A number of tests for the parsing of the AssignmentExpression production
were expressed using `eval`. This made the tests more complex than
necessary, and also prevented the tests from providing value to
ECMAScript parsers.
Remove the use of `eval` in the relevant tests and instead express the
expectations with literal source text. Remove superfluous "onlyStrict"
restriction from tests by declaring the probe binding prior to
Because expectations regarding error "phase" are now expressed via test
meta-data, the test runner may now enforce this requirement on negative
Remove the "NotEarlyError" from the project source. This reduces the
amount of domain knowledge required to author tests and lessens the
potential for inconsistencies between tests.
Authored via the following command:
$ find test -type f -print0 | \
xargs -0 sed \
-i 's/^\(\s*\)negative:\s*SyntaxError\s*$/\1negative:\n\1 phase: early\n\1 type: SyntaxError/g'
* Extend tests for class "name" inference
Ensure that when a class defines a static "name" method, that method
definition prevents the "name" inference behavior.
* Re-generate tests
This change set includes tests for most invocations of the
SetFunctionName abstract operation in the ES2015 specification.
Practical testing considerations preclude the introduction of tests for
certain invocations:
- The project is still vetting methods to sustainably test the semantics
of the Destructuring Binding pattern across all valid productions.
- Runtime Semantics: IteratorBindingInitialization
- Runtime Semantics: KeyedBindingInitialization
- Without a loader, there is no way to access a function object declared
in an ExportDeclaration, so `name` assignment cannot be tested in
these cases
- 14.1.19 Runtime Semantics: InstantiateFunctionObject
- 14.4.12 Runtime Semantics: InstantiateFunctionObject
- 14.5.15 Runtime Semantics: BindingClassDeclarationEvaluation
- Runtime Semantics: Evaluation
Some tests specifically concern the application of the `use strict`
directive as it appears in JavaScript source code. These tests should
*not* be run with the `onlyStrict` flag because relying on the test
runner to enable strict mode makes the semantics of the source code
irrelevant. Update these tests to use the `noStrict` flag.
Other tests concern language semantics that are only valid in strict
mode, but the mechanism for enabling strictness is inconseqential.
Update these tests to use the `onlyStrict` flag and remove any redundant
`use strict` directive prologues contained within.
Still other tests are valid both within and outside of strict mode.
In keeping with the majority of other tests, do not specify any
restrictions on the environments in which these tests may be run.
In neglecting to assert the type of error thrown (or that any error was
thrown at all), these tests cannot fail. Refactor the tests to use the
`assert.throws` helper method, which takes these details into
Add missing variable declarations (issue #35)
Split S12.6.3_A10 and S12.6.3_A10.1 because both files seem to test implicit global variables (issue #35)
Changes (issue #35)
- Add missing noStrict flags.
- Change 13.2-15-1 and 13.2-18-1 to use assert.js and propertyHelper.js (simplifies writable and configurable checks while in strict mode).
- Add variable declarations for globals.
- Create copies of S13.2.1_A6_T1 and S13.2.1_A6_T2 instead of adding variable declarations, because both files seem to test implicit global variables.
- Split S13_A14 and S13_A16 to work in strict mode.
- Remove assignment to .name property.
Add missing noStrict flags (issue #35)
Add missing noStrict flags and variable declarations (issue #35)
Add missing noStrict flags (issue #35)
This change adds 'var' declarations for global variables to allow the tests to run in strict mode (see issue #35).
Extra care was taken to ensure the changes do not alter the test behavior, for example when implicit creation of global variables are part of the test.
Note: The change does not fix all strict mode errors due to missing 'var' declarations.