diff --git a/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/argument-object.js b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/argument-object.js
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index 0000000000..13f1bd80d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/argument-object.js
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 Justin Grant. All rights reserved.
+// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+esid: sec-temporal.timezone.prototype.equals
+description: Tests that objects can be compared for equality
+features: [Temporal]
+class CustomTimeZone extends Temporal.TimeZone {
+  constructor(id) {
+    super("UTC");
+    this._id = id;
+  }
+  get id() {
+    return this._id;
+  }
+const objectsEqualUTC = [
+  new Temporal.TimeZone("UTC"),
+  new CustomTimeZone("UTC"),
+  { id: "UTC", getPossibleInstantsFor: null, getOffsetNanosecondsFor: null },
+  new Temporal.ZonedDateTime(0n, "UTC")
+const tzUTC = new Temporal.TimeZone("UTC");
+for (const object of objectsEqualUTC) {
+  const result = tzUTC.equals(object);
+  assert.sameValue(result, true, `Receiver ${tzUTC.id} should equal argument ${object.id}`);
+const objectsEqual0000 = [
+  new Temporal.TimeZone("+00:00"),
+  new Temporal.TimeZone("+0000"),
+  new Temporal.TimeZone("+00"),
+  new CustomTimeZone("+00:00"),
+  new CustomTimeZone("+0000"),
+  new CustomTimeZone("+00"),
+  { id: "+00:00", getPossibleInstantsFor: null, getOffsetNanosecondsFor: null },
+  { id: "+0000", getPossibleInstantsFor: null, getOffsetNanosecondsFor: null },
+  { id: "+00", getPossibleInstantsFor: null, getOffsetNanosecondsFor: null },
+  new Temporal.ZonedDateTime(0n, "+00:00"),
+  new Temporal.ZonedDateTime(0n, "+0000"),
+  new Temporal.ZonedDateTime(0n, "+00"),
+  "+00:00",
+  "+0000",
+  "+00"
+const tz0000ToTest = [
+  new Temporal.TimeZone("+00:00"),
+  new Temporal.TimeZone("+0000"),
+  new Temporal.TimeZone("+00"),
+  new CustomTimeZone("+00:00"),
+  new CustomTimeZone("+0000"),
+  new CustomTimeZone("+00")
+for (const arg of objectsEqual0000) {
+  for (const receiver of tz0000ToTest) {
+    const result = receiver.equals(arg);
+    assert.sameValue(result, true, `Receiver ${receiver.id} should equal argument ${arg.id ?? arg}`);
+  }
+const objectsNotEqual = [
+  new Temporal.TimeZone("+00:00"),
+  new CustomTimeZone("+00:00"),
+  new CustomTimeZone("Etc/Custom"),
+  { id: "+00:00", getPossibleInstantsFor: null, getOffsetNanosecondsFor: null },
+  { id: "Etc/Custom", getPossibleInstantsFor: null, getOffsetNanosecondsFor: null },
+  new Temporal.ZonedDateTime(0n, "+00:00"),
+  "UTC"
+const customObjectsToTest = [tzUTC, new CustomTimeZone("YouTeeSee"), new CustomTimeZone("+01:00")];
+for (const arg of objectsNotEqual) {
+  for (const receiver of customObjectsToTest) {
+    if (arg === "UTC" && receiver === tzUTC) continue;
+    const result = receiver.equals(arg);
+    assert.sameValue(result, false, `Receiver ${receiver.id} should not equal argument ${arg.id ?? arg}`);
+  }
+// Custom object IDs are compared case-sensitively
+const classInstanceCustomId = new CustomTimeZone("Moon/Cheese");
+const classInstanceSameCaseCustomId = new CustomTimeZone("Moon/Cheese");
+const classInstanceDifferentCaseCustomId = new CustomTimeZone("MoOn/CHEESe");
+const plainObjectSameCaseCustomId = { id: "Moon/Cheese", getPossibleInstantsFor: null, getOffsetNanosecondsFor: null };
+const plainObjectDifferentCaseCustomId = {
+  id: "MoOn/CHEESe",
+  getPossibleInstantsFor: null,
+  getOffsetNanosecondsFor: null
+assert.sameValue(classInstanceCustomId.equals(classInstanceSameCaseCustomId), true);
+assert.sameValue(classInstanceCustomId.equals(classInstanceDifferentCaseCustomId), false);
+assert.sameValue(classInstanceCustomId.equals(plainObjectSameCaseCustomId), true);
+assert.sameValue(classInstanceCustomId.equals(plainObjectDifferentCaseCustomId), false);
diff --git a/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/argument-primitive.js b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/argument-primitive.js
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index 0000000000..9e79b41bc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/argument-primitive.js
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 Justin Grant. All rights reserved.
+// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+esid: sec-temporal.timezone.from
+description: Exceptions thrown if a value is passed that converts to an invalid string
+features: [Temporal]
+const primitives = [
+  undefined,
+  null,
+  true,
+  "string",
+  "local",
+  "Z",
+  "-00:00[UTC]",
+  "+00:01.1",
+  "-01.1",
+  "1994-11-05T08:15:30+25:00",
+  "1994-11-05T13:15:30-25:00",
+  7,
+  4.2,
+  12n
+const tzUTC = new Temporal.TimeZone("UTC");
+for (const primitive of primitives) {
+  assert.throws(typeof primitive === "string" ? RangeError : TypeError, () => tzUTC.equals(primitive));
+const symbol = Symbol();
+assert.throws(TypeError, () => tzUTC.equals(symbol));
diff --git a/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/argument-valid.js b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/argument-valid.js
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index 0000000000..6148da7100
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/argument-valid.js
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 Justin Grant. All rights reserved.
+// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+esid: sec-temporal.timezone.from
+description: Built-in time zones are compared correctly out of valid strings
+features: [Temporal]
+const validsEqual = [
+  ["+0330", "+03:30"],
+  ["-0650", "-06:50"],
+  ["-08", "-08:00"],
+  ["\u221201:00", "-01:00"],
+  ["\u22120650", "-06:50"],
+  ["\u221208", "-08:00"],
+  ["1994-11-05T08:15:30-05:00", "-05:00"],
+  ["1994-11-05T08:15:30\u221205:00", "-05:00"],
+  ["1994-11-05T13:15:30Z", "UTC"]
+for (const [valid, canonical] of validsEqual) {
+  const tzValid = Temporal.TimeZone.from(valid);
+  const tzCanonical = Temporal.TimeZone.from(canonical);
+  assert.sameValue(tzValid.equals(canonical), true);
+  assert.sameValue(tzCanonical.equals(valid), true);
+const validsNotEqual = [
+  ["+0330", "+03:31"],
+  ["-0650", "-06:51"],
+  ["-08", "-08:01"],
+  ["\u221201:00", "-01:01"],
+  ["\u22120650", "-06:51"],
+  ["\u221208", "-08:01"],
+  ["1994-11-05T08:15:30-05:00", "-05:01"],
+  ["1994-11-05T08:15:30\u221205:00", "-05:01"]
+for (const [valid, canonical] of validsNotEqual) {
+  const tzValid = Temporal.TimeZone.from(valid);
+  const tzCanonical = Temporal.TimeZone.from(canonical);
+  assert.sameValue(tzValid.equals(canonical), false);
+  assert.sameValue(tzCanonical.equals(valid), false);
diff --git a/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/branding.js b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/branding.js
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index 0000000000..7b5ad93e17
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+++ b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/branding.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 Justin Grant. All rights reserved.
+// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+esid: sec-temporal.timezone.prototype.equals
+description: Throw a TypeError if the receiver is invalid
+features: [Symbol, Temporal]
+const equals = Temporal.TimeZone.prototype.equals;
+assert.sameValue(typeof equals, "function");
+const args = ["UTC"];
+assert.throws(TypeError, () => equals.apply(undefined, args), "undefined");
+assert.throws(TypeError, () => equals.apply(null, args), "null");
+assert.throws(TypeError, () => equals.apply(true, args), "true");
+assert.throws(TypeError, () => equals.apply("", args), "empty string");
+assert.throws(TypeError, () => equals.apply(Symbol(), args), "symbol");
+assert.throws(TypeError, () => equals.apply(1, args), "1");
+assert.throws(TypeError, () => equals.apply({}, args), "plain object");
+assert.throws(TypeError, () => equals.apply(Temporal.TimeZone, args), "Temporal.TimeZone");
+assert.throws(TypeError, () => equals.apply(Temporal.TimeZone.prototype, args), "Temporal.TimeZone.prototype");
diff --git a/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/builtin.js b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/builtin.js
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index 0000000000..8eac773cd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/builtin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 Justin Grant. All rights reserved.
+// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+esid: sec-temporal.timezone.prototype.equals
+description: >
+    Tests that Temporal.TimeZone.prototype.equals
+    meets the requirements for built-in objects defined by the
+    introduction of chapter 17 of the ECMAScript Language Specification.
+info: |
+    Built-in functions that are not constructors do not have a "prototype" property unless
+    otherwise specified in the description of a particular function.
+    Unless specified otherwise, a built-in object that is callable as a function is a built-in
+    function object with the characteristics described in 10.3. Unless specified otherwise, the
+    [[Extensible]] internal slot of a built-in object initially has the value true.
+    Unless otherwise specified every built-in function and every built-in constructor has the
+    Function prototype object [...] as the value of its [[Prototype]] internal slot.
+features: [Temporal]
+  true, "Built-in objects must be extensible.");
+  "[object Function]", "Object.prototype.toString");
+  Function.prototype, "prototype");
+  false, "prototype property");
diff --git a/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/id-wrong-type.js b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/id-wrong-type.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec955693ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/id-wrong-type.js
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 Justin Grant. All rights reserved.
+// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+esid: sec-temporal.timezone.prototype.equals
+description: TypeError thrown if time zone reports an id that is not a String
+features: [Temporal]
+class CustomTimeZone extends Temporal.TimeZone {
+  constructor(id) {
+    super("UTC");
+    this._id = id;
+  }
+  get id() {
+    return this._id;
+  }
+  undefined,
+  null,
+  true,
+  -1000,
+  Symbol(),
+  3600_000_000_000n,
+  {},
+  {
+    valueOf() {
+      return 3600_000_000_000;
+    }
+  }
+].forEach((wrongId) => {
+  const timeZoneWrong = new CustomTimeZone(wrongId);
+  const timeZoneOK = new Temporal.TimeZone('UTC');
+  assert.throws(TypeError, () => timeZoneWrong.equals(timeZoneOK));
+  assert.throws(TypeError, () => timeZoneOK.equals(timeZoneWrong));
diff --git a/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/length.js b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/length.js
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index 0000000000..7d4d11fa6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/length.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 Justin Grant. All rights reserved.
+// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+esid: sec-temporal.timezone.prototype.equals
+description: Temporal.TimeZone.prototype.equals.length is 1
+info: |
+    Every built-in function object, including constructors, has a "length" property whose value is
+    an integer. Unless otherwise specified, this value is equal to the largest number of named
+    arguments shown in the subclause headings for the function description. Optional parameters
+    (which are indicated with brackets: [ ]) or rest parameters (which are shown using the form
+    «...name») are not included in the default argument count.
+    Unless otherwise specified, the "length" property of a built-in function object has the
+    attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
+includes: [propertyHelper.js]
+features: [Temporal]
+verifyProperty(Temporal.TimeZone.prototype.equals, "length", {
+  value: 1,
+  writable: false,
+  enumerable: false,
+  configurable: true,
diff --git a/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/name.js b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/name.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21f452ad87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/name.js
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 Justin Grant. All rights reserved.
+// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+esid: sec-temporal.timezone.prototype.equals
+description: Temporal.TimeZone.prototype.equals.name is "equals".
+info: |
+    Every built-in function object, including constructors, that is not identified as an anonymous
+    function has a "name" property whose value is a String. Unless otherwise specified, this value
+    is the name that is given to the function in this specification.
