# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet from __future__ import division from powerline.lib import mergedicts, add_divider_highlight_group, REMOVE_THIS_KEY from powerline.lib.humanize_bytes import humanize_bytes from powerline.lib.vcs import guess, get_fallback_create_watcher from powerline.lib.threaded import ThreadedSegment, KwThreadedSegment from powerline.lib.monotonic import monotonic from powerline.lib.file_watcher import create_file_watcher, INotifyError from powerline.lib.vcs.git import git_directory from powerline import get_fallback_logger import threading import os import sys import re from time import sleep from subprocess import call, PIPE from functools import partial from tests import TestCase, SkipTest from tests.lib import Pl def thread_number(): return len(threading.enumerate()) class TestThreaded(TestCase): def test_threaded_segment(self): log = [] pl = Pl() updates = [(None,)] lock = threading.Lock() event = threading.Event() block_event = threading.Event() class TestSegment(ThreadedSegment): interval = 10 def set_state(self, **kwargs): event.clear() log.append(('set_state', kwargs)) return super(TestSegment, self).set_state(**kwargs) def update(self, update_value): block_event.wait() event.set() # Make sleep first to prevent some race conditions log.append(('update', update_value)) with lock: ret = updates[0] if isinstance(ret, Exception): raise ret else: return ret[0] def render(self, update, **kwargs): log.append(('render', update, kwargs)) if isinstance(update, Exception): raise update else: return update # Non-threaded tests segment = TestSegment() block_event.set() updates[0] = (None,) self.assertEqual(segment(pl=pl), None) self.assertEqual(thread_number(), 1) self.assertEqual(log, [ ('set_state', {}), ('update', None), ('render', None, {'pl': pl, 'update_first': True}), ]) log[:] = () segment = TestSegment() block_event.set() updates[0] = ('abc',) self.assertEqual(segment(pl=pl), 'abc') self.assertEqual(thread_number(), 1) self.assertEqual(log, [ ('set_state', {}), ('update', None), ('render', 'abc', {'pl': pl, 'update_first': True}), ]) log[:] = () segment = TestSegment() block_event.set() updates[0] = ('abc',) self.assertEqual(segment(pl=pl, update_first=False), 'abc') self.assertEqual(thread_number(), 1) self.assertEqual(log, [ ('set_state', {}), ('update', None), ('render', 'abc', {'pl': pl, 'update_first': False}), ]) log[:] = () segment = TestSegment() block_event.set() updates[0] = ValueError('abc') self.assertEqual(segment(pl=pl), None) self.assertEqual(thread_number(), 1) self.assertEqual(len(pl.exceptions), 1) self.assertEqual(log, [ ('set_state', {}), ('update', None), ]) log[:] = () pl.exceptions[:] = () segment = TestSegment() block_event.set() updates[0] = (TypeError('def'),) self.assertRaises(TypeError, segment, pl=pl) self.assertEqual(thread_number(), 1) self.assertEqual(log, [ ('set_state', {}), ('update', None), ('render', updates[0][0], {'pl': pl, 'update_first': True}), ]) log[:] = () # Threaded tests segment = TestSegment() block_event.clear() kwargs = {'pl': pl, 'update_first': False, 'other': 1} with lock: updates[0] = ('abc',) segment.startup(**kwargs) ret = segment(**kwargs) self.assertEqual(thread_number(), 2) block_event.set() event.wait() segment.shutdown_event.set() segment.thread.join() self.assertEqual(ret, None) self.assertEqual(log, [ ('set_state', {'update_first': False, 'other': 1}), ('render', None, {'pl': pl, 'update_first': False, 'other': 1}), ('update', None), ]) log[:] = () segment = TestSegment() block_event.set() kwargs = {'pl': pl, 'update_first': True, 'other': 1} with lock: updates[0] = ('def',) segment.startup(**kwargs) ret = segment(**kwargs) self.assertEqual(thread_number(), 2) segment.shutdown_event.set() segment.thread.join() self.assertEqual(ret, 'def') self.assertEqual(log, [ ('set_state', {'update_first': True, 'other': 1}), ('update', None), ('render', 'def', {'pl': pl, 'update_first': True, 'other': 1}), ]) log[:] = () segment = TestSegment() block_event.set() kwargs = {'pl': pl, 'update_first': True, 'interval': 0.2} with lock: updates[0] = ('abc',) segment.startup(**kwargs) start = monotonic() ret1 = segment(**kwargs) with lock: updates[0] = ('def',) self.assertEqual(thread_number(), 2) sleep(0.5) ret2 = segment(**kwargs) segment.shutdown_event.set() segment.thread.join() end = monotonic() duration = end - start self.assertEqual(ret1, 'abc') self.assertEqual(ret2, 'def') self.assertEqual(log[:5], [ ('set_state', {'update_first': True, 'interval': 0.2}), ('update', None), ('render', 'abc', {'pl': pl, 'update_first': True, 'interval': 0.2}), ('update', 'abc'), ('update', 'def'), ]) num_runs = len([e for e in log if e[0] == 'update']) self.assertAlmostEqual(duration / 0.2, num_runs, delta=1) log[:] = () segment = TestSegment() block_event.set() kwargs = {'pl': pl, 'update_first': True, 'interval': 0.2} with lock: updates[0] = ('ghi',) segment.startup(**kwargs) start = monotonic() ret1 = segment(**kwargs) with lock: updates[0] = TypeError('jkl') self.assertEqual(thread_number(), 2) sleep(0.5) ret2 = segment(**kwargs) segment.shutdown_event.set() segment.thread.join() end = monotonic() duration = end - start self.assertEqual(ret1, 'ghi') self.assertEqual(ret2, None) self.assertEqual(log[:5], [ ('set_state', {'update_first': True, 'interval': 0.2}), ('update', None), ('render', 'ghi', {'pl': pl, 'update_first': True, 'interval': 0.2}), ('update', 'ghi'), ('update', 'ghi'), ]) num_runs = len([e for e in log if e[0] == 'update']) self.assertAlmostEqual(duration / 0.2, num_runs, delta=1) self.assertEqual(num_runs - 1, len(pl.exceptions)) log[:] = () def test_kw_threaded_segment(self): log = [] pl = Pl() event = threading.Event() class TestSegment(KwThreadedSegment): interval = 10 @staticmethod def key(_key=(None,), **kwargs): log.append(('key', _key, kwargs)) return _key def compute_state(self, key): event.set() sleep(0.1) log.append(('compute_state', key)) ret = key if isinstance(ret, Exception): raise ret else: return ret[0] def render_one(self, state, **kwargs): log.append(('render_one', state, kwargs)) if isinstance(state, Exception): raise state else: return state # Non-threaded tests segment = TestSegment() event.clear() self.assertEqual(segment(pl=pl), None) self.assertEqual(thread_number(), 1) self.assertEqual(log, [ ('key', (None,), {'pl': pl}), ('compute_state', (None,)), ('render_one', None, {'pl': pl}), ]) log[:] = () segment = TestSegment() kwargs = {'pl': pl, '_key': ('abc',), 'update_first': False} event.clear() self.assertEqual(segment(**kwargs), 'abc') kwargs.update(_key=('def',)) self.assertEqual(segment(**kwargs), 'def') self.assertEqual(thread_number(), 1) self.assertEqual(log, [ ('key', ('abc',), {'pl': pl}), ('compute_state', ('abc',)), ('render_one', 'abc', {'pl': pl, '_key': ('abc',)}), ('key', ('def',), {'pl': pl}), ('compute_state', ('def',)), ('render_one', 'def', {'pl': pl, '_key': ('def',)}), ]) log[:] = () segment = TestSegment() kwargs = {'pl': pl, '_key': ValueError('xyz'), 'update_first': False} event.clear() self.assertEqual(segment(**kwargs), None) self.assertEqual(thread_number(), 1) self.assertEqual(log, [ ('key', kwargs['_key'], {'pl': pl}), ('compute_state', kwargs['_key']), ]) log[:] = () segment = TestSegment() kwargs = {'pl': pl, '_key': (ValueError('abc'),), 'update_first': False} event.clear() self.assertRaises(ValueError, segment, **kwargs) self.assertEqual(thread_number(), 1) self.assertEqual(log, [ ('key', kwargs['_key'], {'pl': pl}), ('compute_state', kwargs['_key']), ('render_one', kwargs['_key'][0], {'pl': pl, '_key': kwargs['_key']}), ]) log[:] = () # Threaded tests segment = TestSegment() kwargs = {'pl': pl, 'update_first': False, '_key': ('_abc',)} event.clear() segment.startup(**kwargs) ret = segment(**kwargs) self.assertEqual(thread_number(), 2) segment.shutdown_event.set() segment.thread.join() self.assertEqual(ret, None) self.assertEqual(log[:2], [ ('key', kwargs['_key'], {'pl': pl}), ('render_one', None, {'pl': pl, '_key': kwargs['_key']}), ]) self.assertLessEqual(len(log), 3) if len(log) > 2: self.assertEqual(log[2], ('compute_state', kwargs['_key'])) log[:] = () segment = TestSegment() kwargs = {'pl': pl, 'update_first': True, '_key': ('_abc',)} event.clear() segment.startup(**kwargs) ret1 = segment(**kwargs) kwargs.update(_key=('_def',)) ret2 = segment(**kwargs) self.assertEqual(thread_number(), 2) segment.shutdown_event.set() segment.thread.join() self.assertEqual(ret1, '_abc') self.assertEqual(ret2, '_def') self.assertEqual(log, [ ('key', ('_abc',), {'pl': pl}), ('compute_state', ('_abc',)), ('render_one', '_abc', {'pl': pl, '_key': ('_abc',)}), ('key', ('_def',), {'pl': pl}), ('compute_state', ('_def',)), ('render_one', '_def', {'pl': pl, '_key': ('_def',)}), ]) log[:] = () class TestLib(TestCase): def test_mergedicts(self): d = {} mergedicts(d, {'abc': {'def': 'ghi'}}) self.assertEqual(d, {'abc': {'def': 'ghi'}}) mergedicts(d, {'abc': {'def': {'ghi': 'jkl'}}}) self.assertEqual(d, {'abc': {'def': {'ghi': 'jkl'}}}) mergedicts(d, {}) self.assertEqual(d, {'abc': {'def': {'ghi': 'jkl'}}}) mergedicts(d, {'abc': {'mno': 'pqr'}}) self.assertEqual(d, {'abc': {'def': {'ghi': 'jkl'}, 'mno': 'pqr'}}) mergedicts(d, {'abc': {'def': REMOVE_THIS_KEY}}) self.assertEqual(d, {'abc': {'mno': 'pqr'}}) def test_add_divider_highlight_group(self): def decorated_function_name(**kwargs): return str(kwargs) func = add_divider_highlight_group('hl_group')(decorated_function_name) self.assertEqual(func.__name__, 'decorated_function_name') self.assertEqual(func(kw={}), [{'contents': repr({'kw': {}}), 'divider_highlight_group': 'hl_group'}]) def test_humanize_bytes(self): self.assertEqual(humanize_bytes(0), '0 B') self.assertEqual(humanize_bytes(1), '1 B') self.assertEqual(humanize_bytes(1, suffix='bit'), '1 bit') self.assertEqual(humanize_bytes(1000, si_prefix=True), '1 kB') self.assertEqual(humanize_bytes(1024, si_prefix=True), '1 kB') self.assertEqual(humanize_bytes(1000000000, si_prefix=True), '1.00 GB') self.assertEqual(humanize_bytes(1000000000, si_prefix=False), '953.7 