Ensure that when HasBinding of an Object environment record returns an
abrupt completion, that same completion is returned to the runtime.
Update the meta-data of related tests for consistency with this new
The latest revision of ECMA262 makes special provisions for classes
which extend the `null` value [1]. Update the relevant tests
[1] https://github.com/tc39/ecma262/issues/543
Add tests that assert the management of the running execution context's
LexicalEnvironment and VariableEnvironment components, as created by the
following abstract operations:
- NewDeclarativeEnvironment
- NewObjectEnvironment
- NewFunctionEnvironment
Many tests require the use of non-strict direct eval, meaning they may
not be run in strict mode. This does not effect coverage because the
semantics in these cases are not observable from strict mode code.
Some situations require the creation of a binding, but this binding has
no relevance to the test itself. In these cases, use names consisting
solely of the underscore character (`_`).
Avoid the use of Block statements wherever possible, as these trigger
the creation of additional environments which may interfere with the
behavior under test.
This harness function is not necessary in the majority of cases in which
it is used. Remove its usage to simplify tests and decrease the amount
of domain-specific knowledge necessary to contribute to the test suite.
Persist the harness function itself for use by future tests for ES2015
modules (such a helper is necessary for tests that are interpreted as
module code).
The runtime semantics of this statement are host-defined and therefore
untestable, but the statement's affect on the formal grammar should be
consistent across all implementations.
- Prefix file names to explicitly describe the "head" position
- Remove statement name suffix as this information is reflected by each
file's location within the file hierarchy
The harness file `Test262Error.js` has not contained executable code since it
was introduced in this project [1]. The definition of the `Test262Error`
function has consistently been located in the `sta.js` harness file which test
runners are expected to inject into the test environment.
Remove the file and all references to it.
[1] See commit c33bf0e043
ECMAScript 2015 introduced tail call optimization for function calls
occuring in a number of positions in the grammar. Assert expected
behavior by triggering a large (but configurable) number of recursive
function calls in these positions. Compliant runtimes will execute such
programs without error; non-compliant runtimes are expected to fail
these tests by throwing an error or crashing when system resources are
The ES2016 draft further refines the completion values for `if` and
`with` statements. Two tests must be removed outright because the
completion value in those cases is no longer accessible from the
In order to facilitate proper tail calls, ES2015 modified the completion
value of a number of statements.
These tests use `eval` to verify the new values.
Although the `for..in` statement allows Expressions to define the
iterator, only an AssignmentExpression may occupy this position in the
`for..of` statement.
This change set includes tests for most invocations of the
SetFunctionName abstract operation in the ES2015 specification.
Practical testing considerations preclude the introduction of tests for
certain invocations:
- The project is still vetting methods to sustainably test the semantics
of the Destructuring Binding pattern across all valid productions.
- Runtime Semantics: IteratorBindingInitialization
- Runtime Semantics: KeyedBindingInitialization
- Without a loader, there is no way to access a function object declared
in an ExportDeclaration, so `name` assignment cannot be tested in
these cases
- 14.1.19 Runtime Semantics: InstantiateFunctionObject
- 14.4.12 Runtime Semantics: InstantiateFunctionObject
- 14.5.15 Runtime Semantics: BindingClassDeclarationEvaluation
- Runtime Semantics: Evaluation
- Add missing 'negative: ReferenceError' in S7.9_A5.7_T1
- Remove stale 'negative: ReferenceError' in block-local-closure-get-before-initialization
- Remove all tail-call expressions in test/built-ins/Function
- And update code in test/built-ins/Function to simply use 'f()' instead of 'var r = f(); return r'
The `negative` frontmatter tag expresses an expectation for the behavior
of the test file as a whole. The `assert.throws` helper function offers
more fine-grained control over expectations because it may be applied to
specific statements and expressions. This makes it preferable in cases
where it may be used (i.e. when the test body does not describe a syntax
error or early error).
Re-implement assertions for errors to use the `assert.throws` helper
function wherever possible.
The `test/language/class/` directory contains a small subset of
Test262's tests for ES2015 classes. The majority of tests for classes
are organized within `test/language/statements/class/`.
- Move the tests that rely on the ClassDeclaration syntactic form from
`test/language/class/` to `test/language/statements/class/`.
- Move the test that relies on the ClassExpression syntactic form from
`test/language/class/` to `test/language/expressions/class/`.
- Re-organize existing tests for identifiers
Name files according to their content (not their ES5 ID). Move tests
for IdentifierName and LabelIdentifier to more appropriate directories.
- Simplify and correct tests
Instead of asserting successful runtime evaluation using `eval`, rely
on the test runner's ability to detect syntax errors. Update the test
bodies to test the grammar referenced by their ES5 ID and
description--the IdentifierStart pattern.
- Use `negative` frontmatter to assert SyntaxErrors
- Remove redundant tests
- Use `assert.equal` helper function
- Add equivalent tests for literal unicode chars
- Add tests for variable-length unicode escape
The `test/language/generators/` directory contained a single file that
concerned generators derived both from syntactic form and from a
built-in function.