+    Unless otherwise specified, the "name" property of a built-in function object, if it exists,
+    has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
+includes: [propertyHelper.js]
+features: [Temporal]
+verifyProperty(Temporal.TimeZone.prototype.equals, "name", {
+  value: "equals",
+  writable: false,
+  enumerable: false,
+  configurable: true,
diff --git a/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/not-a-constructor.js b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/not-a-constructor.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5d9cae650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/not-a-constructor.js
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 Justin Grant. All rights reserved.
+// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+esid: sec-temporal.timezone.prototype.equals
+description: >
+  Temporal.TimeZone.prototype.equals does not implement [[Construct]], is not new-able
+info: |
+    Built-in function objects that are not identified as constructors do not implement the
+    [[Construct]] internal method unless otherwise specified in the description of a particular
+    function.
+includes: [isConstructor.js]
+features: [Reflect.construct, Temporal]
+assert.throws(TypeError, () => {
+  new Temporal.TimeZone.prototype.equals();
+}, "Calling as constructor");
+assert.sameValue(isConstructor(Temporal.TimeZone.prototype.equals), false,
+  "isConstructor(Temporal.TimeZone.prototype.equals)");
diff --git a/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/prop-desc.js b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/prop-desc.js
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index 0000000000..8d0dfe1e0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/prop-desc.js
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 Justin Grant. All rights reserved.
+// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+esid: sec-temporal.timezone.prototype.equals
+description: The "equals" property of Temporal.TimeZone.prototype
+includes: [propertyHelper.js]
+features: [Temporal]
+  typeof Temporal.TimeZone.prototype.equals,
+  "function",
+  "`typeof TimeZone.prototype.equals` is `function`"
+verifyProperty(Temporal.TimeZone.prototype, "equals", {
+  writable: true,
+  enumerable: false,
+  configurable: true,
diff --git a/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/timezone-case-insensitive.js b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/timezone-case-insensitive.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75b5d613c7
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+++ b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/timezone-case-insensitive.js
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 Justin Grant. All rights reserved.
+// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+esid: sec-temporal.timezone.equals
+description: Time zone names are case insensitive
+features: [Temporal]
+const timeZone = 'UtC';
+const result = Temporal.TimeZone.from(timeZone);
+assert.sameValue(result.equals(timeZone), true);
+assert.sameValue(result.equals("+00:00"), false);
diff --git a/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/timezone-string-datetime.js b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/timezone-string-datetime.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3768834301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/timezone-string-datetime.js
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 Justin Grant. All rights reserved.
+// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+esid: sec-temporal.timezone.equals
+description: Conversion of ISO date-time strings to the argument of Temporal.TimeZone.prototype.equals
+features: [Temporal]
+let tzUTC = Temporal.TimeZone.from("UTC");
+let arg = "2021-08-19T17:30";
+assert.throws(RangeError, () => tzUTC.equals(arg), "bare date-time string is not a time zone");
+arg = "2021-08-19T17:30-07:00:01";
+assert.throws(RangeError, () => tzUTC.equals(arg), "ISO string sub-minute offset is not OK as time zone");
+arg = "2021-08-19T17:30Z";
+tzUTC = Temporal.TimeZone.from(arg);
+assert.sameValue(tzUTC.equals(arg), true, "date-time + Z is UTC time zone");
+arg = "2021-08-19T17:30-07:00";
+tzUTC = Temporal.TimeZone.from(arg);
+assert.sameValue(tzUTC.equals(arg), true, "date-time + offset is the offset time zone");
+arg = "2021-08-19T17:30[UTC]";
+tzUTC = Temporal.TimeZone.from(arg);
+assert.sameValue(tzUTC.equals(arg), true, "date-time + IANA annotation is the IANA time zone");
+arg = "2021-08-19T17:30Z[UTC]";
+tzUTC = Temporal.TimeZone.from(arg);
+assert.sameValue(tzUTC.equals(arg), true, "date-time + Z + IANA annotation is the IANA time zone");
+arg = "2021-08-19T17:30-07:00[UTC]";
+tzUTC = Temporal.TimeZone.from(arg);
+assert.sameValue(tzUTC.equals(arg), true, "date-time + offset + IANA annotation is the IANA time zone");
diff --git a/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/timezone-string-multiple-offsets.js b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/timezone-string-multiple-offsets.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01dec3fd1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/timezone-string-multiple-offsets.js
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 Justin Grant. All rights reserved.
+// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+esid: sec-temporal.timezone.from
+description: Time zone strings with UTC offset fractional part are not confused with time fractional part
+features: [Temporal]
+const timeZone = "2021-08-19T17:30:45.123456789-12:12[+01:46]";
+const result = Temporal.TimeZone.from(timeZone);
+assert.sameValue(result.equals("+01:46"), true, "Time zone string determined from bracket name");
diff --git a/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/timezone-wrong-type.js b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/timezone-wrong-type.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..745e0a1d11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/built-ins/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/timezone-wrong-type.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 Justin Grant. All rights reserved.
+// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+esid: sec-temporal.timezone.from
+description: >
+  Appropriate error thrown when argument cannot be converted to a valid string
+  or object for TimeZone
+features: [BigInt, Symbol, Temporal]
+const rangeErrorTests = [
+  [null, "null"],
+  [true, "boolean"],
+  ["", "empty string"],
+  [1, "number that doesn't convert to a valid ISO string"],
+  [19761118, "number that would convert to a valid ISO string in other contexts"],
+  [1n, "bigint"]
+const tzUTC = new Temporal.TimeZone("UTC");
+for (const [timeZone, description] of rangeErrorTests) {
+  assert.throws(
+    typeof timeZone === "string" ? RangeError : TypeError,
+    () => tzUTC.equals(timeZone),
+    `${description} does not convert to a valid ISO string`
+  );
+const typeErrorTests = [
+  [Symbol(), "symbol"],
+  [{}, "object not implementing time zone protocol"],
+  [new Temporal.Calendar("iso8601"), "calendar instance"]
+for (const [timeZone, description] of typeErrorTests) {
+  assert.throws(
+    TypeError,
+    () => tzUTC.equals(timeZone),
+    `${description} is not a valid object and does not convert to a string`
+  );
diff --git a/test/intl402/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/argument-object.js b/test/intl402/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/argument-object.js
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index 0000000000..f73b55e807
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/intl402/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/argument-object.js
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 Justin Grant. All rights reserved.
+// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+esid: sec-temporal.timezone.from
+description: Objects with IANA IDs are compared case-insensitively with their canonical IDs
+features: [Temporal]
+class CustomTimeZone extends Temporal.TimeZone {
+  constructor(id) {
+    super("UTC");
+    this._id = id;
+  }
+  get id() {
+    return this._id;
+  }
+const classInstancesIANA = [
+  new Temporal.TimeZone("Asia/Calcutta"),
+  new CustomTimeZone("Asia/Calcutta"),
+  new Temporal.TimeZone("Asia/Kolkata"),
+  new CustomTimeZone("Asia/Kolkata"),
+  new CustomTimeZone("ASIA/calcutta"),
+  new CustomTimeZone("Asia/KOLKATA")
+const plainObjectsIANA = [
+  { id: "Asia/Calcutta", getPossibleInstantsFor: null, getOffsetNanosecondsFor: null },
+  { id: "Asia/Kolkata", getPossibleInstantsFor: null, getOffsetNanosecondsFor: null },
+  { id: "ASIA/calcutta", getPossibleInstantsFor: null, getOffsetNanosecondsFor: null },
+  { id: "asia/kolkatA", getPossibleInstantsFor: null, getOffsetNanosecondsFor: null }
+for (const object1 of classInstancesIANA) {
+  for (const object2 of classInstancesIANA) {
+    assert.sameValue(object1.equals(object2), true, `Receiver ${object1.id} should not equal argument ${object2.id}`);
+  }
+  for (const object2 of plainObjectsIANA) {
+    assert.sameValue(object1.equals(object2), true, `Receiver ${object2.id} should not equal argument ${object1.id}`);
+  }
+const classInstancesIANADifferentCanonical = [
+  new Temporal.TimeZone("Asia/Colombo"),
+  new CustomTimeZone("Asia/Colombo"),
+  new Temporal.TimeZone("ASIA/colombo"),
+  new CustomTimeZone("ASIA/colombo")
+for (const object1 of classInstancesIANADifferentCanonical) {
+  for (const object2 of classInstancesIANA) {
+    assert.sameValue(object1.equals(object2), false, `Receiver ${object1.id} should not equal argument ${object2.id}`);
+    assert.sameValue(object2.equals(object1), false, `Receiver ${object2.id} should not equal argument ${object1.id}`);
+  }
+  for (const object2 of plainObjectsIANA) {
+    assert.sameValue(object1.equals(object2), false, `Receiver ${object1.id} should not equal argument ${object2.id}`);
+    assert.sameValue(
+      object1.equals(object2.id),
+      false,
+      `Receiver ${object1.id} should not equal argument ${object2.id}`
+    );
+  }
+const classInstancesCustomNotIANA = [new CustomTimeZone("Moon/Cheese")];
+for (const object1 of classInstancesCustomNotIANA) {
+  for (const object2 of classInstancesIANA) {
+    assert.sameValue(object1.equals(object2), false, `Receiver ${object1.id} should not equal argument ${object2.id}`);
+    assert.sameValue(object2.equals(object1), false, `Receiver ${object2.id} should not equal argument ${object1.id}`);
+  }
+  for (const object2 of plainObjectsIANA) {
+    assert.sameValue(object1.equals(object2), false, `Receiver ${object1.id} should not equal argument ${object2.id}`);
+    assert.sameValue(
+      object1.equals(object2.id),
+      false,
+      `Receiver ${object1.id} should not equal argument ${object2.id}`
+    );
+  }
diff --git a/test/intl402/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/argument-valid.js b/test/intl402/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/argument-valid.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..734ccf4401
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/intl402/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/argument-valid.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 Justin Grant. All rights reserved.
+// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+esid: sec-temporal.timezone.from
+description: Built-in time zones are parsed correctly out of valid strings
+features: [Temporal]
+const valids = [
+  ["Africa/CAIRO", "Africa/Cairo"],
+  ["Asia/Ulan_Bator", "Asia/Ulaanbaatar"],
+  ["etc/gmt", "Etc/GMT"],
+  ["1994-11-05T08:15:30-05:00[America/New_York]", "America/New_York"],
+  ["1994-11-05T08:15:30+05:30[Asia/Calcutta]", "Asia/Calcutta"],
+  ["1994-11-05T08:15:30+05:30[Asia/Calcutta]", "Asia/Kolkata"],
+  ["1994-11-05T08:15:30+05:30[Asia/Kolkata]", "Asia/Calcutta"],
+  ["1994-11-05T08:15:30+05:30[Asia/Kolkata]", "Asia/Kolkata"],
+for (const [valid, canonical = valid] of valids) {
+  const tzValid = Temporal.TimeZone.from(canonical);
+  const tzCanonical = Temporal.TimeZone.from(canonical);
+  assert.sameValue(tzValid.equals(tzCanonical), true);
+  assert.sameValue(tzCanonical.equals(tzValid), true);
diff --git a/test/intl402/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/canonical-iana-names.js b/test/intl402/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/canonical-iana-names.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f686fa21b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/intl402/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/canonical-iana-names.js
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 Justin Grant. All rights reserved.
+// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+esid: sec-temporal.timezone.from
+description: Canonicalizes to evaluate time zone equality
+features: [Temporal]
+const neverEqual = new Temporal.TimeZone('Asia/Tokyo');
+const zdt = new Temporal.ZonedDateTime(0n, 'America/Los_Angeles');
+const ids = [
+  ['America/Atka', 'America/Adak'],
+  ['America/Knox_IN', 'America/Indiana/Knox'],
+  ['Asia/Ashkhabad', 'Asia/Ashgabat'],
+  ['Asia/Dacca', 'Asia/Dhaka'],
+  ['Asia/Istanbul', 'Europe/Istanbul'],
+  ['Asia/Macao', 'Asia/Macau'],
+  ['Asia/Thimbu', 'Asia/Thimphu'],
+  ['Asia/Ujung_Pandang', 'Asia/Makassar'],
+  ['Asia/Ulan_Bator', 'Asia/Ulaanbaatar']
+for (const [identifier, primaryIdentifier] of ids) {
+  const tz1 = new Temporal.TimeZone(identifier);
+  const tz2 = new Temporal.TimeZone(primaryIdentifier);
+  // compare objects
+  assert.sameValue(tz1.equals(tz2), true);
+  assert.sameValue(tz2.equals(tz1), true);
+  assert.sameValue(tz1.equals(neverEqual), false);
+  // compare string IDs
+  assert.sameValue(tz1.equals(tz2.id), true);
+  assert.sameValue(tz2.equals(tz1.id), true);
+  assert.sameValue(tz1.equals(neverEqual.id), false);
+  // compare ZonedDateTime instances
+  assert.sameValue(tz1.equals(zdt.withTimeZone(tz2)), true);
+  assert.sameValue(tz2.equals(zdt.withTimeZone(tz1)), true);
+  assert.sameValue(tz1.equals(zdt.withTimeZone(neverEqual)), false);
+  // compare IXDTF strings
+  assert.sameValue(tz1.equals(zdt.withTimeZone(tz2).toString()), true);
+  assert.sameValue(tz2.equals(zdt.withTimeZone(tz1).toString()), true);
+  assert.sameValue(tz1.equals(zdt.withTimeZone(neverEqual).toString()), false);
diff --git a/test/intl402/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/canonical-not-equal.js b/test/intl402/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/canonical-not-equal.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..024499167e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/intl402/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/canonical-not-equal.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 Justin Grant. All rights reserved.
+// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+esid: sec-temporal.timezone.from
+description: Canonical time zone identifiers are never equal to each other
+features: [Temporal]
+// supportedValuesOf only returns canonical IDs
+const ids = Intl.supportedValuesOf("timeZone");
+const forEachDistinctPair = (array, func) => {
+  for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
+    for (let j = i + 1; j < array.length; j++) {
+      func(array[i], array[j]);
+    }
+  }
+forEachDistinctPair(ids, (id1, id2) => {
+  const tz = new Temporal.TimeZone(id1);
+  assert.sameValue(tz.equals(id2), false);
diff --git a/test/intl402/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/offset-and-iana.js b/test/intl402/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/offset-and-iana.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85cc2be599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/intl402/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/offset-and-iana.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 Justin Grant. All rights reserved.
+// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+esid: sec-temporal.timezone
+description: Offset string time zones compare as expected
+features: [Temporal]
+const zdt = new Temporal.ZonedDateTime(0n, "America/Los_Angeles");
+const otz1 = new Temporal.TimeZone("+05:30");
+const otz2 = new Temporal.TimeZone("+0530");
+const tz = new Temporal.TimeZone("Asia/Kolkata");
+assert.sameValue(otz1.equals(otz2), true);
+assert.sameValue(otz2.equals(otz1), true);
+assert.sameValue(otz1.equals("+05:30"), true);
+assert.sameValue(otz1.equals(zdt.withTimeZone(otz2)), true);
+assert.sameValue(otz1.equals(zdt.withTimeZone(otz2).toString()), true);
+assert.sameValue(otz1.equals(tz), false);
+assert.sameValue(otz1.equals("Asia/Kolkata"), false);
+assert.sameValue(otz1.equals(zdt.withTimeZone(tz)), false);
+assert.sameValue(otz1.equals(zdt.withTimeZone(tz).toString()), false);
diff --git a/test/intl402/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/timezone-case-insensitive.js b/test/intl402/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/timezone-case-insensitive.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d7d1d1d28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/intl402/Temporal/TimeZone/prototype/equals/timezone-case-insensitive.js
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 Justin Grant. All rights reserved.
+// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+esid: sec-temporal.timezone.from
