Temporal.ZonedDateTime.p.with() with broken offset property on receiver

Tests for the normative change made to Temporal in
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Philip Chimento 2021-10-08 10:59:27 -07:00 committed by Rick Waldron
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commit 615408bc60
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// Copyright (C) 2021 Igalia, S.L. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
esid: sec-temporal.zoneddatetime.protoype.with
description: TypeError thrown when the offset field of the receiver is broken
info: |
10. Let _fieldNames_ be ? CalendarFields(_calendar_, « *"day"*, *"hour"*, *"microsecond"*, *"millisecond"*, *"minute"*, *"month"*, *"monthCode"*, *"nanosecond"*, *"second"*, *"year"* »).
11. Append *"offset"* to _fieldNames_.
12. Let _partialZonedDateTime_ be ? PreparePartialTemporalFields(_temporalZonedDateTimeLike_, _fieldNames_).
17. Append *"timeZone"* to _fieldNames_.
18. Let _fields_ be ? PrepareTemporalFields(_zonedDateTime_, _fieldNames_, « *"timeZone"*, *"offset"* »).
19. Set _fields_ to ? CalendarMergeFields(_calendar_, _fields_, _partialZonedDateTime_).
20. Set _fields_ to ? PrepareTemporalFields(_fields_, _fieldNames_, « *"timeZone"*, *"offset"* »).
21. Let _offsetString_ be ! Get(_fields_, *"offset"*).
22. Assert: Type(_offsetString_) is String.
features: [Temporal]
class ObservedCalendar extends Temporal.Calendar {
constructor() {
toString() {
return "observed-calendar";
mergeFields(original, additional) {
const result = super.mergeFields(original, additional);
result.offset = Symbol("can't convert to string");
return result;
resetCalls() {
this.mergeFieldsCalled = 0;
const calendar = new ObservedCalendar();
const dateTime = new Temporal.ZonedDateTime(1_000_000_000_000_000_000n, "UTC", calendar);
// Test throw in step 12
assert.throws(TypeError, () => dateTime.with({ offset: Symbol("can't convert to string") }), "conversion failure on ZonedDateTime-like");
assert.sameValue(calendar.mergeFieldsCalled, 0, "calendar.mergeFields should not be called");
// Test throw in step 20 (before sabotaging the ZonedDateTime instance)
assert.throws(TypeError, () => dateTime.with({ year: 2002 }), "conversion failure on sabotaged return value from mergeFields");
assert.sameValue(calendar.mergeFieldsCalled, 1, "calendar.mergeFields was called once");
// Test throw in step 18
Object.defineProperty(dateTime, "offset", { value: Symbol("can't convert to string"), configurable: true });
assert.throws(TypeError, () => dateTime.with({ year: 2002 }), "conversion failure on sabotaged offset field of receiver");
assert.sameValue(calendar.mergeFieldsCalled, 0, "calendar.mergeFields should not be called");
// Test offset being required in step 18
Object.defineProperty(dateTime, "offset", { value: undefined });
assert.throws(TypeError, () => dateTime.with({ year: 2002 }), "offset property is required on receiver");
assert.sameValue(calendar.mergeFieldsCalled, 0, "calendar.mergeFields should not be called");