
3075 lines
94 KiB

package SquidAnalyzer;
# Project : Squid Log Analyzer
# Name : SquidAnalyzer.pm
# Language : Perl 5
# OS : All
# Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001-2012 Gilles Darold - All rights reserved.
# Licence : This program is free software; you can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
# Author : Gilles Darold, gilles _AT_ darold _DOT_ net
# Function : Main perl module for Squid Log Analyzer
# Usage : See documentation.
use strict; # make things properly
use Exporter();
use POSIX;
use GD;
use GD::Graph;
use GD::Graph::bars3d;
use GD::Graph::pie3d;
# Set all internal variable
$VERSION = '4.3';
$COPYRIGHT = 'Copyright (c) 2001-2012 Gilles Darold - All rights reserved.';
$AUTHOR = "Gilles Darold - gilles _AT_ darold _DOT_ net";
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw//;
$| = 1;
$ZCAT_PROG = "/bin/zcat";
# Default translation srings
my %Translate = (
'01' => 'Jan',
'02' => 'Feb',
'03' => 'Mar',
'04' => 'Apr',
'05' => 'May',
'06' => 'Jun',
'07' => 'Jul',
'08' => 'Aug',
'09' => 'Sep',
'10' => 'Oct',
'11' => 'Nov',
'12' => 'Dec',
'Bytes' => 'Bytes',
'Total' => 'Total',
'Years' => 'Years',
'Users' => 'Users',
'Sites' => 'Sites',
'Cost' => 'Cost',
'Requests' => 'Requests',
'Megabytes' => 'Mega bytes',
'Months' => 'Months',
'Days' => 'Days',
'Hit' => 'Hit',
'Miss' => 'Miss',
'Domains' => 'Domains',
'Requests_graph' => 'Requests',
'Megabytes_graph' => 'Mega bytes',
'Months_graph' => 'Months',
'Days_graph' => 'Days',
'Hit_graph' => 'Hit',
'Miss_graph' => 'Miss',
'Total_graph' => 'Total',
'Domains_graph' => 'Domains',
'Users_help' => 'Total number of different users for this period',
'Sites_help' => 'Total number of different visited sites for this period',
'Domains_help' => 'Total number of different second level visited domain for this period',
'Hit_help' => 'Objects found in cache',
'Miss_help' => 'Objects not found in cache',
'Cost_help' => '1 Mega byte =',
'Generation' => 'Report generated on',
'Main_cache_title' => 'Cache Statistics',
'Cache_title' => 'Cache Statistics on',
'Stat_label' => 'Stat',
'Mime_link' => 'Mime Types',
'Network_link' => 'Networks',
'User_link' => 'Users',
'Top_url_link' => 'Top Urls',
'Top_domain_link' => 'Top Domains',
'Back_link' => 'Back',
'Up_link' => 'Up',
'Graph_cache_hit_title' => '%s Requests statistics on',
'Graph_cache_byte_title' => '%s Mega Bytes statistics on',
'Hourly' => 'Hourly',
'Hours' => 'Hours',
'Daily' => 'Daily',
'Days' => 'Days',
'Monthly' => 'Monthly',
'Months' => 'Months',
'Mime_title' => 'Mime Type Statistics on',
'Mime_number' => 'Number of mime type',
'Network_title' => 'Network Statistics on',
'Network_number' => 'Number of network',
'Duration' => 'Duration',
'Time' => 'Time',
'Largest' => 'Largest',
'Url' => 'Url',
'User_title' => 'User Statistics on',
'User_number' => 'Number of user',
'Url_Hits_title' => 'Top %d Url hits on',
'Url_Bytes_title' => 'Top %d Url bytes on',
'Url_Duration_title' => 'Top %d Url duration on',
'Url_number' => 'Number of Url',
'Domain_Hits_title' => 'Top %d Domain hits on',
'Domain_Bytes_title' => 'Top %d Domain bytes on',
'Domain_Duration_title' => 'Top %d Domain duration on',
'Domain_number' => 'Number of domain',
'Domain_graph_hits_title' => 'Domain Hits Statistics on',
'Domain_graph_bytes_title' => 'Domain Bytes Statistiques on',
'First_visit' => 'First visit',
'Last_visit' => 'Last visit',
sub new
my ($class, $conf_file, $log_file) = @_;
# Construct the class
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
# Initialize all variables
$self->_init($conf_file, $log_file);
# Return the instance
sub parseFile
my ($self) = @_;
return if ((!-f $self->{LogFile}) || (-z $self->{LogFile}));
# The log file format must be :
# time elapsed client code/status bytes method URL rfc931 peerstatus/peerhost type
# This is the default format of squid access log file.
# Open logfile
my $logfile = new IO::File;
if ($self->{LogFile} !~ /\.gz/) {
$logfile->open($self->{LogFile}) || die "ERROR: Unable to open Squid access.log file $self->{LogFile}. $!\n";
} else {
# Open a pipe to zcat program for compressed log
$logfile->open("$ZCAT_PROG $self->{LogFile} |") || die "ERROR: cannot read from pipe to $ZCAT_PROG $self->{LogFile}. $!\n";
my $line = '';
my $time = 0;
my $elapsed = 0;
my $client_ip = '';
my $client_name = '';
my $code = '';
my $bytes = 0;
my $method = '';
my $url = '';
my $login = '';
my $status = '';
my $mime_type = '';
my $line_count = 0;
my $line_processed_count = 0;
my $line_stored_count = 0;
# Read and parse each line of the access log file
while ($line = <$logfile>) {
#logformat squid %ts.%03tu %6tr %>a %Ss/%03>Hs %<st %rm %ru %un %Sh/%<A %mt
#logformat squidmime %ts.%03tu %6tr %>a %Ss/%03>Hs %<st %rm %ru %un %Sh/%<A %mt [%>h] [%<h]
# The log format below are not supported
#logformat common %>a %ui %un [%tl] "%rm %ru HTTP/%rv" %>Hs %<st %Ss:%Sh
#logformat combined %>a %ui %un [%tl] "%rm %ru HTTP/%rv" %>Hs %<st "%{Referer}>h" "%{User-Agent}>h" %Ss:%Sh
# Parse log with format: time elapsed client code/status bytes method URL rfc931 peerstatus/peerhost mime_type
if ( $line =~ s#^(\d+\.\d{3})\s+(\d+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+(\d+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+## ) {
$time = $1 || 0;
$elapsed = $2 || 0;
$code = $4 || '';
$bytes = $5 || 0;
$method = $6 || '';
$client_ip = $3 || '';
# Go to last parsed date (incremental mode)
next if ($self->{history_time} && ($time <= $self->{history_time}));
# Register the last parsing time
$self->{end_time} = $time;
# Register the first parsing time
if (!$self->{begin_time}) {
$self->{begin_time} = $time;
print STDERR "START TIME: ", strftime("%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", localtime($time)), "\n" if (!$self->{QuietMode});
# Only store (HIT|UNMODIFIED)/MISS status and peer CD_SIBLING_HIT/...
if ( ($code =~ m#(HIT|UNMODIFIED)/#) || ($self->{SiblingHit} && ($line =~ / CD_SIBLING_HIT/)) ) {
$code = 'HIT';
} elsif ($code =~ m#MISS|MODIFIED/#) {
$code = 'MISS';
} else {
if ( $line =~ s#^(.*)\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+\/[^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s*## ) {
$url = lc($1) || '';
$login = lc($2) || '';
$status = lc($3) || '';
$mime_type = lc($4) || '';
$mime_type = 'none' if (!$mime_type || ($mime_type eq '-'));
# Remove extra space character in username
$login =~ s/\%20//g;
my $id = $client_ip || '';
if ($login ne '-') {
$id = $login;
next if (!$id || !$bytes);
# Skip exclusion of client
next if (grep(/^($client_ip|$login)$/, @{$self->{Exclude}}));
# Skip exclusion of network if client is not a dns name
if ($client_ip =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.)/) {
my $netex = quotemeta($1 . '0');
next if (grep(/^$netex$/, @{$self->{Exclude}}));
# Anonymize all users
if ($self->{AnonymizeLogin} && ($client_ip ne $id)) {
if (!exists $self->{AnonymizedId}{$id}) {
$self->{AnonymizedId}{$id} = &anonymize_id();
$id = $self->{AnonymizedId}{$id};
# Now parse data and generate statistics
$self->_parseData($time, $elapsed, $client_ip, $code, $bytes, $url, $id, $mime_type);
if (!$self->{last_year} && !$self->{last_month} && !$self->{last_day}) {
print STDERR "No new log registered...\n" if (!$self->{QuietMode});
} else {
# Save last parsed data
$self->_save_data("$self->{last_year}", "$self->{last_month}", "$self->{last_day}");
if (!$self->{QuietMode}) {
print STDERR "END TIME : ", strftime("%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", localtime($self->{end_time})), "\n";
print "Read $line_count lines, matched $line_processed_count and found $line_stored_count new lines\n";
# Set the current start time into history file
if ($self->{end_time}) {
my $current = new IO::File;
$current->open(">$self->{Output}/SquidAnalyzer.current") or die "Error: Can't write to file $self->{Output}/SquidAnalyzer.current, $!\n";
print $current "$self->{end_time}";
# Compute month statistics
if (!$self->{QuietMode}) {
print STDERR "\nParsing ended, generating data files now...\n";
print STDERR "Compute and dump month statistics for $self->{first_year}/$self->{first_month} to $self->{last_year}/$self->{last_month}\n";
for my $date ("$self->{first_year}$self->{first_month}" .. "$self->{last_year}$self->{last_month}") {
$date =~ /^(\d{4})(\d{2})$/;
next if (($2 < 1) || ($2 > 12));
if (-d "$self->{Output}/$1/$2") {
$self->_save_data("$1", "$2");
# Compute year statistics
if (!$self->{QuietMode}) {
print STDERR "Compute and dump year statistics for $self->{first_year} to $self->{last_year}\n";
for my $year ($self->{first_year} .. $self->{last_year}) {
if (-d "$self->{Output}/$year") {
sub _clear_stats
my $self = shift;
# Hashes to store user statistics
$self->{stat_user_hour} = ();
$self->{stat_user_day} = ();
$self->{stat_user_month} = ();
$self->{stat_usermax_hour} = ();
$self->{stat_usermax_day} = ();
$self->{stat_usermax_month} = ();
$self->{stat_user_url_hour} = ();
$self->{stat_user_url_day} = ();
$self->{stat_user_url_month} = ();
# Hashes to store network statistics
$self->{stat_network_hour} = ();
$self->{stat_network_day} = ();
$self->{stat_network_month} = ();
$self->{stat_netmax_hour} = ();
$self->{stat_netmax_day} = ();
$self->{stat_netmax_month} = ();
# Hashes to store user / network statistics
$self->{stat_netuser_hour} = ();
$self->{stat_netuser_day} = ();
$self->{stat_netuser_month} = ();
# Hashes to store cache status (hit/miss)
$self->{stat_code_hour} = ();
$self->{stat_code_day} = ();
$self->{stat_code_month} = ();
# Hashes to store mime type
$self->{stat_mime_type_hour} = ();
$self->{stat_mime_type_day} = ();
$self->{stat_mime_type_month} = ();
sub _init
my ($self, $conf_file, $log_file) = @_;
# Prevent for a call without instance
if (!ref($self)) {
print "ERROR - init : Unable to call init without an object instance.\n";
# Load configuration information
if (!$conf_file) {
if (-f '/etc/squidanalyzer.conf') {
$conf_file = '/etc/squidanalyzer.conf';
} elsif (-f 'squidanalyzer.conf') {
$conf_file = 'squidanalyzer.conf';
my %options = &parse_config($conf_file);
# Use squid log file given as command line parameter
$options{LogFile} = $log_file if ($log_file);
# Configuration options
$self->{QuietMode} = $options{QuietMode} || 0;
$self->{UrlReport} = $options{UrlReport} || 0;
$self->{Output} = $options{Output} || '';
$self->{WebUrl} = $options{WebUrl} || '';
$self->{WebUrl} .= '/' if ($self->{WebUrl} && ($self->{WebUrl} !~ /\/$/));
$self->{DateFormat} = $options{DateFormat} || '%y-%m-%d';
$self->{Lang} = $options{Lang} || '';
$self->{HeaderFile} = $options{HeaderFile} || '';
$self->{FooterFile} = $options{FooterFile} || '';
$self->{AnonymizeLogin} = $options{AnonymizeLogin} || 0;
$self->{SiblingHit} = $options{SiblingHit} || 1;
if ($self->{Lang}) {
open(IN, "$self->{Lang}") or die "ERROR: can't open translation file $self->{Lang}, $!\n";
while (my $l = <IN>) {
next if ($l =~ /^[\s\t]*#/);
next if (!$l);
my ($key, $str) = split(/\t+/, $l);
$Translate{$key} = $str;
if ($self->{HeaderFile}) {