MiB') class TestFilesystemWatchers(TestCase): def do_test_for_change(self, watcher, path): st = monotonic() while monotonic() - st < 1: if watcher(path): return sleep(0.1) self.fail('The change to {0} was not detected'.format(path)) def test_file_watcher(self): try: w = create_file_watcher(pl=get_fallback_logger(), watcher_type='inotify') except INotifyError: raise SkipTest('This test is not suitable for a stat based file watcher') f1, f2, f3 = map(lambda x: os.path.join(INOTIFY_DIR, 'file%d' % x), (1, 2, 3)) with open(f1, 'wb'): with open(f2, 'wb'): with open(f3, 'wb'): pass ne = os.path.join(INOTIFY_DIR, 'notexists') self.assertRaises(OSError, w, ne) self.assertTrue(w(f1)) self.assertTrue(w(f2)) os.utime(f1, None), os.utime(f2, None) self.do_test_for_change(w, f1) self.do_test_for_change(w, f2) # Repeat once os.utime(f1, None), os.utime(f2, None) self.do_test_for_change(w, f1) self.do_test_for_change(w, f2) # Check that no false changes are reported self.assertFalse(w(f1), 'Spurious change detected') self.assertFalse(w(f2), 'Spurious change detected') # Check that open the file with 'w' triggers a change with open(f1, 'wb'): with open(f2, 'wb'): pass self.do_test_for_change(w, f1) self.do_test_for_change(w, f2) # Check that writing to a file with 'a' triggers a change with open(f1, 'ab') as f: f.write(b'1') self.do_test_for_change(w, f1) # Check that deleting a file registers as a change os.unlink(f1) self.do_test_for_change(w, f1) # Test that changing the inode of a file does not cause it to stop # being watched os.rename(f3, f2) self.do_test_for_change(w, f2) self.assertFalse(w(f2), 'Spurious change detected') os.utime(f2, None) self.do_test_for_change(w, f2) def test_tree_watcher(self): from powerline.lib.tree_watcher import TreeWatcher tw = TreeWatcher() subdir = os.path.join(INOTIFY_DIR, 'subdir') os.mkdir(subdir) if tw.watch(INOTIFY_DIR).is_dummy: raise SkipTest('No tree watcher available') import shutil self.assertTrue(tw(INOTIFY_DIR)) self.assertFalse(tw(INOTIFY_DIR)) changed = partial(self.do_test_for_change, tw, INOTIFY_DIR) open(os.path.join(INOTIFY_DIR, 'tree1'), 'w').close() changed() open(os.path.join(subdir, 'tree1'), 'w').close() changed() os.unlink(os.path.join(subdir, 'tree1')) changed() os.rmdir(subdir) changed() os.mkdir(subdir) changed() os.rename(subdir, subdir + '1') changed() shutil.rmtree(subdir + '1') changed() os.mkdir(subdir) f = os.path.join(subdir, 'f') open(f, 'w').close() changed() with open(f, 'a') as s: s.write(' ') changed() os.rename(f, f + '1') changed() use_mercurial = use_bzr = sys.version_info < (3, 0) class TestVCS(TestCase): def do_branch_rename_test(self, repo, q): st = monotonic() while monotonic() - st < 1: # Give inotify time to deliver events ans = repo.branch() if hasattr(q, '__call__'): if q(ans): break else: if ans == q: break sleep(0.01) if hasattr(q, '__call__'): self.assertTrue(q(ans)) else: self.assertEqual(ans, q) def test_git(self): create_watcher = get_fallback_create_watcher() repo = guess(path=GIT_REPO, create_watcher=create_watcher) self.assertNotEqual(repo, None) self.assertEqual(repo.branch(), 'master') self.assertEqual(repo.status(), None) self.assertEqual(repo.status('file'), None) with open(os.path.join(GIT_REPO, 'file'), 'w') as f: f.write('abc') f.flush() self.assertEqual(repo.status(), ' U') self.assertEqual(repo.status('file'), '??') call(['git', 