+description: Time zone names are compared case-insensitively
+features: [Temporal]
+const timeZoneIdentifiers = [
+  // IANA TZDB Zone names
+  'Africa/Abidjan',
+  'Africa/Algiers',
+  'Africa/Bissau',
+  'Africa/Cairo',
+  'Africa/Casablanca',
+  'Africa/Ceuta',
+  'Africa/El_Aaiun',
+  'Africa/Johannesburg',
+  'Africa/Juba',
+  'Africa/Khartoum',
+  'Africa/Lagos',
+  'Africa/Maputo',
+  'Africa/Monrovia',
+  'Africa/Nairobi',
+  'Africa/Ndjamena',
+  'Africa/Sao_Tome',
+  'Africa/Tripoli',
+  'Africa/Tunis',
+  'Africa/Windhoek',
+  'America/Adak',
+  'America/Anchorage',
+  'America/Araguaina',
+  'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires',
+  'America/Argentina/Catamarca',
+  'America/Argentina/Cordoba',
+  'America/Argentina/Jujuy',
+  'America/Argentina/La_Rioja',
+  'America/Argentina/Mendoza',
+  'America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos',
+  'America/Argentina/Salta',
+  'America/Argentina/San_Juan',
+  'America/Argentina/San_Luis',
+  'America/Argentina/Tucuman',
+  'America/Argentina/Ushuaia',
+  'America/Asuncion',
+  'America/Bahia',
+  'America/Bahia_Banderas',
+  'America/Barbados',
+  'America/Belem',
+  'America/Belize',
+  'America/Boa_Vista',
+  'America/Bogota',
+  'America/Boise',
+  'America/Cambridge_Bay',
+  'America/Campo_Grande',
+  'America/Cancun',
+  'America/Caracas',
+  'America/Cayenne',
+  'America/Chicago',
+  'America/Chihuahua',
+  // 'America/Ciudad_Juarez' // uncomment after Node supports this ID added in TZDB 2022g
+  'America/Costa_Rica',
+  'America/Cuiaba',
+  'America/Danmarkshavn',
+  'America/Dawson',
+  'America/Dawson_Creek',
+  'America/Denver',
+  'America/Detroit',
+  'America/Edmonton',
+  'America/Eirunepe',
+  'America/El_Salvador',
+  'America/Fort_Nelson',
+  'America/Fortaleza',
+  'America/Glace_Bay',
+  'America/Goose_Bay',
+  'America/Grand_Turk',
+  'America/Guatemala',
+  'America/Guayaquil',
+  'America/Guyana',
+  'America/Halifax',
+  'America/Havana',
+  'America/Hermosillo',
+  'America/Indiana/Indianapolis',
+  'America/Indiana/Knox',
+  'America/Indiana/Marengo',
+  'America/Indiana/Petersburg',
+  'America/Indiana/Tell_City',
+  'America/Indiana/Vevay',
+  'America/Indiana/Vincennes',
+  'America/Indiana/Winamac',
+  'America/Inuvik',
+  'America/Iqaluit',
+  'America/Jamaica',
+  'America/Juneau',
+  'America/Kentucky/Louisville',
+  'America/Kentucky/Monticello',
+  'America/La_Paz',
+  'America/Lima',
+  'America/Los_Angeles',
+  'America/Maceio',
+  'America/Managua',
+  'America/Manaus',
+  'America/Martinique',
+  'America/Matamoros',
+  'America/Mazatlan',
+  'America/Menominee',
+  'America/Merida',
+  'America/Metlakatla',
+  'America/Mexico_City',
+  'America/Miquelon',
+  'America/Moncton',
+  'America/Monterrey',
+  'America/Montevideo',
+  'America/New_York',
+  'America/Nome',
+  'America/Noronha',
+  'America/North_Dakota/Beulah',
+  'America/North_Dakota/Center',
+  'America/North_Dakota/New_Salem',
+  'America/Nuuk',
+  'America/Ojinaga',
+  'America/Panama',
+  'America/Paramaribo',
+  'America/Phoenix',
+  'America/Port-au-Prince',
+  'America/Porto_Velho',
+  'America/Puerto_Rico',
+  'America/Punta_Arenas',
+  'America/Rankin_Inlet',
+  'America/Recife',
+  'America/Regina',
+  'America/Resolute',
+  'America/Rio_Branco',
+  'America/Santarem',
+  'America/Santiago',
+  'America/Santo_Domingo',
+  'America/Sao_Paulo',
+  'America/Scoresbysund',
+  'America/Sitka',
+  'America/St_Johns',
+  'America/Swift_Current',
+  'America/Tegucigalpa',
+  'America/Thule',
+  'America/Tijuana',
+  'America/Toronto',
+  'America/Vancouver',
+  'America/Whitehorse',
+  'America/Winnipeg',
+  'America/Yakutat',
+  'America/Yellowknife',
+  'Antarctica/Casey',
+  'Antarctica/Davis',
+  'Antarctica/Macquarie',
+  'Antarctica/Mawson',
+  'Antarctica/Palmer',
+  'Antarctica/Rothera',
+  'Antarctica/Troll',
+  'Asia/Almaty',
+  'Asia/Amman',
+  'Asia/Anadyr',
+  'Asia/Aqtau',
+  'Asia/Aqtobe',
+  'Asia/Ashgabat',
+  'Asia/Atyrau',
+  'Asia/Baghdad',
+  'Asia/Baku',
+  'Asia/Bangkok',
+  'Asia/Barnaul',
+  'Asia/Beirut',
+  'Asia/Bishkek',
+  'Asia/Chita',
+  'Asia/Choibalsan',
+  'Asia/Colombo',
+  'Asia/Damascus',
+  'Asia/Dhaka',
+  'Asia/Dili',
+  'Asia/Dubai',
+  'Asia/Dushanbe',
+  'Asia/Famagusta',
+  'Asia/Gaza',
+  'Asia/Hebron',
+  'Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh',
+  'Asia/Hong_Kong',
+  'Asia/Hovd',
+  'Asia/Irkutsk',
+  'Asia/Jakarta',
+  'Asia/Jayapura',
+  'Asia/Jerusalem',
+  'Asia/Kabul',
+  'Asia/Kamchatka',
+  'Asia/Karachi',
+  'Asia/Kathmandu',
+  'Asia/Khandyga',
+  'Asia/Kolkata',
+  'Asia/Krasnoyarsk',