open(IN, "$self->{HeaderFile}") or die "ERROR: can't open header file $self->{HeaderFile}, $!\n";
$self->{HeaderFile} = '';
while (my $l = <IN>) {
$self->{HeaderFile} .= $l;
if ($self->{FooterFile}) {
open(IN, "$self->{FooterFile}") or die "ERROR: can't open footer file $self->{FooterFile}, $!\n";
$self->{FooterFile} = '';
while (my $l = <IN>) {
$self->{FooterFile} .= $l;
if (!$self->{Output}) {
die "ERROR: 'Output' configuration option must be set.\n";
if (! -d $self->{Output}) {
die "ERROR: 'Output' dorectory $self->{Output} doesn't exists.\n";
$self->{LogFile} = $options{LogFile} || '/var/log/squid/access.log';
if (!$self->{LogFile}) {
die "ERROR: 'LogFile' configuration option must be set.\n";
if (! -e $self->{LogFile}) {
die "ERROR: 'LogFile' $self->{LogFile} doesn't exists.\n";
$self->{OrderUser} = lc($options{OrderUser}) || 'bytes';
$self->{OrderNetwork} = lc($options{OrderNetwork}) || 'bytes';
$self->{OrderUrl} = lc($options{OrderUrl}) || 'bytes';
$self->{OrderMime} = lc($options{OrderMime}) || 'bytes';
if ($self->{OrderUser} !~ /^(hits|bytes|duration)$/) {
die "ERROR: OrderUser must be one of these values: hits, bytes or duration\n";
if ($self->{OrderNetwork} !~ /^(hits|bytes|duration)$/) {
die "ERROR: OrderNetwork must be one of these values: hits, bytes or duration\n";
if ($self->{OrderUrl} !~ /^(hits|bytes|duration)$/) {
die "ERROR: OrderUrl must be one of these values: hits, bytes or duration\n";
if ($self->{OrderMime} !~ /^(hits|bytes)$/) {
die "ERROR: OrderMime must be one of these values: hits or bytes\n";
$self->{NetworkAlias} = &parse_network_aliases($options{NetworkAlias} || '');
$self->{UserAlias} = &parse_user_aliases($options{UserAlias} || '');
$self->{Exclude} = &parse_user_exclusion($options{Exclude} || '');
$self->{CostPrice} = $options{CostPrice} || 0;
$self->{Currency} = $options{Currency} || '&euro;';
$self->{TopNumber} = $options{TopNumber} || 10;
# Init statistics storage hashes
# Used to store the first and last date parsed
$self->{last_year} = 0;
$self->{last_month} = 0;
$self->{last_day} = 0;
$self->{first_year} = 0;
$self->{first_month} = 0;
$self->{first_day} = 0;
$self->{begin_time} = 0;
$self->{end_time} = 0;
$self->{history_time} = 0;
# Get the last parsing date for incremental parsing
if (-e "$self->{Output}/SquidAnalyzer.current") {
my $current = new IO::File;
unless($current->open("$self->{Output}/SquidAnalyzer.current")) {
print STDERR "ERROR: Can't read file $self->{Output}/SquidAnalyzer.current, $!\n" if (!$self->{QuietMode});
print STDERR "Starting at the first line of Squid access log file.\n" if (!$self->{QuietMode});
} else {
$self->{history_time} = <$current>;
$self->{begin_time} = $self->{history_time};
print STDERR "HISTORY TIME: ", strftime("%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", localtime($self->{history_time})), "\n" if (!$self->{QuietMode});
$self->{menu} = qq{
<div id="menu">
<th><a href="mime_type.html">[ $Translate{'Mime_link'} ]</a></th>
<th><a href="network.html">[ $Translate{'Network_link'} ]</a></th>
<th><a href="user.html">[ $Translate{'User_link'} ]</a></th>
if ($self->{UrlReport}) {
$self->{menu} .= qq{
<th><a href="url.html">[ $Translate{'Top_url_link'} ]</a></th>
<th><a href="domain.html">[ $Translate{'Top_domain_link'} ]</a></th>};
$self->{menu} .= qq{
<th><a href="../index.html">[ $Translate{'Back_link'} ]</a></th>
$self->{menu2} = qq{
<div id="menu">
<th><a href="../../mime_type.html">[ $Translate{'Mime_link'} ]</a></th>
<th><a href="../../network.html">[ $Translate{'Network_link'} ]</a></th>
<th><a href="../../user.html">[ $Translate{'User_link'} ]</a></th>
if ($self->{UrlReport}) {
$self->{menu2} .= qq{
<th><a href="../../url.html">[ $Translate{'Top_url_link'} ]</a></th>
<th><a href="../../domain.html">[ $Translate{'Top_domain_link'} ]</a></th>};
$self->{menu2} .= qq{
<th><a href="../../index.html">[ $Translate{'Back_link'} ]</a></th>
sub _parseData
my ($self, $time, $elapsed, $client, $code, $bytes, $url, $id, $type) = @_;
# Get the current year and month
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = '';
($sec,$min,$hour,$self->{last_day},$self->{last_month},$self->{last_year},$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($time);
$self->{last_year} += 1900;
$self->{last_month} = "0$self->{last_month}" if ($self->{last_month} < 10);
$self->{last_day} = "0$self->{last_day}" if ($self->{last_day} < 10);
$hour = "0$hour" if ($hour < 10);
# Set the year/month value for history check
my $date = "$self->{last_year}$self->{last_month}$self->{last_day}";
# Extract the domainname part of the URL
my $dest = $url;
$dest =~ s#^[^\/]*\/\/##;
$dest =~ s#\/.*##;
$dest =~ s#:\d+$##;
# Replace network by his aliases if any
my $network = '';
foreach my $n (keys %{$self->{NetworkAlias}}) {
if ( grep($client =~ /^$_/, @{$self->{NetworkAlias}->{$n}}) ) {
$network = $n;
# Set default to a class A network
if (!$network) {
$network = $client;
$network =~ s/\.\d+$/\.0/;
# Replace username by his alias if any
foreach my $u (keys %{$self->{UserAlias}}) {
if ( grep($id =~ /^$_$/, @{$self->{UserAlias}->{$u}}) ) {
$id = $u;
# Store data when day change to save memory
if ($self->{tmp_saving} =~ /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})$/) {
# If the day has changed then we want to save stats of the previous one
if ($self->{last_day} && ($3 ne $self->{last_day})) {
$self->_save_data("$1", "$2", "$3");
$self->{first_day} = '';
# If the month has changed then we want to save stats of the previous one
if ($self->{last_month} && ($2 ne $self->{last_month})) {
$self->_save_data("$1", "$2");
$self->{first_month} = '';
# If the year has changed then we want to save stats of the previous one
if ($self->{last_year} && ($1 ne $self->{last_year})) {
$self->{first_year} = '';
# Stats can be cleared
print STDERR "Clearing complete statistics storage hashes for year $1.\n" if (!$self->{QuietMode});
$self->{first_year} ||= $self->{last_year};
$self->{first_month} ||= $self->{last_month};
$self->{first_day} ||= $self->{last_day};
$self->{tmp_saving} = $date;
#### Store client statistics
$self->{stat_user_hour}{$id}{$hour}{bytes} += $bytes;
$self->{stat_user_hour}{$id}{$hour}{duration} += $elapsed;
$self->{stat_user_day}{$id}{$self->{last_day}}{bytes} += $bytes;
$self->{stat_user_day}{$id}{$self->{last_day}}{duration} += $elapsed;
$self->{stat_user_month}{$id}{$self->{last_month}}{bytes} += $bytes;
$self->{stat_user_month}{$id}{$self->{last_month}}{duration} += $elapsed;
if ($bytes > $self->{stat_usermax_hour}{$id}{largest_file_size}) {
$self->{stat_usermax_hour}{$id}{largest_file_size} = $bytes;
$self->{stat_usermax_hour}{$id}{largest_file_url} = $url;
if ($bytes > $self->{stat_usermax_day}{$id}{largest_file_size}) {
$self->{stat_usermax_day}{$id}{largest_file_size} = $bytes;
$self->{stat_usermax_day}{$id}{largest_file_url} = $url;
if ($bytes > $self->{stat_usermax_month}{$id}{largest_file_size}) {
$self->{stat_usermax_month}{$id}{largest_file_size} = $bytes;
$self->{stat_usermax_month}{$id}{largest_file_url} = $url;
#### Store networks statistics
$self->{stat_network_hour}{$network}{$hour}{bytes} += $bytes;
$self->{stat_network_hour}{$network}{$hour}{duration} += $elapsed;
$self->{stat_network_day}{$network}{$self->{last_day}}{bytes} += $bytes;
$self->{stat_network_day}{$network}{$self->{last_day}}{duration} += $elapsed;
$self->{stat_network_month}{$network}{$self->{last_month}}{bytes} += $bytes;
$self->{stat_network_month}{$network}{$self->{last_month}}{duration} += $elapsed;
if ($bytes > $self->{stat_netmax_hour}{$network}{largest_file_size}) {
$self->{stat_netmax_hour}{$network}{largest_file_size} = $bytes;
$self->{stat_netmax_hour}{$network}{largest_file_url} = $url;
if ($bytes > $self->{stat_netmax_day}{$network}{largest_file_size}) {
$self->{stat_netmax_day}{$network}{largest_file_size} = $bytes;
$self->{stat_netmax_day}{$network}{largest_file_url} = $url;
if ($bytes > $self->{stat_netmax_month}{$network}{largest_file_size}) {
$self->{stat_netmax_month}{$network}{largest_file_size} = $bytes;
$self->{stat_netmax_month}{$network}{largest_file_url} = $url;
#### Store HIT/MISS statistics
$self->{stat_code_hour}{$code}{$hour}{bytes} += $bytes;
$self->{stat_code_day}{$code}{$self->{last_day}}{bytes} += $bytes;
$self->{stat_code_month}{$code}{$self->{last_month}}{bytes} += $bytes;
#### Store url statistics
if ($self->{UrlReport}) {
$self->{stat_user_url_hour}{$id}{$dest}{duration} += $elapsed;
$self->{stat_user_url_hour}{$id}{$dest}{bytes} += $bytes;
$self->{stat_user_url_hour}{$id}{$dest}{firsthit} = $time if (!$self->{stat_user_url_hour}{$id}{$dest}{firsthit});
$self->{stat_user_url_hour}{$id}{$dest}{lasthit} = $time;
$self->{stat_user_url_day}{$id}{$dest}{duration} += $elapsed;
$self->{stat_user_url_day}{$id}{$dest}{firsthit} = $time if (!$self->{stat_user_url_day}{$id}{$dest}{firsthit});
$self->{stat_user_url_day}{$id}{$dest}{lasthit} = $time;
$self->{stat_user_url_day}{$id}{$dest}{bytes} += $bytes;
$self->{stat_user_url_month}{$id}{$dest}{duration} += $elapsed;
$self->{stat_user_url_month}{$id}{$dest}{bytes} += $bytes;
#### Store user per networks statistics
$self->{stat_netuser_hour}{$network}{$id}{duration} += $elapsed;
$self->{stat_netuser_hour}{$network}{$id}{bytes} += $bytes;
if ($bytes > $self->{stat_netuser_hour}{$network}{$id}{largest_file_size}) {
$self->{stat_netuser_hour}{$network}{$id}{largest_file_size} = $bytes;
$self->{stat_netuser_hour}{$network}{$id}{largest_file_url} = $url;
$self->{stat_netuser_day}{$network}{$id}{duration} += $elapsed;
$self->{stat_netuser_day}{$network}{$id}{bytes} += $bytes;
if ($bytes > $self->{stat_netuser_day}{$network}{$id}{largest_file_size}) {
$self->{stat_netuser_day}{$network}{$id}{largest_file_size} = $bytes;
$self->{stat_netuser_day}{$network}{$id}{largest_file_url} = $url;
$self->{stat_netuser_month}{$network}{$id}{duration} += $elapsed;
$self->{stat_netuser_month}{$network}{$id}{bytes} += $bytes;
if ($bytes > $self->{stat_netuser_month}{$network}{$id}{largest_file_size}) {
$self->{stat_netuser_month}{$network}{$id}{largest_file_size} = $bytes;
$self->{stat_netuser_month}{$network}{$id}{largest_file_url} = $url;
#### Store mime type statistics
$self->{stat_mime_type_hour}{"$type"}{bytes} += $bytes;
$self->{stat_mime_type_day}{"$type"}{bytes} += $bytes;
$self->{stat_mime_type_month}{"$type"}{bytes} += $bytes;
sub _save_stat
my ($self, $year, $month, $day) = @_;
my $type = 'hour';
if (!$day) {
$type = 'day';
if (!$month) {
$type = 'month';
my $path = join('/', $year, $month, $day);
$path =~ s/[\/]+$//;
#### Load history
$self->_read_stat($year, $month, $day);
#### Save url statistics per user
if ($self->{UrlReport}) {
my $dat_file_user_url = new IO::File;
or die "ERROR: Can't write to file $self->{Output}/$path/stat_user_url.dat, $!\n";
foreach my $id (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$self->{"stat_user_url_$type"}}) {
foreach my $dest (keys %{$self->{"stat_user_url_$type"}{$id}}) {
$dat_file_user_url->print("$id hits=" . $self->{"stat_user_url_$type"}{$id}{$dest}{hits} . ";" .
