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I'm using tmux and Powerline looks like crap, what's wrong?
* You need to tell tmux that it has 256-color capabilities. Add this to your
:file:`.tmux.conf` to solve this issue::
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
* If you're using iTerm2, make sure that you have enabled the setting
:guilabel:`Set locale variables automatically` in :menuselection:`Profiles
--> Terminal --> Environment`.
My vim statusline has strange characters like ``^B`` in it!
* Please add ``set encoding=utf-8`` to your :file:`vimrc`.
My vim statusline has a lot of ``^`` or underline characters in it!
* You need to configure the ``fillchars`` setting to disable statusline
fillchars (see ``:h fillchars`` for details). Add this to your
:file:`vimrc` to solve this issue:
.. code-block:: vim
set fillchars+=stl:\ ,stlnc:\
My vim statusline is hidden/only appears in split windows!
* Make sure that you have ``set laststatus=2`` in your :file:`vimrc`.
I get E858/E860 error in vim (Eval did not return a valid python object)
* You need to make ``pyeval()`` display python stack trace. There is currently
a patch for this, but it was not merged into main vim tree, thus you will have
to use different approach: reproduce the error with
.. code-block:: sh
vim --cmd "let g:powerline_debugging_pyeval=1" ...
and then use the stack trace to search for existing issues or to create a new
My vim statusline is not displayed completely and has too much spaces
* Be sure you have ``ambiwidth`` option set to ``single``.
* Alternative: remove fancy dividers and other fancy symbols from configuration.