if (!strict_mode) { throw new SyntaxError('unspecified case'); }
This doesn't work for a few reasons:
1. 'strict_mode' is undefined in the test case exeuction context. That is, the test framework
does not force the test case into strict mode
2. The test case code looks like:
"use strict";
if (!strict_mode) ...
Note that 'strict_mode' is not set before being accessed
Really the metadata for these test cases should have a "@strict" property added to instruct the test
framework *not* to run the test if an implementation doesn't support strict mode.
- external\contributions\: test contributions to Test262 from external entities such as Microsoft and Google.
This directory consists of the external tests without any modifications
- test\harness\: test harness used to run Test262 tests. Presently web-based
- test\suite\: suite of vendor-neutral ECMAScript test cases conforming to the ES5 spec
- tools\: among other things this includes a set of tools used to convert various external test
contributions to a format the Test262 test harness can consume
- website\: an archived copy of the http://test262.ecmascript.org website