unsetopt promptsp transientrprompt POWERLINE_COMMAND=( $PWD/scripts/powerline -p $PWD/powerline/config_files ) POWERLINE_COMMAND=( $POWERLINE_COMMAND -t default_leftonly.segment_data.hostname.args.only_if_ssh=false ) POWERLINE_COMMAND=( $POWERLINE_COMMAND -c ext.shell.theme=default_leftonly ) setopt interactivecomments # POWERLINE_CONFIG_PATH=$PWD/powerline/config_files # POWERLINE_THEME_CONFIG=( default_leftonly.segment_data.hostname.args.only_if_ssh=false ) # POWERLINE_CONFIG=( ext.shell.theme=default_leftonly ) POWERLINE_NO_ZSH_ZPYTHON=1 # TODO: make tests work with zsh/zpython export VIRTUAL_ENV= source powerline/bindings/zsh/powerline.zsh ; cd tests/shell/3rd cd .git cd .. VIRTUAL_ENV="$HOME/.virtenvs/some-virtual-environment" VIRTUAL_ENV= bash -c 'echo $$>pid ; while true ; do sleep 0.1s ; done' & false select abc in def ghi jkl do echo $abc break done 1 kill `cat pid` ; sleep 1s cd "$DIR1" cd ../"$DIR2" cd ../'\[\]' cd ../'%%' cd ../'#[bold]' cd ../'(echo)' cd ../'$(echo)' cd ../'`echo`' cd .. POWERLINE_COMMAND=( $POWERLINE_COMMAND[1,4] ${${POWERLINE_COMMAND[5]}/_leftonly} ) ; bindkey -v  echo abc false true is the last line exit