Add cases for yield stars flow

This commit is contained in:
Leo Balter 2017-03-27 17:15:27 -04:00
parent 882b3cc0d0
commit a010c9cf91
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 2C75F319D398E36B
6 changed files with 1285 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
// Copyright 2017 Tooru Fujisawa. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
desc: Execution order for yield* with async iterator and next()
template: default
info: |
YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
2. Let value be ? GetValue(exprRef).
3. Let generatorKind be ! GetGeneratorKind().
4. Let iterator be ? GetIterator(value, generatorKind).
5. Let received be NormalCompletion(undefined).
6. Repeat
a. If received.[[Type]] is normal, then
i. Let innerResult be ? IteratorNext(iterator, received.[[Value]]).
ii. Let innerResult be ? Invoke(iterator, "next",
« received.[[Value]] »).
iii. If generatorKind is async, then set innerResult to
? Await(innerResult).
v. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerResult).
vi. If done is true, then
1. Return ? IteratorValue(innerResult).
vii. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
GetIterator ( obj [ , hint ] )
3. If hint is async,
a. Set method to ? GetMethod(obj, @@asyncIterator).
b. If method is undefined,
i. Let syncMethod be ? GetMethod(obj, @@iterator).
ii. Let syncIterator be ? Call(syncMethod, obj).
iii. Return ? CreateAsyncFromSyncIterator(syncIterator).
GeneratorYield ( iterNextObj )
10. If generatorKind is async,
a. Let value be IteratorValue(iterNextObj).
b. Let done be IteratorComplete(iterNextObj).
c. Return ! AsyncGeneratorResolve(generator, value, done).
flags: [async]
features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator]
//- setup
var log = [];
var obj = {
get [Symbol.iterator]() {
log.push({ name: "get [Symbol.iterator]" });
get [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
name: "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]",
thisValue: this
return function() {
name: "call [Symbol.asyncIterator]",
thisValue: this,
args: [...arguments]
var nextCount = 0;
return {
name: "asyncIterator",
get next() {
name: "get next",
thisValue: this
return function() {
name: "call next",
thisValue: this,
args: [...arguments]
if (nextCount == 1) {
return {
name: "next-promise-1",
get then() {
name: "get next then (1)",
thisValue: this
return function(resolve) {
name: "call next then (1)",
thisValue: this,
args: [...arguments]
name: "next-result-1",
get value() {
name: "get next value (1)",
thisValue: this
return "next-value-1";
get done() {
name: "get next done (1)",
thisValue: this
return false;
return {
name: "next-promise-2",
get then() {
name: "get next then (2)",
thisValue: this
return function(resolve) {
name: "call next then (2)",
thisValue: this,
args: [...arguments]
name: "next-result-2",
get value() {
name: "get next value (2)",
thisValue: this
return "next-value-2";
get done() {
name: "get next done (2)",
thisValue: this
return true;
//- body
log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
var v = yield* obj;
name: "after yield*",
value: v
return "return-value";
//- assertions
assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");"next-arg-1").then(v => {
assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
assert.sameValue(log[1].thisValue, obj, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator] thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "call [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue, obj, "[Symbol.asyncIterator] thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[2].args.length, 0, "[Symbol.asyncIterator] args.length");
assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "get next");
assert.sameValue(log[3], "asyncIterator", "get next thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "call next");
assert.sameValue(log[4], "asyncIterator", "next thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[4].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
assert.sameValue(log[4].args[0], undefined, "next args[0]");
assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "get next then (1)");
assert.sameValue(log[5], "next-promise-1", "get next then thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "call next then (1)");
assert.sameValue(log[6], "next-promise-1", "next then thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[6].args.length, 2, "next then args.length");
assert.sameValue(typeof log[6].args[0], "function", "next then args[0]");
assert.sameValue(typeof log[6].args[1], "function", "next then args[1]");
assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get next done (1)");
assert.sameValue(log[7], "next-result-1", "get next done thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get next value (1)");
assert.sameValue(log[8], "next-result-1", "get next value thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get next done (1)");
assert.sameValue(log[9], "next-result-1", "get next done thisValue");
assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
assert.sameValue(log.length, 10, "log.length");"next-arg-2").then(v => {
assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "get next");
assert.sameValue(log[10], "asyncIterator", "get next thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "call next");
assert.sameValue(log[11], "asyncIterator", "next thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[11].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
assert.sameValue(log[11].args[0], "next-arg-2", "next args[0]");
assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "get next then (2)");
assert.sameValue(log[12], "next-promise-2", "get next then thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[13].name, "call next then (2)");
assert.sameValue(log[13], "next-promise-2", "next then thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[13].args.length, 2, "next then args.length");
