# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet '''Tests for shell.py parser''' from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function) import sys if sys.version_info < (3,): from io import BytesIO as StrIO else: from io import StringIO as StrIO from powerline.commands.main import get_argparser, finish_args from tests import TestCase from tests.lib import replace_attr class TestParser(TestCase): def test_main_err(self): parser = get_argparser() out = StrIO() err = StrIO() def flush(): out.truncate(0) err.truncate(0) with replace_attr(sys, 'stdout', out, 'stderr', err): for raising_args, raising_reg in [ ([], 'too few arguments|the following arguments are required: ext'), (['-r'], 'expected one argument'), (['shell', '-r'], 'expected one argument'), (['shell', '-w'], 'expected one argument'), (['shell', '-c'], 'expected one argument'), (['shell', '-t'], 'expected one argument'), (['shell', '-p'], 'expected one argument'), (['shell', '-R'], 'expected one argument'), (['shell', '--renderer-module'], 'expected one argument'), (['shell', '--width'], 'expected one argument'), (['shell', '--last-exit-code'], 'expected one argument'), (['shell', '--last-pipe-status'], 'expected one argument'), (['shell', '--config-override'], 'expected one argument'), (['shell', '--theme-override'], 'expected one argument'), (['shell', '--config-path'], 'expected one argument'), (['shell', '--renderer-arg'], 'expected one argument'), (['shell', '--jobnum'], 'expected one argument'), (['-r', '.zsh'], 'too few arguments|the following arguments are required: ext'), (['shell', '--last-exit-code', 'i'], 'invalid int_or_sig value'), (['shell', '--last-pipe-status', '1 i'], 'invalid <lambda> value'), ]: self.assertRaises(SystemExit, parser.parse_args, raising_args) self.assertFalse(out.getvalue()) self.assertRegexpMatches(err.getvalue(), raising_reg) flush() def test_main_normal(self): parser = get_argparser() out = StrIO() err = StrIO() with replace_attr(sys, 'stdout', out, 'stderr', err): for argv, expargs in [ (['shell', 'left'], {'ext': ['shell'], 'side': 'left'}), (['shell', 'left', '-r', '.zsh'], {'ext': ['shell'], 'renderer_module': '.zsh', 'side': 'left'}), ([ 'shell', 'left', '-r', '.zsh', '--last-exit-code', '10', '--last-pipe-status', '10 20 30', '--jobnum=10', '-w', '100', '-c', 'common.term_truecolor=true', '-c', 'common.spaces=4', '-t', 'default.segment_data.hostname.before=H:', '-p', '.', '-p', '..', '-R', 'smth={"abc":"def"}', ], { 'ext': ['shell'], 'side': 'left', 'renderer_module': '.zsh', 'last_exit_code': 10, 'last_pipe_status': [10, 20, 30], 'jobnum': 10, 'width': 100, 'config_override': {'common': {'term_truecolor': True, 'spaces': 4}}, 'theme_override': { 'default': { 'segment_data': { 'hostname': { 'before': 'H:' } } } }, 'config_path': ['.', '..'], 'renderer_arg': {'smth': {'abc': 'def'}}, }), (['shell', 'left', '-R', 'arg=true'], { 'ext': ['shell'], 'side': 'left', 'renderer_arg': {'arg': True}, }), (['shell', 'left', '-R', 'arg=true', '-R', 'arg='], { 'ext': ['shell'], 'side': 'left', 'renderer_arg': {}, }), (['shell', 'left', '-R', 'arg='], {'ext': ['shell'], 'renderer_arg': {}, 'side': 'left'}), (['shell', 'left', '-t', 'default.segment_info={"hostname": {}}'], { 'ext': ['shell'], 'side': 'left', 'theme_override': { 'default': { 'segment_info': { 'hostname': {} } } }, }), (['shell', 'left', '-c', 'common={ }'], { 'ext': ['shell'], 'side': 'left', 'config_override': {'common': {}}, }), ]: args = parser.parse_args(argv) finish_args({}, args) for key, val in expargs.items(): self.assertEqual(getattr(args, key), val) for key, val in args.__dict__.items(): if key not in expargs: self.assertFalse(val, msg='key {0} is {1} while it should be something false'.format(key, val)) self.assertFalse(err.getvalue() + out.getvalue(), msg='unexpected output: {0!r} {1!r}'.format( err.getvalue(), out.getvalue(), )) if __name__ == '__main__': from tests import main main()