"bytes=" . $self->{"stat_user_url_$type"}{$id}{$dest}{bytes} . ";" .
"duration=" . $self->{"stat_user_url_$type"}{$id}{$dest}{duration} . ";" .
"first=" . $self->{"stat_user_url_$type"}{$id}{$dest}{firsthit} . ";" .
"last=" . $self->{"stat_user_url_$type"}{$id}{$dest}{lasthit} . ";" .
$self->{"stat_user_url_$type"} = ();
#### Save user statistics
my $dat_file_user = new IO::File;
or die "ERROR: Can't write to file $self->{Output}/$path/stat_user.dat, $!\n";
foreach my $id (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$self->{"stat_user_$type"}}) {
$dat_file_user->print("$id hits_$type=");
foreach my $tmp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$self->{"stat_user_$type"}{$id}}) {
$dat_file_user->print("$tmp:" . $self->{"stat_user_$type"}{$id}{$tmp}{hits} . ",");
foreach my $tmp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$self->{"stat_user_$type"}{$id}}) {
$dat_file_user->print("$tmp:" . $self->{"stat_user_$type"}{$id}{$tmp}{bytes} . ",");
foreach my $tmp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$self->{"stat_user_$type"}{$id}}) {
$dat_file_user->print("$tmp:" . $self->{"stat_user_$type"}{$id}{$tmp}{duration} . ",");
$dat_file_user->print(";largest_file_size=" . $self->{"stat_usermax_$type"}{$id}{largest_file_size});
$dat_file_user->print(";largest_file_url=" . $self->{"stat_usermax_$type"}{$id}{largest_file_url} . "\n");
$self->{"stat_user_$type"} = ();
$self->{"stat_usermax_$type"} = ();
#### Save network statistics
my $dat_file_network = new IO::File;
or die "ERROR: Can't write to file $self->{Output}/$path/stat_network.dat, $!\n";
foreach my $net (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$self->{"stat_network_$type"}}) {
foreach my $tmp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$self->{"stat_network_$type"}{$net}}) {
$dat_file_network->print("$tmp:" . $self->{"stat_network_$type"}{$net}{$tmp}{hits} . ",");
foreach my $tmp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$self->{"stat_network_$type"}{$net}}) {
$dat_file_network->print("$tmp:" . $self->{"stat_network_$type"}{$net}{$tmp}{bytes} . ",");
foreach my $tmp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$self->{"stat_network_$type"}{$net}}) {
$dat_file_network->print("$tmp:" . $self->{"stat_network_$type"}{$net}{$tmp}{duration} . ",");
$dat_file_network->print(";largest_file_size=" . $self->{"stat_netmax_$type"}{$net}{largest_file_size});
$dat_file_network->print(";largest_file_url=" . $self->{"stat_netmax_$type"}{$net}{largest_file_url} . "\n");
$self->{"stat_network_$type"} = ();
$self->{"stat_netmax_$type"} = ();
#### Save user per network statistics
my $dat_file_netuser = new IO::File;
or die "ERROR: Can't write to file $self->{Output}/$path/stat_netuser.dat, $!\n";
foreach my $net (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$self->{"stat_netuser_$type"}}) {
foreach my $id (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$self->{"stat_netuser_$type"}{$net}}) {
$dat_file_netuser->print("$net\t$id\thits=" . $self->{"stat_netuser_$type"}{$net}{$id}{hits} . ";" .
"bytes=" . $self->{"stat_netuser_$type"}{$net}{$id}{bytes} . ";" .
"duration=" . $self->{"stat_netuser_$type"}{$net}{$id}{duration} . ";");
$dat_file_netuser->print("largest_file_size=" .
$self->{"stat_netuser_$type"}{$net}{$id}{largest_file_size} . ";" .
"largest_file_url=" . $self->{"stat_netuser_$type"}{$net}{$id}{largest_file_url} . "\n");
$self->{"stat_netuser_$type"} = ();
#### Save cache statistics
my $dat_file_code = new IO::File;
or die "ERROR: Can't write to file $self->{Output}/$path/stat_code.dat, $!\n";
foreach my $code (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$self->{"stat_code_$type"}}) {
$dat_file_code->print("$code " .
foreach my $tmp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$self->{"stat_code_$type"}{$code}}) {
$dat_file_code->print("$tmp:" . $self->{"stat_code_$type"}{$code}{$tmp}{hits} . ",");
foreach my $tmp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$self->{"stat_code_$type"}{$code}}) {
$dat_file_code->print("$tmp:" . $self->{"stat_code_$type"}{$code}{$tmp}{bytes} . ",");
$self->{"stat_code_$type"} = ();
$self->{stat_code} = ();
#### Save mime statistics
my $dat_file_mime_type = new IO::File;
or die "ERROR: Can't write to file $self->{Output}/$path/stat_mime_type.dat, $!\n";
foreach my $mime (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$self->{"stat_mime_type_$type"}}) {
$dat_file_mime_type->print("$mime hits=" . $self->{"stat_mime_type_$type"}{$mime}{hits} . ";" .
"bytes=" . $self->{"stat_mime_type_$type"}{$mime}{bytes} . "\n");
$self->{"stat_mime_type_$type"} = ();
sub _save_data
my ($self, $year, $month, $day) = @_;
my $path = join('/', $year, $month, $day);
$path =~ s/[\/]+$//;
#### Create directory structure
if (!-d "$self->{Output}/$year") {
mkdir("$self->{Output}/$year", 0755) || die "ERROR: can't create directory $self->{Output}/$year, $!\n";
if ($month && !-d "$self->{Output}/$year/$month") {
mkdir("$self->{Output}/$year/$month", 0755) || die "ERROR: can't create directory $self->{Output}/$year/$month, $!\n";
if ($day && !-d "$self->{Output}/$year/$month/$day") {
mkdir("$self->{Output}/$year/$month/$day", 0755) || die "ERROR: can't create directory $self->{Output}/$year/$month/$day, $!\n";
print STDERR "Dumping data into $self->{Output}/$path\n" if (!$self->{QuietMode});
$self->_save_stat($year, $month, $day);
sub _read_stat
my ($self, $year, $month, $day) = @_;
my $type = 'hour';
if (!$day) {
$type = 'day';
if (!$month) {
$type = 'month';
my $path = join('/', $year, $month, $day);
$path =~ s/[\/]+$//;
#### Read previous client statistics
my $dat_file_user = new IO::File;
if ($dat_file_user->open("$self->{Output}/$path/stat_user.dat")) {
my $i = 1;
while (my $l = <$dat_file_user>) {
if ($l =~ s/^([^\s]+)\shits_$type=([^;]+);bytes_$type=([^;]+);duration_$type=([^;]+);largest_file_size=([^;]*);largest_file_url=(.*)$//) {
my $id = $1;
my $hits = $2 || '';
my $bytes = $3 || '';
my $duration = $4 || '';
if ($5 > $self->{"stat_usermax_$type"}{$id}{largest_file_size}) {
$self->{"stat_usermax_$type"}{$id}{largest_file_size} = $5;
$self->{"stat_usermax_$type"}{$id}{largest_file_url} = $6;
$hits =~ s/,$//;
$bytes =~ s/,$//;
$duration =~ s/,$//;
my %hits_tmp = split(/[:,]/, $hits);
foreach my $tmp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %hits_tmp) {
$self->{"stat_user_$type"}{$id}{$tmp}{hits} += $hits_tmp{$tmp};
my %bytes_tmp = split(/[:,]/, $bytes);
foreach my $tmp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %bytes_tmp) {
$self->{"stat_user_$type"}{$id}{$tmp}{bytes} += $bytes_tmp{$tmp};
my %duration_tmp = split(/[:,]/, $duration);
foreach my $tmp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %duration_tmp) {
$self->{"stat_user_$type"}{$id}{$tmp}{duration} += $duration_tmp{$tmp};
} else {
print STDERR "ERROR: bad format at line $i into $self->{Output}/$path/stat_user.dat:\n";
print STDERR "$l\n";
exit 0;
#### Read previous url statistics
if ($self->{UrlReport}) {
my $dat_file_user_url = new IO::File;
if ($dat_file_user_url->open("$self->{Output}/$path/stat_user_url.dat")) {
my $i = 1;
while (my $l = <$dat_file_user_url>) {
if ($l =~ s/^([^\s]+)\shits=(\d+);bytes=(\d+);duration=(\d+);first=([^;]*);last=([^;]*);url=(.*)$//) {
$self->{"stat_user_url_$type"}{$1}{"$7"}{hits} += $2;
$self->{"stat_user_url_$type"}{$1}{"$7"}{bytes} += $3;
$self->{"stat_user_url_$type"}{$1}{"$7"}{duration} += $4;
$self->{"stat_user_url_$type"}{$1}{"$7"}{firsthit} = $5 if (!$self->{"stat_user_url_$type"}{$1}{"$7"}{firsthit});
$self->{"stat_user_url_$type"}{$1}{"$7"}{lasthit} = $6;
} elsif ($l =~ s/^([^\s]+)\shits=(\d+);bytes=(\d+);duration=(\d+);url=(.*)$//) {
$self->{"stat_user_url_$type"}{$1}{"$5"}{hits} += $2;
$self->{"stat_user_url_$type"}{$1}{"$5"}{bytes} += $3;
$self->{"stat_user_url_$type"}{$1}{"$5"}{duration} += $4;
} else {
print STDERR "ERROR: bad format at line $i into $self->{Output}/$path/stat_user_url.dat\n";
print STDERR "$l\n";
exit 0;
#### Read previous network statistics
my $dat_file_network = new IO::File;
if ($dat_file_network->open("$self->{Output}/$path/stat_network.dat")) {
my $i = 1;
while (my $l = <$dat_file_network>) {
my ($net, $data) = split(/\t/, $l);
if (!$data) {
# Assume backward compatibility
$l =~ s/^(.*)\shits_$type=/hits_$type=/;
$net = $1;
$data = $l;
if ($data =~ s/^hits_$type=([^;]+);bytes_$type=([^;]+);duration_$type=([^;]+);largest_file_size=([^;]*);largest_file_url=(.*)$//) {
my $hits = $1 || '';
my $bytes = $2 || '';
my $duration = $3 || '';
if ($4 > $self->{"stat_netmax_$type"}{$net}{largest_file_size}) {
$self->{"stat_netmax_$type"}{$net}{largest_file_size} = $4;
$self->{"stat_netmax_$type"}{$net}{largest_file_url} = $5;
$hits =~ s/,$//;
$bytes =~ s/,$//;
$duration =~ s/,$//;
my %hits_tmp = split(/[:,]/, $hits);
foreach my $tmp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %hits_tmp) {
$self->{"stat_network_$type"}{$net}{$tmp}{hits} += $hits_tmp{$tmp};
my %bytes_tmp = split(/[:,]/, $bytes);
foreach my $tmp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %bytes_tmp) {
$self->{"stat_network_$type"}{$net}{$tmp}{bytes} += $bytes_tmp{$tmp};
my %duration_tmp = split(/[:,]/, $duration);
foreach my $tmp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %duration_tmp) {
$self->{"stat_network_$type"}{$net}{$tmp}{duration} += $duration_tmp{$tmp};
} else {
print STDERR "ERROR: bad format at line $i into $self->{Output}/$path/stat_network.dat\n";
print STDERR "$l\n";
exit 0;
#### Read previous user per network statistics
my $dat_file_netuser = new IO::File;
if ($dat_file_netuser->open("$self->{Output}/$path/stat_netuser.dat")) {
my $i = 1;
while (my $l = <$dat_file_netuser>) {
my ($net, $id, $data) = split(/\t/, $l);
if (!$data) {
# Assume backward compatibility
$l =~ s/^(.*)\s([^\s]+)\shits=/hits=/;
$net = $1;
$id = $2;
$data = $l;
if ($data =~ s/^hits=(\d+);bytes=(\d+);duration=(\d+);largest_file_size=([^;]*);largest_file_url=(.*)$//) {
$self->{"stat_netuser_$type"}{$net}{$id}{hits} += $2;
$self->{"stat_netuser_$type"}{$net}{$id}{bytes} += $3;
$self->{"stat_netuser_$type"}{$net}{$id}{duration} += $4;
if ($6 > $self->{"stat_netuser_$type"}{$net}{$id}{largest_file_size}) {
$self->{"stat_netuser_$type"}{$net}{$id}{largest_file_size} = $5;
$self->{"stat_netuser_$type"}{$net}{$id}{largest_file_url} = $6;
} else {
print STDERR "ERROR: bad format at line $i into $self->{Output}/$path/stat_netuser.dat\n";
print STDERR "$l\n";
exit 0;
#### Read previous cache statistics
my $dat_file_code = new IO::File;
if ($dat_file_code->open("$self->{Output}/$path/stat_code.dat")) {
my $i = 1;
while (my $l = <$dat_file_code>) {
if ($l =~ s/^([^\s]+)\shits_$type=([^;]+);bytes_$type=([^;]+)$//) {
my $code = $1;
my $hits = $2 || '';
my $bytes = $3 || '';
$hits =~ s/,$//;
$bytes =~ s/,$//;
my %hits_tmp = split(/[:,]/, $hits);
foreach my $tmp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %hits_tmp) {
$self->{"stat_code_$type"}{$code}{$tmp}{hits} += $hits_tmp{$tmp};
my %bytes_tmp = split(/[:,]/, $bytes);
foreach my $tmp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %bytes_tmp) {
$self->{"stat_code_$type"}{$code}{$tmp}{bytes} += $bytes_tmp{$tmp};
} else {
print STDERR "ERROR: bad format at line $i into $self->{Output}/$path/stat_code.dat\n";
print STDERR "$l\n";
exit 0;
#### Read previous mime statistics
my $dat_file_mime_type = new IO::File;
if ($dat_file_mime_type->open("$self->{Output}/$path/stat_mime_type.dat")) {
my $i = 1;
while (my $l = <$dat_file_mime_type>) {
if ($l =~ s/^([^\s]+)\shits=(\d+);bytes=(\d+)//) {
my $mime = $1;
$self->{"stat_mime_type_$type"}{$mime}{hits} += $2;
$self->{"stat_mime_type_$type"}{$mime}{bytes} += $3;
} else {
print STDERR "ERROR: bad format at line $i into $self->{Output}/$path/stat_mime_type.dat\n";
print STDERR "$l\n";
exit 0;
sub _print_header
my ($self, $fileout, $str, $cal) = @_;
my $now = strftime("%c", localtime);
print $$fileout qq{
<!DOCTYPE html
PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en-US" xml:lang="en-US">
<meta NAME="robots" CONTENT="noindex,nofollow" />
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache" />
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Cache-Control" content="no-cache" />
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="$now" />
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Generator" CONTENT="SquidAnalyzer $VERSION" />
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Date" CONTENT="$now" />
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>SquidAnalyzer $VERSION Report</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="$self->{WebUrl}squidanalyzer.css" media="screen" />
<!-- javascript to sort table -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="$self->{WebUrl}sorttable.js"></script>
<body text="black" bgcolor="white">
<a name="atop"></a>
<div id="logo">
<a href="$self->{WebUrl}"><img src="$self->{WebUrl}logo-squidanalyzer.png" title="SquidAnalyzer $VERSION" border="0"></a><br>
<i><b>$Translate{'Generation'} $now.</b></i>
<td align="right" valign="top">
<br />
sub _print_footer
my ($self, $fileout) = @_;
if ($self->{FooterFile}) {
$self->{FooterFile} =~ s/\%VERSION\%/v$VERSION/gs;
print $$fileout qq{ $self->{FooterFile} };
} else {
print $$fileout qq{
This file was generated by <a href="http://squidanalyzer.darold.net/">SquidAnalyzer v$VERSION</a>
print $$fileout qq{
sub buildHTML
my ($self, $outdir) = @_;
$outdir ||= $self->{Output};
print STDERR "Building HTML output into $outdir\n" if (!$self->{QuietMode});
# Load history data for incremental scan
my $old_year = 0;
my $old_month = 0;
my $old_day = 0;
if ($self->{history_time}) {
$old_year = (localtime($self->{history_time}))[5]+1900;
$old_month = (localtime($self->{history_time}))[4]+1;
$old_month = "0$old_month" if ($old_month < 10);
$old_day = (localtime($self->{history_time}))[3];
$old_day = "0$old_day" if ($old_day < 10);
# Generate all HTML output
opendir(DIR, $outdir) || die "Error: can't opendir $outdir: $!";
my @years = grep { /^\d{4}$/ && -d "$outdir/$_"} readdir(DIR);
closedir DIR;
foreach my $y (sort {$a <=> $b} @years) {
next if ($y < $old_year);
opendir(DIR, "$outdir/$y") || die "Error: can't opendir $outdir/$y: $!";
my @months = grep { /^\d{2}$/ && -d "$outdir/$y/$_"} readdir(DIR);
closedir DIR;
foreach my $m (sort {$a <=> $b} @months) {
next if ($m < $old_month);
opendir(DIR, "$outdir/$y/$m") || die "Error: can't opendir $outdir/$y/$m: $!";
my @days = grep { /^\d{2}$/ && -d "$outdir/$y/$m/$_"} readdir(DIR);
closedir DIR;
foreach my $d (sort {$a <=> $b} @days) {
next if ($d < $old_day);
print STDERR "Generating daily statistics for day $y-$m-$d\n" if (!$self->{QuietMode});
$self->gen_html_output($outdir, $y, $m, $d);
print STDERR "Generating monthly statistics for month $y-$m\n" if (!$self->{QuietMode});
$self->gen_html_output($outdir, $y, $m);
print STDERR "Generating yearly statistics for year $y\n" if (!$self->{QuietMode});
$self->gen_html_output($outdir, $y);
sub gen_html_output
my ($self, $outdir, $year, $month, $day) = @_;
my $dir = "$outdir";
if ($year) {
$dir .= "/$year";
if ($month) {
$dir .= "/$month";
if ($day) {
$dir .= "/$day";
my $stat_date = $self->set_date($year, $month, $day);
print STDERR "\tUser statistics in $dir...\n" if (!$self->{QuietMode});
my $nuser = $self->_print_user_stat($dir, $year, $month, $day);
print STDERR "\tMime type statistics in $dir...\n" if (!$self->{QuietMode});
$self->_print_mime_stat($dir, $year, $month, $day);
print STDERR "\tNetwork statistics in $dir...\n" if (!$self->{QuietMode});
$self->_print_network_stat($dir, $year, $month, $day);
my $nurl = 0;
my $ndomain = 0;
if ($self->{UrlReport}) {
print STDERR "\tTop URL statistics in $dir...\n" if (!$self->{QuietMode});
$nurl = $self->_print_top_url_stat($dir, $year, $month, $day);
print STDERR "\tTop domain statistics in $dir...\n" if (!$self->{QuietMode});
$ndomain = $self->_print_top_domain_stat($dir, $year, $month, $day);
print STDERR "\tCache statistics in $dir...\n" if (!$self->{QuietMode});
$self->_print_cache_stat($dir, $year, $month, $day, $nuser, $nurl, $ndomain);
return ($nuser, $nurl, $ndomain);
sub parse_duration
my ($secondes) = @_;
my $hours = int($secondes/3600);
$hours = "0$hours" if ($hours < 10);
$secondes = $secondes - ($hours*3600);
my $minutes = int($secondes/60);
$minutes = "0$minutes" if ($minutes < 10);
$secondes = $secondes - ($minutes*60);
$secondes = "0$secondes" if ($secondes < 10);
return "$hours:$minutes:$secondes";
sub _print_cache_stat
my ($self, $outdir, $year, $month, $day, $nuser, $nurl, $ndomain) = @_;
my $stat_date = $self->set_date($year, $month, $day);
my $type = 'hour';
if (!$day) {
$type = 'day';
if (!$month) {
$type = 'month';
# Load code statistics
my $infile = new IO::File;
$infile->open("$outdir/stat_code.dat") || return;
my %code_stat = ();
my %detail_code_stat = ();
while (my $l = <$infile>) {
my ($code, $data) = split(/\s/, $l);
$data =~ /hits_$type=([^;]+);bytes_$type=([^;]+)/;
my $hits = $1 || '';
my $bytes = $2 || '';
$hits =~ s/,$//;
$bytes =~ s/,$//;
my %hits_tmp = split(/[:,]/, $hits);
foreach my $tmp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %hits_tmp) {
$detail_code_stat{$code}{$tmp}{request} = $hits_tmp{$tmp};
$code_stat{$code}{request} += $hits_tmp{$tmp};
my %bytes_tmp = split(/[:,]/, $bytes);
foreach my $tmp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %bytes_tmp) {
$detail_code_stat{$code}{$tmp}{bytes} = $bytes_tmp{$tmp};
$code_stat{$code}{bytes} += $bytes_tmp{$tmp};
my $total_request = $code_stat{HIT}{request} + $code_stat{MISS}{request};
my $total_bytes = $code_stat{HIT}{bytes} + $code_stat{MISS}{bytes};
my $file = $outdir . '/index.html';
my $out = new IO::File;
$out->open(">$file") || die "ERROR: Unable to open $file. $!\n";
# Print the HTML header
my $cal = $self->_get_calendar($stat_date, $type, $outdir);
$self->_print_header(\$out, $self->{menu}, $cal);
# Print title and calendar view
print $out $self->_print_title($Translate{'Cache_title'}, $stat_date);
my $total_cost = sprintf("%2.2f", int($total_bytes/1000000) * $self->{CostPrice});
my $comma_bytes = &format_bytes($total_bytes);
my $hit_bytes = &format_bytes($code_stat{HIT}{bytes});
my $miss_bytes = &format_bytes($code_stat{MISS}{bytes});
my $colspn = 5;
$colspn = 6 if ($self->{CostPrice});
print $out qq{<table><tr><td><img src="code_request.png"></td><td><img src="code_bytes.png"></td></tr></table>};
print $out qq{
<div id="stata">
<th colspan="2">$Translate{'Requests'}</th>
<th colspan="2">$Translate{'Bytes'}</th>
<th colspan="$colspn">$Translate{'Total'}</th>
print $out qq{
<th nowrap>$Translate{'Cost'} $self->{Currency}</th>
} if ($self->{CostPrice});
print $out qq{
print $out qq{
} if ($self->{CostPrice});
print $out qq{
<b>$Translate{'Hit'}:</b> $Translate{'Hit_help'}
<b>$Translate{'Miss'}:</b> $Translate{'Miss_help'}
<b>$Translate{'Users'}:</b> $Translate{'Users_help'}
<b>$Translate{'Sites'}:</b> $Translate{'Sites_help'}
<b>$Translate{'Domains'}:</b> $Translate{'Domains_help'}
print $out qq{
<b>$Translate{'Cost'}:</b> $Translate{'Cost_help'} $self->{CostPrice} $self->{Currency}
} if ($self->{CostPrice});
print $out qq{
%code_stat = ();
my $last = '23';
my $first = '00';
my $title = $Translate{'Hourly'} || 'Hourly';
my $unit = $Translate{'Hours'} || 'Hours';
if ($type eq 'day') {
$last = '31';
$first = '01';
$title = $Translate{'Daily'} || 'Daily';
$unit = $Translate{'Days'} || 'Days';
} elsif ($type eq 'month') {
$last = '12';
$first = '01';
$title = $Translate{'Monthly'} || 'Monthly';
$unit = $Translate{'Months'} || 'Months';
my @labels = ();
my @hit = ();
my @miss = ();
my @total = ();
for ("$first" .. "$last") {
push(@labels, "$_");
my $tot = 0;
if (exists $detail_code_stat{HIT}{$_}{request}) {
push(@hit, $detail_code_stat{HIT}{$_}{request});
$tot += $detail_code_stat{HIT}{$_}{request};
} else {
push(@hit, 0);
if (exists $detail_code_stat{MISS}{$_}{request}) {
push(@miss, $detail_code_stat{MISS}{$_}{request});
$tot += $detail_code_stat{MISS}{$_}{request};
} else {
push(@miss, 0);
push(@total, $tot);
delete $detail_code_stat{HIT}{$_}{request};
delete $detail_code_stat{MISS}{$_}{request};
if ($type eq 'month') {
@labels = (
$Translate{'01'}, $Translate{'02'}, $Translate{'03'}, $Translate{'04'},
$Translate{'05'}, $Translate{'06'}, $Translate{'07'}, $Translate{'08'},
$Translate{'09'}, $Translate{'10'}, $Translate{'11'}, $Translate{'12'}
my @legends = ($Translate{'Hit_graph'}, $Translate{'Miss_graph'}, $Translate{'Total_graph'});
