Update UTC time zone canonicalization to match proposal-canonical-tz

The test for https://github.com/tc39/ecma402/pull/724 (added in
https://github.com/tc39/test262/pull/4328) didn't take the Time Zone
Canonicalization proposal into account; but it should, because that
proposal is stage 3.

As of that proposal, the [[TimeZone]] slot of DateTimeFormat gets the
case-regularized original identifier, no longer the primary identifier. So
the resolvedOptions().timeZone property also no longer returns the primary
This commit is contained in:
Philip Chimento 2024-12-03 17:30:58 -08:00 committed by Philip Chimento
parent e611532c98
commit 48bb262183
2 changed files with 56 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -2,25 +2,33 @@
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
esid: sec-createdatetimeformat
description: Tests that the time zone names "Etc/UTC", "Etc/GMT", and "GMT" all resolve to "UTC".
description: >
Tests that the time zone names "Etc/UTC", "Etc/GMT", and "GMT" are not
canonicalized to "UTC" in "resolvedOptions".
info: |
CreateDateTimeFormat ( dateTimeFormat, locales, options, required, default )
29. If IsTimeZoneOffsetString(timeZone) is true, then
30. If IsTimeZoneOffsetString(timeZone) is true, then
30. Else,
31. Else,
a. Let timeZoneIdentifierRecord be GetAvailableNamedTimeZoneIdentifier(timeZone).
c. Set timeZone to timeZoneIdentifierRecord.[[Identifier]].
GetAvailableNamedTimeZoneIdentifier ( timeZoneIdentifier )
5. For each element identifier of identifiers, do
c. If primary is one of "Etc/UTC", "Etc/GMT", or "GMT", set primary to "UTC".
1. For each element record of AvailableNamedTimeZoneIdentifiers(), do
a. If record.[[Identifier]] is an ASCII-case-insensitive match for
timeZoneIdentifier, return record.
features: [canonical-tz]
const utcIdentifiers = ["Etc/GMT", "Etc/UTC", "GMT"];
for (const timeZone of utcIdentifiers) {
assert.sameValue(new Intl.DateTimeFormat([], {timeZone}).resolvedOptions().timeZone, "UTC", "Time zone name " + timeZone + " not canonicalized to 'UTC'.");
new Intl.DateTimeFormat([], {timeZone}).resolvedOptions().timeZone,
"Time zone name " + timeZone + " should be preserved and not canonicalized to 'UTC'");

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
// Copyright 2025 Igalia, S.L. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
esid: sec-temporal.zoneddatetime.prototype.equals
description: >
Tests that the time zone names "Etc/UTC", "Etc/GMT", and "GMT" are equal to,
but not canonicalized to, "UTC".
info: |
Temporal.ZonedDateTime.prototype.equals ( other )
5. If TimeZoneEquals(zonedDateTime.[[TimeZone]], other.[[TimeZone]]) is false,
return false.
TimeZoneEquals ( one, two )
4.a. Let recordOne be GetAvailableNamedTimeZoneIdentifier(one).
b. Let recordTwo be GetAvailableNamedTimeZoneIdentifier(two).
c. If recordOne is not empty and recordTwo is not empty and
recordOne.[[PrimaryIdentifier]] is recordTwo.[[PrimaryIdentifier]],
return true.
features: [canonical-tz, Temporal]
var utcDateTime = new Temporal.ZonedDateTime(0n, "UTC");
assert.sameValue(utcDateTime.timeZoneId, "UTC", "Time zone name 'UTC' is preserved");
var utcIdentifiers = ["Etc/GMT", "Etc/UTC", "GMT"];
for (var ix = 0; ix < utcIdentifiers.length; ix++) {
var timeZone = utcIdentifiers[ix];
var dateTime = new Temporal.ZonedDateTime(0n, timeZone);
timeZone + " should be preserved and not canonicalized to UTC");
assert(dateTime.equals(utcDateTime), "Time zone " + timeZone + " should be equal to primary identifier UTC");