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Taro L. Saito 2013-02-26 17:53:32 -08:00
commit fa1651f37c
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<h1 id="project_title">snappy-java</h1>
<h2 id="project_tagline">Snappy compressor/decompressor for Java</h2>
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<p>The snappy-java is a Java port of the snappy
<a href=""></a>, a fast C++ compresser/decompresser developed by Google.</p>
<a href="">Apache License Version 2.0</a>. Free for both commercial and non-commercial use.</li>
<li>Fast compression/decompression tailored to 64-bit CPU architecture. </li>
<li>JNI-based implementation to achieve comparable performance to the native C++ version.<br><ul>
<li>Although snappy-java uses JNI, it can be used safely with multiple class loaders (e.g. Tomcat, etc.). </li>
<li>Portable across various operating systems; Snappy-java contains native libraries built for Window/Mac/Linux (32/64-bit). At runtime, snappy-java loads one of these libraries according to your machine environment (It looks system properties, <code></code> and <code>os.arch</code>). </li>
<li>Simple usage. Add the snappy-java-(version).jar file to your classpath. Then call compression/decompression methods in org.xerial.snappy.Snappy. </li>
<li><p>Snappy's main target is very high-speed compression/decompression with reasonable compression size. So the compression ratio of snappy-java is modest and about the same as <code>LZF</code> (ranging 20%-100% according to the dataset).</p></li>
<p>Here are some <a href="">benchmark results</a>, comparing
snappy-java and the other compressors
<code>LZO-java</code>/<code>LZF</code>/<code>QuickLZ</code>/<code>Gzip</code>/<code>Bzip2</code>. Thanks <a href="!/cowtowncoder">Tatu Saloranta @cotowncoder</a> for providing the benchmark suite. </p>
<li>The benchmark result indicates snappy-java is the fastest compreesor/decompressor in Java:</li>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<li>The decompression speed is twice as fast as the others:</li>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<p>The current stable version is available from here:</p>
<li>Release version: <a href=""></a>
<a href="">Release plans</a> </li>
<li>Snapshot version (the latest beta version): <a href=""></a>
If you are a Maven user, see <a href="#using-with-maven">pom.xml example</a>.</li>
<p>First, import <code>org.xerial.snapy.Snappy</code> in your Java code:</p>
<pre><code> import org.xerial.snappy.Snappy;
<p>Then use <code>Snappy.compress(byte[])</code> and <code>Snappy.uncompress(byte[])</code>:</p>
<pre><code> String input = "Hello snappy-java! Snappy-java is a JNI-based wrapper of "
+ "Snappy, a fast compresser/decompresser.";
byte[] compressed = Snappy.compress(input.getBytes("UTF-8"));
byte[] uncompressed = Snappy.uncompress(compressed);
String result = new String(uncompressed, "UTF-8");
<p>In addition, high-level methods (<code>Snappy.compress(String)</code>, <code>Snappy.compress(float[] ..)</code> etc. ) and low-level ones (e.g. <code>Snappy.rawCompress(.. )</code>, <code>Snappy.rawUncompress(..)</code>, etc.), which minimize memory copies, can be used. See also
<a href=""></a></p>
<h3>Stream-based API</h3>
<p>Stream-based compressor/decompressor <code>SnappyOutputStream</code>/<code>SnappyInputStream</code> are also available for reading/writing large data sets.</p>
<h3>Setting classpath</h3>
<p>If you have snappy-java-(VERSION).jar in the current directory, use <code>-classpath</code> option as follows:</p>
<pre><code>$ javac -classpath ".;snappy-java-(VERSION).jar" # in Windows
$ javac -classpath ".:snappy-java-(VERSION).jar" # in Mac or Linux
<h3>Using with Maven</h3>
<li>Snappy-java is available from Maven's central repository: <a href=""></a>
</ul><p>Add the following dependency to your pom.xml:</p>
<h2>Public discussion group</h2>
<p>Post bug reports or feature request to the Issue Tracker: <a href=""></a></p>
<p>Public discussion forum is here: </p>
<h2>Building from the source code</h2>
<p>See the <a href="">installation instruction</a>. Building from the source code is an option when your OS platform and CPU architecture is not supported. To build snappy-java, you need Git, JDK (1.6 or higher), Maven (3.x or higher is required), g++ compiler (mingw in Windows) etc.</p>
<pre><code>$ git clone
$ cd snappy-java
$ make
<p>A file <code>target/snappy-java-$(version).jar</code> is the product additionally containing the native library built for your platform.</p>
<h2>Cross-compiling for other platforms</h2>
<p>The Makefile contains rules for cross-compiling the native library for other platforms so that the snappy-java JAR can support multiple platforms. For example, to build the native libraries for x86 Linux, x86 and x86-64 Windows, and soft- and hard-float ARM:</p>
<pre><code>$ make linux32 win32 win64 linux-arm linux-armhf
<p>If you append <code>snappy</code> to the line above, it will also build the native library for the current platform and then build the snappy-java JAR (containing all native libraries built so far).</p>
<p>Of course, you must first have the necessary cross-compilers and development libraries installed for each target CPU and OS. For example, on Ubuntu 12.04 for x86-64, install the following packages for each target:</p>
<li>linux32: <code>sudo apt-get install g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 lib32stdc++6</code>
<li>win32: <code>sudo apt-get install g++-mingw-w64-i686</code>
<li>win64: <code>sudo apt-get install g++-mingw-w64-x86-64</code>
<li>arm: <code>sudo apt-get install g++-arm-linux-gnueabi</code>
<li>armhf: <code>sudo apt-get install g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf</code>
</ul><p>Unfortunately, cross-compiling for Mac OS X is not currently possible; you must compile within OS X.</p>
<p>If you are using Mac and openjdk7 (or higher), use the following option:</p>
<pre><code>$ make native LIBNAME=libsnappyjava.dylib
<h2>Miscellaneous Notes</h2>
<h3>Using snappy-java with Tomcat 6 (or higher) Web Server</h3>
<p>Simply put the snappy-java's jar to WEB-INF/lib folder of your web application. Usual JNI-library specific problem no longer exists since snappy-java version 1.0.3 or higher can be loaded by multiple class loaders in the same JVM by using native code injection to the parent class loader (Issue 21). </p>
<hr><p>Snappy-java is developed by <a href="">Taro L. Saito</a>. Twitter <a href="!/taroleo">@taroleo</a></p>
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