my @data = (
my $t1 = $Translate{'Graph_cache_hit_title'};
$t1 =~ s/\%s/$title/;
local (*IMG) = undef;
open(IMG, ">$outdir/code_request.png") or die "Error: can't create file $outdir/code_request.png, $!\n";
binmode IMG;
print IMG &gen_graph(\@legends, \@data, ('title' => "$t1 $stat_date",'x_label' => $unit, 'y_label' => $Translate{'Requests_graph'} || 'Requests'));
@hit = ();
@miss = ();
@total = ();
for ("$first" .. "$last") {
my $tot = 0;
if (exists $detail_code_stat{HIT}{$_}{bytes}) {
push(@hit, int($detail_code_stat{HIT}{$_}{bytes}/1000000));
$tot += $detail_code_stat{HIT}{$_}{bytes};
} else {
push(@hit, 0);
if (exists $detail_code_stat{MISS}{$_}{bytes}) {
push(@miss, int($detail_code_stat{MISS}{$_}{bytes}/1000000));
$tot += $detail_code_stat{MISS}{$_}{bytes};
} else {
push(@miss, 0);
push(@total, int($tot/1000000));
%detail_code_stat = ();
@data = (
$t1 = $Translate{'Graph_cache_byte_title'};
$t1 =~ s/\%s/$title/;
local (*IMG) = undef;
open(IMG, ">$outdir/code_bytes.png") or die "Error: can't create file $outdir/code_bytes.png, $!\n";
binmode IMG;
print IMG &gen_graph(\@legends, \@data, ('title' => "$t1 $stat_date",'x_label' => $unit, 'y_label' => $Translate{'Megabytes_graph'} || $Translate{'Megabytes'}));
sub _print_mime_stat
my ($self, $outdir, $year, $month, $day) = @_;
my $stat_date = $self->set_date($year, $month, $day);
my $type = 'hour';
if (!$day) {
$type = 'day';
if (!$month) {
$type = 'month';
# Load code statistics
my $infile = new IO::File;
$infile->open("$outdir/stat_mime_type.dat") || return;
my %mime_stat = ();
my $total_count = 0;
my $total_bytes = 0;
while(my $l = <$infile>) {
my ($code, $data) = split(/\s/, $l);
$data =~ /hits=(\d+);bytes=(\d+)/;
$mime_stat{$code}{hits} = $1;
$mime_stat{$code}{bytes} = $2;
$total_count += $1;
$total_bytes += $2;
my $ntype = scalar keys %mime_stat;
my $file = $outdir . '/mime_type.html';
my $out = new IO::File;
$out->open(">$file") || die "ERROR: Unable to open $file. $!\n";
# Print the HTML header
my $cal = $self->_get_calendar($stat_date, $type, $outdir);
$self->_print_header(\$out, $self->{menu}, $cal);
# Print title and calendar view
print $out $self->_print_title($Translate{'Mime_title'}, $stat_date);
print $out "<b>$Translate{'Mime_number'}:</b> $ntype<br>\n";
print $out qq{
<div id="stata">
<table class="sortable" cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 align=center>
<th nowrap>$Translate{'Mime_link'}</th>
<th nowrap>% $Translate{'Requests'}</th>
<th nowrap>% $Translate{'Bytes'}</th>
print $out qq{
<th nowrap>$Translate{'Cost'} $self->{Currency}</th>
} if ($self->{CostPrice});
print $out qq{
foreach (sort { $mime_stat{$b}{"$self->{OrderMime}"} <=> $mime_stat{$a}{"$self->{OrderMime}"} } keys %mime_stat) {
my $c_percent = '0.0';
$c_percent = sprintf("%2.2f", ($mime_stat{$_}{hits}/$total_count) * 100) if ($total_count);
my $b_percent = '0.0';
$b_percent = sprintf("%2.2f", ($mime_stat{$_}{bytes}/$total_bytes) * 100) if ($total_bytes);
my $total_cost = sprintf("%2.2f", int($mime_stat{$_}{bytes}/1000000) * $self->{CostPrice});
my $comma_bytes = &format_bytes($mime_stat{$_}{bytes});
print $out qq{
<tr align=right>
<td align=left>$_</td>
print $out qq{
} if ($self->{CostPrice});
print $out qq{
print $out qq{
print $out qq{
<div id="uplink">
<table align=center>
<th><a href="#atop">[ $Translate{'Up_link'} ]</a></th>
sub _print_network_stat
my ($self, $outdir, $year, $month, $day) = @_;
my $stat_date = $self->set_date($year, $month, $day);
my $type = 'hour';
if (!$day) {
$type = 'day';
if (!$month) {
$type = 'month';
# Load code statistics
my $infile = new IO::File;
$infile->open("$outdir/stat_network.dat") || return;
my %network_stat = ();
my %detail_network_stat = ();
my %total_net_detail = ();
my $total_hit = 0;
my $total_bytes = 0;
my $total_duration = 0;
while (my $l = <$infile>) {
my ($network, $data) = split(/\t/, $l);
if (!$data) {
# Assume backward compatibility
$l =~ s/^(.*)\shits_$type=/hits_$type=/;
$network = $1;
$data = $l;
$data =~ /^hits_$type=([^;]+);bytes_$type=([^;]+);duration_$type=([^;]+);largest_file_size=([^;]*);largest_file_url=(.*)/;
my $hits = $1 || '';
my $bytes = $2 || '';
my $duration = $3 || '';
$network_stat{$network}{largest_file} = $4;
$network_stat{$network}{url} = $5;
$hits =~ s/,$//;
$bytes =~ s/,$//;
$duration =~ s/,$//;
my %hits_tmp = split(/[:,]/, $hits);
foreach my $tmp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %hits_tmp) {
$detail_network_stat{$network}{$tmp}{hits} = $hits_tmp{$tmp};
$total_net_detail{$tmp}{hits} += $hits_tmp{$tmp};
$network_stat{$network}{hits} += $hits_tmp{$tmp};
$total_hit += $hits_tmp{$tmp};
my %bytes_tmp = split(/[:,]/, $bytes);
foreach my $tmp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %bytes_tmp) {
$detail_network_stat{$network}{$tmp}{bytes} = $bytes_tmp{$tmp};
$total_net_detail{$tmp}{bytes} += $bytes_tmp{$tmp};
$network_stat{$network}{bytes} += $bytes_tmp{$tmp};
$total_bytes += $bytes_tmp{$tmp};
my %duration_tmp = split(/[:,]/, $duration);
foreach my $tmp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %duration_tmp) {
$detail_network_stat{$network}{$tmp}{duration} = $duration_tmp{$tmp};
$total_net_detail{$tmp}{duration} += $duration_tmp{$tmp};
$network_stat{$network}{duration} += $duration_tmp{$tmp};
$total_duration += $duration_tmp{$tmp};
my $nnet = scalar keys %network_stat;
my $file = $outdir . '/network.html';
my $out = new IO::File;
$out->open(">$file") || die "ERROR: Unable to open $file. $!\n";
# Print the HTML header
my $cal = $self->_get_calendar($stat_date, $type, $outdir);
$self->_print_header(\$out, $self->{menu}, $cal);
print $out $self->_print_title($Translate{'Network_title'}, $stat_date);
print $out qq{<table><tr><td><img src="network_hits.png"></td><td><img src="network_bytes.png"></td></tr></table>};
print $out "<b>$Translate{'Network_number'}:</b> $nnet<br>\n";
print $out qq{
<div id="stata">
<table class="sortable" cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 align=center>
<th nowrap>% $Translate{'Requests'}</th>
<th nowrap>% $Translate{'Bytes'}</th>
<th nowrap>% $Translate{'Time'}</th>
print $out qq{
<th nowrap>$Translate{'Cost'} $self->{Currency}</th>
} if ($self->{CostPrice});
print $out qq{
<th nowrap>$Translate{'Users'}</th>
if (!-d "$outdir/networks") {
mkdir("$outdir/networks", 0755) || return;
my $last = '23';
my $first = '00';
my $title = $Translate{'Hourly'} || 'Hourly';
my $unit = $Translate{'Hours'} || 'Hours';
if ($type eq 'day') {
$last = '31';
$first = '01';
$title = $Translate{'Daily'} || 'Daily';
$unit = $Translate{'Days'} || 'Days';
} elsif ($type eq 'month') {
$last = '12';
$first = '01';
$title = $Translate{'Monthly'} || 'Monthly';
$unit = $Translate{'Months'} || 'Months';
foreach my $net (sort { $network_stat{$b}{"$self->{OrderNetwork}"} <=> $network_stat{$a}{"$self->{OrderNetwork}"} } keys %network_stat) {
my $h_percent = '0.0';
$h_percent = sprintf("%2.2f", ($network_stat{$net}{hits}/$total_hit) * 100) if ($total_hit);
my $b_percent = '0.0';
$b_percent = sprintf("%2.2f", ($network_stat{$net}{bytes}/$total_bytes) * 100) if ($total_bytes);
my $d_percent = '0.0';
$d_percent = sprintf("%2.2f", ($network_stat{$net}{duration}/$total_duration) * 100) if ($total_duration);
$network_stat{$net}{duration} = &parse_duration(int($network_stat{$net}{duration}/1000));
my $total_cost = sprintf("%2.2f", int($network_stat{$net}{bytes}/1000000) * $self->{CostPrice});
my $show = $net;
if ($net =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+/) {
$show .= ".0";
foreach my $n (keys %{$self->{NetworkAlias}}) {
if ($show =~ /$self->{NetworkAlias}->{$n}/) {
$show = $n;
my $comma_bytes = &format_bytes($network_stat{$net}{bytes});
print $out qq{
<tr align=right>
<td align=left nowrap><a href="networks/$net/$net.html">$show</a></td>
print $out qq{
} if ($self->{CostPrice});
if (!-d "$outdir/networks/$net") {
mkdir("$outdir/networks/$net", 0755) || return;
my $outnet = new IO::File;
$outnet->open(">$outdir/networks/$net/$net.html") || return;
# Print the HTML header
my $cal = $self->_get_calendar($stat_date, $type, $outdir, '../../');
$self->_print_header(\$outnet, $self->{menu2}, $cal);
print $outnet $self->_print_title("$Translate{'Network_title'} $show -", $stat_date);
print $outnet qq{<table><tr><td><img src="network_hits.png"></td><td><img src="network_bytes.png"></td></tr></table>};
my $retuser = $self->_print_netuser_stat($outdir, \$outnet, $net);
print $out qq{
<td align=left>$network_stat{$net}{url}</td>
print $outnet qq{
<div id="uplink">
<table align=center>
<th><a href="#atop">[ $Translate{'Up_link'} ]</a></th>
my @labels = ();
my @hits = ();
my @bytes = ();
for ("$first" .. "$last") {
push(@labels, "$_");
if (exists $detail_network_stat{$net}{$_}{hits}) {
push(@hits, $detail_network_stat{$net}{$_}{hits});
} else {
push(@hits, 0);
if (exists $detail_network_stat{$net}{$_}{bytes}) {
push(@bytes, int($detail_network_stat{$net}{$_}{bytes}/1000000));
} else {
push(@bytes, 0);
delete $detail_network_stat{$net};
if ($type eq 'month') {
@labels = (
$Translate{'01'}, $Translate{'02'}, $Translate{'03'}, $Translate{'04'},
$Translate{'05'}, $Translate{'06'}, $Translate{'07'}, $Translate{'08'},
$Translate{'09'}, $Translate{'10'}, $Translate{'11'}, $Translate{'12'}
my @legends = ();
my @data = (
my $t1 = $Translate{'Graph_cache_hit_title'};
$t1 =~ s/\%s/$title $show/;
local (*IMG) = undef;
open(IMG, ">$outdir/networks/$net/network_hits.png") or die "Error: can't create file $outdir/networks/$net/network_hits.png, $!\n";
binmode IMG;
print IMG &gen_graph(\@legends, \@data, ('title' => "$t1 $stat_date",'x_label' => $unit, 'y_label' => $Translate{'Requests_graph'} || 'Requests'));
@legends = ();
@data = (
$t1 = $Translate{'Graph_cache_byte_title'};
$t1 =~ s/\%s/$title $show/;
local (*IMG) = undef;
open(IMG, ">$outdir/networks/$net/network_bytes.png") or die "Error: can't create file $outdir/networks/$net/network_bytes.png, $!\n";
binmode IMG;
print IMG &gen_graph(\@legends, \@data, ('title' => "$t1 $stat_date",'x_label' => $unit, 'y_label' => $Translate{'Megabytes_graph'} || $Translate{'Megabytes'}));
delete $network_stat{$net};
print $out "</table>\n</div>\n";
print $out qq{
<div id="uplink">
<table align=center>
