not using DBUS+UPower with {0}: invalid type', devpath)
 					if not bool(devget('IsPresent')):
diff --git a/powerline/segments/vim.py b/powerline/segments/vim/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from powerline/segments/vim.py
rename to powerline/segments/vim/__init__.py
diff --git a/powerline/segments/plugin/__init__.py b/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from powerline/segments/plugin/__init__.py
rename to powerline/segments/vim/plugin/__init__.py
diff --git a/powerline/segments/plugin/ctrlp.py b/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/ctrlp.py
similarity index 100%
rename from powerline/segments/plugin/ctrlp.py
rename to powerline/segments/vim/plugin/ctrlp.py
diff --git a/powerline/segments/plugin/nerdtree.py b/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/nerdtree.py
similarity index 100%
rename from powerline/segments/plugin/nerdtree.py
rename to powerline/segments/vim/plugin/nerdtree.py
diff --git a/powerline/segments/plugin/syntastic.py b/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/syntastic.py
similarity index 100%
rename from powerline/segments/plugin/syntastic.py
rename to powerline/segments/vim/plugin/syntastic.py
diff --git a/powerline/segments/plugin/tagbar.py b/powerline/segments/vim/plugin/tagbar.py
similarity index 100%
rename from powerline/segments/plugin/tagbar.py
rename to powerline/segments/vim/plugin/tagbar.py
diff --git a/powerline/shell.py b/powerline/shell.py
index 513a6974..25d07258 100644
--- a/powerline/shell.py
+++ b/powerline/shell.py
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ def get_argparser(parser=None, *args, **kwargs):
 	p.add_argument('ext', nargs=1, help='Extension: application for which powerline command is launched (usually `shell\' or `tmux\')')
 	p.add_argument('side', nargs='?', choices=('left', 'right', 'above', 'aboveleft'), help='Side: `left\' and `right\' represent left and right side respectively, `above\' emits lines that are supposed to be printed just above the prompt and `aboveleft\' is like concatenating `above\' with `left\' with the exception that only one Python instance is used in this case.')
 	p.add_argument('-r', '--renderer_module', metavar='MODULE', type=str,
-				help='Renderer module. Usually something like `bash_prompt\' or `zsh_prompt\', is supposed to be set only in shell-specific bindings file.')
+				help='Renderer module. Usually something like `.bash\' or `.zsh\', is supposed to be set only in shell-specific bindings file.')
 	p.add_argument('-w', '--width', type=int, help='Maximum prompt with. Triggers truncation of some segments')
 	p.add_argument('--last_exit_code', metavar='INT', type=int, help='Last exit code')
 	p.add_argument('--last_pipe_status', metavar='LIST', default='', type=lambda s: [int(status) for status in s.split()], help='Like above, but is supposed to contain space-separated array of statuses, representing exit statuses of commands in one pipe.')
diff --git a/tests/test_cmdline.py b/tests/test_cmdline.py
index f1ff683a..5af43eee 100644
--- a/tests/test_cmdline.py
+++ b/tests/test_cmdline.py
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class TestParser(TestCase):
 				(['shell', '--config_path'],             'expected one argument'),
 				(['shell', '--renderer_arg'],            'expected one argument'),
 				(['shell', '--jobnum'],                  'expected one argument'),
-				(['-r', 'zsh_prompt'],                   'too few arguments|the following arguments are required: ext'),
+				(['-r', '.zsh'],                         'too few arguments|the following arguments are required: ext'),
 				(['shell', '--last_exit_code', 'i'],     'invalid int value'),
 				(['shell', '--last_pipe_status', '1 i'], 'invalid <lambda> value'),
@@ -57,12 +57,12 @@ class TestParser(TestCase):
 		err = StrIO()
 		with replace_attr(sys, 'stdout', out, 'stderr', err):
 			for argv, expargs in [
-				(['shell'],                     {'ext': ['shell']}),
-				(['shell', '-r', 'zsh_prompt'], {'ext': ['shell'], 'renderer_module': 'zsh_prompt'}),
+				(['shell'],               {'ext': ['shell']}),
+				(['shell', '-r', '.zsh'], {'ext': ['shell'], 'renderer_module': '.zsh'}),
-					'-r', 'zsh_prompt',
+					'-r', '.zsh',
 					'--last_exit_code', '10',
 					'--last_pipe_status', '10 20 30',
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class TestParser(TestCase):
 				], {
 					'ext': ['shell'],
 					'side': 'left',
-					'renderer_module': 'zsh_prompt',
+					'renderer_module': '.zsh',
 					'last_exit_code': 10,
 					'last_pipe_status': [10, 20, 30],
 					'jobnum': 10,
diff --git a/tests/test_provided_config_files.py b/tests/test_provided_config_files.py
index 45cffcf6..da160ab1 100644
--- a/tests/test_provided_config_files.py
+++ b/tests/test_provided_config_files.py
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class TestConfig(TestCase):
 	def test_zsh(self):
 		from powerline.shell import ShellPowerline
-		args = Args(last_pipe_status=[1, 0], jobnum=0, ext=['shell'], renderer_module='zsh_prompt')
+		args = Args(last_pipe_status=[1, 0], jobnum=0, ext=['shell'], renderer_module='.zsh')
 		segment_info = {'args': args}
 		with ShellPowerline(args, run_once=False) as powerline:
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class TestConfig(TestCase):
 	def test_bash(self):
 		from powerline.shell import ShellPowerline
-		args = Args(last_exit_code=1, jobnum=0, ext=['shell'], renderer_module='bash_prompt', config={'ext': {'shell': {'theme': 'default_leftonly'}}})
+		args = Args(last_exit_code=1, jobnum=0, ext=['shell'], renderer_module='.bash', config={'ext': {'shell': {'theme': 'default_leftonly'}}})
 		with ShellPowerline(args, run_once=False) as powerline:
 			powerline.render(segment_info={'args': args})
 		with ShellPowerline(args, run_once=False) as powerline: