#!/usr/bin/env python # vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function) import socket import os import errno import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser from select import select from signal import signal, SIGTERM from time import sleep from functools import partial from io import BytesIO from threading import Event from itertools import chain from powerline.shell import ShellPowerline from powerline.commands.main import finish_args, write_output from powerline.lib.monotonic import monotonic from powerline.lib.encoding import get_preferred_output_encoding, get_preferred_arguments_encoding, get_unicode_writer from powerline.bindings.wm import wm_threads from powerline.commands.main import get_argparser as get_main_argparser from powerline.commands.daemon import get_argparser as get_daemon_argparser is_daemon = False use_filesystem = not sys.platform.lower().startswith('linux') address = None pidfile = None ts_shutdown_event = Event() class NonInteractiveArgParser(ArgumentParser): def print_usage(self, file=None): raise Exception(self.format_usage()) def print_help(self, file=None): raise Exception(self.format_help()) def exit(self, status=0, message=None): pass def error(self, message): raise Exception(self.format_usage()) parser = get_main_argparser(NonInteractiveArgParser) EOF = b'EOF\0\0' powerlines = {} logger = None config_loader = None home = os.path.expanduser('~') started_wm_threads = {} class PowerlineDaemon(ShellPowerline): def get_log_handler(self): if not is_daemon: import logging return logging.StreamHandler() return super(PowerlineDaemon, self).get_log_handler() def start_wm(args, environ, cwd): wm_name = args.ext[0][3:] if wm_name in started_wm_threads: return b'' shutdown_event = Event() thread = wm_threads[wm_name](shutdown_event=shutdown_event) thread.start() started_wm_threads[wm_name] = (thread, shutdown_event) return b'' def render(args, environ, cwd): global logger global config_loader segment_info = { 'getcwd': lambda: cwd, 'home': environ.get('HOME', home), 'environ': environ, 'args': args, } key = ( args.ext[0], args.renderer_module, tuple(args.config_override) if args.config_override else None, tuple(args.theme_override) if args.theme_override else None, tuple(args.config_path) if args.config_path else None, environ.get('POWERLINE_THEME_OVERRIDES', ''), environ.get('POWERLINE_CONFIG_OVERRIDES', ''), environ.get('POWERLINE_CONFIG_PATHS', ''), ) powerline = None try: powerline = powerlines[key] except KeyError: try: powerline = powerlines[key] = PowerlineDaemon( args, logger=logger, config_loader=config_loader, run_once=False, shutdown_event=ts_shutdown_event, ) if logger is None: logger = powerline.logger if config_loader is None: config_loader = powerline.config_loader except SystemExit: # Somebody thought raising system exit was a good idea, return '' except Exception as e: if powerline: powerline.pl.exception('Failed to render {0}: {1}', str(key), str(e)) else: return 'Failed to render {0}: {1}'.format(str(key), str(e)) s = BytesIO() write_output(args, powerline, segment_info, get_unicode_writer(stream=s)) s.seek(0) return s.read() def eintr_retry_call(func, *args, **kwargs): while True: try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except EnvironmentError as e: if getattr(e, 'errno', None) == errno.EINTR: continue raise def do_read(conn, timeout=2.0): ''' Read data from the client. If the client fails to send data within timeout seconds, abort. ''' read = [] end_time = monotonic() + timeout while not read or not read[-1].endswith(b'\0\0'): r, w, e = select((conn,), (), (conn,), timeout) if e: return if monotonic() > end_time: return if not r: continue x = eintr_retry_call(conn.recv, 4096) if x: read.append(x) else: break return b''.join(read) def do_write(conn, result): try: eintr_retry_call(conn.sendall, result) except Exception: pass def safe_bytes(o, encoding=get_preferred_output_encoding()): '''Return bytes instance without ever throwing an exception.''' try: try: # We are assuming that o is a unicode object return o.encode(encoding, 'replace') except Exception: # Object may have defined __bytes__ (python 3) or __str__ method # (python 2) # This also catches problem with non_ascii_bytes.encode('utf-8') # that first tries to decode to UTF-8 using ascii codec (and fails # in this case) and then encode to given encoding: errors= argument # is not used in the first stage. return bytes(o) except Exception as e: return safe_bytes(str(e), encoding) def parse_args(req, encoding=get_preferred_arguments_encoding()): args = [x.decode(encoding) for x in req.split(b'\0') if x] numargs = int(args[0], 16) shell_args = parser.parse_args(args[1:numargs + 1]) cwd = args[numargs + 1] environ = dict(((k, v) for k, v in (x.partition('=')[0::2] for x in args[numargs + 2:]))) cwd = cwd or environ.get('PWD', '/') return shell_args, environ, cwd def get_answer(req): try: args, environ, cwd = parse_args(req) finish_args(parser, environ, args, is_daemon=True) if args.ext[0].startswith('wm.'): return safe_bytes(start_wm(args, environ, cwd)) else: return safe_bytes(render(args, environ, cwd)) except Exception as e: return safe_bytes(str(e)) def do_one(sock, read_sockets, write_sockets, result_map): r, w, e = select( tuple(read_sockets) + (sock,), tuple(write_sockets), tuple(read_sockets) + tuple(write_sockets) + (sock,), 60.0 ) if sock in e: # We cannot accept any more connections, so we exit raise SystemExit(1) for s in e: # Discard all broken connections to clients s.close() read_sockets.discard(s) write_sockets.discard(s) for s in r: if s == sock: # A client wants to connect conn, _ = eintr_retry_call(sock.accept) read_sockets.add(conn) else: # A client has sent some data read_sockets.discard(s) req = do_read(s) if req == EOF: raise SystemExit(0) elif req: ans = get_answer(req) result_map[s] = ans write_sockets.add(s) else: s.close() for s in w: # A client is ready to receive the result write_sockets.discard(s) result = result_map.pop(s) try: do_write(s, result) finally: s.close() def shutdown(sock, read_sockets, write_sockets): '''Perform operations necessary for nicely shutting down daemon Specifically it #. Closes all sockets. #. Notifies segments based on :py:class:`powerline.lib.threaded.ThreadedSegment` and WM-specific threads that daemon is shutting down. #. Waits for threads to finish, but no more then 2 seconds total. #. Waits so that total execution time of this function is 2 seconds in order to allow ThreadedSegments to finish. ''' total_wait_time = 2 shutdown_start_time = monotonic() for s in chain((sock,), read_sockets, write_sockets): s.close() # Notify ThreadedSegments ts_shutdown_event.set() for thread, shutdown_event in started_wm_threads.values(): shutdown_event.set() for thread, shutdown_event in started_wm_threads.values(): wait_time = total_wait_time - (monotonic() - shutdown_start_time) if wait_time > 0: thread.join(wait_time) wait_time = total_wait_time - (monotonic() - shutdown_start_time) sleep(wait_time) def main_loop(sock): sock.listen(128) sock.setblocking(0) read_sockets, write_sockets = set(), set() result_map = {} try: try: while True: do_one(sock, read_sockets, write_sockets, result_map) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise SystemExit(0) except SystemExit as e: shutdown(sock, read_sockets, write_sockets) raise e return 0 def daemonize(stdin=os.devnull, stdout=os.devnull, stderr=os.devnull): try: pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: # exit first parent sys.exit(0) except OSError as e: sys.stderr.write("fork #1 failed: %d (%s)\n" % (e.errno, e.strerror)) sys.exit(1) # decouple from parent environment os.chdir("/") os.setsid() os.umask(0) # do second fork try: pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: # exit from second parent sys.exit(0) except OSError as e: sys.stderr.write("fork #2 failed: %d (%s)\n" % (e.errno, e.strerror)) sys.exit(1) # Redirect standard file descriptors. si = open(stdin, 'rb') so = open(stdout, 'a+b') se = open(stderr, 'a+b', 0) os.dup2(si.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno()) os.dup2(so.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno()) os.dup2(se.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno()) global is_daemon is_daemon = True def check_existing(): if use_filesystem: # We cannot bind if the socket file already exists so remove it, we # already have a lock on pidfile, so this should be safe. try: os.unlink(address) except EnvironmentError: pass sock = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_UNIX) try: sock.bind(address) except socket.error as e: if getattr(e, 'errno', None) == errno.EADDRINUSE: return None raise return sock def kill_daemon(): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: try: eintr_retry_call(sock.connect, address) except socket.error: return False else: eintr_retry_call(sock.sendall, EOF) finally: sock.close() return True def cleanup_lockfile(fd, *args): try: # Remove the directory entry for the lock file os.unlink(pidfile) # Close the file descriptor os.close(fd) except EnvironmentError: pass if args: # Called in signal handler raise SystemExit(1) def lockpidfile(): import fcntl import atexit import stat fd = os.open( pidfile, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH ) try: fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) except EnvironmentError: os.close(fd) return None os.lseek(fd, 0, os.SEEK_SET) os.ftruncate(fd, 0) os.write(fd, ('%d' % os.getpid()).encode('ascii')) os.fsync(fd) cleanup = partial(cleanup_lockfile, fd) signal(SIGTERM, cleanup) atexit.register(cleanup) return fd def main(): global address global pidfile parser = get_daemon_argparser() args = parser.parse_args() if args.socket: address = args.socket if not use_filesystem: address = '\0' + address else: if use_filesystem: address = '/tmp/powerline-ipc-%d' else: # Use the abstract namespace for sockets rather than the filesystem # (Available only in linux) address = '\0powerline-ipc-%d' address = address % os.getuid() if use_filesystem: pidfile = address + '.pid' if args.kill: if args.foreground or args.replace: parser.error('--kill and --foreground/--replace cannot be used together') if kill_daemon(): if not args.quiet: print ('Kill command sent to daemon, if it does not die in a couple of seconds use kill to kill it') raise SystemExit(0) else: if not args.quiet: print ('No running daemon found') raise SystemExit(1) if args.replace: while kill_daemon(): if not args.quiet: print ('Kill command sent to daemon, waiting for daemon to exit, press Ctrl-C to terminate wait and exit') sleep(2) if use_filesystem and not args.foreground: # We must daemonize before creating the locked pidfile, unfortunately, # this means further print statements are discarded daemonize() if use_filesystem: # Create a locked pid file containing the daemon’s PID if lockpidfile() is None: if not args.quiet: sys.stderr.write( 'The daemon is already running. Use %s -k to kill it.\n' % ( os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))) raise SystemExit(1) # Bind to address or bail if we cannot bind sock = check_existing() if sock is None: if not args.quiet: sys.stderr.write( 'The daemon is already running. Use %s -k to kill it.\n' % ( os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))) raise SystemExit(1) if args.foreground: return main_loop(sock) if not use_filesystem: # We daemonize on linux daemonize() main_loop(sock) if __name__ == '__main__': main()