************* Configuration ************* .. note:: **You DO NOT have to fork the main GitHub repo to personalize your Powerline configuration!** Please read through the :ref:`quick-guide` for a quick introduction to user configuration. Powerline is configured with one main configuration file, and with separate configuration files for themes and colorschemes. All configuration files are written in JSON, with the exception of segment definitions, which are written in Python. Powerline provides default configurations in the following locations: `Main configuration`_ :file:`powerline/config.json` `Colorschemes`_ :file:`powerline/colorschemes/{name}.json`, :file:`powerline/colorscheme/__main__.json`, :file:`powerline/colorschemes/{extension}/{name}.json` `Themes`_ :file:`powerline/themes/{extension}/default.json` The default configuration files are stored in the main package. User configuration files are stored in :file:`$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/powerline` for Linux users, and in :file:`~/.config/powerline` for OS X users. This usually corresponds to :file:`~/.config/powerline` on both platforms. .. _quick-guide: Quick setup guide ================= This guide will help you with the initial configuration of Powerline. Start by copying the entire set of default configuration files to the corresponding path in your user config directory: .. code-block:: sh mkdir ~/.config/powerline cp -R /path/to/powerline/config_files/* ~/.config/powerline Each extension (vim, tmux, etc.) has its own theme, and they are located in :file:`{config directory}/themes/{extension}/default.json`. If you want to move, remove or customize any of the provided segments, you can do that by updating the segment dictionary in the theme you want to customize. A segment dictionary looks like this: .. code-block:: javascript { "name": "segment_name" ... } You can move the segment dictionaries around to change the segment positions, or remove the entire dictionary to remove the segment from the prompt or statusline. .. note:: It's essential that the contents of all your configuration files is valid JSON! It's strongly recommended that you run your configuration files through ``jsonlint`` after changing them. Some segments need a user configuration to work properly. Here's a couple of segments that you may want to customize right away: **E-mail alert segment** You have to set your username and password (and possibly server/port) for the e-mail alert segment. If you're using GMail it's recommended that you `generate an application-specific password `_ for this purpose. Open a theme file, scroll down to the ``email_imap_alert`` segment and set your ``username`` and ``password``. The server defaults to GMail's IMAP server, but you can set the server/port by adding a ``server`` and a ``port`` argument. **Weather segment** The weather segment will try to find your location using a GeoIP lookup, so unless you're on a VPN you probably won't have to change the location query. If you want to change the location query or the temperature unit you'll have to update the segment arguments. Open a theme file, scroll down to the weather segment and update it to include unit/location query arguments: .. code-block:: javascript { "name": "weather", "priority": 50, "args": { "unit": "F", "location_query": "oslo, norway" } }, .. _config-main: Main configuration ================== :Location: :file:`powerline/config.json` The main configuration file defines some common options that applies to all extensions, as well as some extension-specific options like themes and colorschemes. Common configuration -------------------- Common configuration is a subdictionary that is a value of ``common`` key in :file:`powerline/config.json` file. .. _config-common-term_truecolor: ``term_truecolor`` Defines whether to output cterm indices (8-bit) or RGB colors (24-bit) to the terminal emulator. See the :ref:`term-feature-support-matrix` for information on whether your terminal emulator supports 24-bit colors. .. _config-common-ambiwidth: ``ambiwidth`` Tells powerline what to do with characters with East Asian Width Class Ambigious (such as Euro, Registered Sign, Copyright Sign, Greek letters, Cyrillic letters). Valid values: any positive integer; it is suggested that you only set it to 1 (default) or 2. ``watcher`` Select filesystem watcher. Variants are ======= =================================== Variant Description ======= =================================== auto Selects most performant watcher. inotify Select inotify watcher. Linux only. stat Select stat-based polling watcher. ======= =================================== Default is ``auto``. .. _config-common-additional_escapes: ``additional_escapes`` Valid for shell extensions, makes sense only if :ref:`term_truecolor ` is enabled. Is to be set from command-line (unless you are sure you always need it). Controls additional escaping that is needed for tmux/screen to work with terminal true color escape codes: normally tmux/screen prevent terminal emulator from receiving these control codes thus rendering powerline prompt colorless. Valid values: ``"tmux"``, ``"screen"``, ``null`` (default). ``dividers`` Defines the dividers used in all Powerline extensions. This option should usually only be changed if you don't have a patched font, or if you use a font patched with the legacy font patcher. The ``hard`` dividers are used to divide segments with different background colors, while the ``soft`` dividers are used to divide