assert.sameValue(typeof log[13].args[0], "function", "next then args[0]");
assert.sameValue(typeof log[13].args[1], "function", "next then args[1]");
assert.sameValue(log[14].name, "get next done (2)");
assert.sameValue(log[14], "next-result-2", "get next done thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[15].name, "get next value (2)");
assert.sameValue(log[15], "next-result-2", "get next value thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[16].name, "after yield*");
assert.sameValue(log[16].value, "next-value-2");
assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
assert.sameValue(log.length, 17, "log.length");
}).then($DONE, $DONE);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
// Copyright 2017 Tooru Fujisawa. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
template: default
desc: execution order for yield* with async iterator and return()
info: |
YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
6. Repeat
c. Else,
i. Assert: received.[[Type]] is return.
ii. Let return be ? GetMethod(iterator, "return").
iii. If return is undefined, return Completion(received).
iv. Let innerReturnResult be ? Call(return, iterator,
« received.[[Value]] »).
v. If generatorKind is async, then set innerReturnResult to
? Await(innerReturnResult).
vii. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerReturnResult).
viii. If done is true, then
1. Let value be ? IteratorValue(innerReturnResult).
2. Return Completion{[[Type]]: return, [[Value]]: value,
[[Target]]: empty}.
ix. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
GeneratorYield ( iterNextObj )
10. If generatorKind is async,
a. Let value be IteratorValue(iterNextObj).
b. Let done be IteratorComplete(iterNextObj).
c. Return ! AsyncGeneratorResolve(generator, value, done).
flags: [async]
features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator]
//- setup
var log = [];
var obj = {
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
var returnCount = 0;
return {
name: 'asyncIterator',
get next() {
log.push({ name: "get next" });
return function() {
return {
value: "next-value-1",
done: false
get return() {
name: "get return",
thisValue: this
return function() {
name: "call return",
thisValue: this,
args: [...arguments]
if (returnCount == 1) {
return {
name: "return-promise-1",
get then() {
name: "get return then (1)",
thisValue: this
return function(resolve) {
name: "call return then (1)",
thisValue: this,
args: [...arguments]
name: "return-result-1",
get value() {
name: "get return value (1)",
thisValue: this
return "return-value-1";
get done() {
name: "get return done (1)",
thisValue: this
return false;
return {
name: "return-promise-2",
get then() {
name: "get return then (2)",
thisValue: this
return function(resolve) {
name: "call return then (2)",
thisValue: this,
args: [...arguments]
name: "return-result-2",
get value() {
name: "get return value (2)",
thisValue: this
return "return-value-2";
get done() {
name: "get return done (2)",
thisValue: this
return true;
//- body
log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
yield* obj;
//- assertions
assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length"); => {
assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
iter.return("return-arg-1").then(v => {
assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get return");
assert.sameValue(log[2], "asyncIterator", "get return thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call return");
assert.sameValue(log[3], "asyncIterator", "return thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "return-arg-1", "return args[0]");
assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get return then (1)");
assert.sameValue(log[4], "return-promise-1", "get return then thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "call return then (1)");
assert.sameValue(log[5], "return-promise-1", "return then thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[5].args.length, 2, "return then args.length");
assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[0], "function", "return then args[0]");
assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[1], "function", "return then args[1]");
assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get return done (1)");
assert.sameValue(log[6], "return-result-1", "get return done thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get return value (1)");
assert.sameValue(log[7], "return-result-1", "get return value thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get return done (1)");
assert.sameValue(log[8], "return-result-1", "get return done thisValue");
assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-1");
assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
assert.sameValue(log.length, 9, "log.length");
iter.return("return-arg-2").then(v => {
assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get return");
assert.sameValue(log[9], "asyncIterator", "get return thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "call return");
assert.sameValue(log[10], "asyncIterator", "return thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[10].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
assert.sameValue(log[10].args[0], "return-arg-2", "return args[0]");
assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "get return then (2)");
assert.sameValue(log[11], "return-promise-2", "get return then thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "call return then (2)");
assert.sameValue(log[12], "return-promise-2", "return then thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[12].args.length, 2, "return then args.length");
assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[0], "function", "return then args[0]");
assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[1], "function", "return then args[1]");
assert.sameValue(log[13].name, "get return done (2)");
assert.sameValue(log[13], "return-result-2", "get return done thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[14].name, "get return value (2)");
