Revision history for SquidAnalyzer 4.3 - Thu Apr 26 20:00:59 CEST 2012 - Fix broken statistics when an access log file run over multiple years. Thanks to Jugurtha Massinissa for the report. - Prevent buildHtml to create directories on month/day without log. - Sort year's view per decreasing years. - Peer CD_SIBLING_HIT status will now be taken as local cache hit with a new configuration directive (SiblingHit) to disable this feature. Default is enable. Documentation and configuration file has been updated - Thanks to Nathanael BONIN for the feature request. - Add spec file for RPM packaging - Thanks to David Walser for the patch. 4.2 - Sun Jan 22 16:52:27 CET 2012 - Fix network alias issue broken in last release, now data files will store the network alias instead of the default class C network. Thank to Fabrice Prigent for the report. - Add support to multiple regex pattern to match networks aliases. See network-aliases file for more information. - User aliases are now directly changed into data files instead of html file like before. - Add support to multiple regex pattern to match users aliases. See users-aliases file for more inforamtion. - Add AnonymizeLogin configuration directives to allow full anomymization of all users/ip. Thanks to Fabrice Prigent for the request. - Add support to squidmime logformat, original request and reply header are simply omitted. Squid and squidmime native format are still the only log format supported. UPGRADE: If you use network and/or user aliases, even if I try to preserved backward compatibility, you may want to start with new data files as these informations are now replaced directly into the data file instead of the HTML files. Changes only concern file so you can just override it. There's also a new configuration directive 'AnonymizeLogin' so you may copy/paste his definition in default squidanalyzer.conf file. 4.1 - Tue Jan 17 19:58:35 CET 2012 - Fix data file parser issue with largest_file_size or largest_file_url are empty. Thanks to David Walser for the report. - Add line number when reporting bad format into a data file. - Add missing DESTDIR variable into the allowed commande line arguments. Thanks to David Walser for the report. - Fix error when header file are missing as they are no more used now. Thanks to David Walser for the report. - Remove salogo.png from install script, it is now replaced by file logo-squidanalyzer.png. Thanks to David Walser for the report. - Install of README, INSTALL and Changelog is now disabled by default, you must set DOCDIR parameter to install those files in the desired directory. Thanks to David Walser for the request. 4.0 - Wed Dec 28 02:06:22 CET 2011 - Fix regex search failure on fake domain. Thanks to Michel Reischl for the report. - Add support to squid log with client dnsname instead of ip address. Thanks to Matthew Jurgens for the patch. - Add options --logfile (-l) and --configfile (-c) to squid-analyzer command line argument. Thanks to Matthew Jurgens for the patch. - Add the first and last time an url is viewed by a user on day and hour views. Thanks to Franco Mazz for the feature request. - Allow column sorting using the Javascript sorttable library available at Thanks to Matthew Jurgens for the patch. - Renamed file Changes as ChangeLog. - Makefile.PL is now able to do a full install by creating directories and moving files. - Allow parsing of compressed log file. SquidAnalyzer will automaticaly use zcat when the logfile extention ends with .gz - The cost column now is not shown when the cost price is 0. - Change CSS style of links. - Complete rewrite of report menu and calendar sot that they appears on all HTML page. - Change License from Artistic to GPL v3. - Remove HeaderFile, replaced by squidanalyzer.css file. - Add --rebuild option to allow rebuilding of all html and graph output from data files. This should be done after upgrading. - Add ..._REFRESH_UNMODIFIED into cache HIT statistics. UPGRADE: Even if backward compatibility is preserved on data files, the HTML and graph have changed, so after re-installing SquidAnalyzer you may want to run squid-analyzer with the --rebuild command line option to regenerate those files. So run the following commands: tar xzf SquidAnalyzer-4.0.tar.gz cd SquidAnalyzer-4.0/ perl Makefile.PL HTMLDIR=/var/www/squidanalyzer make && make install /usr/local/bin/squid-analyzer --rebuild should the normal procedure to upgrade. Change the path to the HTML output if required. 3.1 - Mon Aug 6 12:48:14 CEST 2007 - Fix illegal division by zero errors. - Remove extra spaces in username 3.0 Fri May 7 12:31:01 CEST 2004 - Many thanks to Alexandre Sieira for all good ideas and reports ! - Add localization support. - Add date formatting option for localisation. - Add French translation. - Add Portugal/brazilan translation. - Add custom HTML header an footer support. 2.1 Tue May 4 16:35:08 CEST 2004 - Fix Url escaping problem on users pages - Add translation (En + Fr) 2.0 Wed Oct 15 11:40:03 CEST 2003 - This is a complete rewrite of SquidAnalyzer. - Add configuration file. - Add Top n of url and second level domain. - Add alias for client ip address and/or login. - Add exclusion from report of certain client ip addresses, network addresses and/or auth login. - Many bug fix. 1.1 Wed Feb 28 12:21:30 CET 2001 - Fix problem with access.log file has zero size. - Skip log line with field lenght != 8 1.0 Wed Jan 24 13:47:14 CET 2001 - original version