'add', '.'], cwd=GIT_REPO) self.assertEqual(repo.status(), ' I ') self.assertEqual(repo.status('file'), 'A ') f.write('def') f.flush() self.assertEqual(repo.status(), 'DI ') self.assertEqual(repo.status('file'), 'AM') os.remove(os.path.join(GIT_REPO, 'file')) # Test changing branch self.assertEqual(repo.branch(), 'master') try: call(['git', 'branch', 'branch1'], cwd=GIT_REPO) call(['git', 'checkout', '-q', 'branch1'], cwd=GIT_REPO) self.do_branch_rename_test(repo, 'branch1') call(['git', 'branch', 'branch2'], cwd=GIT_REPO) call(['git', 'checkout', '-q', 'branch2'], cwd=GIT_REPO) self.do_branch_rename_test(repo, 'branch2') call(['git', 'checkout', '-q', '--detach', 'branch1'], cwd=GIT_REPO) self.do_branch_rename_test(repo, lambda b: re.match(br'^[a-f0-9]+$', b)) finally: call(['git', 'checkout', '-q', 'master'], cwd=GIT_REPO) def test_git_sym(self): create_watcher = get_fallback_create_watcher() dotgit = os.path.join(GIT_REPO, '.git') spacegit = os.path.join(GIT_REPO, ' .git ') os.rename(dotgit, spacegit) try: with open(dotgit, 'w') as F: F.write('gitdir: .git \n') gitdir = git_directory(GIT_REPO) self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(gitdir)) self.assertEqual(gitdir, os.path.abspath(spacegit)) repo = guess(path=GIT_REPO, create_watcher=create_watcher) self.assertEqual(repo.branch(), 'master') finally: os.remove(dotgit) os.rename(spacegit, dotgit) if use_mercurial: def test_mercurial(self): create_watcher = get_fallback_create_watcher() repo = guess(path=HG_REPO, create_watcher=create_watcher) self.assertNotEqual(repo, None) self.assertEqual(repo.branch(), 'default') self.assertEqual(repo.status(), None) with open(os.path.join(HG_REPO, 'file'), 'w') as f: f.write('abc') f.flush() self.assertEqual(repo.status(), ' U') self.assertEqual(repo.status('file'), 'U') call(['hg', 'add', '.'], cwd=HG_REPO, stdout=PIPE) self.assertEqual(repo.status(), 'D ') self.assertEqual(repo.status('file'), 'A') os.remove(os.path.join(HG_REPO, 'file')) if use_bzr: def test_bzr(self): create_watcher = get_fallback_create_watcher() repo = guess(path=BZR_REPO, create_watcher=create_watcher) self.assertNotEqual(repo, None, 'No bzr repo found. Do you have bzr installed?') self.assertEqual(repo.branch(), 'test_powerline') self.assertEqual(repo.status(), None) with open(os.path.join(BZR_REPO, 'file'), 'w') as f: f.write('abc') self.assertEqual(repo.status(), ' U') self.assertEqual(repo.status('file'), '? ') call(['bzr', 'add', '-q', '.'], cwd=BZR_REPO, stdout=PIPE) self.assertEqual(repo.status(), 'D ') self.assertEqual(repo.status('file'), '+N') call(['bzr', 'commit', '-q', '-m', 'initial commit'], cwd=BZR_REPO) self.assertEqual(repo.status(), None) with open(os.path.join(BZR_REPO, 'file'), 'w') as f: f.write('def') self.assertEqual(repo.status(), 'D ') self.assertEqual(repo.status('file'), ' M') self.assertEqual(repo.status('notexist'), None) with open(os.path.join(BZR_REPO, 'ignored'), 'w') as f: f.write('abc') self.assertEqual(repo.status('ignored'), '? ') # Test changing the .bzrignore file should update status with open(os.path.join(BZR_REPO, '.bzrignore'), 'w') as f: f.write('ignored') self.assertEqual(repo.status('ignored'), None) # Test changing the dirstate file should invalidate the cache for # all files in the repo with open(os.path.join(BZR_REPO, 