<th><a href="#atop">[ $Translate{'Up_link'} ]</a></th>
my @labels = ();
my @hits = ();
my @bytes = ();
for ("$first" .. "$last") {
push(@labels, "$_");
if (exists $total_net_detail{$_}{hits}) {
push(@hits, $total_net_detail{$_}{hits});
} else {
push(@hits, 0);
if (exists $total_net_detail{$_}{bytes}) {
push(@bytes, int($total_net_detail{$_}{bytes}/1000000));
} else {
push(@bytes, 0);
%total_net_detail = ();
if ($type eq 'month') {
@labels = (
$Translate{'01'}, $Translate{'02'}, $Translate{'03'}, $Translate{'04'},
$Translate{'05'}, $Translate{'06'}, $Translate{'07'}, $Translate{'08'},
$Translate{'09'}, $Translate{'10'}, $Translate{'11'}, $Translate{'12'}
my @legends = ();
my @data = (
my $t1 = $Translate{'Graph_cache_hit_title'};
$t1 =~ s/\%s/$title/;
local (*IMG) = undef;
open(IMG, ">$outdir/network_hits.png") or die "Error: can't create file $outdir/network_hits.png, $!\n";
binmode IMG;
print IMG &gen_graph(\@legends, \@data, ('title' => "$t1 $stat_date",'x_label' => $unit, 'y_label' => $Translate{'Requests_graph'} || 'Requests'));
@legends = ();
@data = (
$t1 = $Translate{'Graph_cache_byte_title'};
$t1 =~ s/\%s/$title/;
local (*IMG) = undef;
open(IMG, ">$outdir/network_bytes.png") or die "Error: can't create file $outdir/network_bytes.png, $!\n";
binmode IMG;
print IMG &gen_graph(\@legends, \@data, ('title' => "$t1 $stat_date",'x_label' => $unit, 'y_label' => $Translate{'Megabytes_graph'} || $Translate{'Megabytes'}));
sub _print_user_stat
my ($self, $outdir, $year, $month, $day) = @_;
my $stat_date = $self->set_date($year, $month, $day);
my $type = 'hour';
if (!$day) {
$type = 'day';
if (!$month) {
$type = 'month';
# Load code statistics
my $infile = new IO::File;
$infile->open("$outdir/stat_user.dat") || return;
my %user_stat = ();
my %detail_user_stat = ();
my %total_user_detail = ();
my $total_hit = 0;
my $total_bytes = 0;
my $total_duration = 0;
while(my $l = <$infile>) {
my ($user, $data) = split(/\s/, $l);
$data =~ /hits_$type=([^;]+);bytes_$type=([^;]+);duration_$type=([^;]+);largest_file_size=([^;]*);largest_file_url=(.*)/;
my $hits = $1 || '';
my $bytes = $2 || '';
my $duration = $3 || '';
$user_stat{$user}{largest_file} = $4;
$user_stat{$user}{url} = $5;
$hits =~ s/,$//;
$bytes =~ s/,$//;
$duration =~ s/,$//;
my %hits_tmp = split(/[:,]/, $hits);
foreach my $tmp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %hits_tmp) {
$detail_user_stat{$user}{$tmp}{hits} = $hits_tmp{$tmp};
$total_user_detail{$tmp}{hits} += $hits_tmp{$tmp};
$user_stat{$user}{hits} += $hits_tmp{$tmp};
$total_hit += $hits_tmp{$tmp};
my %bytes_tmp = split(/[:,]/, $bytes);
foreach my $tmp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %bytes_tmp) {
$detail_user_stat{$user}{$tmp}{bytes} = $bytes_tmp{$tmp};
$total_user_detail{$tmp}{bytes} += $bytes_tmp{$tmp};
$user_stat{$user}{bytes} += $bytes_tmp{$tmp};
$total_bytes += $bytes_tmp{$tmp};
my %duration_tmp = split(/[:,]/, $duration);
foreach my $tmp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %duration_tmp) {
$detail_user_stat{$user}{$tmp}{duration} = $duration_tmp{$tmp};
$total_user_detail{$tmp}{duration} += $duration_tmp{$tmp};
$user_stat{$user}{duration} += $duration_tmp{$tmp};
$total_duration += $duration_tmp{$tmp};
my $nuser = scalar keys %user_stat;
my $file = $outdir . '/user.html';
my $out = new IO::File;
$out->open(">$file") || die "ERROR: Unable to open $file. $!\n";
# Print the HTML header
my $cal = $self->_get_calendar($stat_date, $type, $outdir);
$self->_print_header(\$out, $self->{menu}, $cal);
print $out $self->_print_title($Translate{'User_title'}, $stat_date);
print $out qq{<table><tr><td><img src="user_hits.png"></td><td><img src="user_bytes.png"></td></tr></table>};
print $out "<b>$Translate{'User_number'}:</b> $nuser<br>\n";
print $out qq{
<div id="stata">
<table class="sortable">
<tr align="center">
<th nowrap>% $Translate{'Requests'}</th>
<th nowrap>% $Translate{'Bytes'}</th>
<th nowrap>% $Translate{'Time'}</th>
print $out qq{
<th nowrap>$Translate{'Cost'} $self->{Currency}</th>
} if ($self->{CostPrice});
print $out qq{
if (!-d "$outdir/users") {
mkdir("$outdir/users", 0755) || return;
my $last = '23';
my $first = '00';
my $title = $Translate{'Hourly'} || 'Hourly';
my $unit = $Translate{'Hours'} || 'Hours';
if ($type eq 'day') {
$last = '31';
$first = '01';
$title = $Translate{'Daily'} || 'Daily';
$unit = $Translate{'Days'} || 'Days';
} elsif ($type eq 'month') {
$last = '12';
$first = '01';
$title = $Translate{'Monthly'} || 'Monthly';
$unit = $Translate{'Months'} || 'Months';
foreach my $usr (sort { $user_stat{$b}{"$self->{OrderUser}"} <=> $user_stat{$a}{"$self->{OrderUser}"} } keys %user_stat) {
my $h_percent = '0.0';
$h_percent = sprintf("%2.2f", ($user_stat{$usr}{hits}/$total_hit) * 100) if ($total_hit);
my $b_percent = '0.0';
$b_percent = sprintf("%2.2f", ($user_stat{$usr}{bytes}/$total_bytes) * 100) if ($total_bytes);
my $d_percent = '0.0';
$d_percent = sprintf("%2.2f", ($user_stat{$usr}{duration}/$total_duration) * 100) if ($total_duration);
$user_stat{$usr}{duration} = &parse_duration(int($user_stat{$usr}{duration}/1000));
my $total_cost = sprintf("%2.2f", int($user_stat{$usr}{bytes}/1000000) * $self->{CostPrice});
my $show = $usr;
foreach my $u (keys %{$self->{UserAlias}}) {
if ( grep($usr =~ /^$_$/, @{$self->{UserAlias}->{$u}}) ) {
$show = $u;
my $url = &escape($usr);
my $comma_bytes = &format_bytes($user_stat{$usr}{bytes});
if ($self->{UrlReport}) {
print $out qq{
<tr align=right>
<td align=left nowrap><a href="users/$url/$url.html">$show</a></td>
} else {
print $out qq{
<tr align=right>
<td align=left nowrap>$show</td>
print $out qq{
print $out qq{
} if ($self->{CostPrice});
print $out qq{
<td align=left>$user_stat{$usr}{url}</td>
if (!-d "$outdir/users/$url") {
mkdir("$outdir/users/$url", 0755) || return;
my $outusr = new IO::File;
$outusr->open(">$outdir/users/$url/$url.html") || return;
# Print the HTML header
my $cal = $self->_get_calendar($stat_date, $type, $outdir, '../../');
$self->_print_header(\$outusr, $self->{menu2}, $cal);
print $outusr $self->_print_title("$Translate{'User_title'} $usr -", $stat_date);
print $outusr qq{<table><tr><td><img src="user_hits.png"></td><td><img src="user_bytes.png"></td></tr></table>};
if ($self->{UrlReport}) {
$self->_print_user_detail(\$outusr, $outdir, $usr);
my @labels = ();
my @hits = ();
my @bytes = ();
for ("$first" .. "$last") {
push(@labels, "$_");
if (exists $detail_user_stat{$usr}{$_}{hits}) {
push(@hits, $detail_user_stat{$usr}{$_}{hits});
} else {
push(@hits, 0);
if (exists $detail_user_stat{$usr}{$_}{bytes}) {
push(@bytes, int($detail_user_stat{$usr}{$_}{bytes}/1000000));
} else {
push(@bytes, 0);
delete $detail_user_stat{$usr};
if ($type eq 'month') {
@labels = (
$Translate{'01'}, $Translate{'02'}, $Translate{'03'}, $Translate{'04'},
$Translate{'05'}, $Translate{'06'}, $Translate{'07'}, $Translate{'08'},
$Translate{'09'}, $Translate{'10'}, $Translate{'11'}, $Translate{'12'}
my @legends = ();
my @data = (
my $t1 = $Translate{'Graph_cache_hit_title'};
$t1 =~ s/\%s/$title $show/;
local (*IMG) = undef;
open(IMG, ">$outdir/users/$url/user_hits.png") or die "Error: can't create file $outdir/users/$url/user_hits.png, $!\n";
binmode IMG;
print IMG &gen_graph(\@legends, \@data, ('title' => "$t1 $stat_date",'x_label' => $unit, 'y_label' => $Translate{'Requests_graph'} || 'Requests'));
@legends = ();
@data = (
$t1 = $Translate{'Graph_cache_byte_title'};
$t1 =~ s/\%s/$title $show/;
local (*IMG) = undef;
open(IMG, ">$outdir/users/$url/user_bytes.png") or die "Error: can't create file $outdir/users/$url/user_bytes.png, $!\n";
binmode IMG;
print IMG &gen_graph(\@legends, \@data, ('title' => "$t1 $stat_date",'x_label' => $unit, 'y_label' => $Translate{'Megabytes_graph'} || $Translate{'Megabytes'}));
delete $user_stat{$usr};
print $out qq{
print $out qq{
<div id="uplink">
<table align=center>
<th><a href="#atop">[ $Translate{'Up_link'} ]</a></th>
my @labels = ();
my @hits = ();
my @bytes = ();
for ("$first" .. "$last") {
push(@labels, "$_");
if (exists $total_user_detail{$_}{hits}) {
push(@hits, $total_user_detail{$_}{hits});
} else {
push(@hits, 0);
if (exists $total_user_detail{$_}{bytes}) {
push(@bytes, int($total_user_detail{$_}{bytes}/1000000));
} else {
push(@bytes, 0);
%total_user_detail = ();
if ($type eq 'month') {
@labels = (
$Translate{'01'}, $Translate{'02'},
$Translate{'03'}, $Translate{'04'},
$Translate{'05'}, $Translate{'06'},
$Translate{'07'}, $Translate{'08'},
$Translate{'09'}, $Translate{'10'},
$Translate{'11'}, $Translate{'12'}
my @legends = ();
my @data = (
my $t1 = $Translate{'Graph_cache_hit_title'};
$t1 =~ s/\%s/$title/;
local (*IMG) = undef;
open(IMG, ">$outdir/user_hits.png") or die "Error: can't create file $outdir/user_hits.png, $!\n";
binmode IMG;
print IMG &gen_graph(\@legends, \@data, ('title' => "$t1 $stat_date",'x_label' => $unit, 'y_label' => $Translate{'Requests_graph'} || 'Requests'));
@legends = ();
@data = (
$t1 = $Translate{'Graph_cache_byte_title'};
$t1 =~ s/\%s/$title/;
local (*IMG) = undef;
open(IMG, ">$outdir/user_bytes.png") or die "Error: can't create file $outdir/user_bytes.png, $!\n";
binmode IMG;
print IMG &gen_graph(\@legends, \@data, ('title' => "$t1 $stat_date",'x_label' => $unit, 'y_label' => $Translate{'Megabytes_graph'} || $Translate{'Megabytes'}));
return $nuser;
sub _print_netuser_stat
my ($self, $outdir, $out, $usrnet) = @_;
# Load code statistics
my $infile = new IO::File;
$infile->open("$outdir/stat_netuser.dat") || return;
my %netuser_stat = ();
my $total_hit = 0;
my $total_bytes = 0;
my $total_duration = 0;
while(my $l = <$infile>) {
my ($network, $user, $data) = split(/\t/, $l);
if (!$data) {
# Assume backward compatibility
$l =~ s/^(.*)\s([^\s]+)\shits=/hits=/;
$network = $1;
$user = $2;
$data = $l;
next if ($network ne $usrnet);
$data =~ /^hits=(\d+);bytes=(\d+);duration=(\d+);largest_file_size=([^;]*);largest_file_url=(.*)/;
$netuser_stat{$user}{hits} = $1;
$netuser_stat{$user}{bytes} = $2;
$netuser_stat{$user}{duration} = $3;
$netuser_stat{$user}{largest_file} = $4;
$total_hit += $1;
$total_bytes += $2;
$total_duration += $3;
$netuser_stat{$user}{url} = $5;
my $nuser = scalar keys %netuser_stat;
print $$out qq{
<b>$Translate{'User_number'}:</b> $nuser<br>
print $$out qq{
