Darold Gilles
Update version to 5.3
2013-12-01 11:43:53 +01:00 |
Darold Gilles
Update and fix first and second top level domain name. Thanks to Luis Armando Roca Fumero for the report.
2013-12-01 11:39:31 +01:00 |
Darold Gilles
Fix dirty paste in code.
2013-11-30 19:14:19 +01:00 |
Darold Gilles
Add direcive DNSLookupTimeout to configuration file.
2013-11-27 00:02:35 +01:00 |
Darold Gilles
Add new directive DNSLookupTimeout to change the default timeout for DNS lookup. Add one second timeout when SquidAnalyzer look for an DNS name. Thanks to alex for the patch.
2013-11-26 19:42:21 +01:00 |
Darold Gilles
Add pie chart of top second level domains. Thanks to Jeetendra Poojari for the feature request.
2013-11-26 19:05:18 +01:00 |
Darold Gilles
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:darold/squidanalyzer
2013-11-25 21:57:47 +01:00 |
Darold Gilles
Fix some HTML tag issues and table ordering on Top domain hits and Top url hits. Thanks to Jeetendra Poojari for the report.
2013-11-25 21:57:11 +01:00 |
Darold Gilles
Update INSTALL file to remove GD::Graph requirements.
2013-11-25 09:30:54 +01:00 |
Darold Gilles
Change underscore used to replace space in username bi the special string _SPC_ so that undescore will not be wrongly replaced on HTML output.
2013-11-03 22:26:02 +01:00 |
Merge pull request #29 from deserted/master
modified HTML output to replace underscore in Full name with space
2013-11-03 13:17:20 -08:00 |
Tim Allingham
modified HTML output to replace underscore in Full name with space
2013-10-31 16:58:23 +11:00 |
Darold Gilles
Fix pt_BR translation with charset to utf-8 and a few words with accentuation fix. Thanks to Joseh-Henrique for the fix.
2013-10-28 15:55:02 +01:00 |
Darold Gilles
Add revision change to lang/pt_BR.txt file.
2013-10-27 23:08:53 +01:00 |
Darold Gilles
Fix lang/pt_BR.txt some accent. Thanks to Joseh-Henrique for the patch.
2013-10-27 23:07:12 +01:00 |
Darold Gilles
Allow ip addresses on usernames to be replaced by their DNS name, this feature is activated by a new directive: UseClientDNSName. Thanks to Pfisztner Tamas for the patch.
2013-09-04 21:54:55 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
Add missing description of --no-year-stat option to documentation and squid-analyzer usage.
2013-09-01 21:42:33 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
Update Changelog and version to 5.2
2013-09-01 21:30:19 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
Fix pod2man error with perl 5.18 about non-ascii character. Thanks to David Walser for the report.
2013-09-01 20:53:39 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
Skip some code when --no-year-stat is enabled.
2013-06-02 11:05:04 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
Fix graphs on domain statistics reports.
2013-06-01 18:23:40 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
Fix badly ordered check on squid log file to parse. Thanks to wordelle for the report.
2013-05-29 18:14:41 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
Fix issue where squid-analyzer use default configuration file even if a custom one is specified with the -c option. Thanks to Thibaud Aubert for the report.
2013-05-29 16:27:56 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
Add --no-year-stat to disable year statistics, reports will start at month level.
2013-05-29 01:03:58 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
Allow composed top level domain statistics in Top Domain report, like co.uk. Thanks to Thibaut Aubert for the feature request.
2013-05-28 18:51:11 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
Add support to CIDR notation in network-alias file. Thanks to Thibaud Aubert for the feature request.
2013-05-28 00:44:29 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
Fix issue in Domain report where domain of top url was not found in the domain report even if the download was bigger than those reported. Thanks to Aubert Thibaud for the report.
2013-05-27 23:48:55 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
Fix bug in last/first hour of a day data storage that mixed collected data over the two days and stored false first and last visit time.
2013-05-27 23:37:21 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
Fix translation for user and count.
2013-05-27 22:27:59 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
Add -b | --build_date command line option to limit rebuilt to the given date, the format of its value can be yyyy-mm-dd, yyyy-mm or yyyy. This should be used to prevent rebuilding all html file from all data file.
2013-05-27 22:27:18 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
Add translation string for user per url.
2013-05-26 22:46:32 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
New feature to show the top N users that look at an url or a domain. Add a new configuration directive, TopUrlUser, to control the number of users to show. Thanks to Mr-Ed for the feature resquest.
2013-05-26 17:20:55 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
Fix first and last visit that was displayed in random order. Thanks to MangOuste for the report.
2013-05-26 11:25:29 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
Allow CIDR notation in exclude file to skip line matching the given xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/n network. Thanks to the MangOuste for the patch.
2013-05-25 19:09:59 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
Add WriteDelay configuration directive (default to 3600 - stores one hour of statistics from log file) to be able to save ressources on huge log file. On small log file it is not a good idea to set a lower value as SquidAnalyzer will spend his time to write and read from disk.
2013-05-20 11:20:49 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
Add regex checker for alias file and improve speed for network and alias replacement. Thanks to jcputter for the report.
2013-05-18 11:59:29 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
Fix unwanted message display in quiet mode.
2013-05-18 10:45:29 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
call localtime as little time as possible. Thanks to ammdispose for the patch.
2013-05-17 23:51:50 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
Remove the use of backstick to call system command in loop to gain some speed. Thanks to ammdispose for the patch.
2013-05-17 19:57:28 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
Revome the call to date and iconv system command each time a HTML file is genrated, call it just one time if directive Locale is defined at initialisation. Thanks to ammdispose for the report.
2013-05-17 19:48:45 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
Fix some print statements were outputting to STDOUT instead of STDERR. Thanks to ammdispose for the patch.
2013-05-17 19:31:09 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
First attempt to speedup statistics building, especially with year and month.
2013-05-14 19:12:21 +02:00 |
Darold Gilles
Allow peer SIBLING_HIT to be added to HIT count. Thanks to Maher Kassem forn the patch.
2013-03-27 21:34:22 +01:00 |
Darold Gilles
Recode initial column sorted by default to fix pending sort issues.
2013-03-09 00:23:03 +01:00 |
Darold Gilles
Fix bug on ordering column with sorttable. Thanks to David Walser for the report.
2013-03-08 00:15:47 +01:00 |
Darold Gilles
Fix support to regex with coma in user and network alias file. Regex like "1stFloor\d{0,2}" in user-aliases and network-aliases was not permitted. Thanks to Steffen Junick fot the report.
2013-02-24 13:21:41 +01:00 |
Darold Gilles
Fix issue with log file provided at command line (option -l) and non existant LogFile in squidanalyzer.conf. Thanks to Kalin KOZHUHAROV for the report.
2013-02-17 10:27:05 +01:00 |
Darold Gilles
Fix test to exclude old months and days from the statistics builder. Thanks to ammdispose for the patch.
2013-02-04 16:05:56 +01:00 |
Darold Gilles
Fix some code comment about month obsolescence. Thanks to ammdispose for the patch.
2013-02-04 15:49:42 +01:00 |
Darold Gilles
Change code to remove obsolete statistics to more stable code with less iterations. Thanks to ammdispose for the patch.
2013-02-04 11:03:45 +01:00 |