segments with the same background color. .. _config-common-paths: ``paths`` Defines additional paths which will be searched for modules when using :ref:`module segment option `. Paths defined here have priority when searching for modules. ``log_file`` Defines path which will hold powerline logs. If not present, logging will be done to stderr. ``log_level`` String, determines logging level. Defaults to ``WARNING``. ``log_format`` String, determines format of the log messages. Defaults to ``'%(asctime)s:%(level)s:%(message)s'``. ``interval`` Number, determines time (in seconds) between checks for changed configuration. Checks are done in a seprate thread. Use ``null`` to check for configuration changes on ``.render()`` call in main thread. Defaults to ``None``. ``reload_config`` Boolean, determines whether configuration should be reloaded at all. Defaults to ``True``. Extension-specific configuration -------------------------------- Common configuration is a subdictionary that is a value of ``ext`` key in :file:`powerline/config.json` file. ``colorscheme`` Defines the colorscheme used for this extension. ``theme`` .. _config-ext-theme: Defines the theme used for this extension. ``local_themes`` .. _config-ext-local_themes: Defines themes used when certain conditions are met, e.g. for buffer-specific statuslines in vim. Value depends on extension used. For vim it is a dictionary ``{matcher_name : theme_name}``, where ``matcher_name`` is either ``matcher_module.module_attribute`` or ``module_attribute`` (``matcher_module`` defaults to ``powerline.matchers.vim``) and ``module_attribute`` should point to a function that returns boolean value indicating that current buffer has (not) matched conditions. .. _config-colors: Color definitions ================= :Location: :file:`powerline/colors.json` .. _config-colors-colors: ``colors`` Color definitions, consisting of a dict where the key is the name of the color, and the value is one of the following: * A cterm color index. * A list with a cterm color index and a hex color string (e.g. ``[123, "aabbcc"]``). This is useful for colorschemes that use colors that aren't available in color terminals. ``gradients`` Gradient definitions, consisting of a dict where the key is the name of the gradient, and the value is a list containing one or two items, second item is optional: * A list of cterm color indicies. * A list of hex color strings. It is expected that you define gradients from least alert color to most alert or use non-alert colors. .. _config-colorschemes: Colorschemes ============ :Location: :file:`powerline/colorschemes/{name}.json`, :file:`powerline/colorscheme/__main__.json`, :file:`powerline/colorschemes/{extension}/{name}.json` Colorscheme files are processed in order given: definitions from each next file override those from each previous file. It is required that either :file:`powerline/colorschemes/{name}.json`, or :file:`powerline/colorschemes/{extension}/{name}.json` exists. ``name`` Name of the colorscheme. .. _config-colorschemes-groups: ``groups`` Segment highlighting groups, consisting of a dict where the key is the name of the highlighting group (usually the function name for function segments), and the value is either #) a dict that defines the foreground color, background color and attributes: ``fg`` Foreground color. Must be defined in :ref:`colors `. ``bg`` Background color. Must be defined in :ref:`colors `. ``attr`` List of attributes. Valid values are one or more of ``bold``, ``italic`` and ``underline``. Note that some attributes may be unavailable in some applications or terminal emulators. If you do not need any attributes leave this empty. #) a string (an alias): a name of existing group. This group’s definition will be used when this color is requested. ``mode_translations`` Mode-specific highlighting for extensions that support it (e.g. the vim extension). It's an easy way of changing a color in a specific mode. Consists of a dict where the key is the mode and the value is a dict with the following options: ``colors`` A dict where the key is the color to be translated in this mode, and the value is the new color. Both the key and the value must be defined in :ref:`colors `. ``groups`` Segment highlighting groups for this mode. Same syntax as the main :ref:`groups ` option. .. _config-themes: Themes ====== :Location: :file:`powerline/themes/{extension}/{name}.json` ``name`` Name of the theme. .. _config-themes-default_module: ``default_module`` Python module where segments will be looked by default. .. _config-themes-segment_data: ``segment_data`` A dict where keys are segment names or strings ``{module}.{name}``. Used to specify default values for various keys: :ref:`after `, :ref:`args ` (only for function segments), :ref:`before `, :ref:`contents ` (only for string segments if :ref:`name ` is defined), :ref:`display ` values of these keys are first searched in the segment description, then in ``segment_data`` key of a local theme, then in ``segment_data`` key of a :ref:`default theme `. For the :ref:`default theme ` itself step 2 is obviously avoided. ``segments`` A dict with a ``left`` and a ``right`` lists, consisting of segment dictionaries. Shell themes may also contain ``above`` list of dictionaries. Each item in ``above`` list may have ``left`` and ``right`` keys like this dictionary, but no ``above`` key. .. _config-themes-above: ``above`` list is used for multiline shell configurations. ``left`` and ``right`` lists are used for segments that