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André Bargull 2018-01-17 10:28:24 -08:00 committed by Rick Waldron
parent 2cb0028bf1
commit 0ec5b02ac6
1 changed files with 87 additions and 0 deletions

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// Copyright 2018 André Bargull. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the license found in the LICENSE file.
esid: sec-Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.resolvedOptions
description: >
The resolved locale doesn't include a hc Unicode extension value if the
hour12 or hourCycle option is also present.
info: |
12.1.1 InitializeDateTimeFormat(dateTimeFormat, locales, options)
6. Let hour12 be ? GetOption(options, "hour12", "boolean", undefined, undefined).
7. Let hourCycle be ? GetOption(options, "hourCycle", "string", « "h11", "h12", "h23", "h24" », undefined).
8. If hour12 is not undefined, then
a. Let hourCycle be null.
9. Set opt.[[hc]] to hourCycle.
9.2.6 ResolveLocale(availableLocales, requestedLocales, options, relevantExtensionKeys, localeData)
8. For each element key of relevantExtensionKeys in List order, do
i. If options has a field [[<key>]], then
i. Let optionsValue be options.[[<key>]].
ii. Assert: Type(optionsValue) is either String, Undefined, or Null.
iii. If keyLocaleData contains optionsValue, then
1. If SameValue(optionsValue, value) is false, then
a. Let value be optionsValue.
b. Let supportedExtensionAddition be "".
var defaultLocale = new Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().locale;
var defaultLocaleWithHourCycle = defaultLocale + "-u-hc-h11";
function assertLocale(locale, expectedLocale, options, message) {
var resolved = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, {
hour: "2-digit",
hour12: options.hour12,
hourCycle: options.hourCycle,
assert.sameValue(resolved.locale, expectedLocale, message + " (With hour option.)");
// Also test the case when no hour option is present at all.
// The resolved options don't include hour12 and hourCycle if the date-time
// formatter doesn't include an hour option. This restriction doesn't apply
// to the hc Unicode extension value.
resolved = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, {
hour12: options.hour12,
hourCycle: options.hourCycle,
assert.sameValue(resolved.locale, expectedLocale, message + " (Without hour option.)");
assertLocale(defaultLocaleWithHourCycle, defaultLocale, {
hour12: false,
hourCycle: "h23",
}, "hour12 and hourCycle options and hc Unicode extension value are present.");
assertLocale(defaultLocaleWithHourCycle, defaultLocale, {
hour12: false,
}, "hour12 option and hc Unicode extension value are present.");
assertLocale(defaultLocaleWithHourCycle, defaultLocale, {
hourCycle: "h23",
}, "hourCycle option and hc Unicode extension value are present.");
assertLocale(defaultLocaleWithHourCycle, defaultLocaleWithHourCycle, {
}, "Only hc Unicode extension value is present.");
// And make sure the hc Unicode extension doesn't get added if it's not present
// in the requested locale.
assertLocale(defaultLocale, defaultLocale, {
hour12: false,
hourCycle: "h23",
}, "hour12 and hourCycle options are present, but no hc Unicode extension value.");
assertLocale(defaultLocale, defaultLocale, {
hour12: false,
}, "hourCycle option is present, but no hc Unicode extension value.");
assertLocale(defaultLocale, defaultLocale, {
hourCycle: "h23",
}, "hourCycle option is present, but no hc Unicode extension value.");
assertLocale(defaultLocale, defaultLocale, {
}, "No options are present and no hc Unicode extension value.");