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188 lines
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Powerline requires Python 3.3 or Python 2.7 to work.
Powerline uses several special glyphs to get the arrow effect and some
custom symbols for developers. This requires that you either have the symbol
font or a patched font on your system. See `Font installation`_ for more
Vim plugin requirements
The vim plugin requires a vim version with Python support compiled in. You
can check if your vim supports Python by running ``vim --version | grep
If your vim version doesn't have support for Python, you'll have to compile
it with the ``--enable-python3interp`` flag (``--enable-pythoninterp`` if
you want Python 2 support instead). Note that this also requires the related
Python headers to be installed on your system. Please consult your
distribution's documentation for details on how to compile and install
Vim version 7.3.661 or newer is recommended for performance reasons.
Additional dependencies
The following Python packages are not required by all segments, but
recommended for optimal performance:
* ``pygit2``
* ``psutil``
Installing with ``pip``
To install Powerline system-wide, run the following command as root::
pip install git+git://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline
If you don't have root access or don't want to install Powerline
system-wide, install with ``pip install --user`` instead.
.. note:: This project is currently unavailable on the PyPI due to a naming
conflict with an unrelated project.
Distribution-specific packages
The following distribution-specific packages are officially supported, and
they provide an easy way of installing and upgrading Powerline:
* `Arch Linux (AUR) <https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/powerline-git/>`_
* Gentoo Live ebuild (:file:`packages/gentoo/app-misc/powerline/`)
.. _font-installation:
Font installation
If you're running Linux, you may be able to avoid patching your coding font
to get the special glyphs required by Powerline. This works by utilizing
fontconfig's fallback font feature, which replaces missing glyphs in a font
with another font on your system.
This has been tested and works very well with many different coding fonts,
but some fonts may look terrible, in which case you'll have to use a patched
font (see :ref:`font-patching` for details).
1. Download the `latest version of PowerlineSymbols
and the `latest version of the fontconfig file
2. Move :file:`PowerlineSymbols.otf` to :file:`~/.fonts/`.
3. Run ``fc-cache -vf ~/.fonts`` to update your font cache.
4. Move :file:`10-powerline-symbols.conf` to either :file:`~/.fonts.conf.d/`
or :file:`~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d/`, depending on your fontconfig
5. If you don't see the arrow symbols, please close all instances of your
terminal emulator or gvim. You may also have to restart X for the changes
to take effect. If you *still* don't see the arrow symbols, please submit
an issue on GitHub.
OS X and Windows
You'll have to use a patched font to use the Powerline symbols. See
:ref:`font-patching` for details on font patching and pre-patched fonts.
.. note:: If Powerline is installed somewhere other than Python's
site-packages directories (e.g. by having the git repo in your dotfiles
directory) you'll have to use the absolute path to the scripts in the
examples below.
Vim statusline
Regular installation
**The recommended way of installing Powerline is as a Python package.**
You can then enable the vim plugin by adding the following line to your
.. code-block:: vim
python from powerline.bindings.vim import source_plugin; source_plugin()
If you want to enable Python 3 support, substitute the ``python`` command
above with ``python3``. Note that this is somewhat experimental as some
segments don't have support for Python 3 yet.
If Powerline is installed somewhere other than Python's site-packages
directories you'll either have to use a plugin manager like Vundle, or
source the vim plugin file with an absolute path to the plugin location.
Add the following line to your ``vimrc``, where ``{path}`` is the path to
the main Powerline project directory:
.. code-block:: vim
source {path}/powerline/bindings/vim/plugin/source_plugin.vim
Vundle installation
If you're using Vundle you can add the following line to your ``vimrc``:
.. code-block:: vim
Bundle 'Lokaltog/powerline', {'rtp': 'powerline/bindings/vim/'}
Terminal prompts
Bash prompt
Add the following to your ``.bashrc``:
.. code-block:: bash
function _update_ps1() {
export PS1="$(powerline-prompt)"
export PROMPT_COMMAND="_update_ps1"
Zsh prompt
Add the following to your ``.zshrc``:
.. code-block:: bash
setopt prompt_subst
export PS1='$(powerline-prompt --renderer_module=zsh_prompt)'
Tmux statusline
Add the following to your ``tmux.conf``::
set-option -g status on
set-option -g status-interval 2
set-option -g status-utf8 on
set-option -g status-left-length 100
set-option -g status-left "#(powerline-tmux left)"
set-option -g status-right-length 100
set-option -g status-right "#(powerline-tmux right)"
set-option -g status-justify "centre"
set-option -g status-bg "colour235"
set-option -g status-fg "colour249"