assert.sameValue(log[14], "return-result-2", "get return value thisValue");
assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-2");
assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
assert.sameValue(log.length, 15, "log.length");
}).then($DONE, $DONE);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
// Copyright 2017 Tooru Fujisawa. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
template: default
desc: execution order for yield* with async iterator and throw()
info: |
YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
6. Repeat
b. Else if received.[[Type]] is throw, then
i. Let throw be ? GetMethod(iterator, "throw").
ii. If throw is not undefined, then
1. Let innerResult be ? Call(throw, iterator, « received.[[Value]] »).
2. If generatorKind is async, then set innerResult to
? Await(innerResult).
5. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerResult).
6. If done is true, then
a. Return ? IteratorValue(innerResult).
7. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
GeneratorYield ( iterNextObj )
10. If generatorKind is async,
a. Let value be IteratorValue(iterNextObj).
b. Let done be IteratorComplete(iterNextObj).
c. Return ! AsyncGeneratorResolve(generator, value, done).
flags: [async]
features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator]
//- setup
var log = [];
var obj = {
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
var throwCount = 0;
return {
name: "asyncIterator",
get next() {
log.push({ name: "get next" });
return function() {
return {
value: "next-value-1",
done: false
get throw() {
name: "get throw",
thisValue: this
return function() {
name: "call throw",
thisValue: this,
args: [...arguments]
if (throwCount == 1) {
return {
name: "throw-promise-1",
get then() {
name: "get throw then (1)",
thisValue: this
return function(resolve) {
name: "call throw then (1)",
thisValue: this,
args: [...arguments]
name: "throw-result-1",
get value() {
name: "get throw value (1)",
thisValue: this
return "throw-value-1";
get done() {
name: "get throw done (1)",
thisValue: this
return false;
return {
name: "throw-promise-2",
get then() {
name: "get throw then (2)",
thisValue: this
return function(resolve) {
name: "call throw then (2)",
thisValue: this,
args: [...arguments]
name: "throw-result-2",
get value() {
name: "get throw value (2)",
thisValue: this
return "throw-value-2";
get done() {
name: "get throw done (2)",
thisValue: this
return true;
//- body
log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
var v = yield* obj;
name: "after yield*",
value: v
return "return-value";
//- assertions
assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length"); => {
assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
iter.throw("throw-arg-1").then(v => {
assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get throw");
assert.sameValue(log[2], "asyncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call throw");
assert.sameValue(log[3], "asyncIterator", "throw thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "throw-arg-1", "throw args[0]");
assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get throw then (1)");
assert.sameValue(log[4], "throw-promise-1", "get throw thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "call throw then (1)");
assert.sameValue(log[5], "throw-promise-1", "throw thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[5].args.length, 2, "throw then args.length");
assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[0], "function", "throw then args[0]");
assert.sameValue(typeof log[5].args[1], "function", "throw then args[1]");
assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get throw done (1)");
assert.sameValue(log[6], "throw-result-1", "get throw done thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get throw value (1)");
assert.sameValue(log[7], "throw-result-1", "get throw value thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get throw done (1)");
assert.sameValue(log[8], "throw-result-1", "get throw done thisValue");
assert.sameValue(v.value, "throw-value-1");
assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
assert.sameValue(log.length, 9, "log.length");
iter.throw("throw-arg-2").then(v => {
assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get throw");
assert.sameValue(log[9], "asyncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "call throw");
assert.sameValue(log[10], "asyncIterator", "throw thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[10].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
assert.sameValue(log[10].args[0], "throw-arg-2", "throw args[0]");
assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "get throw then (2)");
assert.sameValue(log[11], "throw-promise-2", "get throw thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "call throw then (2)");
assert.sameValue(log[12], "throw-promise-2", "throw thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[12].args.length, 2, "throw then args.length");
assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[0], "function", "throw then args[0]");
assert.sameValue(typeof log[12].args[1], "function", "throw then args[1]");
assert.sameValue(log[13].name, "get throw done (2)");
assert.sameValue(log[13], "throw-result-2", "get throw done thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[14].name, "get throw value (2)");
assert.sameValue(log[14], "throw-result-2", "get throw value thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[15].name, "after yield*");
assert.sameValue(log[15].value, "throw-value-2");
assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
assert.sameValue(log.length, 16, "log.length");
}).then($DONE, $DONE);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
// Copyright 2017 Tooru Fujisawa. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
template: default
desc: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and next()
