
108 lines
3.0 KiB

var round = Math.round;
function toggle(idButton, idDiv, label) {
if(document.getElementById(idDiv)) {
if(document.getElementById(idDiv).style.display == 'none') {
document.getElementById(idDiv).style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById(idButton).value = 'Hide '+label;
} else {
document.getElementById(idDiv).style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById(idButton).value = 'Show '+label;
function dateTracker(obj, gtype, labels, datasets)
var dateToDisplay = new Date(parseInt(obj.x));
var posValue = parseInt(obj.x);
// look for the position in data arrays
var pos = 0;
if (datasets != undefined) {
for (pos=0; pos < datasets[0].length; pos++) {
// If timestamp are the same we have found the position
if (datasets[0][pos][0] == posValue) {
// get out of here
} else {
return '<span class="mfigure">NO DATASET</span>';
var textToShow = '<div class="mouse-figures">';
for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
if (datasets[i] != undefined) {
textToShow += '<span class="mfigure">'+pretty_print_number(datasets[i][pos][1], gtype)+' <small>'+labels[i]+'</small></span><br>';
textToShow += '</div>';
return textToShow;
function dateTracker2(obj, dtype, gtype)
var dateToDisplay = obj.x;
if (dtype == 'month') {
var pos = parseInt(obj.x);
dateToDisplay = months[(pos-1)%12];
return dateToDisplay+', '+obj.series.label+': '+round(obj.y);
function pretty_print_number(val, type)
if (type == 'size') {
if (val >= 1125899906842624) {
val = (val / 1125899906842624);
val = val.toFixed(2) + " PiB";
} else if (val >= 1099511627776) {
val = (val / 1099511627776);
val = val.toFixed(2) + " TiB";
} else if (val >= 1073741824) {
val = (val / 1073741824);
val = val.toFixed(2) + " GiB";
} else if (val >= 1048576) {
val = (val / 1048576);
val = val.toFixed(2) + " MiB";
} else if (val >= 1024) {
val = (val / 1024);
val = val.toFixed(2) + " KiB";
} else {
val = val + " B";
} else if (type == 'duration') {
if (val >= 1000) {
val = (val / 1000);
val = val.toFixed(3) + " sec";
} else {
val = val + " ms";
} else {
if (val >= 1000000000000000) {
val = (val / 1000000000000000);
val = val.toFixed(2) + " P";
} else if (val >= 1000000000000) {
val = (val / 1000000000000);
val = val.toFixed(2) + " T";
} else if (val >= 1000000000) {
val = (val / 1000000000);
val = val.toFixed(2) + " G";
} else if (val >= 1000000) {
val = (val / 1000000);
val = val.toFixed(2) + " M";
} else if (val >= 1000) {
val = (val / 1000);
val = val.toFixed(2) + " K";
return val;
function pieTracker(obj)
return obj.series.label+': '+round(obj.y);