******************** Installation on OS X ******************** Python package ============== 1. Install a proper Python version (see `issue #39 `_ for a discussion regarding the required Python version on OS X):: sudo port select python python27-apple . You may use homebrew for this:: brew install python . .. note:: In case you want or have to use ``powerline.sh`` socat-based client you should also install GNU env named ``genv``. This may be achieved by running ``brew install coreutils``. 2. Install Powerline using the following command:: pip install --user git+git://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline .. warning:: When using ``brew install`` to install Python one must not supply ``--user`` flag to ``pip``. .. note:: You need to use the GitHub URI when installing Powerline! This project is currently unavailable on the PyPI due to a naming conflict with an unrelated project. .. note:: If you are powerline developer you should be aware that ``pip install --editable`` does not currently fully work. If you install powerline this way you will be missing ``powerline`` executable and need to symlink it. It will be located in ``scripts/powerline``. Vim installation ================ Any terminal vim version with Python 3.2+ or Python 2.6+ support should work, but if you’re using MacVim you need to install it using the following command:: brew install macvim --env-std --override-system-vim Fonts installation ================== Install downloaded patched font by double-clicking the font file in Finder, then clicking :guilabel:`Install this font` in the preview window. After installing the patched font you need to update MacVim or your terminal emulator to use the patched font. The correct font usually ends with *for Powerline*.