# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function) import os import re import codecs from collections import namedtuple from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive from docutils.parsers.rst.directives import unchanged_required from docutils import nodes from powerline.lib.unicode import u AUTHOR_LINE_START = '* `' GLYPHS_AUTHOR_LINE_START = '* The glyphs in the font patcher are created by ' def get_authors(): credits_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'license-and-credits.rst') authors = [] glyphs_author = None with codecs.open(credits_file, encoding='utf-8') as CF: section = None prev_line = None for line in CF: line = line[:-1] if line and not line.replace('-', ''): section = prev_line elif section == 'Authors': if line.startswith(AUTHOR_LINE_START): authors.append(line[len(AUTHOR_LINE_START):line.index('<')].strip()) elif section == 'Contributors': if line.startswith(GLYPHS_AUTHOR_LINE_START): assert(not glyphs_author) glyphs_author = line[len(GLYPHS_AUTHOR_LINE_START):line.index(',')].strip() prev_line = line return { 'authors': ', '.join(authors), 'glyphs_author': glyphs_author, } class AutoManSubparsers(object): def __init__(self): self.parsers = [] def add_parser(self, command, *args, **kwargs): self.parsers.append((command, AutoManParser(*args, **kwargs))) return self.parsers[-1][1] Argument = namedtuple('Argument', ('names', 'help', 'choices', 'metavar', 'required', 'nargs', 'is_option', 'is_long_option', 'is_short_option', 'multi', 'can_be_joined')) def parse_argument(*args, **kwargs): is_option = args[0].startswith('-') is_long_option = args[0].startswith('--') is_short_option = is_option and not is_long_option action = kwargs.get('action', 'store_true') multi = kwargs.get('action') in ('append',) nargs = kwargs.get('nargs') or (1 if kwargs.get('metavar') or action in ('append',) else 0) return Argument( names=args, help=u(kwargs.get('help', '')), choices=[str(choice) for choice in kwargs.get('choices', [])], metavar=kwargs.get('metavar') or args[-1].lstrip('-').replace('-', '_').upper(), required=kwargs.get('required', False) if is_option else ( kwargs.get('nargs') not in ('?',)), nargs=nargs, multi=multi, is_option=is_option, is_long_option=is_long_option, is_short_option=is_short_option, can_be_joined=(is_short_option and not multi and not nargs) ) class AutoManGroup(object): is_short_option = False is_option = False is_long_option = False can_be_joined = False def __init__(self): self.arguments = [] self.required = False def add_argument(self, *args, **kwargs): self.arguments.append(parse_argument(*args, **kwargs)) class SurroundWith(): def __init__(self, ret, condition, start='[', end=']'): self.ret = ret self.condition = condition self.start = start self.end = end def __enter__(self, *args): if self.condition: self.ret.append(nodes.Text(self.start)) def __exit__(self, *args): if self.condition: self.ret.append(nodes.Text(self.end)) def insert_separators(ret, sep): for i in range(len(ret) - 1, 0, -1): ret.insert(i, nodes.Text(sep)) return ret def format_usage_arguments(arguments, base_length=None): line = [] prev_argument = None arg_indexes = [0] arguments = arguments[:] while arguments: argument = arguments.pop(0) if isinstance(argument, nodes.Text): line += [argument] continue can_join_arguments = ( argument.is_short_option and prev_argument and prev_argument.can_be_joined and prev_argument.required == argument.required ) if ( prev_argument and not prev_argument.required and prev_argument.can_be_joined and not can_join_arguments ): line.append(nodes.Text(']')) arg_indexes.append(len(line)) if isinstance(argument, AutoManGroup): arguments = ( [nodes.Text(' (')] + insert_separators(argument.arguments[:], nodes.Text(' |')) + [nodes.Text(' )')] + arguments ) else: if not can_join_arguments: line.append(nodes.Text(' ')) with SurroundWith(line, not argument.required and not argument.can_be_joined): if argument.can_be_joined and not can_join_arguments and not argument.required: line.append(nodes.Text('[')) if argument.is_option: line.append(nodes.strong()) name = argument.names[0] if can_join_arguments: name = name[1:] # `--` is automatically transformed into – (EN DASH) # when parsing into HTML. We do not need this. line[-1] += [nodes.Text(char) for char in name] if argument.nargs: assert(argument.nargs in (1, '?')) with SurroundWith(line, argument.nargs == '?' and argument.is_option): if argument.is_long_option: line.append(nodes.Text('=')) line.append(nodes.emphasis(text=argument.metavar)) elif not argument.is_option: line.append(nodes.strong(text=argument.metavar)) if argument.multi: line.append(nodes.Text('…')) prev_argument = argument if ( prev_argument and prev_argument.can_be_joined and not prev_argument.required ): line.append(nodes.Text(']')) arg_indexes.append(len(line)) ret = [] if base_length is None: ret = line else: length = base_length prev_arg_idx = arg_indexes.pop(0) while arg_indexes: next_arg_idx = arg_indexes.pop(0) arg_length = sum((len(element.astext()) for element in line[prev_arg_idx:next_arg_idx])) if length + arg_length > 68: ret.append(nodes.Text('\n' + (' ' * base_length))) length = base_length ret += line[prev_arg_idx:next_arg_idx] length += arg_length prev_arg_idx = next_arg_idx return ret LITERAL_RE = re.compile(r"`(.