should be put on the left or right side in the output. Actual mechanizm of putting segments on the left or the right depends on used renderer, but most renderers require one to specify segment with :ref:`width ` ``auto`` on either side to make generated line fill all of the available width. Each segment dictionary has the following options: ``type`` The segment type. Can be one of ``function`` (default), ``string`` or ``filler``: ``function`` The segment contents is the return value of the function defined in the :ref:`name option `. ``string`` A static string segment where the contents is defined in the :ref:`contents option `, and the highlighting group is defined in the :ref:`highlight_group option `. ``module`` .. _config-themes-seg-module: Function module, only required for function segments. Defaults to ``powerline.segments.{extension}``. Default is overriden by :ref:`default_module theme option `. ``name`` .. _config-themes-seg-name: Function name, only required for function segments. ``highlight_group`` .. _config-themes-seg-highlight_group: Highlighting group for this segment. Consists of a prioritized list of highlighting groups, where the first highlighting group that is available in the colorscheme is used. Ignored for segments that have ``function`` type. ``before`` .. _config-themes-seg-before: A string which will be prepended to the segment contents. ``after`` .. _config-themes-seg-after: A string which will be appended to the segment contents. ``contents`` .. _config-themes-seg-contents: Segment contents, only required for ``string`` segments. ``args`` .. _config-themes-seg-args: A dict of arguments to be passed to a ``function`` segment. ``align`` Aligns the segments contents to the left (``l``), center (``c``) or right (``r``). ``width`` .. _config-themes-seg-width: Enforces a specific width for this segment. This segment will work as a spacer if the width is set to ``auto``. Several spacers may be used, and the space will be distributed equally among all the spacer segments. Spacers may have contents, either returned by a function or a static string, and the contents can be aligned with the ``align`` property. ``priority`` Optional segment priority. Segments with priority ``None`` (the default priority, represented by ``null`` in json) will always be included, regardless of the width of the prompt/statusline. If the priority is any number, the segment may be removed if the prompt/statusline width is too small for all the segments to be rendered. A lower number means that the segment has a higher priority. Segments are removed according to their priority, with low priority segments being removed first. ``draw_hard_divider``, ``draw_soft_divider`` Whether to draw a divider between this and the adjacent segment. The adjacent segment is to the *right* for segments on the *left* side, and vice versa. Hard dividers are used between segments with different background colors, soft ones are used between segments with same background. Both options default to ``True``. ``draw_inner_divider`` Determines whether inner soft dividers are to be drawn for function segments. Only applicable for functions returning multiple segments. Defaults to ``False``. ``exclude_modes`` A list of modes where this segment will be excluded: The segment is included in all modes, *except* for the modes in this list. ``include_modes`` A list of modes where this segment will be included: The segment is *not* included in any modes, *except* for the modes in this list. ``display`` .. _config-themes-seg-display: Boolean. If false disables displaying of the segment. Defaults to ``True``. Segments ======== Segments are written in Python, and the default segments provided with Powerline are located in :file:`powerline/segments/{extension}.py`. User-defined segments can be defined in any module in ``sys.path`` or :ref:`paths common configuration option `, import is always absolute. Segments are regular Python functions, and they may accept arguments. All arguments should have a default value which will be used for themes that don't provide an ``args`` dict. A segment function must return one of the following values: * ``None``, which will remove the segment from the prompt/statusline. * A string, which will be the segment contents. * A list of dicts consisting of a ``contents`` string, and a ``highlight_group`` list. This is useful for providing a particular highlighting group depending on the segment contents. Local configuration =================== Depending on the application used it is possible to override configuration. Here is the list: Vim overrides ------------- Vim configuration can be overridden using the following options: ``g:powerline_config_overrides`` Dictionary, recursively merged with contents of :file:`powerline/config.json`. ``g:powerline_theme_overrides__{theme_name}`` Dictionary, recursively merged with contents of :file:`powerline/themes/vim/{theme_name}.json`. Note that this way you can’t redefine some value (e.g. segment) in list, only the whole list itself: only dictionaries are merged recursively. ``g:powerline_config_path`` Path (must be expanded, ``~`` shortcut is not supported). Points to the directory which will be searched for configuration. When this option is present, none of the other locations are searched. ``g:powerline_no_python_error`` If this variable is set to a true value it will prevent Powerline from reporting an error when loaded in a copy of vim without the necessary Python support. Powerline script