'file2'), 'w') as f: f.write('abc') call(['bzr', 'add', 'file2'], cwd=BZR_REPO, stdout=PIPE) call(['bzr', 'commit', '-q', '-m', 'file2 added'], cwd=BZR_REPO) with open(os.path.join(BZR_REPO, 'file'), 'a') as f: f.write('hello') with open(os.path.join(BZR_REPO, 'file2'), 'a') as f: f.write('hello') self.assertEqual(repo.status('file'), ' M') self.assertEqual(repo.status('file2'), ' M') call(['bzr', 'commit', '-q', '-m', 'multi'], cwd=BZR_REPO) self.assertEqual(repo.status('file'), None) self.assertEqual(repo.status('file2'), None) # Test changing branch call(['bzr', 'nick', 'branch1'], cwd=BZR_REPO, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) self.do_branch_rename_test(repo, 'branch1') # Test branch name/status changes when swapping repos for x in ('b1', 'b2'): d = os.path.join(BZR_REPO, x) os.mkdir(d) call(['bzr', 'init', '-q'], cwd=d) call(['bzr', 'nick', '-q', x], cwd=d) repo = guess(path=d, create_watcher=create_watcher) self.assertEqual(repo.branch(), x) self.assertFalse(repo.status()) if x == 'b1': open(os.path.join(d, 'dirty'), 'w').close() self.assertTrue(repo.status()) os.rename(os.path.join(BZR_REPO, 'b1'), os.path.join(BZR_REPO, 'b')) os.rename(os.path.join(BZR_REPO, 'b2'), os.path.join(BZR_REPO, 'b1')) os.rename(os.path.join(BZR_REPO, 'b'), os.path.join(BZR_REPO, 'b2')) for x, y in (('b1', 'b2'), ('b2', 'b1')): d = os.path.join(BZR_REPO, x) repo = guess(path=d, create_watcher=create_watcher) self.do_branch_rename_test(repo, y) if x == 'b1': self.assertFalse(repo.status()) else: self.assertTrue(repo.status()) old_HGRCPATH = None old_cwd = None GIT_REPO = 'git_repo' + os.environ.get('PYTHON', '') HG_REPO = 'hg_repo' + os.environ.get('PYTHON', '') BZR_REPO = 'bzr_repo' + os.environ.get('PYTHON', '') INOTIFY_DIR = 'inotify' + os.environ.get('PYTHON', '') def setUpModule(): global old_cwd global old_HGRCPATH old_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.dirname(__file__)) call(['git', 'init', '--quiet', GIT_REPO]) assert os.path.isdir(GIT_REPO) call(['git', 'config', '--local', 'user.name', 'Foo'], cwd=GIT_REPO) call(['git', 'config', '--local', 'user.email', 'bar@example.org'], cwd=GIT_REPO) call(['git', 'commit', '--allow-empty', '--message', 'Initial commit', '--quiet'], cwd=GIT_REPO) if use_mercurial: old_HGRCPATH = os.environ.get('HGRCPATH') os.environ['HGRCPATH'] = '' call(['hg', 'init', HG_REPO]) with open(os.path.join(HG_REPO, '.hg', 'hgrc'), 'w') as hgrc: hgrc.write('[ui]\n') hgrc.write('username = Foo \n') if use_bzr: call(['bzr', 'init', '--quiet', BZR_REPO]) call(['bzr', 'config', 'email=Foo '], cwd=BZR_REPO) call(['bzr', 'config', 'nickname=test_powerline'], cwd=BZR_REPO) call(['bzr', 'config', 'create_signatures=0'], cwd=BZR_REPO) os.mkdir(INOTIFY_DIR) def tearDownModule(): global old_cwd global old_HGRCPATH for repo_dir in [INOTIFY_DIR, GIT_REPO] + ([HG_REPO] if use_mercurial else []) + ([BZR_REPO] if use_bzr else []): for root, dirs, files in list(os.walk(repo_dir, topdown=False)): for file in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, file)) for dir in dirs: os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, dir)) os.rmdir(repo_dir) if use_mercurial: if old_HGRCPATH is None: os.environ.pop('HGRCPATH') else: os.environ['HGRCPATH'] = old_HGRCPATH os.chdir(old_cwd) if __name__ == '__main__': from tests import main main()