info: |
YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
2. Let value be ? GetValue(exprRef).
3. Let generatorKind be ! GetGeneratorKind().
4. Let iterator be ? GetIterator(value, generatorKind).
5. Let received be NormalCompletion(undefined).
6. Repeat
a. If received.[[Type]] is normal, then
i. Let innerResult be ? IteratorNext(iterator, received.[[Value]]).
ii. Let innerResult be ? Invoke(iterator, "next",
« received.[[Value]] »).
iii. If generatorKind is async, then set innerResult to
? Await(innerResult).
v. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerResult).
vi. If done is true, then
1. Return ? IteratorValue(innerResult).
vii. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
GetIterator ( obj [ , hint ] )
3. If hint is async,
a. Set method to ? GetMethod(obj, @@asyncIterator).
b. If method is undefined,
i. Let syncMethod be ? GetMethod(obj, @@iterator).
ii. Let syncIterator be ? Call(syncMethod, obj).
iii. Return ? CreateAsyncFromSyncIterator(syncIterator).
... ( value )
5. Let nextResult be IteratorNext(syncIterator, value).
7. Let nextValue be IteratorValue(nextResult).
9. Let nextDone be IteratorComplete(nextResult).
12. Perform ! Call(valueWrapperCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined,
« nextValue »).
14. Set onFulfilled.[[Done]] to nextDone.
15. Perform ! PerformPromiseThen(valueWrapperCapability.[[Promise]],
onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
Async Iterator Value Unwrap Functions
1. Return ! CreateIterResultObject(value, F.[[Done]]).
flags: [async]
features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator]
//- setup
var log = [];
var obj = {
get [Symbol.iterator]() {
name: "get [Symbol.iterator]",
thisValue: this
return function() {
name: "call [Symbol.iterator]",
thisValue: this,
args: [...arguments]
var nextCount = 0;
return {
name: "syncIterator",
get next() {
name: "get next",
thisValue: this
return function() {
name: "call next",
thisValue: this,
args: [...arguments]
if (nextCount == 1) {
return {
name: "next-result-1",
get value() {
name: "get next value (1)",
thisValue: this
return "next-value-1";
get done() {
name: "get next done (1)",
thisValue: this
return false;
return {
name: "next-result-2",
get value() {
name: "get next value (2)",
thisValue: this
return "next-value-2";
get done() {
name: "get next done (2)",
thisValue: this
return true;
get [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
log.push({ name: "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]" });
return null;
//- body
log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
var v = yield* obj;
name: "after yield*",
value: v
return "return-value";
//- assertions
assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length");"next-arg-1").then(v => {
assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get [Symbol.asyncIterator]");
assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get [Symbol.iterator]");
assert.sameValue(log[2].thisValue, obj, "get [Symbol.iterator] thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call [Symbol.iterator]");
assert.sameValue(log[3].thisValue, obj, "[Symbol.iterator] thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 0, "[Symbol.iterator] args.length");
assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get next");
assert.sameValue(log[4], "syncIterator", "get next thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "call next");
assert.sameValue(log[5], "syncIterator", "next thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[5].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
assert.sameValue(log[5].args[0], undefined, "next args[0]");
assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get next value (1)");
assert.sameValue(log[6], "next-result-1", "get next value thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "get next done (1)");
assert.sameValue(log[7], "next-result-1", "get next done thisValue");
assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
assert.sameValue(log.length, 8, "log.length");"next-arg-2").then(v => {
assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get next");
assert.sameValue(log[8], "syncIterator", "get next thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "call next");
assert.sameValue(log[9], "syncIterator", "next thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[9].args.length, 1, "next args.length");
assert.sameValue(log[9].args[0], "next-arg-2", "next args[0]");
assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "get next value (2)");
assert.sameValue(log[10], "next-result-2", "get next value thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[11].name, "get next done (2)");
assert.sameValue(log[11], "next-result-2", "get next done thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[12].name, "after yield*");
assert.sameValue(log[12].value, "next-value-2");
assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
