Use assert-lib: intl402/Collator

This commit is contained in:
André Bargull 2017-05-04 21:10:58 +02:00
parent 19eb1d2e02
commit 3aa427257b
15 changed files with 27 additions and 94 deletions

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@ -14,16 +14,12 @@ testWithIntlConstructors(function (Constructor) {
// variant 1: use constructor in a "new" expression
obj = new Constructor();
newObj =;
if (obj === newObj) {
$ERROR("Collator object created with \"new\" was not ignored as this-value.");
assert.notSameValue(obj, newObj, "Collator object created with \"new\" was not ignored as this-value.");
// variant 2: use constructor as a function
obj = Constructor();
newObj =;
if (obj === newObj) {
$ERROR("Collator object created with constructor as function was not ignored as this-value.");
assert.notSameValue(obj, newObj, "Collator object created with constructor as function was not ignored as this-value.");
return true;

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@ -13,6 +13,4 @@ includes: [testIntl.js]
taintProperties(["localeMatcher", "kn", "kf"]);
var locale = new Intl.Collator(undefined, {localeMatcher: "lookup"}).resolvedOptions().locale;
if (!isCanonicalizedStructurallyValidLanguageTag(locale)) {
$ERROR("Collator returns invalid locale " + locale + ".");
assert(isCanonicalizedStructurallyValidLanguageTag(locale), "Collator returns invalid locale " + locale + ".");

View File

@ -13,16 +13,10 @@ function checkCollation(extensionCoValue, usageValue, expectedCollations, expect
var collator = new Intl.Collator([requestLocale], options);
var collation = collator.resolvedOptions().collation;
if (expectedCollations.indexOf(collation) === -1) {
$ERROR((extensionCoValue === undefined ? "Default collation" : "Collation for \"" + extensionCoValue) +
"\" should be " + expectedCollations.join(" or ") + ", but is " + collation + ".");
assert.notSameValue(expectedCollations.indexOf(collation), -1, (extensionCoValue === undefined ? "Default collation" : "Collation for \"" + extensionCoValue) + "\" should be " + expectedCollations.join(" or ") + ", but is " + collation + ".");
var usage = collator.resolvedOptions().usage;
if (expectedUsage !== usage) {
$ERROR((usageValue === undefined ? "Default usage" : "Usage") +
" should be " + expectedUsage + ", but is " + usage + ".");
assert.sameValue(usage, expectedUsage, (usageValue === undefined ? "Default usage" : "Usage") + " mismatch.");
checkCollation(undefined, undefined, ["default"], "sort");

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@ -35,10 +35,7 @@ options.forEach(function (option) {
supportedValues.forEach(function (value) {
collator = new Intl.Collator([defaultLocale + "-u-" + option.key + "-" + value]);
result = collator.resolvedOptions()[];
if (result !== value) {
$ERROR("Property " + + " couldn't be set through locale extension key " +
option.key + "; requested value: " + value + "; actual value: " + result + ".");
assert.sameValue(result, value, "Property " + + " couldn't be set through locale extension key " + option.key + ".");
// verify that the options setting overrides the locale setting
@ -54,10 +51,7 @@ options.forEach(function (option) {
opt[] = value;
collator = new Intl.Collator([defaultLocale + "-u-" + option.key + "-" + otherValue], opt);
result = collator.resolvedOptions()[];
if (result !== value) {
$ERROR("Options value for property " + + " doesn't override locale extension key " +
option.key + "; requested value: " + value + "; actual value: " + result + ".");
assert.sameValue(result, value, "Options value for property " + + " doesn't override locale extension key " + option.key + ".");

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@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ author: Norbert Lindenberg
var obj = new Intl.Collator();
var actualPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
if (actualPrototype !== Intl.Collator.prototype) {
$ERROR("Prototype of object constructed by Intl.Collator isn't Intl.Collator.prototype; got " + actualPrototype);
assert.sameValue(actualPrototype, Intl.Collator.prototype, "Prototype of object constructed by Intl.Collator isn't Intl.Collator.prototype.");
if (!Object.isExtensible(obj)) {
$ERROR("Object constructed by Intl.Collator must be extensible.");
assert(Object.isExtensible(obj), "Object constructed by Intl.Collator must be extensible.");

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@ -39,14 +39,8 @@ Object.getOwnPropertyNames(keyValues).forEach(function (key) {
keyValues[key].forEach(function (value) {
var collator = new Intl.Collator([defaultLocale + "-u-" + key + "-" + value]);
var options = collator.resolvedOptions();
if (options.locale !== defaultLocale) {
$ERROR("Locale " + options.locale + " is affected by key " +
key + "; value " + value + ".");
if (JSON.stringify(options) !== defaultOptionsJSON) {
$ERROR("Resolved options " + JSON.stringify(options) + " are affected by key " +
key + "; value " + value + ".");
assert.sameValue(options.locale, defaultLocale, "Locale " + options.locale + " is affected by key " + key + "; value " + value + ".");
assert.sameValue(JSON.stringify(options), defaultOptionsJSON, "Resolved options " + JSON.stringify(options) + " are affected by key " + key + "; value " + value + ".");
testArraysAreSame(defaultSortedArray, testArray.sort(;

