- Duplicate properties are allowed in object literals: test/language/expressions/object/*.js
- RegExpBuiltinExec was changed to use ToLength(lastIndex): test/built-ins/RegExp/prototype/exec/S15.10.6.2_A5_T3.js
- Non-undefined flags arguments allowed in RegExp constructor call: test/built-ins/RegExp/*.js
- Array.prototype.push throws TypeError if new length exceeds Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER: test/built-ins/Array/prototype/push/S15.4.4.7_A2_T2.js
- .length property of bound functions is configurable: test/built-ins/Function/prototype/bind/
- Array.prototype changed back to exotic Array object: test/built-ins/Array/prototype/*.js, test/built-ins/Array/isArray/
- in-statement-position-label-statement.js is an Annex-B test (B.3.2 Labelled Function Declarations), moved to annexB directory
- identifier-let-allowed-as-lefthandside-expression-strict.js needs to check for a SyntaxError (ES6, 12.1.1)
- Remove sort() calls in test/built-ins/Object/getOwnPropertyNames/*.js
- Remove sort() calls in test/language/block-scope/syntax/for-in/acquire-properties-from-*.js
- verifyConfigurable() needs to called last in test/built-ins/Object/is/length.js
- All productions within ClassBody are implicitly strict, update test/language/class/method-definition/yield-as-*.js accordingly
- Remove unnecessary noStrict flag in test/language/class/method-definition/yield-as-generator-method-binding-identifier.js
- Check own symbols are returned in property creation order from Object.getOwnPropertySymbols():
- test/language/computed-property-names/basics/symbol.js
- test/language/computed-property-names/class/method/symbol.js
- test/language/computed-property-names/class/static/method-symbol.js
- test/language/computed-property-names/object/method/symbol.js
- Fix copy-paste error in test/language/expressions/object/method-definition/yield-as-function-expression-binding-identifier.js
The `testBuiltInObject` function verifies the presence of the specified
properties for *all* object types (not just function objects). Update
the error messages to reflect this.
Only attempt to re-set the property value in cases where it was
successfully modified as part of the function's execution. This avoids
errors when the underlying value is not writable. Rename the internal
result-tracking variable to make this more clear.
When invoked without a custom assertion message, `assert.sameValue` and
`assert.notSameValue` automatically create a message that describes the
actual and expected values.
Extend both assertion methods to also include this information in cases
where a custom message has been specified.
- Expand ambiguous assertion messages and assert execution paths more
- Improve variable names in `for..of` tests
While the object created by a GeneratorFunction may be considered an
"iterable", it is being used as an iterator in these tests. Naming the
variable according to the way it is used improves the readability of
the test body.
- Add 'features' attribute to test frontmatter
- Move tests
- Introduce additional `for..of` control flow tests
These tests are derived from the following files within the Google V8
These tests are derived from the following files within the Google V8 project:
Add missing variable declarations (issue #35)
Split S12.6.3_A10 and S12.6.3_A10.1 because both files seem to test implicit global variables (issue #35)
Changes (issue #35)
- Add missing noStrict flags.
- Change 13.2-15-1 and 13.2-18-1 to use assert.js and propertyHelper.js (simplifies writable and configurable checks while in strict mode).
- Add variable declarations for globals.
- Create copies of S13.2.1_A6_T1 and S13.2.1_A6_T2 instead of adding variable declarations, because both files seem to test implicit global variables.
- Split S13_A14 and S13_A16 to work in strict mode.
- Remove assignment to .name property.
Add missing noStrict flags (issue #35)
Add missing noStrict flags and variable declarations (issue #35)
Add missing noStrict flags (issue #35)