*?)'") def parse_argparse_text(text): rst_text = LITERAL_RE.subn(r'``\1``', text)[0] ret = [] for i, text in enumerate(rst_text.split('``')): if i % 2 == 0: ret.append(nodes.Text(text)) else: ret.append(nodes.literal(text=text)) return ret def flatten_groups(arguments): for argument in arguments: if isinstance(argument, AutoManGroup): for group_argument in flatten_groups(argument.arguments): yield group_argument else: yield argument def format_arguments(arguments): return [nodes.definition_list( '', *[ nodes.definition_list_item( '', nodes.term( # node.Text('') is required because otherwise for some # reason first name node is seen in HTML output as # `abc`. '', *([nodes.Text('')] + ( insert_separators([ nodes.strong('', '', *[nodes.Text(ch) for ch in name]) for name in argument.names ], ', ') if argument.is_option else # Unless node.Text('') is here metavar is written in # bold in the man page. [nodes.Text(''), nodes.emphasis(text=argument.metavar)] ) + ( [] if not argument.is_option or not argument.nargs else [nodes.Text(' '), nodes.emphasis('', argument.metavar)] )) ), nodes.definition('', nodes.paragraph('', *parse_argparse_text(argument.help or ''))), ) for argument in flatten_groups(arguments) ] + [ nodes.definition_list_item( '', nodes.term( '', nodes.Text(''), nodes.strong(text='-h'), nodes.Text(', '), nodes.strong('', '', nodes.Text('-'), nodes.Text('-help')), ), nodes.definition('', nodes.paragraph('', nodes.Text('Display help and exit.'))) ) ] )] def format_subcommand_usage(arguments, subcommands, progname, base_length): return reduce((lambda a, b: a + reduce((lambda c, d: c + d), b, [])), [ [ [progname] + format_usage_arguments(arguments) + [nodes.Text(' '), nodes.strong(text=subcmd)] + format_usage_arguments(subparser.arguments) + [nodes.Text('\n')] for subcmd, subparser in subparsers.parsers ] for subparsers in subcommands ], []) def format_subcommands(subcommands): return reduce((lambda a, b: a + reduce((lambda c, d: c + d), b, [])), [ [ [ nodes.section( '', nodes.title(text='Arguments specific to ' + subcmd + ' subcommand'), *format_arguments(subparser.arguments), ids=['subcmd-' + subcmd] ) ] for subcmd, subparser in subparsers.parsers ] for subparsers in subcommands ], []) class AutoManParser(object): def __init__(self, description=None, help=None): self.description = description self.help = help self.arguments = [] self.subcommands = [] def add_argument(self, *args, **kwargs): self.arguments.append(parse_argument(*args, **kwargs)) def add_subparsers(self): self.subcommands.append(AutoManSubparsers()) return self.subcommands[-1] def add_mutually_exclusive_group(self): self.arguments.append(AutoManGroup()) return self.arguments[-1] def automan_usage(self, prog): block = nodes.literal_block() progname = nodes.strong() progname += [nodes.Text(prog)] base_length = len(prog) if self.subcommands: block += format_subcommand_usage(self.arguments, self.subcommands, progname, base_length) else: block += [progname] block += format_usage_arguments(self.arguments, base_length) return [block] def automan_description(self): ret = [] if self.help: ret += parse_argparse_text(self.help) ret += format_arguments(self.arguments) + format_subcommands(self.subcommands) return ret class AutoMan(Directive): required_arguments = 1 optional_arguments = 0 option_spec = dict(prog=unchanged_required) has_content = False def run(self): module = self.arguments[0] template_args = {} template_args.update(get_authors()) get_argparser = __import__(str(module), fromlist=[str('get_argparser')]).get_argparser parser = get_argparser(AutoManParser) synopsis_section = nodes.section( '', nodes.title(text='Synopsis'), ids=['synopsis-section'], ) synopsis_section += parser.automan_usage(self.options['prog']) description_section = nodes.section( '', nodes.title(text='Description'), ids=['description-section'], ) description_section += parser.automan_description() author_section = nodes.section( '', nodes.title(text='Author'), nodes.paragraph( '', nodes.Text('Written by {authors} and contributors. The glyphs in the font patcher are created by {glyphs_author}.'.format( **get_authors() )) ), ids=['author-section'] ) issues_url = 'https://github.com/powerline/powerline/issues' reporting_bugs_section = nodes.section( '', nodes.title(text='Reporting bugs'), nodes.paragraph( '', nodes.Text('Report {prog} bugs to '.format( prog=self.options['prog'])), nodes.reference( issues_url, issues_url, refuri=issues_url, internal=False, ), nodes.Text('.'), ), ids=['reporting-bugs-section'] ) return [synopsis_section, description_section, author_section, reporting_bugs_section] def setup(app): app.add_directive('automan', AutoMan)