<div id="stata">
<table class="sortable">
<th nowrap>% $Translate{'Requests'}</th>
<th nowrap>% $Translate{'Bytes'}</th>
<th nowrap>% $Translate{'Time'}</th>
print $$out qq{
<th nowrap>$Translate{'Cost'} $self->{Currency}</th>
} if ($self->{CostPrice});
print $$out qq{
foreach my $usr (sort { $netuser_stat{$b}{"$self->{OrderUser}"} <=> $netuser_stat{$a}{"$self->{OrderUser}"} } keys %netuser_stat) {
my $h_percent = '0.0';
$h_percent = sprintf("%2.2f", ($netuser_stat{$usr}{hits}/$total_hit) * 100) if ($total_hit);
my $b_percent = '0.0';
$b_percent = sprintf("%2.2f", ($netuser_stat{$usr}{bytes}/$total_bytes) * 100) if ($total_bytes);
my $d_percent = '0.0';
$d_percent = sprintf("%2.2f", ($netuser_stat{$usr}{duration}/$total_duration) * 100) if ($total_duration);
$netuser_stat{$usr}{duration} = &parse_duration(int($netuser_stat{$usr}{duration}/1000));
my $total_cost = sprintf("%2.2f", int($netuser_stat{$usr}{bytes}/1000000) * $self->{CostPrice});
my $show = $usr;
foreach my $u (keys %{$self->{UserAlias}}) {
if ( grep($usr =~ /^$_$/, @{$self->{UserAlias}->{$u}}) ) {
$show = $u;
my $url = &escape($usr);
my $comma_bytes = &format_bytes($netuser_stat{$usr}{bytes});
if ($self->{UrlReport}) {
print $$out qq{
<tr align=right>
<td align=left><a href="../../users/$url/$url.html">$show</a></td>
} else {
print $$out qq{
<tr align=right>
<td align=left>$show</td>
print $$out qq{
print $$out qq{
} if ($self->{CostPrice});
print $$out qq{
<td align=left>$netuser_stat{$usr}{url}</td>
print $$out qq{
return $nuser;
sub _print_user_detail
my ($self, $out, $outdir, $usr) = @_;
# Load code statistics
my $infile = new IO::File;
$infile->open("$outdir/stat_user_url.dat") || return;
my %url_stat = ();
my $total_hit = 0;
my $total_bytes = 0;
my $total_duration = 0;
my $ok = 0;
while(my $l = <$infile>) {
my ($user, $data) = split(/\s/, $l);
last if (($user ne $usr) && $ok);
next if ($user ne $usr);
$ok = 1;
if ($data =~ /hits=(\d+);bytes=(\d+);duration=(\d+);url=(.*)/) {
$url_stat{$4}{hits} = $1;
$url_stat{$4}{bytes} = $2;
$url_stat{$4}{duration} = $3;
$total_hit += $1;
$total_bytes += $2;
$total_duration += $3;
} elsif ($data =~ /hits=(\d+);bytes=(\d+);duration=(\d+);first=([^;]*);last=([^;]*);url=(.*)/) {
$url_stat{$6}{hits} = $1;
$url_stat{$6}{bytes} = $2;
$url_stat{$6}{duration} = $3;
$url_stat{$6}{firsthit} = $4 if (!$url_stat{$6}{firsthit});
$url_stat{$6}{lasthit} = $5;
$total_hit += $1;
$total_bytes += $2;
$total_duration += $3;
my $nurl = scalar keys %url_stat;
print $$out qq{
<b>$Translate{'Url_number'}:</b> $nurl<br>
print $$out qq{
<div id="stata">
<table class="sortable">
<tr align="center">
<th nowrap>% $Translate{'Requests'}</th>
<th nowrap>% $Translate{'Bytes'}</th>
<th nowrap>% $Translate{'Time'}</th>
print $$out qq{
<th nowrap>$Translate{'Cost'} $self->{Currency}</th>
} if ($self->{CostPrice});
print $$out qq{
foreach my $url (sort { $url_stat{$b}{"$self->{OrderUrl}"} <=> $url_stat{$a}{"$self->{OrderUrl}"} } keys %url_stat) {
my $h_percent = '0.0';
$h_percent = sprintf("%2.2f", ($url_stat{$url}{hits}/$total_hit) * 100) if ($total_hit);
my $b_percent = '0.0';
$b_percent = sprintf("%2.2f", ($url_stat{$url}{bytes}/$total_bytes) * 100) if ($total_bytes);
my $d_percent = '0.0';
$d_percent = sprintf("%2.2f", ($url_stat{$url}{duration}/$total_duration) * 100) if ($total_duration);
$url_stat{$url}{duration} = &parse_duration(int($url_stat{$url}{duration}/1000));
my $total_cost = sprintf("%2.2f", int($url_stat{$url}{bytes}/1000000) * $self->{CostPrice});
my $comma_bytes = &format_bytes($url_stat{$url}{bytes});
print $$out qq{
<tr align="right">
<td align="left"><a href="http://$url/" target="_blank">$url</a></td>
print $$out qq{
} if ($self->{CostPrice});
print $$out qq{
print $$out qq{
sub _print_top_url_stat
my ($self, $outdir, $year, $month, $day) = @_;
my $stat_date = $self->set_date($year, $month, $day);
my $type = 'hour';
if (!$day) {
$type = 'day';
if (!$month) {
$type = 'month';
# Load code statistics
my $infile = new IO::File;
$infile->open("$outdir/stat_user_url.dat") || return;
my %url_stat = ();
my $total_hits = 0;
my $total_bytes = 0;
my $total_duration = 0;
while(my $l = <$infile>) {
my ($user, $data) = split(/\s/, $l);
if ($data =~ /hits=(\d+);bytes=(\d+);duration=(\d+);url=(.*)/) {
$url_stat{$4}{hits} = $1;
$url_stat{$4}{bytes} = $2;
$url_stat{$4}{duration} = $3;
$total_hits += $1;
$total_bytes += $2;
$total_duration += $3;
} elsif ($data =~ /hits=(\d+);bytes=(\d+);duration=(\d+);first=([^;]*);last=([^;]*);url=(.*)/) {
$url_stat{$6}{hits} = $1;
$url_stat{$6}{bytes} = $2;
$url_stat{$6}{duration} = $3;
$url_stat{$6}{firsthit} = $4 if (!$url_stat{$6}{firsthit});
$url_stat{$6}{lasthit} = $5;
$total_hits += $1;
$total_bytes += $2;
$total_duration += $3;
my $nurl = scalar keys %url_stat;
my $file = $outdir . '/url.html';
my $out = new IO::File;
$out->open(">$file") || die "ERROR: Unable to open $file. $!\n";
# Print the HTML header
my $cal = $self->_get_calendar($stat_date, $type, $outdir);
$self->_print_header(\$out, $self->{menu}, $cal);
for my $tpe ('Hits', 'Bytes', 'Duration') {
my $t1 = $Translate{"Url_${tpe}_title"};
$t1 =~ s/\%d/$self->{TopNumber}/;
if ($tpe eq 'Hits') {
print $out $self->_print_title($t1, $stat_date);
print $out "<b>$Translate{'Url_number'}:</b> $nurl<br>\n";
} else {
print $out "<h3>$t1 $stat_date <div id=\"uplink\"><a href=\"#atop\">[ $Translate{'Up_link'} ]</a></div></h3>\n";
print $out qq{
<div id="stata">
<table class="sortable">
<th nowrap>% $Translate{'Requests'}</th>
<th nowrap>% $Translate{'Bytes'}</th>
<th nowrap>% $Translate{'Time'}</th>
print $out qq{
<th nowrap>$Translate{'Cost'} $self->{Currency}</th>
} if ($self->{CostPrice});
print $out qq{
} if ($day);
print $out qq{
my $i = 0;
foreach my $u (sort { $url_stat{$b}{"\L$tpe\E"} <=> $url_stat{$a}{"\L$tpe\E"} } keys %url_stat) {
my $c_percent = '0.0';
$c_percent = sprintf("%2.2f", ($url_stat{$u}{hits}/$total_hits) * 100) if ($total_hits);
my $b_percent = '0.0';
$b_percent = sprintf("%2.2f", ($url_stat{$u}{bytes}/$total_bytes) * 100) if ($total_bytes);
my $d_percent = '0.0';
$d_percent = sprintf("%2.2f", ($url_stat{$u}{duration}/$total_duration) * 100) if ($total_duration);
my $total_cost = sprintf("%2.2f", int($url_stat{$u}{bytes}/1000000) * $self->{CostPrice});
my $duration = &parse_duration(int($url_stat{$u}{duration}/1000));
my $comma_bytes = &format_bytes($url_stat{$u}{bytes});
my $firsthit = '-';
if ($url_stat{$u}{firsthit}) {
$firsthit = ucfirst(strftime("%b %d %T", localtime($url_stat{$u}{firsthit})));
my $lasthit = '-';
if ($url_stat{$u}{lasthit}) {
$lasthit = ucfirst(strftime("%b %d %T", localtime($url_stat{$u}{lasthit})));
if ($type eq 'hour') {
if ($url_stat{$u}{firsthit}) {
$firsthit = ucfirst(strftime("%T", localtime($url_stat{$u}{firsthit})));
} else {
$firsthit = '-';
if ($url_stat{$u}{lasthit}) {
$lasthit = ucfirst(strftime("%T", localtime($url_stat{$u}{lasthit})));
} else {
$firsthit = '-';
print $out qq{
<tr align=right>
<td align=left><a href="http://$u/" target="_blank">$u</a></td>
print $out qq{
} if ($self->{CostPrice});
print $out qq{
} if ($day);
print $out qq{
last if ($i > $self->{TopNumber});
print $out qq{</table></div>};
print $out qq{
<div id="uplink">
<table align=center>
<th><a href="#atop">[ $Translate{'Up_link'} ]</a></th>
return $nurl;
sub _print_top_domain_stat
my ($self, $outdir, $year, $month, $day) = @_;
my $stat_date = $self->set_date($year, $month, $day);
my $type = 'hour';
if (!$day) {
$type = 'day';
if (!$month) {
$type = 'month';
# Load code statistics
my $infile = new IO::File;
$infile->open("$outdir/stat_user_url.dat") || return;
my %url_stat = ();
my %domain_stat = ();
my $total_hits = 0;
my $total_bytes = 0;
my $total_duration = 0;
my %perdomain = ();
my $url = '';
my $hits = 0;
my $bytes = 0;
my $duration = 0;
my $first = 0;
my $last = 0;
while(my $l = <$infile>) {
my ($user, $data) = split(/\s/, $l);
if ($data =~ /hits=(\d+);bytes=(\d+);duration=(\d+);url=(.*)/) {
$url = $4;
$hits = $1;
$bytes = $2;
$duration = $3;
} elsif ($data =~ /hits=(\d+);bytes=(\d+);duration=(\d+);first=([^;]*);last=([^;]*);url=(.*)/) {
$url = lc($6);
$hits = $1;
$bytes = $2;
$duration = $3;
$first = $4;
$last = $5;
$url =~ /(\.[^\.]+)$/;
if ($url !~ /\.\d+$/) {
if ($url =~ /([^\.]+)(\.[^\.]+)$/) {
$perdomain{$2}{hits} += $hits;
$perdomain{$2}{bytes} += $bytes;
$domain_stat{"$1$2"}{hits} = $hits;
$domain_stat{"$1$2"}{bytes} = $bytes;
$domain_stat{"$1$2"}{duration} = $duration;
$domain_stat{"$1$2"}{firsthit} = $first if (!$domain_stat{"$1$2"}{firsthit});
$domain_stat{"$1$2"}{lasthit} = $last;
} else {
$perdomain{'other'}{hits} += $hits;
$perdomain{'other'}{bytes} += $bytes;
$domain_stat{'unknown'}{hits} = $hits;
$domain_stat{'unknown'}{bytes} = $bytes;
$domain_stat{'unknown'}{duration} = $duration;
$domain_stat{'unknown'}{firsthit} = $first if (!$domain_stat{'unknown'}{firsthit});
$domain_stat{'unknown'}{lasthit} = $last;
$total_hits += $hits;
$total_bytes += $bytes;
$total_duration += $duration;
my $nurl = scalar keys %domain_stat;
my $file = $outdir . '/domain.html';
my $out = new IO::File;
$out->open(">$file") || die "ERROR: Unable to open $file. $!\n";
# Print the HTML header
my $cal = $self->_get_calendar($stat_date, $type, $outdir);
$self->_print_header(\$out, $self->{menu}, $cal);
for my $tpe ('Hits', 'Bytes', 'Duration') {
my $t1 = $Translate{"Domain_${tpe}_title"};
$t1 =~ s/\%d/$self->{TopNumber}/;
if ($tpe eq 'Hits') {
print $out $self->_print_title($t1, $stat_date);
print $out "<b>$Translate{'Domain_number'}:</b> $nurl<br>\n";
print $out qq{<table><tr><td><img src="domain_hits.png"></td><td><img src="domain_bytes.png"></td></tr></table>};
} else {
print $out "<h3>$t1 $stat_date <div id=\"uplink\"><a href=\"#atop\">[ $Translate{'Up_link'} ]</a></div></h3>\n";
print $out qq{
<div id="stata">
<table class="sortable">
<th nowrap>% $Translate{'Requests'}</th>
<th nowrap>% $Translate{'Bytes'}</th>
<th nowrap>% $Translate{'Time'}</th>
print $out qq{
<th nowrap>$Translate{'Cost'} $self->{Currency}</th>
} if ($self->{CostPrice});
print $out qq{
} if ($day);
print $out qq{
my $i = 0;
foreach (sort { $domain_stat{$b}{"\L$tpe\E"} <=> $domain_stat{$a}{"\L$tpe\E"} } keys %domain_stat) {
my $c_percent = '0.0';