Refactor this test into two files and place each in the appropriate
Some tests specifically concern the application of the `use strict`
directive as it appears in JavaScript source code. These tests should
*not* be run with the `onlyStrict` flag because relying on the test
runner to enable strict mode makes the semantics of the source code
irrelevant. Update these tests to use the `noStrict` flag.
Other tests concern language semantics that are only valid in strict
mode, but the mechanism for enabling strictness is inconseqential.
Update these tests to use the `onlyStrict` flag and remove any redundant
`use strict` directive prologues contained within.
Still other tests are valid both within and outside of strict mode.
In keeping with the majority of other tests, do not specify any
restrictions on the environments in which these tests may be run.
The `$PRINT` helper function has no effect on test behavior. The
following tests use it to report assertion outcomes (and as a result
will fail silently):
- test/language/function-code/S10.2.1_A4_T2.js
- test/language/function-code/S10.2.1_A5.1_T1.js
- test/language/function-code/S10.2.1_A5.1_T2.js
- test/language/function-code/S10.2.1_A5.2_T1.js
Remove the function definition and all references within tests. Update
tests that use it as an error reporting mechanism to instead use an
appropriate `assert` helper function.
In neglecting to assert the type of error thrown (or that any error was
thrown at all), these tests cannot fail. Refactor the tests to use the
`assert.throws` helper method, which takes these details into
This function is equivalent to `$ERROR` (which is automatically included
in test environments). Remove the harness file that defines the
function, remove references to the file from test `includes` lists, and
update scripts to instead invoke the `$ERROR` function.
- Add missing ".prototype" lookup in Array.prototype tests (Follow-up of #280)
- Add noStrict flag in global/S10.2.3_A2.2_*.js (implicit this-binding is part of the test)
- Provide correct this-binding in function/13.2-*.js
- Add missing assert.throws in "set-iterator-close-after-add-failure.js"
- Add missing "var" declarations and noStrict flags
- Add strict mode tests for:
- arguments-object/10.6-6-3 -> arguments-object/10.6-6-3-s
- arguments-object/10.6-6-4 -> arguments-object/10.6-6-4-s
- Remove try-finally clean-up code
- Add strict mode compatible tests for eval-code/S10.4.2_A1.1_T*
- No strict mode compatible files added for eval-code/S10.4.2_A1.2_T*, because it doesn't really make sense in this context.
- (S10.4.2_A1.1 and S10.4.2_A1.2 should probably be removed, because the tested behaviour is not required by the spec.)
- Split S8.5_A10, S8.5_A4 and S8.1_A3 into declaration (both modes) and assignment tests (non-strict only)
Part of issue #35.
These tests are derived from the following files within the Google V8
- in-statement-position-label-statement.js is an Annex-B test (B.3.2 Labelled Function Declarations), moved to annexB directory
- identifier-let-allowed-as-lefthandside-expression-strict.js needs to check for a SyntaxError (ES6, 12.1.1)
- Remove sort() calls in test/built-ins/Object/getOwnPropertyNames/*.js
- Remove sort() calls in test/language/block-scope/syntax/for-in/acquire-properties-from-*.js
- verifyConfigurable() needs to called last in test/built-ins/Object/is/length.js
- All productions within ClassBody are implicitly strict, update test/language/class/method-definition/yield-as-*.js accordingly
- Remove unnecessary noStrict flag in test/language/class/method-definition/yield-as-generator-method-binding-identifier.js
- Check own symbols are returned in property creation order from Object.getOwnPropertySymbols():
- test/language/computed-property-names/basics/symbol.js
- test/language/computed-property-names/class/method/symbol.js
- test/language/computed-property-names/class/static/method-symbol.js
- test/language/computed-property-names/object/method/symbol.js
- Fix copy-paste error in test/language/expressions/object/method-definition/yield-as-function-expression-binding-identifier.js
- Expand ambiguous assertion messages and assert execution paths more
- Improve variable names in `for..of` tests
While the object created by a GeneratorFunction may be considered an
"iterable", it is being used as an iterator in these tests. Naming the
variable according to the way it is used improves the readability of
the test body.
- Add 'features' attribute to test frontmatter
- Move tests
- Introduce additional `for..of` control flow tests
These tests are derived from the following files within the Google V8 project:
Add missing variable declarations (issue #35)
Split S12.6.3_A10 and S12.6.3_A10.1 because both files seem to test implicit global variables (issue #35)
Changes (issue #35)
- Add missing noStrict flags.
- Change 13.2-15-1 and 13.2-18-1 to use assert.js and propertyHelper.js (simplifies writable and configurable checks while in strict mode).
- Add variable declarations for globals.
- Create copies of S13.2.1_A6_T1 and S13.2.1_A6_T2 instead of adding variable declarations, because both files seem to test implicit global variables.
- Split S13_A14 and S13_A16 to work in strict mode.
- Remove assignment to .name property.
Add missing noStrict flags (issue #35)
Add missing noStrict flags and variable declarations (issue #35)
Add missing noStrict flags (issue #35)
This change adds 'var' declarations for global variables to allow the tests to run in strict mode (see issue #35).
Extra care was taken to ensure the changes do not alter the test behavior, for example when implicit creation of global variables are part of the test.
Note: The change does not fix all strict mode errors due to missing 'var' declarations.