+  'Asia/Kuching',
+  'Asia/Macau',
+  'Asia/Magadan',
+  'Asia/Makassar',
+  'Asia/Manila',
+  'Asia/Nicosia',
+  'Asia/Novokuznetsk',
+  'Asia/Novosibirsk',
+  'Asia/Omsk',
+  'Asia/Oral',
+  'Asia/Pontianak',
+  'Asia/Pyongyang',
+  'Asia/Qatar',
+  'Asia/Qostanay',
+  'Asia/Qyzylorda',
+  'Asia/Riyadh',
+  'Asia/Sakhalin',
+  'Asia/Samarkand',
+  'Asia/Seoul',
+  'Asia/Shanghai',
+  'Asia/Singapore',
+  'Asia/Srednekolymsk',
+  'Asia/Taipei',
+  'Asia/Tashkent',
+  'Asia/Tbilisi',
+  'Asia/Tehran',
+  'Asia/Thimphu',
+  'Asia/Tokyo',
+  'Asia/Tomsk',
+  'Asia/Ulaanbaatar',
+  'Asia/Urumqi',
+  'Asia/Ust-Nera',
+  'Asia/Vladivostok',
+  'Asia/Yakutsk',
+  'Asia/Yangon',
+  'Asia/Yekaterinburg',
+  'Asia/Yerevan',
+  'Atlantic/Azores',
+  'Atlantic/Bermuda',
+  'Atlantic/Canary',
+  'Atlantic/Cape_Verde',
+  'Atlantic/Faroe',
+  'Atlantic/Madeira',
+  'Atlantic/South_Georgia',
+  'Atlantic/Stanley',
+  'Australia/Adelaide',
+  'Australia/Brisbane',
+  'Australia/Broken_Hill',
+  'Australia/Darwin',
+  'Australia/Eucla',
+  'Australia/Hobart',
+  'Australia/Lindeman',
+  'Australia/Lord_Howe',
+  'Australia/Melbourne',
+  'Australia/Perth',
+  'Australia/Sydney',
+  'CET',
+  'CST6CDT',
+  'EET',
+  'EST',
+  'EST5EDT',
+  'Etc/GMT',
+  'Etc/GMT+1',
+  'Etc/GMT+10',
+  'Etc/GMT+11',
+  'Etc/GMT+12',
+  'Etc/GMT+2',
+  'Etc/GMT+3',
+  'Etc/GMT+4',
+  'Etc/GMT+5',
+  'Etc/GMT+6',
+  'Etc/GMT+7',
+  'Etc/GMT+8',
+  'Etc/GMT+9',
+  'Etc/GMT-1',
+  'Etc/GMT-10',
+  'Etc/GMT-11',
+  'Etc/GMT-12',
+  'Etc/GMT-13',
+  'Etc/GMT-14',
+  'Etc/GMT-2',
+  'Etc/GMT-3',
+  'Etc/GMT-4',
+  'Etc/GMT-5',
+  'Etc/GMT-6',
+  'Etc/GMT-7',
+  'Etc/GMT-8',
+  'Etc/GMT-9',
+  'Etc/UTC',
+  'Europe/Andorra',
+  'Europe/Astrakhan',
+  'Europe/Athens',
+  'Europe/Belgrade',
+  'Europe/Berlin',
+  'Europe/Brussels',
+  'Europe/Bucharest',
+  'Europe/Budapest',
+  'Europe/Chisinau',
+  'Europe/Dublin',
+  'Europe/Gibraltar',
+  'Europe/Helsinki',
+  'Europe/Istanbul',
+  'Europe/Kaliningrad',
+  'Europe/Kirov',
+  'Europe/Kyiv',
+  'Europe/Lisbon',
+  'Europe/London',
+  'Europe/Madrid',
+  'Europe/Malta',
+  'Europe/Minsk',
+  'Europe/Moscow',
+  'Europe/Paris',
+  'Europe/Prague',
+  'Europe/Riga',
+  'Europe/Rome',
+  'Europe/Samara',
+  'Europe/Saratov',
+  'Europe/Simferopol',
+  'Europe/Sofia',
+  'Europe/Tallinn',
+  'Europe/Tirane',
+  'Europe/Ulyanovsk',
+  'Europe/Vienna',
+  'Europe/Vilnius',
+  'Europe/Volgograd',
+  'Europe/Warsaw',
+  'Europe/Zurich',
+  'HST',
+  'Indian/Chagos',
+  'Indian/Maldives',
+  'Indian/Mauritius',
+  'MET',
+  'MST',
+  'MST7MDT',
+  'PST8PDT',
+  'Pacific/Apia',
+  'Pacific/Auckland',
+  'Pacific/Bougainville',
+  'Pacific/Chatham',
+  'Pacific/Easter',
+  'Pacific/Efate',
+  'Pacific/Fakaofo',
+  'Pacific/Fiji',
+  'Pacific/Galapagos',
+  'Pacific/Gambier',
+  'Pacific/Guadalcanal',
+  'Pacific/Guam',
+  'Pacific/Honolulu',
+  'Pacific/Kanton',
+  'Pacific/Kiritimati',
+  'Pacific/Kosrae',
+  'Pacific/Kwajalein',
+  'Pacific/Marquesas',
+  'Pacific/Nauru',
+  'Pacific/Niue',
+  'Pacific/Norfolk',
+  'Pacific/Noumea',
+  'Pacific/Pago_Pago',
+  'Pacific/Palau',
+  'Pacific/Pitcairn',
+  'Pacific/Port_Moresby',
+  'Pacific/Rarotonga',
+  'Pacific/Tahiti',
+  'Pacific/Tarawa',
+  'Pacific/Tongatapu',
+  // IANA TZDB Link names
+  'WET',
+  'Africa/Accra',
+  'Africa/Addis_Ababa',
+  'Africa/Asmara',
+  'Africa/Asmera',
+  'Africa/Bamako',
+  'Africa/Bangui',
+  'Africa/Banjul',
+  'Africa/Blantyre',
+  'Africa/Brazzaville',
+  'Africa/Bujumbura',
+  'Africa/Conakry',
+  'Africa/Dakar',
+  'Africa/Dar_es_Salaam',
+  'Africa/Djibouti',
+  'Africa/Douala',
+  'Africa/Freetown',
+  'Africa/Gaborone',
+  'Africa/Harare',
+  'Africa/Kampala',
+  'Africa/Kigali',
+  'Africa/Kinshasa',
+  'Africa/Libreville',
+  'Africa/Lome',
+  'Africa/Luanda',
+  'Africa/Lubumbashi',
+  'Africa/Lusaka',
+  'Africa/Malabo',
+  'Africa/Maseru',
+  'Africa/Mbabane',
+  'Africa/Mogadishu',
+  'Africa/Niamey',
+  'Africa/Nouakchott',
+  'Africa/Ouagadougou',
+  'Africa/Porto-Novo',
+  'Africa/Timbuktu',
+  'America/Anguilla',
+  'America/Antigua',
+  'America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia',
+  'America/Aruba',
+  'America/Atikokan',
+  'America/Atka',
+  'America/Blanc-Sablon',
+  'America/Buenos_Aires',
+  'America/Catamarca',
+  'America/Cayman',
+  'America/Coral_Harbour',
+  'America/Cordoba',
+  'America/Creston',
+  'America/Curacao',
+  'America/Dominica',
+  'America/Ensenada',
+  'America/Fort_Wayne',
+  'America/Godthab',
+  'America/Grenada',
+  'America/Guadeloupe',
+  'America/Indianapolis',
+  'America/Jujuy',
+  'America/Knox_IN',
