The installation docs have been split into separate guides for OS X and
Linux, with OS-specific troubleshooting as part of the installation
Terminal emulator support tables have been added to both guides.
The header levels have been switched to correspond more with the Sphinx
suggested standards and the troubleshooting section has been
restructured to make it easier to find solutions. Minor markup changes
and other changes are also included in this commit.
- prompt.* is a bad name for installing into /usr/share/zsh/site-contrib
- prompt.* does not conform powerline.vim and powerline.conf (vim and tmux)
The tmux theme has been updated and now matches the other themes much
better. It may still look a little boring and segment cropping isn't
enabled, but it's a good starting point. It colors the weather segment
differently based on the current weather and temperature, and some other
segment colors have been tweaked.
To enable the theme, add the following to your tmux.conf:
source '/full/path/to/powerline/bindings/tmux/powerline.conf'
This only displays the left part of the prompt. It requires the
left-only theme to be able to display all segments.
The script must be sourced with an absolute path for now:
. /path/to/powerline/bindings/bash/
This script sets a couple of environment variables in tmux if it's
running, and provides the last exit code and last pipe status to
powerline-prompt. It also traps SIGWINCH and sets the window width as an
env variable in tmux. The default prompt has been split in two and the
git branch is moved to RPS1.
The script must be sourced with an absolute path for now:
. /path/to/powerline/bindings/zsh/prompt.zsh
Statusline cropping has not been implemented in powerline-tmux yet.
Refs #90.
This requires a couple of minor changes to custom segments. The segment
`highlight` key has been renamed to `highlight_group`, and segment
functions must return a list of segments dicts instead of just a dict.
Powerline now detects the Python version and verifies that the user has
Python 3.3 before enabling Python 3 support. To enable Python
3 support, use `python3` to execute source_plugin() in your vimrc
instead of `python2`.