$c_percent = sprintf("%2.2f", ($domain_stat{$_}{hits}/$total_hits) * 100) if ($total_hits);
my $b_percent = '0.0';
$b_percent = sprintf("%2.2f", ($domain_stat{$_}{bytes}/$total_bytes) * 100) if ($total_bytes);
my $d_percent = '0.0';
$d_percent = sprintf("%2.2f", ($domain_stat{$_}{duration}/$total_duration) * 100) if ($total_duration);
my $total_cost = sprintf("%2.2f", int($domain_stat{$_}{bytes}/1000000) * $self->{CostPrice});
my $duration = &parse_duration(int($domain_stat{$_}{duration}/1000));
my $comma_bytes = &format_bytes($domain_stat{$_}{bytes});
my $firsthit = '-';
if ($domain_stat{$_}{firsthit}) {
$firsthit = ucfirst(strftime("%b %d %T", localtime($domain_stat{$_}{firsthit})));
my $lasthit = '-';
if ($domain_stat{$_}{lasthit}) {
$lasthit = ucfirst(strftime("%b %d %T", localtime($domain_stat{$_}{lasthit})));
if ($type eq 'hour') {
if ($domain_stat{$_}{firsthit}) {
$firsthit = ucfirst(strftime("%T", localtime($domain_stat{$_}{firsthit})));
} else {
$firsthit = '-';
if ($domain_stat{$_}{lasthit}) {
$lasthit = ucfirst(strftime("%T", localtime($domain_stat{$_}{lasthit})));
} else {
$lasthit = '-';
print $out qq{
<tr align=right>
<td align=left>*.$_</td>
print $out qq{
} if ($self->{CostPrice});
print $out qq{
} if ($day);
print $out qq{
last if ($i > $self->{TopNumber});
print $out qq{</table></div>};
print $out qq{
<div id="uplink">
<table align=center>
<th><a href="#atop">[ $Translate{'Up_link'} ]</a></th>
my @labels = ();
my @hits = ();
my @bytes = ();
foreach my $dom (keys %perdomain) {
next if ($dom eq 'other');
push(@labels, $dom);
push(@hits, $perdomain{$dom}{hits});
push(@bytes, int($perdomain{$dom}{bytes}/1000000));
push(@labels, 'other');
push(@hits, $perdomain{'other'}{hits});
push(@bytes, int($perdomain{'other'}{bytes}/1000000));
my @legends = ();
my @data = (
local (*IMG) = undef;
open(IMG, ">$outdir/domain_hits.png") or die "Error: can't create file $outdir/domain_hits.png, $!\n";
binmode IMG;
print IMG &gen_graph(\@legends, \@data, ('title' => "$Translate{'Domain_graph_hits_title'} $stat_date",'x_label' => $Translate{'Domains_graph'}, 'y_label' => $Translate{'Requests_graph'} || 'Requests'));
@legends = ();
@data = (
local (*IMG) = undef;
open(IMG, ">$outdir/domain_bytes.png") or die "Error: can't create file $outdir/domain_bytes.png, $!\n";
binmode IMG;
print IMG &gen_graph(\@legends, \@data, ('title' => "$Translate{'Domain_graph_bytes_title'} $stat_date",'x_label' => $Translate{'Domains_graph'}, 'y_label' => $Translate{'Megabytes_graph'} || $Translate{'Megabytes'}));
return $nurl;
sub _gen_summary
my ($self, $outdir) = @_;
# Get all day subdirectory
opendir(DIR, "$outdir") or die "ERROR: Can't read directory $outdir, $!\n";
my @dirs = grep { /^\d{4}$/ && -d "$outdir/$_" } readdir(DIR);
closedir DIR;
my %code_stat = ();
my %total_request = ();
my %total_bytes = ();
foreach my $d (@dirs) {
# Load code statistics
my $infile = new IO::File;
$infile->open("$outdir/$d/stat_code.dat") || return;
while(my $l = <$infile>) {
my ($code, $data) = split(/\s/, $l);
$data =~ /hits_month=([^;]+);bytes_month=(.*)/;
my $hits = $1 || '';
my $bytes = $2 || '';
$hits =~ s/,$//;
$bytes =~ s/,$//;
my %hits_tmp = split(/[:,]/, $hits);
foreach my $tmp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %hits_tmp) {
$code_stat{$d}{$code}{request} += $hits_tmp{$tmp};
my %bytes_tmp = split(/[:,]/, $bytes);
foreach my $tmp (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %bytes_tmp) {
$code_stat{$d}{$code}{bytes} += $bytes_tmp{$tmp};
$total_request{$d} = $code_stat{$d}{HIT}{request} + $code_stat{$d}{MISS}{request};
$total_bytes{$d} = $code_stat{$d}{HIT}{bytes} + $code_stat{$d}{MISS}{bytes};
my $file = $outdir . '/index.html';
my $out = new IO::File;
$out->open(">$file") || die "ERROR: Unable to open $file. $!\n";
# Print the HTML header
my $colspn = 2;
$colspn = 3 if ($self->{CostPrice});
print $out qq{
<div id="statb">
<th colspan="2">$Translate{'Requests'}</th>
<th colspan="2">$Translate{'Bytes'}</th>
<th colspan="$colspn">$Translate{'Total'}</th>
<th nowrap>$Translate{'Years'}</th>
print $out qq{
<th nowrap>$Translate{'Cost'} $self->{Currency}</th>
} if ($self->{CostPrice});
print $out qq{
foreach my $year (sort {$b <=> $a} keys %code_stat) {
my $comma_bytes = &format_bytes($total_bytes{$year});
my $hit_bytes = &format_bytes($code_stat{$year}{HIT}{bytes});
my $miss_bytes = &format_bytes($code_stat{$year}{MISS}{bytes});
my $total_cost = sprintf("%2.2f", int($total_bytes{$year}/1000000) * $self->{CostPrice});
print $out qq{
<td nowrap><a href="$year/index.html">$Translate{'Stat_label'} $year</a></td>
print $out qq{
} if ($self->{CostPrice});
print $out qq{
print $out qq{
<b>$Translate{'Hit'}:</b> $Translate{'Hit_help'}
<b>$Translate{'Miss'}:</b> $Translate{'Miss_help'}
print $out qq{
<b>$Translate{'Cost'}:</b> $Translate{'Cost_help'} $self->{CostPrice} $self->{Currency}
} if ($self->{CostPrice});
print $out qq{
sub parse_config
my ($file) = @_;
die "FATAL: no configuration file!\n" if (!-e $file);
my %opt = ();
open(CONF, $file) or die "ERROR: can't open file $file, $!\n";
while (my $l = <CONF>) {
next if (!$l || ($l =~ /^[\s\t]*#/));
my ($key, $val) = split(/[\s\t]+/, $l);
$opt{$key} = $val;
# Check config
if (!exists $opt{Output} || !-d $opt{Output}) {
print STDERR "Error: you must give a valid output directory. See option: Output\n";
exit 0;
if (!exists $opt{LogFile} || !-f $opt{LogFile}) {
print STDERR "Error: you must give the path to the Squid log file. See option: LogFile\n";
exit 0;
if (exists $opt{DateFormat}) {
if ( ($opt{DateFormat} !~ m#\%y#) || ($opt{DateFormat} !~ m#\%m#) || ($opt{DateFormat} !~ m#\%d#) ) {
print STDERR "Error: bad date format, must have \%y, \%m, \%d. See option: DateFormat\n";
exit 0;
if ($opt{Lang} && !-e $opt{Lang}) {
print STDERR "Error: can't find translation file $opt{Lang}. See option: Lang\n";
exit 0;
if ($opt{FooterFile} && !-e $opt{FooterFile}) {
print STDERR "Error: can't find custom footer file $opt{FooterFile}. See option: FooterFile\n";
exit 0;
return %opt;
sub parse_network_aliases
my ($file) = @_;
return if (!$file || !-f $file);
my %alias = ();
open(ALIAS, $file) or die "ERROR: can't open network aliases file $file, $!\n";
my $i = 0;
while (my $l = <ALIAS>) {
next if (!$l || ($l =~ /^[\s\t]*#/));
$l =~ s/[\s\t]*#.*//;
my @data = split(/[\t]+/, $l, 2);
if ($#data == 1) {
push(@{$alias{$data[0]}}, split(/[\s,;\t]/, $data[1]));
} else {
die "ERROR: wrong format in network aliases file $file, line $i\n";
return \%alias;
sub parse_user_aliases
my ($file) = @_;
return if (!$file || !-f $file);
my %alias = ();
open(ALIAS, $file) or die "ERROR: can't open user aliases file $file, $!\n";
my $i = 0;
while (my $l = <ALIAS>) {
next if (!$l || ($l =~ /^[\s\t]*#/));
my @data = split(/[\t]+/, $l, 2);
if ($#data == 1) {
push(@{$alias{$data[0]}}, split(/[\s,;\t]/, $data[1]));
} else {
die "ERROR: wrong format in user aliases file $file, line $i\n";
return \%alias;
sub parse_user_exclusion
my ($file) = @_;
return if (!$file || !-f $file);
my @exclusion = ();
open(EXCLUDED, $file) or die "ERROR: can't open client exclusion file $file, $!\n";
while (my $l = <EXCLUDED>) {
next if (!$l || ($l =~ /^[\s\t]*#/));
push(@exclusion, $l);
return \@exclusion;
# User URL-encode
sub escape
my ($toencode) = @_;
return undef unless defined($toencode);
$toencode =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]/_/g;
return $toencode;
# Set date to user format
sub set_date
my ($self, $year, $month, $day) = @_;
my $date_format = $self->{DateFormat};
$date_format =~ s/\%y/$year/i;
$date_format =~ s/\%m/$month/i;
$date_format =~ s/\%d/$day/i;
$date_format =~ s/\D{2,3}//;
$date_format =~ s/^\D+//;
$date_format =~ s/\D+$//;
return $date_format;
# Format bytes with comma for better reading
sub format_bytes
my $text = reverse $_[0];
$text =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)/$1,/g;
return scalar reverse $text;
sub gen_graph
my ($legends,$values,%param) = @_;
my $graph = '';
if (!$param{'type'} || ($param{'type'} eq 'area')) {
$graph = new GD::Graph::bars3d($param{'width'} || 500, $param{'height'} || 250);
x_label => $param{'x_label'} || '',
y_label => $param{'y_label'} || '',
title => $param{'title'} || '',
fgclr => '#993300',
legendclr => '#993300',
dclrs => [ qw(lorange lgray lbrown lyellow lgreen lblue lpurple lred) ],
x_labels_vertical => $param{'vertical'},
long_ticks => 1,
shadow_depth => 5,
box_axis => 0,
show_values => $param{'show_values'},
) or die $graph->error;
} elsif ($param{'type'} eq 'pie') {
$graph = new GD::Graph::pie3d($param{'width'} || 500, $param{'height'} || 250);
title => $param{'title'} || '',
fgclr => '#993300',
dclrs => [ qw(lorange lgray lbrown lyellow lgreen lblue lpurple lred) ],
) or die $graph->error;
$graph->set_legend(@$legends) if ($#{$legends} >= 0);
my $gd = $graph->plot($values) or die $graph->error;
return $gd->png;
sub _print_title
my ($self, $title, $stat_date) = @_;
my $para = "<table><tr><td>\n";
$para .= "<h3>$title $stat_date</h3>\n";
$para .= "</td></tr></table>\n";
return $para;
sub _get_calendar
my ($self, $stat_date, $type, $outdir, $prefix) = @_;
my $para = "<div id=\"calendar\">\n";
if ($type eq 'day') {
$para .= "<table><tr><th colspan=\"8\">$stat_date</th></tr>\n";
for my $i ('01' .. '32') {
$para .= "<tr>" if (grep(/^$i$/, '01', '09', '17','25'));
if ($i == 32) {
$para .= "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
} elsif (-f "$outdir/$i/index.html") {
$para .= "<td><a href=\"$prefix$i/index.html\">$i</a></td>";
} else {
$para .= "<td>$i</td>";
$para .= "</tr>\n" if (grep(/^$i$/, '08', '16', '24', '32'));
$para .= "</table>\n";
} elsif ($type eq 'month') {
$para .= "<table><tr><th colspan=\"4\">$stat_date</th></tr>\n";
for my $i ('01' .. '12') {
$para .= "<tr>" if (grep(/^$i$/, '01', '05', '09'));
if (-f "$outdir/$i/index.html") {
$para .= "<td><a href=\"$prefix$i/index.html\">$Translate{$i}</a></td>";
} else {
$para .= "<td>$Translate{$i}</td>";
$para .= "</tr>\n" if (grep(/^$i$/, '04', '08', '12'));
$para .= "</table>\n";
$para .= "</div>\n";
return $para;
sub anonymize_id
my $u_id = '';
while (length($u_id) < 16) {
my $c = chr(int(rand(127)));
if ($c =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9]/) {
$u_id .= $c;
return 'Anon' . $u_id;