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@ -10,6 +10,4 @@ author: Norbert Lindenberg
var obj = new Intl.Collator();
var toStringValue =;
if (toStringValue !== "[object Object]") {
$ERROR("Intl.Collator instance produces wrong [[Class]] - toString returns " + toStringValue + ".");
assert.sameValue(toStringValue, "[object Object]", "Intl.Collator instance produces wrong [[Class]] - toString returns " + toStringValue + ".");

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@ -17,11 +17,7 @@ extensions.forEach(function (extension) {
var locale = collator.resolvedOptions().locale;
var numeric = collator.resolvedOptions().numeric;
if (numeric !== undefined) {
if (numeric !== true) {
$ERROR("Default value for \"kn\" should be true, but is " + numeric + ".");
if (locale.indexOf("-kn") !== -1) {
$ERROR("\"kn\" is returned in locale, but shouldn't be.");
assert.sameValue(numeric, true, "Default value for \"kn\" should be true, but is " + numeric + ".");
assert.sameValue(locale.indexOf("-kn"), -1, "\"kn\" is returned in locale, but shouldn't be.");

View File

@ -8,15 +8,7 @@ author: Norbert Lindenberg
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Intl.Collator, "prototype");
if (desc === undefined) {
$ERROR("Intl.Collator.prototype is not defined.");
if (desc.writable) {
$ERROR("Intl.Collator.prototype must not be writable.");
if (desc.enumerable) {
$ERROR("Intl.Collator.prototype must not be enumerable.");
if (desc.configurable) {
$ERROR("Intl.Collator.prototype must not be configurable.");
assert.notSameValue(desc, undefined, "Intl.Collator.prototype is not defined.");
assert.sameValue(desc.writable, false, "Intl.Collator.prototype must not be writable.");
assert.sameValue(desc.enumerable, false, "Intl.Collator.prototype must not be enumerable.");
assert.sameValue(desc.configurable, false, "Intl.Collator.prototype must not be configurable.");

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@ -10,7 +10,4 @@ description: >
// test by calling a function that would fail if "this" were not an object
// initialized as an Intl.Collator
if ("aаあ아", "aаあ아") !== 0) {
$ERROR("Intl.Collator.prototype is not an object that has been " +
"initialized as an Intl.Collator.");
assert.sameValue("aаあ아", "aаあ아"), 0, "Intl.Collator.prototype is not an object that has been initialized as an Intl.Collator.");

View File

@ -19,16 +19,8 @@ var invalidTargets = [undefined, null, true, 0, "Collator", [], {}];
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(functions).forEach(function (functionName) {
var f = functions[functionName];
invalidTargets.forEach(function (target) {
var error;
try {
assert.throws(TypeError, function() {;
} catch (e) {
error = e;
if (error === undefined) {
$ERROR("Calling " + functionName + " on " + target + " was not rejected.");
} else if ( !== "TypeError") {
$ERROR("Calling " + functionName + " on " + target + " was rejected with wrong error " + + ".");
}, "Calling " + functionName + " on " + target + " was not rejected.");

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@ -52,10 +52,7 @@ var pairs = [
var i;
for (i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
var pair = pairs[i];
if ([0], pair[1]) !== 0) {
$ERROR(" considers " + pair[0] + " (" + toU(pair[0]) +
") ≠ " + pair[1] + " (" + toU(pair[1]) + ").");
assert.sameValue([0], pair[1]), 0, " considers " + pair[0] + " (" + toU(pair[0]) + ") ≠ " + pair[1] + " (" + toU(pair[1]) + ").");
function toU(s) {

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@ -8,7 +8,4 @@ description: >
if (Intl.Collator.prototype.constructor !== Intl.Collator) {
$ERROR("Intl.Collator.prototype.constructor is not the same as " +
assert.sameValue(Intl.Collator.prototype.constructor, Intl.Collator, "Intl.Collator.prototype.constructor is not the same as Intl.Collator");

View File

@ -13,9 +13,7 @@ includes: [testIntl.js]
var actual = new Intl.Collator().resolvedOptions();
var actual2 = new Intl.Collator().resolvedOptions();
if (actual2 === actual) {
$ERROR("resolvedOptions returned the same object twice.");
assert.notSameValue(actual2, actual, "resolvedOptions returned the same object twice.");
// source: CLDR file common/bcp47/collation.xml; version CLDR 21.
var collations = [

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@ -14,15 +14,9 @@ var requestedLocales = [defaultLocale, notSupported];
var supportedLocales;
if (!Intl.Collator.hasOwnProperty('supportedLocalesOf')) {
$ERROR("Intl.Collator doesn't have a supportedLocalesOf property.");
assert(Intl.Collator.hasOwnProperty('supportedLocalesOf'), "Intl.Collator doesn't have a supportedLocalesOf property.");
supportedLocales = Intl.Collator.supportedLocalesOf(requestedLocales);
if (supportedLocales.length !== 1) {
$ERROR('The length of supported locales list is not 1.');
assert.sameValue(supportedLocales.length, 1, 'The length of supported locales list is not 1.');
if (supportedLocales[0] !== defaultLocale) {
$ERROR('The default locale is not returned in the supported list.');
assert.sameValue(supportedLocales[0], defaultLocale, 'The default locale is not returned in the supported list.');