assert.sameValue(log.length, 13, "log.length");
}).then($DONE, $DONE);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
// Copyright 2017 Tooru Fujisawa. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
template: default
desc: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and return()
info: |
YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
6. Repeat
c. Else,
i. Assert: received.[[Type]] is return.
ii. Let return be ? GetMethod(iterator, "return").
iii. If return is undefined, return Completion(received).
iv. Let innerReturnResult be ? Call(return, iterator,
« received.[[Value]] »).
v. If generatorKind is async, then set innerReturnResult to
? Await(innerReturnResult).
vii. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerReturnResult).
viii. If done is true, then
1. Let value be ? IteratorValue(innerReturnResult).
2. Return Completion{[[Type]]: return, [[Value]]: value,
[[Target]]: empty}.
ix. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
%AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.return ( value )
5. Let return be GetMethod(syncIterator, "return").
8. Let returnResult be Call(return, syncIterator, « value »).
11. Let returnValue be IteratorValue(returnResult).
13. Let returnDone be IteratorComplete(returnResult).
16. Perform ! Call(valueWrapperCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined, « returnValue »).
18. Set onFulfilled.[[Done]] to returnDone.
19. Perform ! PerformPromiseThen(valueWrapperCapability.[[Promise]],
onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
flags: [async]
features: [async-iteration, Symbol.asyncIterator]
//- setup
var log = [];
var obj = {
[Symbol.iterator]() {
var returnCount = 0;
return {
name: "syncIterator",
get next() {
log.push({ name: "get next" });
return function() {
return {
value: "next-value-1",
done: false
get return() {
name: "get return",
thisValue: this
return function() {
name: "call return",
thisValue: this,
args: [...arguments]
if (returnCount == 1) {
return {
name: "return-result-1",
get value() {
name: "get return value (1)",
thisValue: this
return "return-value-1";
get done() {
name: "get return done (1)",
thisValue: this
return false;
return {
name: "return-result-2",
get value() {
name: "get return value (2)",
thisValue: this
return "return-value-2";
get done() {
name: "get return done (2)",
thisValue: this
return true;
//- body
log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
yield* obj;
//- assertions
assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length"); => {
assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
iter.return("return-arg-1").then(v => {
assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get return");
assert.sameValue(log[2], "syncIterator", "get return thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call return");
assert.sameValue(log[3], "syncIterator", "return thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "return-arg-1", "return args[0]");
assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get return value (1)");
assert.sameValue(log[4], "return-result-1", "get return value thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "get return done (1)");
assert.sameValue(log[5], "return-result-1", "get return done thisValue");
assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-1");
assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
assert.sameValue(log.length, 6, "log.length");
iter.return("return-arg-2").then(v => {
assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get return");
assert.sameValue(log[6], "syncIterator", "get return thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "call return");
assert.sameValue(log[7], "syncIterator", "get return thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[7].args.length, 1, "return args.length");
assert.sameValue(log[7].args[0], "return-arg-2", "return args[0]");
assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get return value (2)");
assert.sameValue(log[8], "return-result-2", "get return value thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get return done (2)");
assert.sameValue(log[9], "return-result-2", "get return done thisValue");
assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value-2");
assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
assert.sameValue(log.length, 10, "log.length");
}).then($DONE, $DONE);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
// Copyright 2017 Tooru Fujisawa. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
template: default
desc: execution order for yield* with sync iterator and throw()
info: |
YieldExpression: yield * AssignmentExpression
6. Repeat
b. Else if received.[[Type]] is throw, then
i. Let throw be ? GetMethod(iterator, "throw").
ii. If throw is not undefined, then
1. Let innerResult be ? Call(throw, iterator, « received.[[Value]] »).
2. If generatorKind is async, then set innerResult to
? Await(innerResult).
5. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(innerResult).
6. If done is true, then
a. Return ? IteratorValue(innerResult).
7. Let received be GeneratorYield(innerResult).
%AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%.throw ( value )
5. Let throw be GetMethod(syncIterator, "throw").
8. Let throwResult be Call(throw, syncIterator, « value »).
11. Let throwValue be IteratorValue(throwResult).
13. Let throwDone be IteratorComplete(throwResult).
16. Perform ! Call(valueWrapperCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined,
« throwValue »).
18. Set onFulfilled.[[Done]] to throwDone.
19. Perform ! PerformPromiseThen(valueWrapperCapability.[[Promise]],
onFulfilled, undefined, promiseCapability).
flags: [async]
features: [async-iteration]
//- setup
var log = [];
var obj = {
[Symbol.iterator]() {
var throwCount = 0;
return {
name: "syncIterator",
get next() {
log.push({ name: "get next" });
return function() {
return {
value: "next-value-1",
done: false
get throw() {
name: "get throw",
thisValue: this
return function() {
name: "call throw",
thisValue: this,
args: [...arguments]
if (throwCount == 1) {
return {
name: "throw-result-1",
get value() {
name: "get throw value (1)",
thisValue: this
return "throw-value-1";
get done() {
name: "get throw done (1)",
thisValue: this
return false;
return {
name: "throw-result-2",
get value() {
name: "get throw value (2)",
thisValue: this
return "throw-value-2";
get done() {
name: "get throw done (2)",
thisValue: this
return true;
//- body
log.push({ name: "before yield*" });
var v = yield* obj;
name: "after yield*",
value: v
return "return-value";
//- assertions
assert.sameValue(log.length, 0, "log.length"); => {
assert.sameValue(log[0].name, "before yield*");
assert.sameValue(log[1].name, "get next");
assert.sameValue(v.value, "next-value-1");
assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
assert.sameValue(log.length, 2, "log.length");
iter.throw("throw-arg-1").then(v => {
assert.sameValue(log[2].name, "get throw");
assert.sameValue(log[2], "syncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[3].name, "call throw");
assert.sameValue(log[3], "syncIterator", "throw thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[3].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
assert.sameValue(log[3].args[0], "throw-arg-1", "throw args[0]");
assert.sameValue(log[4].name, "get throw value (1)");
assert.sameValue(log[4], "throw-result-1", "get throw value thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[5].name, "get throw done (1)");
assert.sameValue(log[5], "throw-result-1", "get throw done thisValue");
assert.sameValue(v.value, "throw-value-1");
assert.sameValue(v.done, false);
assert.sameValue(log.length, 6, "log.length");
iter.throw("throw-arg-2").then(v => {
assert.sameValue(log[6].name, "get throw");
assert.sameValue(log[6], "syncIterator", "get throw thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[7].name, "call throw");
assert.sameValue(log[7], "syncIterator", "throw thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[7].args.length, 1, "throw args.length");
assert.sameValue(log[7].args[0], "throw-arg-2", "throw args[0]");
assert.sameValue(log[8].name, "get throw value (2)");
assert.sameValue(log[8], "throw-result-2", "get throw value thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[9].name, "get throw done (2)");
assert.sameValue(log[9], "throw-result-2", "get throw done thisValue");
assert.sameValue(log[10].name, "after yield*");
assert.sameValue(log[10].value, "throw-value-2");
assert.sameValue(v.value, "return-value");
assert.sameValue(v.done, true);
assert.sameValue(log.length, 11, "log.length");
}).then($DONE, $DONE);