+  'America/Kralendijk',
+  'America/Louisville',
+  'America/Lower_Princes',
+  'America/Marigot',
+  'America/Mendoza',
+  'America/Montreal',
+  'America/Montserrat',
+  'America/Nassau',
+  'America/Nipigon',
+  'America/Pangnirtung',
+  'America/Port_of_Spain',
+  'America/Porto_Acre',
+  'America/Rainy_River',
+  'America/Rosario',
+  'America/Santa_Isabel',
+  'America/Shiprock',
+  'America/St_Barthelemy',
+  'America/St_Kitts',
+  'America/St_Lucia',
+  'America/St_Thomas',
+  'America/St_Vincent',
+  'America/Thunder_Bay',
+  'America/Tortola',
+  'America/Virgin',
+  'Antarctica/DumontDUrville',
+  'Antarctica/McMurdo',
+  'Antarctica/South_Pole',
+  'Antarctica/Syowa',
+  'Antarctica/Vostok',
+  'Arctic/Longyearbyen',
+  'Asia/Aden',
+  'Asia/Ashkhabad',
+  'Asia/Bahrain',
+  'Asia/Brunei',
+  'Asia/Calcutta',
+  'Asia/Chongqing',
+  'Asia/Chungking',
+  'Asia/Dacca',
+  'Asia/Harbin',
+  'Asia/Istanbul',
+  'Asia/Kashgar',
+  'Asia/Katmandu',
+  'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur',
+  'Asia/Kuwait',
+  'Asia/Macao',
+  'Asia/Muscat',
+  'Asia/Phnom_Penh',
+  'Asia/Rangoon',
+  'Asia/Saigon',
+  'Asia/Tel_Aviv',
+  'Asia/Thimbu',
+  'Asia/Ujung_Pandang',
+  'Asia/Ulan_Bator',
+  'Asia/Vientiane',
+  'Atlantic/Faeroe',
+  'Atlantic/Jan_Mayen',
+  'Atlantic/Reykjavik',
+  'Atlantic/St_Helena',
+  'Australia/ACT',
+  'Australia/Canberra',
+  'Australia/Currie',
+  'Australia/LHI',
+  'Australia/NSW',
+  'Australia/North',
+  'Australia/Queensland',
+  'Australia/South',
+  'Australia/Tasmania',
+  'Australia/Victoria',
+  'Australia/West',
+  'Australia/Yancowinna',
+  'Brazil/Acre',
+  'Brazil/DeNoronha',
+  'Brazil/East',
+  'Brazil/West',
+  'Canada/Atlantic',
+  'Canada/Central',
+  'Canada/Eastern',
+  'Canada/Mountain',
+  'Canada/Newfoundland',
+  'Canada/Pacific',
+  'Canada/Saskatchewan',
+  'Canada/Yukon',
+  'Chile/Continental',
+  'Chile/EasterIsland',
+  'Cuba',
+  'Egypt',
+  'Eire',
+  'Etc/GMT+0',
+  'Etc/GMT-0',
+  'Etc/GMT0',
+  'Etc/Greenwich',
+  'Etc/UCT',
+  'Etc/Universal',
+  'Etc/Zulu',
+  'Europe/Amsterdam',
+  'Europe/Belfast',
+  'Europe/Bratislava',
+  'Europe/Busingen',
+  'Europe/Copenhagen',
+  'Europe/Guernsey',
+  'Europe/Isle_of_Man',
+  'Europe/Jersey',
+  'Europe/Kiev',
+  'Europe/Ljubljana',
+  'Europe/Luxembourg',
+  'Europe/Mariehamn',
+  'Europe/Monaco',
+  'Europe/Nicosia',
+  'Europe/Oslo',
+  'Europe/Podgorica',
+  'Europe/San_Marino',
+  'Europe/Sarajevo',
+  'Europe/Skopje',
+  'Europe/Stockholm',
+  'Europe/Tiraspol',
+  'Europe/Uzhgorod',
+  'Europe/Vaduz',
+  'Europe/Vatican',
+  'Europe/Zagreb',
+  'Europe/Zaporozhye',
+  'GB',
+  'GB-Eire',
+  'GMT',
+  'GMT+0',
+  'GMT-0',
+  'GMT0',
+  'Greenwich',
+  'Hongkong',
+  'Iceland',
+  'Indian/Antananarivo',
+  'Indian/Christmas',
+  'Indian/Cocos',
+  'Indian/Comoro',
+  'Indian/Kerguelen',
+  'Indian/Mahe',
+  'Indian/Mayotte',
+  'Indian/Reunion',
+  'Iran',
+  'Israel',
+  'Jamaica',
+  'Japan',
+  'Kwajalein',
+  'Libya',
+  'Mexico/BajaNorte',
+  'Mexico/BajaSur',
+  'Mexico/General',
+  'NZ',
+  'NZ-CHAT',
+  'Navajo',
+  'PRC',
+  'Pacific/Chuuk',
+  'Pacific/Enderbury',
+  'Pacific/Funafuti',
+  'Pacific/Johnston',
+  'Pacific/Majuro',
+  'Pacific/Midway',
+  'Pacific/Pohnpei',
+  'Pacific/Ponape',
+  'Pacific/Saipan',
+  'Pacific/Samoa',
+  'Pacific/Truk',
+  'Pacific/Wake',
+  'Pacific/Wallis',
+  'Pacific/Yap',
+  'Poland',
+  'Portugal',
+  'ROC',
+  'ROK',
+  'Singapore',
+  'Turkey',
+  'UCT',
+  'US/Alaska',
+  'US/Aleutian',
+  'US/Arizona',
+  'US/Central',
+  'US/East-Indiana',
+  'US/Eastern',
+  'US/Hawaii',
+  'US/Indiana-Starke',
+  'US/Michigan',
+  'US/Mountain',
+  'US/Pacific',
+  'US/Pacific-New',
+  'US/Samoa',
+  'UTC',
+  'Universal',
+  'W-SU',
+  'Zulu'
+// We want to test all available named time zone identifiers (both primary and non-primary),
+// but no ECMAScript built-in API exposes that list. So we use a union of two sources:
+// 1. A hard-coded list of Zone and Link identifiers from the 2022g version of IANA TZDB.
+// 2. Canonical IDs exposed by Intl.supportedValuesOf('timeZone'), which ensures that IDs
+//    added to TZDB later than 2022g will be tested. (New IDs are almost always added as primary.)
+const ids = [...new Set([...timeZoneIdentifiers, ...Intl.supportedValuesOf('timeZone')])];
+for (const id of ids) {
+  const lower = id.toLowerCase();
+  const upper = id.toUpperCase();
+  const tz = new Temporal.TimeZone(id);
+  assert.sameValue(tz.equals(id), true,  `Time zone "${id}" compared to string "${upper}"`);
+  assert.sameValue(tz.equals(id), true, `Time zone "${id}" compared to string "${lower}"`);