overrides -------------------------- Powerline script has a number of options controlling powerline behavior. Here ``VALUE`` always means “some JSON object”. ``-c KEY.NESTED_KEY=VALUE`` or ``--config=KEY.NESTED_KEY=VALUE`` Overrides options from :file:`powerline/config.json`. ``KEY.KEY2.KEY3=VALUE`` is a shortcut for ``KEY={"KEY2": {"KEY3": VALUE}}``. Multiple options (i.e. ``-c K1=V1 -c K2=V2``) are allowed, result (in the example: ``{"K1": V1, "K2": V2}``) is recursively merged with the contents of the file. If ``VALUE`` is omitted then corresponding key will be removed from the configuration (if it was present). ``-t THEME_NAME.KEY.NESTED_KEY=VALUE`` or ``--theme_option=THEME_NAME.KEY.NESTED_KEY=VALUE`` Overrides options from :file:`powerline/themes/{ext}/{THEME_NAME}.json`. ``KEY.NESTED_KEY=VALUE`` is processed like described above, ``{ext}`` is the first argument to powerline script. May be passed multiple times. If ``VALUE`` is omitted then corresponding key will be removed from the configuration (if it was present). ``-p PATH`` or ``--config_path=PATH`` Sets directory where configuration should be read from. If present, no default locations are searched for configuration. No expansions are performed by powerline script itself, but ``-p ~/.powerline`` will likely be expanded by the shell to something like ``-p /home/user/.powerline``. Zsh/zpython overrides --------------------- Here overrides are controlled by similarly to the powerline script, but values are taken from zsh variables. ``POWERLINE_CONFIG`` Overrides options from :file:`powerline/config.json`. Should be a zsh associative array with keys equal to ``KEY.NESTED_KEY`` and values being JSON strings. Pair ``KEY.KEY1 VALUE`` is equivalent to ``{"KEY": {"KEY1": VALUE}}``. All pairs are then recursively merged into one dictionary and this dictionary is recursively merged with the contents of the file. ``POWERLINE_THEME_CONFIG`` Overrides options from :file:`powerline/themes/shell/*.json`. Should be a zsh associative array with keys equal to ``THEME_NAME.KEY.NESTED_KEY`` and values being JSON strings. Is processed like the above ``POWERLINE_CONFIG``, but only subdictionaries for ``THEME_NAME`` key are merged with theme configuration when theme with given name is requested. ``POWERLINE_CONFIG_PATH`` Sets directory where configuration should be read from. If present, no default locations are searched for configuration. No expansions are performed by powerline script itself, but zsh usually performs them on its own if you set variable without quotes: ``POWERLINE_CONFIG_PATH=~/example``. Expansion depends on zsh configuration. Ipython overrides ----------------- Ipython overrides depend on ipython version. Before ipython-0.11 you should pass additional keyword arguments to setup() function. After ipython-0.11 you should use ``c.Powerline.KEY``. Supported ``KEY`` strings or keyword argument names: ``config_overrides`` Overrides options from :file:`powerline/config.json`. Should be a dictionary that will be recursively merged with the contents of the file. ``theme_overrides`` Overrides options from :file:`powerline/themes/ipython/*.json`. Should be a dictionary where keys are theme names and values are dictionaries which will be recursively merged with the contents of the given theme. ``path`` Sets directory where configuration should be read from. If present, no default locations are searched for configuration. No expansions are performed thus you cannot use paths starting with ``~/``. Prompt command -------------- In addition to the above configuration options you can use ``$POWERLINE_COMMAND`` environment variable to tell shell or tmux to use specific powerline implementation. This is mostly useful for putting powerline into different directory or replacing ``powerline`` script with ``powerline-client`` for performance reasons. .. note:: ``$POWERLINE_COMMAND`` appears in shell scripts without quotes thus you can specify additional parameters in bash. In zsh you will have to make ``$POWERLINE_COMMAND`` an array parameter to achieve the same result. In tmux it is passed to ``eval`` and depends on the shell used. POSIX-compatible shells, zsh, bash and fish will split this variable in this case. If you want to disable prompt in shell, but still have tmux support or if you want to disable tmux support you can use variables ``$POWERLINE_NO_{SHELL}_PROMPT``/``$POWERLINE_NO_SHELL_PROMPT`` and ``$POWERLINE_NO_{SHELL}_TMUX_SUPPORT``/``$POWERLINE_NO_SHELL_TMUX_SUPPORT`` (substitute ``{SHELL}`` with the name of the shell (all-caps) you want to disable support for (e.g. ``BASH``) or use all-inclusive ``SHELL`` that will disable support for all shells). These variables have no effect after configuration script was sourced (in fish case: after ``powerline-setup`` function was run). To disable specific feature support set one of these variables to some non-empty value. If you do not want to disable prompt in shell, but yet do not want to launch python twice to get :ref:`above ` lines you do not use in tcsh you should set ``$POWERLINE_NO_TCSH_ABOVE`` or ``$POWERLINE_NO_SHELL_ABOVE`` variable. If you do not want to see additional space which is added to the right prompt in fish in order to support multiline prompt you should set ``$POWERLINE_NO_FISH_ABOVE`` or ``$POWERLINE_NO_SHELL_ABOVE`` variables. .. note:: Most supported shells’ configuration scripts check for additional configuration variables being empty. But tcsh configuration script checks for variables being *defined*, not empty.