* Add EnumerateObjectProperties tests for builtins which use it
* Add tests for EnumerateObjectProperties for for-in
* Add feature flag for for-in-order
* Defer making [[ProxyTarget]] non-extensible
* Fix typo in method name
* Add last Object.keys with Proxy invariant test
* Add Object.getOwnPropertySymbols with Proxy invariants tests
* Add Object.getOwnPropertyNames with Proxy invariants tests
* Replace "es6id" with "esid" in Object.getOwnPropertySymbols tests
Prior to this patch, the modified test would pass if no exception was
produced. Use the `assert.throws` utility function to concisely express
the expectation more completely.
Prior to this commit, the descriptors of the constructor properties of
the global object were verified inconsistently, many independent
assertions occured in the same file, and that file test was poorly
Restructure the relevant tests to improve coverage, follow convention,
and promote discoverability.
The `$DETACHBUFFER` function is the preferred mechanism for detaching
array buffers.
Likewise, `verifyNotWritable` is the preferred mechanism for asserting
lack of writability.
* Rename "Object/proto-from-ctor.js" test
* Add missing "Symbol" features
* Add Intl.Collator test
* Add Intl.DateTimeFormat test
* Add Intl.NumberFormat test
* Add Intl.PluralRules test
* Move proxies with non-string toStringTag to separate file
* Add coverage for async proxy functions
* Add coverage for built-ins with non-string toStringTag
* Move async proxy function tests to new file
This makes v8's _monkeyYaml happy --- without it, the info block never ends, and we fail to parse the `features` key.
An explicit indentation marker isn't used because monkeyYaml doesn't supported it, and adding it might slightly slow things down.
Using PyYAML instead was considered, but after trying it, I don't think it looks viable. [simple test cases](https://gist.github.com/caitp/4a59a67f671907c11051a1b7bd5fdaae)
`function nan() { return /* expression to compute NaN */ }` may not return the same implementation-distinguishable NaN value before and after JIT compilation.
These tests are not helpful for their respective APIs being tested.
They don't add any coverage for the built-in apis and basically check
behaviors that might conflict with a implementation defined global.
This script is intended to identify common test file formatting errors
prior to their acceptance into the project. It is designed to support
future extensions for additional validation rules.
Some popular JavaScript engines display violation of invariants about
property attributes for some non-standard but “web-reality” object
properties. Add tests against such violations
* Add tests for prototype realm inference
* Add tests for miscellaneous realm concerns
* Add tests for realm of spec-created Errors
In some cases, Error objects produced by the specification are
observable from ECMAScript code. Among these cases, some are further
differentiated in that they occur outside of any built-in function and
may be triggered through syntactic production directly. The current
realm record is commonly interpreted incorrectly under these
Add tests asserting that the expected realm record is used when
constructing such Error objects.
* Add tests for realm use in ArraySpeciesCreate
* Add tests for function realm retrieval
* Add tests for cross-realm behaviors of Symbols
* Add tests for GetValue and PutValue
* Add tests for realm of spec-created Arrays
In some cases, Arrays produced by CreateArrayFromList are observable
from ECMAScript code. Among these cases, two occur outside of any
built-in function and may be triggered through syntactic production
directly. The current realm record is commonly interpreted incorrectly
under these circumstances.
Add tests asserting that the expected realm record is used when
constructing arrays.
* Add test for spec-created object
* fixup! Add tests for realm of spec-created Errors
* fixup! Add tests for realm of spec-created Errors
* fixup! Add tests for prototype realm inference
* fixup! Add tests for miscellaneous realm concerns
The global isNaN is not precise at all, and Number.isNaN is an ES6 feature that makes it preferrable to use assert's sameValue for NaN values, as it handles it internally using the comparison.
This harness function is not necessary in the majority of cases in which
it is used. Remove its usage to simplify tests and decrease the amount
of domain-specific knowledge necessary to contribute to the test suite.
Persist the harness function itself for use by future tests for ES2015
modules (such a helper is necessary for tests that are interpreted as
module code).